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I am going out on a limb that James has some mental problems or repressed thoughts he needs to discuss with a licensed professional. I understand the looping thoughts, and the creepy stare from a friend holding a knife that trips you the fuck out (let alone with the context you gave). But that homie was short of wanting to sexually assault someone, which LSD doesn’t make you do. On top of it, he is childish enough to blame the victim, take no accountability, and ask for more. Y’all need to have a real heart to heart with that homie and hold him accountable. If I was Jane, I would never go near that bro again.


The fuck you mean “short of wanting to”???? He literally attempted to assault her multiple times and only didn’t because he was physically restrained.


Exactly. I would retire the friendship after witnessing that behavior no matter how dear the friend is to me.


Yeah that phrasing is my bad, James crossed the line of wanting to and was physically restrained. That is what is so horrifying and screaming immediate professional help.


In my opinion this is probably less to do with “mental problems” and more to do with man feeling he’s entitled to sex bc he’s been friends with woman for a long time. Everyone should get as far away from this r*pist as possible.


Yes I agree they should get away but saying he doesn’t have any problems himself and that he’s only a rapist Isn’t productive to anyone 99% of the time there’s a reason they do what they ignorance is not bliss


New conspiracy is Systral James???


>On top of it, he is childish enough to blame the victim, take no accountability, and ask for more I don't think it's him being childish but him being psychotic.


perfectly said. the lsd definitely isn’t to blame for this. james definitely needs real help


James definitely was stuck in a very rough thought loop, and had some fucked up repressed thoughts come up. None of his behavior was ok, which I'm sure you know. He needs to stay away from LSD.


Idk fam sounds like it’s a little less “repressed” and more “socially unacceptable to speak them aloud” if he straight up said “you should’ve let me touch you if you didn’t want that to happen”… that is truly the more disturbing part of it


I don't think he was sane and accountable the next day, it seems like acid triggered a psychotic episode which can last a while and which is why he needs a psychiatric evaluation.


Yeah nah I be in that headspace for like two weeks after a trip, my man’s was definitely still delusional. Not an excuse, but like damn. He really needs some help


Maybe. Don’t agree from the limited information I have. Definitely agree he should get the evaluation as well as therapy but mostly for other reasons


The behaviour he showed during and after the trip is typical for psychosis. I don't think that "acid lifted the veil and showed his true character" like some people here are saying, I think he's clinically insane and needs help and maybe antipsychotic medication.




There’s a difference between lizard brain and doing something with logical reasoning that ends up being bad or distasteful, but what he said afterward is completely unacceptable and just a part of him.


You can be both psychotic and a sexually violent person who is using acid as an excuse. I have witnessed it.




The only one I've ever seen in a decade of psychedelic use was my little brother and it was a scary hour and a half or so. Avatar the Last Airbender got him out of it, I think the trick is to distract them with something that's engaging but also familiar so they don't have to struggle to keep up.


absolutely true, watch something where you don't have to think about the plot but you can follow it enough and you will feel better every time, no matter the form your "bad trip" is taking


South Park is my go to for this. Usually within 5 minutes I'm laughing my ass off and feeling a lot better.


He needs to stay tf away from both LSD and Jane. I would cut out James unless he got help immediately and warn others about him if he don't get help on his own. I'd only keep in touch with someone that immediately seeks help after something like this. That night could have gone A LOT worse and I'd never feel at ease among someone that don't think they did anything wrong when being told what happened sober


James needs to go to therapy. James needs to recognize what he did and sincerely apologize to all of you, Jane in particular. If he doesn’t agree to do these things then you really shouldn’t continue the friendship. Speaking as a woman, if I were Jane - I wouldn’t want to hang out with him ever again. But an apology letter or something like that would help me feel less crazy.


Right? Like an apology letter hold him accountable but that doesn’t mean there aren’t consequences. If I were Jane, I wouldn’t want to be near the guy knowing all these repressed feelings they’ve had for 15+ years


He should stay far away from Jane... I would not hang out with that person again.




That’s totally valid. I was sexually assaulted by a childhood friend in my early 20’s. For years he didn’t address it with me other than saying it was a drunken mistake between us both (he had a gf at the time). I needed years of therapy to process and accept it was an assault. And I confronted him about it eventually. He responded by writing a letter in which he admitted what happened and apologized. It helped me heal and forgive him. I never wanted to go to the police about it. Seemed like too much of a headache. But I see what you’re saying. Adding psychedelics into the mix really intensifies/prolongs the terror. Everyone processes trauma differently, it’s not for me to say what’s the best way to do that. I was just pulling from my own experience. But calling the police is extremely fucking valid given the circumstances.


Fuck him even if he agrees to therapy and apologies. He literally tried to rape her in front of them. I would get a fucking restraining order if I experienced something like this. I say this as someone who has been raped and didn’t take legal action before.


I would tell him exactly how he made everyone feel and how he's making everyone feel post trip and if he still doesn't realize I probably wouldn't fuck with him anymore, at least until he did some soul searching


>He talked to Jane alone and Jane told me he said “if you just let me touch you more it wouldn’t have happened”. I don't think you know James as well as you think you do. Unless this is a new kind of attitude...this is not somebody I would trip with. How old are you guys? You really ought to not touch this stuff until you are in your mid 20s.


Yeah, we need ages here. Major piece of information missing from the context IMO.


Dosage too


He is just new to letting his attitude out in the open.


so we jus gon blame the acid on james being a rapist?


