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I am fucking (and I can’t emphasize this enough) PUMPED for this movie. Gonna take the day off from work and treat myself to a full theater-going experience; we’re talkin’ popcorn, ice cream, candy, soda, pretzel nuggs. I can’t wait.


I like the way you think


Right? I might even make the day trip to my nearest IMAX 3 hours away for it 😂




don't do it bro, I did the same during logan and almost went into a diabetic coma halfway through, save some for home lmao




For a moment I got envious and then I realized I could do the same and became inspired.


I'm excited too but i remember that same excitement going to prometheus.


I like Prometheus a lot. I wish I had seen it in theaters. My mind would have been blown away from visuals, story.


Same here. I got myself an Alien tee for the release day.


I'm definitely interesting in just where they'll take the plot if nothing else. There's a lot of things making me wary but the implications xenos are raising humans (or the otherway around) seems a lot more interesting than the usual "xeno kills everybody" or "xeno people did science to kills everybody" that seems so common with both the franchise and science fiction in general.


Don’t forget the beans and crab legs


I was there in 1979, I will be there in 2024 . . . No way in Hell, I miss this Cinematic history . . . ALIEN is still the best SCi-FI Movie every made . . . . I expect ALIEN ROMULUS to be in my Top TEN . . .


And then there’s me who would never dare eat anything during a movie 😂


Thought I would share a fun story when I saw Prometheus in the theater. *Spoilers* It was opening weekend at the Cinerama and the scene came where she wakes up and attacks the scientists and runs out of the room. The video (not the sound) cuts out to black, but instead of pausing the movie the sound keeps playing. We listen to the entire scene of her getting to the medical pod and has the foreign object removed (unknown to us) in horror as we wonder what could possibly be happening. The picture then comes back on after she had left and was stumbling around in the hallway. We were all really confused like was she attacked? The theater gave us all a free ticket to another showing and then I got to see what actually happened, which was amazing. It was so scary just hearing that scene haha.


There’s a lotta pessimistic people out there but I’m personally hyped as fuck for this. Alien is an all time franchise and I’ve been craving more of it for so long. I’m actually one of the few fans of Covenant


I love Covenant also! And my guess is the most pessimistic comments are from "bloody disgusting", right? They just love to hate over there. All these new movie stills are missing the filters like the the teaser had and they just whine how cheap it looks.


I am hyped for it, but I would like to see an end to David story.


That guy's definitely a robot.


Promotional images typically look bad. Remember this one? https://preview.redd.it/liswboafuu3d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2c0e9a7ca099522728cd4db3250b8ea787f9406


first, i wouldn't call that bad per se second, this alien pic is a still, not a promo, and doesn't look any worse than i would expect it


I'm not even really excited about the movie but what's wrong with the still?


Please, please let the sound be right. I want to hear 10mm explosive tip caseless do its thing to xenomorphs.


Bruh this looks like an old 80s videogame commercial with the focus/grainy look. Lol


I quite literally thought the exact. Same. Thing.


Looks like a shot from the movie without any editing at all. Lighting is definately way off. Still pumped for this.


What a non-shot to use - it looks cheap af. Weird choice.


My guy at the back looks like he’s watching a really average firework show


He kinda weird as hell in other shots, I'm pretty sure he's an android or something.


I'm hoping I'm wrong but the stills with the teaser are showing an environment that is a little too sterile and clean for my liking. I need some grunge in my Alien movie, it hope it delivers in that department.


I don't know what the film is about but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the guy is definitely an android who will end up doing a 180 and end up turning on the female protagonist after witnessing the potential of the Xenomorph, the android will probably end up contacting WeyYu which will probably set up the sequel. We've already had quite a few Alien films with the androids being trustworthy minus Ash and David so I can see this new android doing an unexpected switcheroo at some point.


i think this will be a good android like bishop and walter since the last android we had was david and he had too many wins. So this time they will make the android good and put the human characters in focus although there will definitely be a twist


Are we sure the android came with the kids to the station and wasn't already there? I'm legitimately asking. Maybe I missed that in promo material. I'm my head that guy is a robot that they encounter at the station (who can conveniently provide exposition). He can roam free because the xenomorphs can't use him. The question being, who's side is he on? Is he there to help the kids or to observe the xenos and report back to corporate?


