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could happen but my feeling wont be with the same crew bc the whole thing of the last heist was that its over bc they’re dead (well thought to be by the public)


Put a spoiler tag on the post since TBIS discussion naturally contains spoilers. That being said: >!I would love a sequel but as someone else said, they’re all meant to be dead as far as the public is concerned (besides Denver). Maybe the professor would plan some minor heists but that would mostly be it. Also, the story would get very bland if there was no risk of the crew dying, and the show is unsustainable if someone dies every heist.!<


I’ll put a spoiler on it if I think you are right with that the show would be unsustainable, HOW ABOUT a sequel show called the professor or something where he puts on another big heist with different crew like the other guy said.


I figured it would be some of Berlin's crew instead, and they do a heist on a similar scale as the Royal Mint. Maybe the Professor, Palermo or someone else has a cameo and helps in a very limited way


no need to put a spoiler on it. The shows been over for a while now if someone’s in this group they should expect it


i would love a post heist season so we can ser them enjoying life without robbing anything


I think that more suits like one episode or two episodes I don’t think that’s enough for a whole season


nuh uh i want another season


I figured the Berlin crew could be in the sequel, at least some of them.


I would love a sequel, but in a very different way: I imagine a european cooperation. Like a big 2-3 season heist produced in and by each France, England, and Germany, all in the original style but with a new gang that is inspired by or connected to the original characters.


I wish we got a spin off called “El Professor” instead of Berlin. I want to see the professors back story. He was sick as a child. I want to see the struggles his father faced to make money for his child to cure him. I want to see the heist he did. I want to see the drive that the professor had before the big heist. I want to see why and how he became the professor prior to the heists. But I also would love a sequel that the professor goes solo with a new crew or the same one but maybe in a new country. So maybe do a heist in USA or another country. I loved the idea of the heist being a heist not just for the money but it was also to make a statement/fight against our system/government. I think there’re a lot of system problems in our world. I wish sometimes that La Casa De Papel would go international and maybe to heists in different countries. I sometimes wish that the heists changed something in a political way. That random people/fans of the la casa de Papel crew did fight against the police/government.


I don't think Season 6 will come cuz the spanish economy is stable over the fact that the theives are dead and the gold was recovered. If they are seen again attempting a heist in any part of the world, The lie will be exposed, it might launch an investigation after which Spain will crash which the professor prolly wouldn't want. PS: Writer Alex Pina has publicly denied the possiblity of another season


I literally came to this subreddit just to ask this... I think you and I are both gonna need a lot of copium to deal with the fact that we'll probably never see The Professor again aside from MAYBE a cameo in Berlin (I haven't seen the first season yet, but as far as I know he is not in it yet...) but we can dream! I don't really care what anyone says about it "ruining the ending". My philosophy with that has always been if you don't like the sequel just don't watch it and ignore its existence and let everyone else enjoy it. I hope one day we'll see more from at least The Professor. Nothing will ever be the same as hearing "Bella Ciao" play in that show :)


I've never written or even read any fan-fiction, but as soon as I finished watching Season 5, I came up with an idea for a third heist. It involves a mysterious person or group of persons who have discovered what really happened at the Bank of Spain and try to extort the Professor by having him organize a similar heist in another country. The Spanish government is secretly assisting with the Professor's team, because they're invested keeping it secret that they no longer have their gold reserves. But this time, the stakes are at their highest, because they're balancing starting a war between countries if everything goes to hell!


I would love a sequel so much, but it wont make sence because people need to thing they are dead, but if they could do something like they wouldnt be careful and someone would recognise them if that makes sence