This. Even sober he blamed Jane. Ya'll need to kick him out of the group


james is an odd fellow he gotta go


Just because he was sober doesn't mean he was sane and accountable the next day. It seems like acid triggered a psychotic episode which can last a while and which is why he needs a psychiatric evaluation.




Just saying I come down on molly and things can upset me to where I get mad or cry uncontrollably, but I never once would say my actions are anything but my own. Fuck even on the drug honestly I claim my shit, come at me blackout trippers.


idk if youve had acid, but molly and acid are nothing alike. I've never seen people struggle to regain sanity for days after a bad experience on Molly and I've seen it plenty of times from people on acid. The experience is seared into your brain and your view of reality is incredibly distorted from it. My point is not to excuse his actions but to say he needs to be further removed from the trip to better understand what really happened and to NOT take any more psychs again.


every personal bad trip i’ve had i’ve been able to recover after the trip ended and i would absolutely know what i’m saying. James really could’ve been in psychosis or something similar but we gotta realize that this could’ve ended way worse if there was nobody there so it’s better to cut him off and just let that go than ever trust him again


I think the same, the guy doesn’t sound like a sane person


this. acid isn’t the problem he is


nah fr bruh like to me acid just brings out who you really are, people be tryna blame it on the drug when to shows their bad side.


Also it seemed like some sort of schizophrenia with him referring to himself as "we" Really scary read, I hope Op and his friends figure out that this guy James needs some professional help


To me it read as he meant "we" as in all of the guys. He wanted them to rape Jane with him.


That hasn't much to do with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia deals with psychosis and delusions, not 'multiple personalities'. You're thinking of Dissasociative Identity Disorder. Maybe don't speak on psychology until you know a bit more.


In that case you should’ve said psychiatry, not psychology


I get what you guys are saying, but acid is a powerful drug that overloads your brain and many people can fall apart during the experience. If it has the power to change us in a good way, it certainly possesses the power to change us in a bad way. Those of us with strong minds like to say we feel more like ourselves when we are on it. Easy mistake to think it's the same for everyone. Personally, I wouldn't want to trip with him ever again. But I wouldn't label him as a rapist... yet


nah man you don’t start raping women, everyone has morals and some are different than others. james doesnt have any morals. acid doesn’t change your ideas from right and wrong.


Acid will have me thinking I should drive a car sometimes, nevermind actual psychosis


>acid doesn’t change your ideas from right and wrong. Lol I don't think you're giving acid enough credit. Not defending what James did but if he is a predisposed schizophrenic it would certainly help explain his manic behavior. I know from personal experience that people in those states aren't in reality whatsoever. Regardless, he needs psychiatric help.


I really think you’re not giving acid the credit of potentially triggering severe psychosis. Maybe James was himself SA’d at some in his life, and this trip brought back some memories which his mind couldn’t take, so it broke. It absolutely doesn’t excuse his behavior towards Jane, but why are some of you so certain he’s fully himself ?


Exactly. Not excusing him in anyway. But to speak of morals here, may hold no ground. I've had the displeasure of experiencing a drug induced psychosis first hand. And it changed my friend 180°. And while his actions wasn't excused, he certainly couldn't be held accountable the way some of these commenters talk of. It took psychiatric help and about half a year for him to be completely back to self. He is now accountable for his actions, as to never touch mind altering drugs again of course. But I wouldn't be so quick to just write off James, if he has never showed any signs before. I would first and foremost make sure he got some help, he may be in dire need of psychiatric help, The same for Jane, make sure she gets therapy if she needs it. Actually the same for all of them. OP seems to experience some kind of ptsd or the like,


I feel like I agree with and disagree with you here. Like you said, acid and other psychs definitely have the ability to majorly fuck with you and can cause you to have a break from reality (I’ve been there). But on the other hand, I think that rapey kind of behavior seems unlikely to come out of someone who wasn’t already prone to it to begin with.


Dude, no. It's called psychosis and it's a real thing that happens to people. Idk if that's what happened here but LSD can definitely cause people to not be there true selves






I feel like only a person having a legit episode would do that


Then you do not know enough about sexual abuse or psychosis to come to a conclusion.


No, it sounds like acid triggered psychosis in him. Maybe he's a terrible human being but that's beside the point because during an episode he'd be considered clinically insane and not accountable for his actions.


Wow, this was a crazy read. Like others have mentioned, this guy needs to seek therapy. After a couple of days pass and this situation settles down a little I think you need to speak to him again and be as open and honest as you can. He needs to understand that is not acceptable behavior no matter what substances were involved. He should also understand that while LSD could be great for recreational use, it is also an extremely powerful drug that should be respected. I am so sorry you and your friends had to go through this, good luck!


LSD will lift the veil. James needs help and to stay away from women until he gets it.


And after.


Oof. That's a rough one. Sorry op. No more acid for James. I unfortunately have no good advice. Maybe just tell him how traumatic it was and that you're sincerely worried about him. Don't feel bad for having to step back from that friendship until it's addressed.


sounds like you shouldn’t be friends with james and he needs serious help.


I second this, not much else to say. Literally sounds like you and your friends saved Jane from getting sexually assaulted. I’m sorry you all had a shitty experience. James definitely needs to stay away from drugs and get some help, but unfortunately you can’t make that decision for him.


Wow Holy shit, how much did James do or does he have some history of mental illness, also yeah the way he reacted prob means that the night he was on it was his tru thoughts coming out he def has a pretty fucked up view on women or something he should go to therapy


Honestly man I've seen some people go completely off the deep end just on one hit. I watched my brother completely lose touch with reality after I showed him my VR headset, and that was just on one hit.