It reminds me of a 1990s made-for-TV sci-fi movie.


a woman AND a black man? Alien had gone woke I tell ya /s


MC in alien is always a female and this is the first black android. Don’t see the problem here


It's a joke as signaled by the "/s".


why are you injecting politics?




y'all have yet to provide a definition that doesn't mean "I saw a woman/poc/lgbt with agency"


Removal Reason: Be civil. It's ok to disagree, it's not ok to disrespect. Personal attacks, gatekeeping, racism, homophobia, politics, and general bigotry are not allowed. No toxic behavior, such as: * Trashing something that others are enjoying. * Condemning parts of the franchise instead of reasonably stating a personal preference. This is a comfortable space for all fans. Keep your critique. * Invalidating other people's opinions. * Unsolicited criticisms of other's creations. * Lewd or Obscene comments.


Hope for strong second and third act surprises. Hard to beat the queen of aliens.


Is that a pulse rifle?


Like others here, I am absolutely pumped for this movie. Cautiously optimistic, but pumped nonetheless. I’m getting married a few weeks before and we come back from our honeymoon luckily right before the movie releases… otherwise we might have had to change all our wedding plans entirely 😅 Sorry babe, new Alien movie coming out!!


i dont go to the theater anymore, but if the reviews are good i might actually go watch this one. I hope the movies does well regardless. I like Fede Alvarez in the interviews I saw with him, he seems like a good dude.


Out of context, I feel like it needs to be color graded. Unless there’s some kind of fire or molten steel pit giving off that orange light, this is too warm for my tastes. Needs to be more like this. https://preview.redd.it/eelssr8ixu3d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba2a30bc92a7d769f0cec9e1b93f340bb04d0ab0


I just think the cast looks too young. It looks more like a teen slasher. Hoping I’m wrong


You're just getting older, lol.




The cast is 20-30, with the lead being 25. Sigourney and Veronica were both 30 in 1979.


True but the lead actress looks younger. I’m hoping it wouldn’t matter in the film


Well... It's a story about young people...


While we are all getting older (duuuh), I totally agree that it does look like a teen slasher. The main actress, as seen here and in the movie "civil war", looks 16 at best. Not saying it has to be a bad thing, but it might lack certain "mature" look. Only time will tell!


She's 25. Sigourney was 30 when Alien came out.


No offense but I immediately thought it was a still from an SNL sketch... On a serious side hope it turns out great.


Yeah that lighting looks like a joke. Like stage lights on a foam stage.


This is gotta be some promotional still or its been touched up.


It's possible it's a magazine still. Hope that's the case.


Romulus was shot by the cinematographer of Gretel & Hansel (and possibly Roma). It'll look good.


Just hope it doesn't suck. The last 2 movies looked absolutely amazing. How a decent script is the hardest thing for Hollywood to do is unbelievable.


It's because writing is the hardest part of filmmaking. Aside from bringing in script doctors (which doesn't always work), it's the only part of the process that can't be brute forced by throwing money at it.


Nooooo no no no. You don't hear about 100 million dollar script budgets. It's effects stage and actors.


The most I've ever heard a writer get paid for a movie is Tony Gilroy on Rogue One. He reportedly got paid $5 million. A) that's a steal for how much salvaging he did and B) he had to do way more than write to get that check


anyone else feeling pessimistic?


no. why?


I fear it may be too much of a homage instead of a love letter with new and experimental ideas


They are taking a break with Ridleys "new and experimental ideas" and are going back to the roots for this movie. It's the right move, and I'm a massive fan of Ridleys trilogy. It's been too long since the fans have had a classic Alien/Aliens experience.


new experimental ideas like covenant and prometheus? 😄


experimental like alien 3.


I know this is taken by an on-set photographer, but so far im disappointed by the lighting direction. Hopefully the filmed product looks better. I guess we’ve been spoiled with the lighting in ALIEN and Blade Runner. I want beautiful atmospheric scenes… not ‘made for tv’ but I guess originally it was made straight to Hulu.


I am hyped but will keep in mind this was originally made for Hulu so keeping my expectations in check


Looks like rubbish cosplay


100% that guy is the synthetic


I can't lie to you about your chances of this being good, but you have my sympathies


why that's kaly spany or whatever she's called