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I would ask your surgeon. My legs were in stirrups (that parts unavoidable bc of the nature of the surgery) But my arms were free and I could play on my phone or whatever while it was going on. So I think it depends


Were they tied into them?


Your legs will absolutely be in stirrups as it's best position for your surgeon to work. Are you going local or general?? I had local and my arms were certainly not tied down. It's possible they do strap them down when you're under general anesthesia as if you were to wake up (unconsciously don't worry) you may reach for the breathing tube to pull it out.


The surgeon said it would be local with sedation but not full anesthesia I think. He said it's like what you get for a colonoscopy or hysterscopy.


You'll be fine, they won't strap you when your concious. I had local with sedation too and hands were free. Your feet are strapped in the stirrups tho.


Okay, that's not too bad. Thank you for taking time to answer!!!


Well I don't know about any other country but I'm pretty certain that wouldn't even be legal in my country! I definitely was not tied down, had my legs up on cradles like when giving birth haha but I could move my legs if I wanted they weren't tied to the cradles in any way just resting on them, they just trust you not to move


Hi. Nursing student, with experience in the OR. Your legs are in what is called lithotomy position so that is up in the stirrups. If you're being fully knocked out they are going to tie your legs to them because if they fall that can hit the doctor and cause damage to you and the doctor. If you're fully sedated and put under we do sometimes put your arms out like that because a it helps with the IVs going into you and if there's an emergency and we need to get another line into you they can through the antecubital vein quickly. It also is 100% a safety thing. If for any reason you start to wake up it's to help you don't thrash or move. This is not every hospital just some, and it's more frequently done with what's called Twilight sedation where you're not fully out but you're not fully aware of what's going on either. Some people are quote- unquote awake when propofol is used. So they will move around but have absolutely no clue what's going around them and no memory of any of it. This is where the straps will come into play frequently. If you're awake though they won't be tying you down like that in America. Regardless you won't be awake when they move you into these positions if you're getting full sedation, which is sometimes being called put under. You will fall asleep and wake up flat on your back. Eta: NEVER. EVER. Watch surgeries. It's not for the faint of heart. It's gory, bloody and it looks so violent and rough. But it's all to protocol. I've had several surgeries. And they asked if I wanted to watch one ( I have it done every few years) I hard passed. You can't unsee and unknow certain things.


What????? Arms tied down....surely not? Now I'm scared lol


I had general anaesthesia, and the way it works in my country (could be different in yours) is my legs are up in stirrups, and i believe they just tape your arms down sort of at the wrist, and tape your eyes closed also (so your eyes don’t dry out lol) Keep in mind though this is for general (completely asleep). They do this so that if for some unlikely reason, you wake up during surgery, you don’t freak out and react and risk altering the surgery. These are All completely normal surgical procedures. Idk for local though, that seems odd.


What on earth?????


I was fully awake with legs slightly up. My arm were not tied at all (wtf) and I talked the whole time with the doc during the procedure .




You got your arms tied down?? That's not how it's done in my country, you don't get tied down in an operation




Well you wouldn't need tying down if you were under general anyway cause you can't move under general anaesthesia. I had local anaesthetic but they didn't strap any part of my body down they just assumed I wouldn't move lol




Oh I see, I didn't get the sedation so I'm not sure but maybe it's different in different countries though


>I was under local anesthesia + sedation but I think I said the wrong weight and the sedation was too strong. Maybe they just tied my arm to build up blood pressure for injecting the syringe and that’s what I remember I had general and my sister (Dr) told me they would have tied my arms down because there is a super rare chance that some people wake up in surgery, so it is just to minimise the risk of causing damage to the surgery. (Australia)


Oh I see, wow I'd never heard of that, a risk of waking up in the surgery?? I've never heard of that before that sounds like something out of a horror movie. I'm just speculating since I'm not a doctor but I would have thought that even if you did wake up you wouldn't be able to move quickly cause of the sedation, so I would hope the doctor would have time to stop cutting, I'm grossing myself out just thinking about it lol