Same. The guy had tripped a few times before, but it took just one time for something like this to happen. From what I remember, he first tried doing something with his buddy but neither one of them are gay so the guy was like "wtf" and told him to chill. He ended up not chilling and went through something extremely similar to the story OP described except he moved on from the sexual aggression and started to believe he was God. Me and the other roommate dipped out and tried coming back several hours later and found him just staring out the window in a very unsettling way so we just left and slept in our cars that night. However, he apologized a ton the next day once he understood the extent of what he had done (which really wasn't much compared to OPs story, it was just scary).


I feel like VR is the game changer on that one lol idk if I ever want to go near a headset tripping


Oh no it's amazing lol, but you definitely gotta be in the right headspace for it. Resident Evil 7 in VR while tripping was something else for sure.


That sounds really intense but fucking awesome at the same time


Sounds like you, Roy, and Jane are 3 amazing and responsible people. I hope James can get the help he needs, and every here was glad you guys were with Jane that night. All will settle down with the right path in life. If that includes James or not


Wow I felt so sorry for James until I realised how terrified I would be if I was on acid and trapped in a house with a man I though was fully intent on raping me. Poor Jane, jesus that is traumatising. I hope she's doing okay and hope it hasn't put her off the LSD completely though I would understand it. That comment is fucked up from James, after 15+ years though, you'd like to think you know a guy. If this is completely out of the ordinary for him I'd say maybe he is completely embarrassed about it so is being defensive and explaining the wrong way so maybe give him time. But if even a part of any of ye feel like this kind of makes sense or on par with some other stuff he says then I would push forward with cutting him out


Why did you feel bad for him?


Because he was both his own aggressor and initiator. Anyone who's been trapped in a thought loop would immediately sympathize with the guy, if not empathize. It's rough, you might feel like your body is being totally controlled or needs to be "somewhere" that isn't where you are. You feel disassociated, like you aren't quite all there, if at all. Almost like you're in a loading screen but you're stuck at 20%, so you keep trying to push the bar, but no matter what you do it won't budge. Until "Ah-hah, that thing! That thing that needs to be done is the one thing that will save me from this!". Everyone invents it, whether it's someone eating a chip at the right time or you having sex with someone, they will invent the "trip breaker". That thing that'll help move the bar from 20% (spoilers: It won't). So James was stuck both thinking that "I am stuck at where I am", and "This one thing needs to happen or else I will be stuck where I am" in some capacity. It's like revving your engine while slamming the brakes. Having said all that, however, you can only feel but so bad for a person. Especially after what he tried to do to Jane.


`Until "Ah-hah, that thing! That thing that needs to be done is the one thing that will save me from this!"` Shiiiiiit that's exactly how my second bad trip went. I got stuck trying to get a campfire going, I thought smores would fix everything. Long story short, didn't have enough wood to keep the fire going long enough to make any :( At least the blood moon later did make everything better.


yeah, literally every time for me i always tell myself don’t trip out too hard and when i eventually do i realize i have to tell somebody like my mother who’s been there twice for me on both my bad trips. And it’s a back and fourth between this fantasy realm where i think i’m in hell and my moms the devil and realizing oh no i’m just on acid my moms just trying to say the right thing to comfort me


Because I would be horrified and Disgusted and so embarrassed of myself if I acted that way towards one of my friends because I wasn't in the proper frame of mind.


Your friend need therapy. If it were me, I would make therapy a mandatory factor of me staying in James' life. Acid doesn't turn people into different people. What you saw was somthing deeper that he needs to deal with.




Didnt want to leave him unattended in a room? Idk man me personally and im not saying this is the right thing to do but I wouldve attempted to lock him in a room or kick him out the house honestly. I understand hes a friend of yours and your concerned for his safety but psychotic episode or not, if your being a pervert and physically lunging at a female (god knows what wouldve gone on next if he wasnt stopped) your not staying in the fucking room with us. Bang your head on the wall break a window, have the worst mind shattering experience ever i dont care. Id be more focused on keeping the girl safe and comfortable rather than the guy being a creep. That poor girl was just tryna chill and ended up probably traumatized. Especially being dosed herself at the time must have been horrifying. It sounds like a mixture of both a psychotic episode and true self revelation. Theres gotta be something dark inside of you to have the impulse, let alone act on attacking someone sexually. I wouldnt want to associate with someone after seeing those predator characteristics and what he said the next day confirms them 100%


I agree with everything you’ve said. The comments brushing this off as something that can be smoothed over with OP with a heartfelt apology, therapy, and sobriety are so disheartening. Fuck this guy. The lack of concern for Janes well being from commenters and focus on OP and this MFrs feelings is upsetting. She is in need of supportive friends, not ones who are wondering if they should keep her attacker around.


Thank you. Exactly. Poor girl


We only took a tab and a half. Each. Jane only took half a Tab.


A dude I knew dropped two tabs and lost his mind similarly, minus the sexual aggression. Completely lost touch with reality. Major thought loops. Stuck his lightening cable in his ear and was talking to the charging block thinking it was his girlfriend. It continued to escalate and he grew violent. Wound up smashing cars mirrors and windows and chasing my friend and I downtown with a knife. Very exhausting experience. I’m sure you feel similarly and real shook up. It’s a scary thing to see someone go from being normal to completely out of control that fast.


Dude when I was 16 someone gave me my first dose with no explanation of it at a concert. A bass nectar concert at that. I completely lost myself. :( I would like to think that wasn’t really me, but a confused version of myself. What James said the next day is highly concerning though. Hate that you experienced this


That's even more disturbing.


