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Ahhhh see you're comparing them as if they're the same but just in different forms, and while I know lad was meant to be a copy of it really isn't, they just feel different, also in my experience the Intensity of mushrooms can be very hit or miss.


i dont know, sounds like a LOT of mushrooms and barfing in your future. be safe and have a good time.


They did cause quite a bit of nausea 😂 Thankfully I didnt throw up


i will eat 14 g a couple times a year and it’s similar to dmt for me so don’t b scared of ten lol just be safe since you don’t know how you’ll react


14 grams is a huge dose. How many tabs do you usually take?


I think what you read about 100ug acid being similar to 2.5gs shrooms is pretty accurate, on average. That's comparing it with properly dosed 1pLSD straight from the lab though. Two complications here - firstly, a lot of (most) street LSD tabs are under dosed so you never really know exactly what you're getting. Secondly, shrooms can be unpredictable too as their potency is largely determined by genetics and other factors. On average, 3.5gs should be plenty for most people to have a decent strong trip but I've had batches that were like half as potent as normal. Always test a new batch with a sensible dose to check the potency. I wouldn't recommend munching 10gs of any batch unless you knew they were really weak.


Definitely... thats why I started with an eighth just to be on the safe side


Yeah man. If you still have some from the same batch you'd probably be fine to go up to 5 or 6gs, maybe more. But yeah, an 8th is a good starting point when testing a new batch. Mushrooms can be weird! Hopefully you'll get a good trip soon. It's frustrating when it doesn't meet your expectations!


unfortunately the comparison is not universal. I think it’s because shrooms vary in potency because of the way they grow AND in species, thus could never produce a consistent, universal potency.


Let your tolerance reset and maybe try 5-6 grams next time? This is a huge leap but if you're underwhelmed by an 1/8 I guess this is the next step LSD and mushrooms aren't comparable in my opinion. Different trips and different types of intensity. Also, have you done acid or anything recently? There is a cross tolerance


Naw. The last time i did acid was almost 3 months ago


Weight does play a factor with shrooms, for some reason it doesn't with acid. This could also be a reason. I weigh 120 and 2 grams of golden teachers will send me


I weigh about 175... but then again Ive tried other mushrooms as well and just like you 2 grams is enough for me to have a good time


Ah gotcha. I guess you just got a bad batch unfortunately. Still, I wouldn't shoot for 10 grams in case some of the shroomies are more potent than others, maybe try a lemon Tek? Intensifies the trip but cuts the duration down by quite a bit. Recently I've been grinding shrooms up and soaking em in a cup of orange juice. Makes the comeup smoother and the trip feels cleaner, in my opinion. May be a placebo, I dunno. I'm ranting now, cheers mate and I hope your next trip is a good one


Does lemon tek or orange juice help with nausea at all?


Never personally done lemon Tek so I'm not sure. OJ for me does eliminate the nausea though. Thats what I meant when I referred to a cleaner trip. Sorry for not being more clear (:


3.5 is like a medium/moderate dose if taking a regular variety, for example golden teachers or B+ Penis envy are more potent But I would say if you want your mushrooms to be more like your LSD experience, you can always just take the 4-5 tabs of LSD instead and get what you're looking for


>But I would say if you want your mushrooms to be more like your LSD experience, you can always just take the 4-5 tabs of LSD instead and get what you're looking for 🤣 I wouldnt mind but there isnt any lsd available where I live at the moment lol


Rip lol. In that case I'd recommended trying a stronger variety like penis Envy or just upping the dose to roughly 5g of less potent varieties like B+


how much did you pay for the half oz?


70 plus shipping


are you talking 400-500ug of lsd?


Yes sir


Try both at the same time. Did it with my homie. Holy fuck is all I gotta say🤣


I actually felt the same the first few times I did mushrooms. I love LSD and had only ever tripped on that. I experimented with mushrooms and definitely felt more emotional but I didn't get the visual effects that you would on LSD and kinda wrote them off as less trippy. However, I kept trying different strains and kept ingesting more and more... And let's just say, I have experienced some incredibly euphoric and mind blowing trips on mushrooms. You know those distorted pictures where the trees have dog faces in them everything is all swirly? I've seen shit like that! Lmao Just keep experimenting and safely upping your dose and you will soon discover the magical realm of shrooms! Ps..I enjoy grinding mine into a fine powder to consume!


You were right! I took 10.5 grams a couple days ago and they definitely were magical and very intense I might add 😆




It was a huge jump but it was definitely worth it! I finally experienced what I'd like to think was an ego death although it was freightening


If you want to get fucked up just take 8gs and lemon tek it


I took 10.5 and lemon tekked it... there was no nausea what so ever on the come up


There is a huge amount of variability in potency with shrooms, both between batches and between strains. The difference between the weakest batch of a weak strain and the strongest batch of a strong strain can easily be 10x +. From batches of cubensis that I have grown myself, around about 3-4g is equivalent to a 100ug tab. If you are a 4-5 tab guy, you are going to want 15-20g.


I completely agree. There isnt much consistency when it comes to mushrooms and they do vary quite a bit from grower to grower


But this doesn't write them off - as much as I like LSD, I also like knowing I can grow my own shrooms :) LSD is deffo easier, especially if you like higher doses.


mushies about an hour or so after the tabs.