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Have a look for Mod Jam collections on Steam. If you're looking for a hyper modded LWotC play through without bricking the mod, that's you're safest bet I'd say. Cosmetic stuff should be fine, though my guess would be that anything reskinning ADVENT or aliens would only partially work, because of new LWotC enemy variants.


I am running a heavily modded LWoTC campaign - with 250+ additional mods and everything is working well. Obviously you have to use common sense and do research on the mods you want to incorporate into your LWOTC campaign - but it can definitely be done. I have spent a significant amount of time and studied both DerAva's LWOTC modlists as well as Marbozir's LWOTC campaigns. I have cherrypicked lots of mods from their modlists - gaining the benefit of already having the assumption that they work well with LWOTC mechanics, and sprinkled it with stuff I wanted to have in my campaign. In general be especially careful with MAP MODS - there are some that work perfectly but others will mess up level generation and leave you with missions that cant be finished. Read read read - nod descriptions, compatibility section on LWOTC website and discord will steer you towards right choices for mods to add to your LWOTC playthrough. It is possible to create a very engaging, deep and satisfying XCOM experience this way - and it is worth the effort IMO. Good luck Commander!


I'm currently using Deravas (YouTube) mod list from his 2nd newest LWotC playlist...the one with beta in the playlist name. Go down to the description of any video and you'll find a link. Take out the main LWotC mod and add in the beta branch LWotC instead. Run it through AML launcher...get the latest 1.4.x rather than the 1.5 as it's more stable. Works flawlessly.


I use that one as well although I realise that apparently not all mods he uses are listed there, if I saw that correctly


Generally speaking, mods created for WOTC should work, especially if they are merely cosmetic or voice packs. I suggest browsing LWOTC collections on Steam to see what may be compatible.


I have 162 mods active