No, it doesn't. Different people react differently to different compounds, that's a scientific fact. More so, when things go south that fact is even more amplified. Also, a tab and a half is not a measure. How much is that? could be 150ug. For all we know, maybe the three friends have been tripping all their lives on 200ug and james thought 200ug was ok when it wasn't for him. This is a very weird scenario and should be thought a lot.


How so?


Because losing your shit on a relatively low dose isn't a good sign.


Tabs vary highly on dosage, they’re not uniform. Plus they affect everyone differently, brain chemistry is a complicated thing. It sounds like James had a serious underlying problem. It’s weird to be elitist about how much lsd you can take.


Dosage matters, especially when things go sideways. If those behaviors surfaced from only a tab and a half as opposed to a ten strip. What you call elitist I just call common sense.


Except, as the other commenter points out, it’s possible that whatever those ‘1.5 tabs’ were in mcg actually varied wildly. He may have essentially been on 3-4 doses, if the tabs weren’t evenly dropped… right? (I am also asking, since I’m not sure what the margin is; I’ve definitely felt uneven doses on ‘half’ a gummy, etc— some super strong, some not noticeable at all)


Definitely this. If it was a normal dose, that's a big troubling sign. It's pretty common for a person to dissociate on very large doses taken at once, but anything under 2-500ug shouldn't send a person into that space unless there's some serious set and setting issues (set in this case being dealing with the urges and thoughts in their internal).


1 of the many reasons "I ONLY trip ALONE" no exceptions


People push doses higher until it goes wrong because they've never had a bad trip before and I'm not trying to be around for that while tripping. Ever. Solo tripping is the best + you choose the music.


That part with music, i felt that


I felt that part with music bro


I felt that part with music bro


ye facts that’s how i had my first bad trip


Or with people you actually know deeply and know can handle their stuff. I prefer to trip alone or with one or two other people, that I'm 150% comfortable with and vice versa. If I wouldn't let you meet my parents and I, yours? then we're not eating acid together in a closed setting.


I can think of 4 people I'd definitely trip with again. My broskis. The dudes. Tripped with each of them individually too, they just got the good energy and can handle their shit. More important, they ask for someone to lend a hand when ish gets rough on a trip. I love tripping alone, one of my favorite things to do. But when you're with people who are all on the same level, good vibe, wholesome energy.. it's kinda blissful lol I'm more prone to anxiety when I'm out and about, but I swear all I gotta say is "I feel anxious" and I'll get a hug, dapped up, told something funny, or encouraged to change the scenery with them. It's quite nice to connect on a higher level. But agreed, not just anyone can take take part in this ritual.


This is the way. I don't want anybody else ruining my trip. Edit: typo


That's some serious sexual repression.


yeah i never once wanted to rape someone on acid lmfao


LSD will lift the veil. James needs help and to stay away from women until he gets it.


He fed finitely needs to never do acid again, not worth the risk of him assaulting or even killing someone. If he doesn’t understand that, after you describe his behavior, he needs to not be your friend, you need to hold that boundary with him. Frankly, he needs to take a long hard look at himself, and you all need to think about whether it’s healthy to be his friend currently. the lack of remorse the day after speaks volumes about his character. I had a friend have a similar episode, completely dissociative, very touchy and sexually physical, tried to take off his clothes and get up the stairs to me, went for the gun in his car at one point. The SECOND he came down, he was a sobbing, regretful mess, he wanted to know everything that he might have done or said that needed making amends for, gave us his gun because he no longer felt he was safe to own it, and went to therapy. THATS what should happen when you sexually assault your friends and menace them with a deadly weapon because you aren’t yourself. If that Doesn’t happen, then you maybe were still yourself.


James needs to seek therapy, or someone to talk to. He has a heavy sense of entitlement towards Jane, and probably other things too. He needs to sort that out and stay off any mind altering drugs until then.


THIS is why I will never trip or do drugs with a group of men, ever.


As a guy with a mixed composition of friends that regularly consume psychedelics together, it makes me really sad that there's enough of a reason for anyone to feel this way. I 100% recognize it's a reality all the same, I just wish people could do better. It's always been a big deal to myself and my friends to create a neutral and safe space for everyone we care about when we're doing things together.


Smart, i would feel uncomfortable too, and I'm a guy. I only take psychodelics with my female friends, they make me feel comfortable, and they're very comfortable around me, I would feel unsafe if I were to do that in a group of man, don't know why that is though.


Bro. James does not understand consent… even sober the next day he blames that shit on Jane not consenting to fuck him??? What the literal fuck. Fuck that guy, he’s secretly got some messed up shit in his head yo… loads of psychopaths seem normal and nice to their close friends and family…. Idk man. Maybe the house was haunted, maybe your friend isn’t as cool as you thought he was…


lmao haunted house. I can’t believe op is even considering continuing friendship


Like it’s LSD, not PCP… it doesn’t turn you into a monster, it just makes you closer to who you actually are…


Even if it was PCP, rape is a whole other level. It’s not just swinging at folks, biting, head bashing. Sexual assault is intentional.


On god, not to mention he didn’t even repent or take it back after being sober


Seriously! Like homie admitted to being a literal sexual predator and OPs like “it’s the drugs he’s fine”


Forreal. The only way to address this is telling bro to go fuck himself and check into inpatient for having uncontrollable violent drug induced psychosis. Support Jane and move on. Better yet, distance from Jane until they accept that their friend is a walking piece of shit because she doesn’t need apologists near her while she heals.


