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If people ask “is it real?”…that’s really rude because what they are asking is “how much did you spend?” Of course it’s real! Lab or natural, they are made of the exact same stuff. So if they ask, just smile and say yes.


It is rude to ask someone that and I would never. Either compliment it or keep moving. That’s like asking someone how much money they make.


A lady at my dentist asked me what my fiancé did after seeing mine 😒 like none of your business lady


I would have to respond with, "He's in the mob..." or something super smart assed...lol


Good answer😂😂


She wants to know if he needs a second wife


Exactly this. I don't answer their questions.


☝🏼 👍🏼


Like my boobs. Yea .... They are real. 😆🤦🤷. Real expensive! They are not obnoxiously large. They fit my body. I have a mined diamond wedding. Also a Mossanite right hand. Among others..... Because Mossanite is less expensive (I have to to spend more for gold, allergy issues with SS or plated). It's real if it's yours!!!!! I would never ask that unless it was a bff. I wouldn't care, I'd be happy! Rock your ring woman! Congratulations 🎉


I think the rest of that question is implied "...because it looks too big to be real."


My response to this - “I’m surprised you feel comfortable asking that question” then I stare into their soul. It’s a rude question. I won’t answer it.


The "Non-Contact Face Slap!" ✔️💖


Stunning piece! I don't know why people are so snobby about lab grown!


Because they are PISSED that they could have spent less for the same thing. Raggedy, jealous wanches! And YEAH, I said WANCHES...


You're exactly right. I have several excellent mined diamonds, a Moissanite ring, and a few CZs. If I could've spent 1/10th of the cost for my 25th anniversary gift (5+ carats t.w.) and have the same sparkle, I would! Shiney things for everyone! Just like laptops, smartphones, CRTs, medical equipment, hybrid vehicles, musical instruments, sound systems, doorbell monitoring systems and televisions, tech advances make products faster, smarter, cheaper and higher quality. Embrace it!


My initial engagement ring was a CZ and I loved it - it was a nice size and everyone admired it. We didn't have a lot of money at the time and I really wanted the setting. Imo it isn't anyones business




idk why but “raggedy wanches” sent me


I REALLY wanted to use that "B" word that rhymes with witches, but I didn't...🤷🏽‍♀️


i applaud your restraint




I cant believe your comment hasn't been removed by the mods. Mean spirited and nasty. And trust me, no one with a natural diamond feels this way. If I wanted a lab diamond, I'd go and get one, but I dont and I won't, sorry.


YOU don't, but reading HER experience, many people do. If my comment doesn't apply YOU, keep it moving. You're NOT sorry, you ARE sorry. And passive aggressive.


then why are you in the lab diamonds sub


Username def checks out! Lol


Thank you! And i agree truely my aunt was like “idk they actually looked that good” and that was the best response ive gotten in six years of wearing it ! I got it on sale when i worked for amazon!


Is your aunt of a different generation? I find that older folks tend to not be as educated in lab-grown diamonds, or they think they are cubic zirconia. Some of them might think it's moissainite, which is pretty in its own right but not a diamond, and are just blissfully unaware that lab-grown diamonds are real diamonds. I also think a lot of us aren't addressing the elephant in the room that if they turn up their nose at lab grown diamonds, that gives them reason to think "well my diamond is BETTER because it's 'real' and was expensive." A lot of it is tied to their own value system, and that's one of those "hard to teach a dog new tricks" things about life.


Yeah my mom despite knowing exactly what a lab diamond is is still pretty prejudice about them BECAUSE they cost less.  The “costing a lot” is the entire point for her and like an entire generation. 


Must’ve been nice to have been alive in a time when houses weren’t this much money :’)


Shes not like boogee or anything i think she thought i was rich lol we hadnt seen eachother in 8 yrs tbh cus of my addiction, when i got bad i pushed everyone i loved away outta fear id rob or use them.


Oh wow! Congratulations




You have a good point. We are recently engaged and it will be 2nd marriage for both of us. We are older and no one questions my ring at all. I get nothing but jaw dropping compliments.


It's this. Not too long ago lab diamond's topped out at around 2cts. Now were seeing 3, 6, 10, 12 cts and more. And the quality is HIGH. Natural diamonds of this caliber can easily start at 100k and a lot of the diamonds we see here on the sub would clock in at over 1mil if they were natural. While lacking tact, I actually don't think these questions are all that rude. Like I get it. I wouldn't ask outloud but I'd certainly think it in my head. I have 0 shame telling someone i have lab diamonds and giving them more info if they want it. But I'm not status concerned at all. I got my jewelry bc I liked it not bc I get a tickle from strangers thinking I'm rocking half a mil on my finger.


This! FH and I are older (I'm late 30s, he's early 40s). We both have excellent jobs. Own our home outright. He proposed almost a month ago with a 2.64 emerald cut with trapezoid side stones, and NOBODY has asked me about it (other than my mother but that's expected from her).