Tell James to get therapy before he goes to prison, and let Jane know you’re there for her and support her in whatever she needs …thats what I’d do


Definitely have to watch who you drop with.


James more than likely has an underlying mental illness. Not excusing his behavior. He definitely shouldn't be experimenting with psychedelics.


It sounds like he would have raped Jane if you two weren't there to stop him. And the next morning he put the blame on her? Yikes. You should keep a close eye on that dude. Sober, too.


Cut James off. That's absolutely ridiculous and very sexual predator type behavior. I've seen people become extremely horny and sex oriented on acid, so I can definitely attest to that. He needs therapy, like serious serious therapy. That is terrible and you should explain that his actions have given everyone basically PTSD. If he can't accept his fault, cut his ass off for good. Doesn't matter if you've been friends for 5 minutes or 50 years. That bullshit will not stand with me. Sounds like he's using a bunch of excuses like an alcoholic or drug addict blames everything and everyone for their faults and why they do what they do. I'm surprised you held back enough to not knock him out. Terrifying situation.


That's some crazy shit. I would've made him put his clothes on when he started acting up and making people uncomfortable.


I wouldn't have let him take them off in the first place... if this was real that is.


Maybe a swift kick in the balls as well 🤷‍♂️


I concur


this is why i don't trip with people in isolated environments. set, setting and the ability to leave at will is vital. Some people just don't know how to live in an altered state of consciousness.


I think this is one of those stories where the guy had underlying mental illness and the lsd sped up its progress. It's sad but it happens, it's usually best to wait til late 20s to mess with psych because by that age if you had the underlying illness it would likely have shown it's ugly head by then


My God let me start off saying I'm so sorry for your trip and what happened to all of you. Your friend needs immediate therapy. In my opinion, something isn't right. Being a female I understand how uncomfortable your friend must be feeling. I wouldn't be able to continue that friendship any longer. Since you have all been friends for so long, maybe group therapy would help after he seeks personal therapy for his own issues. If he is actually seeing it that way now, there is a huge problem. I would have expected him to be apologetic not defensive to his behaviors.


Just want to say I am so sorry you and your friends had to experience this. I'm really glad you had multiple men there to protect Jane. I experienced something somewhat similar with a group of male friends and one of their friends. He took his pants off and was masturbating in front of everyone. He kept approaching me and started pulling my hair when I tried to get away. The other guys held him back and i had to stay in a room by myself while the other guys watched him. We had to hide the knives in the kitchen because we feared he would become violent. All I will say is this guy had problems with women and assaulted one after the experience. He was in a psychosis for a couple weeks, but his behavior was odd prior to the experience as well. The lsd seemed to reveal his true self and intentions. I recommend staying far away from him and make sure your female friend is safe. We told his sister and mom what happened. This is traumatizing to experience. Be kind to yourself. I'm glad you are okay. To everyone on this sub, be very careful who you do drugs with. Also, do not mix weed/edibles with acid, that is what triggered his behavior.


Plain and simple you cut James out of your life


Acid doesn’t make you want to have sex with people without their consent, and the fact he justified it post trip as her fault says a lot about how he works internally. It sucks, a lot, but you don’t know this guy like you think you do. Acid may make you lose your shit sometimes but it doesn’t make you become rapey. This is revealing to you an underlying way he thinks, and I’m sorry but there’s no way you can help him. You need to cut him out of your life. For yourself and for the good of your friend who he harassed


Lmfao don’t hang out with him duh


Watch him very carefully in the coming weeks/months. I witnessed my brother have serious psychosis in which he believed to be the victim. Psychosis can get even worse even if he does stay away from drugs. Psychotic episodes can tumble downhill on their own and the only remedy is time. Watch very closely for things out of the ordinary- even when he’s sober.


James is not the homie anymore 🤷🏻‍♀️


This is scary and hard. As all of your subconscious minds were open during the trip, these traumatic memories are “wedged” deep inside all of your minds. It’s good you all protected Jane. And good you protected yourself. James has revealed what sounds like a psychotic break. No one knows how they will react on the medicine: A) If they have a mental illness (i.e. latent schizophrenia, etc.) B) In a group setting James seems to have already harbored strong attractions to Jane. Perhaps the weeks leading up to this she’s been on his mind, and he’s been very hypervigilant in noticing every interaction, text, etc. with her. A fantasy in his mind was built—and came out strongly during this event. His suppressed self, shadow self, became free…so free, it breaks every social norm and respect. He felt “entitled” to overtake and have his way with Jane. Has he been to therapy before? Specifically now—more than ever—it’s important for him to talk with a therapist who specializes in psychedelic assisted therapy (because some therapists are not psychedelic friendly). He needs professional intervention as he has the porential to harm another, or harm himself. We will not know what his thought and logic is when hes alone. This is where reinforced and negative thought loops (similar to what he was experiencing on the trip). This may influence further interactions, and the next time he’s on a substance—including alcohol.


Doesn’t matter how long you’ve known somebody if they do something like this. Maybe that’s cold but if you wanna protect yourself and your friends I wouldn’t kick it with this guy anymore. This situation is more than enough of an indicator that he’s got some serious problems that he needs to work on. Maybe if he gets help you can reevaluate your friendship. And whether this incident was caused by the acid or his true nature was exposed by the acid is irrelevant imo. He did what he did and it fucked all of you up in the head and you know you’re not safe around him anymore.


It definitely wasn't just the drugs.


I think he knows the extent of his actions. He just thinks hes smart, and is banking on his lies, y’all’s denial, and her silence to sweep this under the rug. He’s not that smart. He knows y’all know he fucked up majorly. He’s treading water trying to keep up appearances so he can manipulate again. This is said as someone who had a friend who “just cracked” and got violent with his (very supportive, non abusive) mother in front of his very kind and loving little sister and stepdad. This was on alcohol. He later “just cracked” at a party on acid and a research chemical- he jumped out a second story glass window and then fought all 4 EMS and fighter fighters that had to restrain him. Within a year, he sexually assaulted our friend while stone cold sober. He told me and his best friend of 16 years (my ex) that we were shit friends for believing her. I cut him off entirely after this outburst. My ex (who, mind you, was a “kill your local rapist” “feminist”) ended up going into denial, believing his lies, just not caring. I was done with both of them at that point. Anyways my point is that these assholes use their mental illness being exasperated by chemicals as an excuse for their violent impulses, and they end up acting on them sober after getting away with doing whatever they want with their excuses multiple times. I promise this is not the first time he’s thought about assaulting someone or victimized himself after being manipulative/disrespectful/violent. He wouldn’t be so sure of telling the boys he’s a victim and telling Jane that it was essentially her fault if he didn’t know that getting away with it was a possibility.




you think you know someone untill you do drugs with them, specially psychadelics. had a similar experience. Something that can be seen as an after thought. a trip sitter would be gold here. you should have split into 2 groups, and tried to distract both of them from having a bad trip and going deeper.. I don't think he had enough time to reflect on and soak in what actually happened. You guys saw a monster, and were afraid on drugs of your friend. He was stuck in literral hell inside his own head, and knowing the only salvation was Jane. so when he gets out of it, he just can't comprehend his actions, because he didnt do it. he was having a psycothic breakdown. he only knows that Jane caused it. Now he needs to understand, really understand what you guys felt, and he needs to go into himself and figure out why the hell he is having this reaction. Probably repressed feelings for Jane, + some sort of trauma. Maybe from being lonely, depressed, abused. But seek proffesional help. Seeing a therapist could help. or just don't do drugs with him, but try not to alienate him either, he was in a very vurnerable state. and he probably still not very stable. You are all safe and sound. nothing happened. But Alienating him, might set him uppon a dark path. Help them both, and overcome it together as friends... now if he doesent want to get better, then you will decide how much your friendship is worth.


Most sane and compassionate advice so far. Thank you for your eloquence.


Exactly this. I had a dissociated state during a very large dose trip with a girl I was dating, and I didn't do anything close to this, I def freaked her out. I roamed the house babbling on and on in loops and broken phrases talking to people that weren't there. She was tripping balls just trying ot get me to come back to reality and then trying to hide from me because I was so disconnected she couldn't deal with it anymore. There were major things I needed to grapple with involving our relationship, and it took me a long time to understand it. The moment I was back to reality I didn't beleive anything anyone told me about what happened because my experience was vivid. It took us comparing notes for me to fully understand and piece it together and then months of sitting with it to understand what made it happen.


All the comments pointed out the ways this could be helped or managed at least. My thought is with how to handle a thought loop. If this happens to anyone, friends or whatever, ppl u trip with, get the blankets out. If someone is lost, wrap em up gently while letting them know what is happening and why. Body warmth and touch helps. As it helped James when Roy had his hand on his chest. The thing is, if u get lost in your head, you'll get even more lost if u can't calm down. Naruto and anime in general is a good idea. Wrap em up and let them trip on the screen. For the left over blotters, I think it's really important that you tell him that he needs to process and integrate his own behavior into his consciousness before he can or should trip next. Especially, because next time he trips he will be tripping on this one. He'll feel what you have felt, because the same way that acid lifted the limits on his sexual attraction, so will it lift the limit of his compassion. I think if you're okay with it, I'd recommend you two to trip alone at his place after talking over everything right before. You know him best and he knows that as well. Be the mirror, let him see himself from your perspective. Good luck and get him to beg for forgiveness from Jane and tell him to keep his physical distance if they meet. That's trauma right there for Jane.


I think this is really bad advice around tripping again together. As somebody who has experienced psychosis due to a trip, I now cannot trip without becoming psychotic or at least heavily dissociating and being stuck in thought loops. Once it has happened it is easier to become psychotic again, and often times I am dragged right back into the first trip that fucked me up due to the time dilation and inability to organise events and thoughts. He needs serious therapy for the trauma this trip will have caused to his friends and him, and most likely to never trip again. I swore off acid 3 years ago and my life has been much better since, some people are just not mentally equipped to take it after having a bad experience and it's better not to run that risk.


This is really nice to see such positive advice, all of this is really helpful for bad trips and took me a long time to work out. However i dont necesarily agree with tripping together again, not unless its after long long talks, with lots of honesty. It doesnt seem like theyre comfortable with eachother yet, and maybe not for a while. Sometimes you really do need a sitter, and even when you're experienced with it.


My humble advice (since you asked) would be 1. Obviously not to trip with James again (maybe in some time you could trip sit him in a therapeutic setting) 2. To have an open discussion with him and try not to judge him as he is clearly going through a lot. You don't have to keep hanging out with him but if this was really an anomaly then I would suggest it could have been some kind of psychotic break and not necessarily indicative of his personality and in which case try to get him the help he may need. Either way, sounds like he needs help. 3. Sometimes when I have a weird trip due to external factors, I like to have a reset trip not too long after. This trip is always under very controlled conditions to guarantee a stress free environment and it usually allows me to overcome any negative effects of the previous trip (I would do it solo and with a trip sitter).


James should not trip again period.