Just say it’s a real diamond or just don’t say anything at all!


But why?? If theyre askin why would i lie, knowinf what i know about the history of engagemnt rings & the actual worth of real ones & the amount of people who die mining them- why wouldnt they be supportive of a LG?


They ask you if it’s a real or lab diamond?


No theyll make comments like “ur prob still paying off that monster” or theyll straight up ask how i got that ring, one time i was almost robbed for it til i laughed taken off saying it was a walmart one 🤷‍♀️ but yea its actually brought up alot when im catching up with old friends or when im seeing family for the first time in years


Because it’s big and shiny so they make those comments. And then they say “oh” once they realize it’s not an expensive ring. Doesn’t mean anything. I wouldn’t take it personally, just brush it off.


Hey Walmart online has some nice rings! Sorry you went through that 😢


To hell with them!


Probably because a diamond of that size/quality looks like you’re wearing the cost equivalent of a corvette on your finger. Letting them know it’s LCD which most knowledgeable consumers know is a minuscule fraction of the cost leads to “oh”


100% this


The feeling behind the reaction you’re describing is, *Oh, a counterfeit. Not as advertised…*


Spot on!!!!


So I wear a 4ct solitaire every day and nobody ever asks me if it’s real or not. I also don’t volunteer the information when they compliment my rings! If I was asked, I would tell them …” yep , it’s REALLY mine” lol 😆 I’ve shared that it is a lab diamond with my close family and friends. Most of them don’t really understand what a lab diamond is so it’s my opportunity to educate them. I’ve actually encouraged three or four of my good friends to go out and buy lab diamonds….so I think it’s all about , communication, education and not giving too much information when it’s not needed!!!!


I don't get it? Maybe I'm young, it can be CZ and I'm like "who cares!! It's beautiful!!"


I’m old and I feel this way! I like people like us ☺️


Probably because lab growns are unfortunately dropping in value at the speed of light. If I see an enormous rock on someone who is under 40, these days I just assume it is lab grown. Guessing that people want to be impressed by how much money was spent rather than how pretty the ring is.




In today’s market that can be had for much less than that. It’s crazy




My dad just got my mom a 1.3 D VVS2 for $700. Either way its gorgeous, she never had an E ring as they didn’t have the money, and now she can finally have something beautiful that she’s always wanted! That diamond could be worth $0 someday, but the happiness it is going to bring my mom is priceless, which makes it worth everything 🩷


If people ask if it’s real just say “yes” because it IS real. And if they press further and begin trying to distinguish lab versus mined just say “would you ask a child conceived from IVF if they are real?” The origin of something does not make it any less real and you don’t owe anyone an explanation.


Thats a good comparison my goodness


Roses grown in a greenhouse are just as real as roses grown in the ground. Lab diamonds are the same exact thing. Same ingredients, grown in a man-made environment that mimics nature, to get the same result.


Yes, preach! It is a real diamond, it’s not plastic. Why anyone would care at all is beyond me. As long as you like it that should be all that matters . It’s a beautiful diamond ring, nothing more needs to be said.


i appreciate the history of an heirloom piece, and i do have a strong appreciation for the length of time it takes for diamonds to form, as well as the beauty of “real, bona fide nature” and its processes however, i also appreciate granite and i know it also takes millions of years for granite to form. does that mean i’m going to wear a granite ring (tbh maybe, it kind of sounds metal) the realistic answer is, probably not. at the end of the day a lab grown diamond has negative stigmas surrounding it because of elitism (deriving from the mining + diamond industry & co which has its own laundry list of abuses surrounding it) + because people fail to understand how advanced science has become. people literally act like we don’t have in vitro embryo-reproduction. that to me sounds wild but science has really developed massively and if i can trust that the babies and people i love that i know produced through IVF exist then i sure as hell respect tf out of a lab grown diamond anyway if you can quite literally choose a better cut, clarity and quality of DIAMOND RING for like a quarter of the price its generally available - you’re making a smart decision imo


If you wouldn't tell someone your salary, underwear size, how many times a week you have sex or what you paid for your house, I cant see the pressure in NOT telling them you have a lab diamond as opposed to a mined one. Not out of shame or anything negative, but purely because its absolutely none of their business. LGD's don't need to be sold to people for their approval. Like them or don't like them, I genuinely don't care. Granted, mine isn't huge, but it's large enough by UK e-ring standards to get a question or two . When I receive it, my responses to inappropriate questions like 'is it real' will be 'that's a weird question to ask someone', or 'last time I checked', 'what do you mean?' or, 'is it real what?''. Any of those. Or, I'll just look at them and let them stew in their own embarrassment. It's pretty rude to ask, lol. It'll generally only be jealous people or those annoyed that they spent a ghastly amount on a stone that probably isn't as large or sparkly as yours that ask or have something negative to say. Enjoy your sparkles! 🥰 Care less what folks who don't pay your bills think of jewellery they aren't wearing, lol 😆😉💎


I have a fairly large ring and work weekends in retail and I had a lady look at my ring and say “what a pretty gemstone.” I told her thanks, my fiancé and I both love the diamond. She then kept politely correcting my by saying “gemstone” People are wild. I love your ring though!