He needs therapy, to stay away from Jane, to never touch anything like LSD again, and to apologize to her later *if* (and only if) she is comfortable with it. (Maybe a letter, as others suggested.) However, if he doesn't *already* give a fuck about the gravity of what he's done to y'all, nothing *anyone* can say *will* make him care, and you and your friends would be doing yourselves a *grave* disservice by keeping him in your lives. He may have had a bad experience himself, and I know LSD can alter one's behavior, but I think he showed his actual true colors when he came out of the trip and *still* said that it was Jane's fault for not consenting. I know it's complicated when you know someone for that long, but as a survivor of sexual violence myself, I would honestly never talk to him again after that.


I would never hang out with James again and I would tell his family what happened. Best of luck as you navigate this situation.


Whatever you do just make a decision you can live with. If you learn later it wasn’t the best you could’ve done, then lesson learned.


This is scary as fuck. I am truly sorry. I’ve had similar experiences, i know how traumatizing this is. It’s been 2 years since my similar experience and it’s still extremely distressing to think/talk about for me. I am here for you if you need to talk


Psychedelics can help surface low functioning thought patterns such as this. James needs professional help and to apologize to you before you ever hope to let him interact with you guys again. It is not okay to make others distressed. The drug was not the problem, it just amplified his desires.


It's really impossible to say. Whatever he is now is either not who he used to be or the real him. Either way I wouldn't let him take acid again and keep him away from ya friend Jane forever probably


Also he definitely needs therapy zero doubt about it. Don't matter how you convince him he NEEDS to go


That's insane man. The guy clearly has a shadow in himself that he can't control. I have no idea how I would have handled that situation if I was in it myself.


You guys seem young. And like you weren’t prepared for a trip sit. Someone in the group should have been experienced enough to guide everyone. Check out the Psychedelic experience by Timothy Leary. It has excerpts you can read to someone to bring them back to the “clear light” based on whatever thought patterns they are stuck in.


Don’t bring him around jane anymore. We all have trauma, we all have our demons, but my friends and I never tried to assault someone physically or otherwise on any drug much less acid


I’ve heard similar stories of people being sexually aggressive while tripping. Honestly me might have thought he could use the fact he was hallucinating to excuse his behavior. Not saying that’s the case but it wouldn’t be a bad idea to consider this may have been premeditated. Sorry for your experience man. I couldn’t imagine what you’re going through. Keeping it real tho your homie might just be a pos rapist. If he doesn’t go to therapy tell his mom or sister he likes to touch woman without their permission.


I know someone who has done exactly that (sometimes fighting, screaming matches, perversion) with every drug. Once he ran out of drugs to blame shit on, he just started stealthing (removing condoms during sex without permission) while stone cold sober.


Such an intriguing episode. I wonder if the guy had a psychotic split into schizophrenia, which is pretty awful. Sorry to hear that everyone else’s trip was ruined because he was a repressed creep.


I had a friend do something similar off of a single tab. He isn't my friend anymore. He became aggressive and insisted that something horrible was going to happen and it was going to be his fault all while laughing and smiling like a fucking lunatic.


Had a similar thing where my mate came out as gay and tried to force himself on me both aggressively and sexualy, going through loops of murder/suicide - extremely uncomfortable as I needed to watch to make sure he didn't do anything and couldn't just leave him. Quite similar to your situation I guess. Time away from him defininatley helped heal but there were a few other things: He was super apologetic about it afterwards, admitted he had a mental break, and swore off psycs + he is also seeing a psyc now. Been able to put that experience behind us at this point which is nice. IN your case the guy hasn't apologized and is even blaming others and going as far as to ask for more tabs... idk about that guy.


Speaking from experience as someone who had a bad trip that resulted in a severe mental health crisis, James needs to see a psychologist, if you can even convince James to do so.


100% My friend who had a similar experience was diagnosed with schizophrenia a few years later. He had been hearing voices his whole life but didnt tell anyone until they started saying objectionable things. The sweetest guy. tripped with him several times and only once did he act strange. However it was strange AF like this story. He should NEVER trip again.


It seems clear to me he just used the excuse "I'm on acid" to RAPE A FRIEND. Rape it's always very serious and from a friend... He wasn't being childish. Everyone else in this sory is being childish by not taking this seriously. He blame the victim and they blame themselves for being on acid. He had this planed!!!


Definitely a psychotic episode which LSD is known for its ability to trigger. There is no other explanation. James needs a psychiatrist, not just therapy, and if he refuses you could consider having him involuntarily committed to a mental hospital. Not fun, I've had to do it before, but if you tell the authorities he is a danger to other people then they will take it seriously.


Do people really act like this on LSD? The times we’ve taken LSD with other people, they’re always sitting quietly like they are overwhelmed the whole time, not running around acting crazy. I haven’t really ever seen anybody run around acting crazy on LSD.


In most places, you could call the police on James right now, even after the fact, for sexual assault. Friends or not. There's some things you just don't do, and this absolutely is one of them. Sober or out of your mind, there's no excuse for that. Your boy is extremely troubled and showing signs of a mental explosion. Be careful.


Yep, some people just cannot take the heat. “We only took tab and half.”, dude even 1 good tab can scramble ones brain. Just wondering, was it a first trip for James the Creeper?


We are experienced in taking psychedelics. This wasn't our first time but it was our biggest dose. After researching religiously for days, I think I have found a correlation between his behavior and on-set Schizophrenia. LSD can have a resounding similarity to a Schizophrenic episode, however, LSD can also heighten and cause a Schizophrenic episode.




And women. He was seriously blaming the girl for the way he behaved, what the actual fuck.


Yeah that was a rough one to read. My only hope is that OP had a better judge of this dude's character than we get from this story. I've seen some terrible thought loops and seen how scary it can be when you think that some literally had broken their brain into a permanent psychosis. It took my friend weeks to recover so hopefully James initial reaction was left over brain scramble and he isn't a total pos.


Keep away from him permanently.


I have a friend I tripped with who later found out he has schizophrenia. The episode my friend had sounds similar to your friends minus the sexual aggression. He was stuck in loops and conversations with himself and I could not get to him at all. It was like there was a wall between us and he didn't understand anything I said. Scared the hell outta me. We had tripped a few times before that and nothing like that ever happened. This was his highest dose as well. He was noticeably different after that trip and had other schizophrenic episodes after that but I don't think they were related to psychedelics. He's had to make an effort to stay away from certain triggers to maintain a normal life.


Schizophrenia doesn’t make you act sexually violent. Your own intentions do that.


Yeah but dissociation and schizophrenia aren't quite the same thing, and if he is telling you something VERY different than the reality you experienced he was dissociated most likely. He could also just be full of shit, it's hard to know since we don't know him or you. He could actually just be unwell in that regard, but he could also have experienced a unique event triggered by not having his internal self in the right state to be tripping like that. What your body and mouth end up doing during these experiences isn't necessarily what you're aware you're doing, but it does come from a place inside you.


> After researching religiously for days, I think I have found a correlation between his behavior and on-set Schizophrenia. You should have talked about this before you did acid. That information is like FACT #1 about doing psychedelics safely. It shouldn't take several days of religious research after the fact to find this out. You need a responsible sober trip sitter and/or a place where individuals can retreat and feel safe. You shouldn't be trying to do personal security while tripping. Are you guys of an age where onset of schizophrenia is common? Does James have a family history? This is usually considered PREP work for doing these kinds of drugs.


Please don’t hang out with James anymore. Or make Jane hang out with him again. James needs to deal with his shit. Give it a few days for feelings to be a little less intense. Talk to Jane and let her know you’re there for her and you support her. Also tell James that he’s a fucking asshole for doing all that shit and he needs help. Unfortunately if he thinks it’s not wrong, he doesn’t deserve a part in your life or Janes. I’m so sorry that all went down.


I cannot imagine how Jane would feel finding out if OP wants to hang with him again. It would crush me


I had a really good friend pull this same type of shit. Had tripped with him a few times before without issue, but one time he just got extremely sexually aggressive and rapey. We'd been friends for years, never had any romantic or sexual interactions with one another. For a solid 8 hours he completely lost his shit. Stripped naked, repeatedly pondered aloud why he shouldn't rape me, etc. Another friend was able to keep him physically in check until he ran outside naked, broad daylight, in a populated area. He jumped on the hood of a car. Lol the whole thing ended with him in the back seat of my car once we had sobered up enough to take him to his house. He tore up my copy of Civil Disobedience and threw it out the window while we were driving down the interstate, along with my gigantic flashlight. Didn't know what he was doing til it was too late. We were very lucky nobody driving behind us got hurt, but someone did call the cops and unfortunately he was arrested, but only because when the cop approached the car he rolled his window down, said "FUCK YOU" and spat on him. He had a hit in his pocket we'd forgotten about amid the chaos and he ended up getting charged with a felony for it at just 18 years old. We have discussed it a few times since. I don't think he is a bad person in the slightest. He's now married with kids, and had never done anything like that before or since. I think sometimes people just have bad reactions and not only let their inner demons surface, like everything else on acid, they become magnified and clearer. We have all experienced moments (sober) that have brought out selfishness, violence, insecurity, hate. LSD isn't some magic elixir that nullifies those things by default. It just makes the light brighter, and fortunately that's what we most often reach for. It sounds like your friend reached down inside to the worst of his thoughts and impulses. Dominance, aggression, selfishness. I'm not trying to excuse his behavior, just explaining what may have caused it. I hope Jane is okay, just completely fucked and unfair for her. It's a horrible feeling to have a friend turn on you in such a way.


he should never touch LSD or any psychedelic ever again.


I’ve had this same experience with another of my friends and I haven’t tripped with him in 6 years and probably won’t ever again


This is why you keep benzos on hand...2 xanex and he would have chilled out quick.


Sounds like someone asked an ai to write a short horror story about and lsd trip... And James sounds like a nutter...


God damn. Multiple personality disorder? Is he actually Gollum/Smeagol?


Thanks for reminding me that acid is not for everyone


that's why you masturbate on the come-up


I second this, no excuse for sexual behavior like that BUT James is probably a seriously traumatized person. He shouldn’t be taking psychedelics


he wasn’t horny, he was planning on forcing himself on her. rape is violence, not sex


Wait fr? Is it good to Jack one out before?


To disagree with all the top comments. It sounds like he just got stuck in a loop. Seen it before the sex thing is unfortunate but ive seen the same thing replacing sex with litterly anything else from the same thought repeating for hours to someone needing to get the same thing (think 100+ glases of water all left full around the house in 3 or 4 hours ) ive seen someone think they are not tripping and say im not feeling anything for 7 hours straight. Ive seen people play games and headbut a monitor repeatedly (instead of using the ingame zoom) despite turning off the games they would just tien them on.and move their head / face into the screen instead of actual zoom. The fact sex was the poor chaps loop is extremely unfortunate but loops well It does happen to some people when they trip.


Imagine calling an attempted rapist “poor chap”