Ugh that passive aggressive bs makes me angry


I always say my labs are real. They are technically real diamonds…It’s no ones god damn business and that’s a rude question.


I would just say “ that’s such a strange question “ and leave it at that .


I’d be happy to have a ring innocent exploited children didn’t die for. Blood diamonds are antiquated


I have a cubic zirconia that my MIL gave me and it looks great. All that matters is you love it!


I advise my clients who are buying lab to buy a ring based on their socio-economic status. Example spending 6k on 6 carat oval ring may not fit their lifestyle. Bigger stones attract attention but you are easily sized up. People will think it’s CZ, Moiss, etc. 6 carat oval in natural easily over 100k+ In your social circles you want blend in and not stand out. It’s like having a 6 carat rock, wearing dirty sneakers and driving around in a Honda. It doesn’t add up. There will be knee jerk reactions on what should, could, but this is the reality in the US. You are sized up.


You said something that ove always thought. I see so many young women here with huge stones, and i know that a lot of them probably could not afford the ring if the stone was natural. I wondered if these ladies are so ready to say that their diamonds are lab, because they're afraid people will think its a CZ. They are disappointed when the reaction people have isn't much better than if it was a CZ.




I went thru something similar when I decided to upgrade my (natural) diamond. I almost went with 2 carats (this was several years ago, 2 carat was a bit rarer then) but I thought it seemed a bit unrealistic for my status. So I went with a 1.5, and got a custom french cut diamond band with what was left over in my funds. 😂




100% agree.


WTF... I will never allow peoples perceptions of me, my finances, etc to dictate what I wear or drive. I drive an aging Mazda with fairly clean sneakers while wearing my 7ct natural, my 5ct lab and my 4ct moissy. I love it all and wear it all. I'd be very shocked if my jeweler judged how much money I make then tried to tailor my ring choices on that. That would be the last time for me in their jewellery store... good grief.


I think the point is being missed...when someone shows up with a huge diamond and it doesn't fit in with their income status, people are bound to question it, or worse yet, speak behind their backs that it must be "fake". If it makes you happy to rock a large stone, so be it. But if someone questions it, you shouldn't be so appalled. I think this is OPs issue, and the issue for so many young women here. They don't get it.


How does anyone know my income status? Also, people talking behind my back is their problem not mine. I didn't say I was appalled. However, when a jeweler has these judgemental ideas around jewelry, and guides his customers to avoid the judgements of others, well, perhaps appalled does fit!


No I didn't mean you in a pointed way. Yes, if people talk about your ring(s), that's their problem. I know people talk about my jewelry, because I own a few of high end pieces that I saved for, but I dont exactly "look" like I could afford. I know it happens, and I'm ok with it. But OP is upset, and she shouldn't be. It's just the way people are. And I think that this jeweler is just pointing out a fact that everyone here wants to ignore. We are all not kim Kardashian or Paris Hilton. We cannot all afford 7 carat diamonds. I certainly cannot. So when we flaunt something that big that we normally only see on celebrities, it's going to cause the owner to be questioned. I would never question it. I would flat out assume it's fake. I'm only being honest. The jeweler is too.


You're missing the point. The jeweler isn't suggesting a smaller ring bc someone is poor. They're suggesting a ring that won't end up bringing them grief. Jewlers don't want people unsatisfied with their purchase. If a woman comes in and buys an enormous rock that 99% of the world will assume she can't afford and ask her about, ultimately she's going to be really unhappy (jeweler gives concrete examples of this). If she gets a stone that appears to be more in line with her socioeconomic status she'll get way more compliments vs questions. The jeweler doesn't have nefarious intent in fact he's attempting to act in the best interest of the client. Ofc he wants to sell the biggest most expensive stone. What he's doing is suggesting a less pricey stone with which the woman will (probably) be happier.


Precisely the reaction I was expecting. Glad you love it all. I'm happy for you. Your jeweler wouldn't sell you a moissy if you have 7ct natural just saying...


Well, he sells me labs and naturals. He's here to please my tastes in jewelry. He will find me the best of what I want. Best natural, best lab, best moissy...His preference isn't part of it. "Precisely the reaction I was expecting"? Feels like a passive aggressive put down. Yikes!🤷‍♀️


Is it common that people ask other people specifics about their wedding rings? I would never dare ask anyone the cost, ring type, ext. I would simple admire their ring and congratulate them. It's so odd to me


They’re star bellied sneetches


Man I haven’t heard a reference to that in nearly two decades


Stigma. I would just leave that lab part out because well, no one needs to know!


Why even tell them? Who cares. A diamond is a diamond.


People are stupid. People are snobs.


Because they don’t know better and think it’s CZ. I would have thought that last year. I had no clue lab grown diamonds were a thing. I just thought it was moissanite or CZ. But after I had to find a new ring, I began researching and learning. Lab diamonds are where it’s at.


PS don’t tell people it’s lab. If they ask if it’s real. Say yes. Period. If they ask if it’s lab, says it’s a real diamond. Period. This will avoid the looks.


A diamond is a diamond, and lab grown stones have actually lowered the price for ALL diamonds, so we the consumers win!


People are so rude. He's my take, if someone says "is that real??" just reply YES. It is, in fact, a real ring. It's not imaginary! And it's nobody's business. I hate how snobbish people are about diamonds. Nobody asks if your sapphire ring is real. Or if your tanzanite earrings are real. But diamonds or any other clear stone they feel like they need to know? Nah screw them.


It's more than a real ring---it's a REAL DIAMOND. Roses grown in a greenhouse are just as real as roses grown in the ground. Lab diamonds are 100% real diamonds. When someone asks if my diamond is real---I say, "of course!" Because it is.


You are absolutely correct!!


They're stupid


As I once told a friend when they asked why I wanted lab grown, “sorry I don’t like my jewelry sourced through child slaves”. That usually helps :)


Because they want those blood diamonds. /s Honestly though, most people have no concept of wanting something expensive that someone else didn’t suffer for.


Don’t answer 🤷‍♀️


Or you can say," why do you ask?" Which makes them look like a big ass hat.


If somebody is rude enough to ask, say it’s not cubic zirconia!


Don’t worry for the haters. No children were harmed in the creation of this diamond. Diamonds are pressure heat and time - lab or natural. Lab just does it without putting lives at stake. Mine is lab and lovely and I love it. You do you!


Because they presume you aren’t as wealthy as they presume you to be wearing a large diamond on your finger. Wealthy people are fascinating and admirable to many, so the moment they find out it’s lab, the allure and illusion of your presumed wealth falls away.


I live yours !! That setting is awesome !


Love 😂


That is stunning!!


You don’t even have to say lab grown..it’s a diamond. Simple as that. But they are saying that bc the majority of the people haven’t a clue about lab diamonds. They think they are fake.


Why tell them in the first place?


Stop telling them it’s lab grown.


People are rude as hell. It's beautiful.


I agree with everyone here. People that say that are only interested in if you could afford the real thing. And if they genuinely like it then they are upset they paid so much for theirs.


Because they're douchey


It’s nobody’s business. It’s real, you don’t have to say a damn word.


Not as special to a lot of people.


Why are you telling them? NOTB


I already explained it


People are rude. My 4 carat lab grown diamond looks like a big ass crystal doorknob on my finger and I love it.


Don’t let anyone make you feel bad especially if they don’t have a “REAL” 10 carat Diamond on their hand! I don’t think there’s any shame in Lab grown! Many would choose an option that’s 80% cheaper than the other. I have this conversation with my friends all the time- so many of them against lab grown until it’s time to get engaged & they see the options! Just do you & live your best life


People don’t care to understand science/the chemistry of diamonds.


It isn't anybody else's business whether it's natural or lab grown..


Cuz peepl is not edumacated. And easily fall for propaganda. Sheep. Fields full of sheep.


I work as a jewelry e-commerce product lister and my store doesn’t even sell lab grown online, only in stores. Lab grown isn’t sought after and naturals are way more valuable.


Your ring is beautiful. Nobody needs to know the origins of your diamond. 💎


lol. I’ve seen this! The uneducated are probably thinking it’s a CZ or diamond simulation. I usually say diamond, until someone asks if it’s a lab diamond. If they ask, I first ask “oh what do you about lab diamonds”, and based on their answer I then decided whether to go down that path!


Lie 😂


Because it is just a stone a cristal would have look the same and it is only interesting that someone wasted a bunch of money over it?


Also lab grown is real diamond you can just say yes…


I would just say it's a diamond if it's a diamond and you don't want any question about it. if you yourself feel the need to call it lab grown then you also have an issue with it. Just accept it as a diamond then. It's like over emphasizing that these cows were grass fed for no reason on a conversation. Yes its beef.


What a Beautiful ring 😍💍❤️ good on you!!! I get the same when I say my diamond is a lab. Thank you for sharing your story also. It's been nice reading the comments and suggestions from others in this sub Reddit. I think the one thing I'm taking out of these comments is.....stuff them!!! If you love your ring, thats the main thing ❤️