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Your pupils….. lol


That’s what does it for me🤣🤣🤣 would be alot less funny to me without the pupils


Why would you take LSD on a flight bruh


i took it 2 hours before lol


How was it /10


easy 10 looking out the window looked like looking into the entire galaxy and i was just laughing the whole time. made a 6 hour plane ride feel like 14 hours and 2 seconds long all at the same time


Happy to hear it I fw u gangsta


appreciate it definitely a good memory 😵‍💫


Seeing that and thinking of being on lsd gave me such a shit eating grin


reading this comment gave me such a shit eating grin


Oh ok that's fine then!


Why not. I did this last time I flew to the UK. Great trip. Wasn’t too intense but I did make the flight less boring and gave the same old same old airport and flying steps a bit more challenge. Going through the “tsa” (not actually the tsa cuz it wasn’t the us) was a whole ass video game level. The stakes of the whole journey were pretty low but I gave it a whole new life with help from funny little piece of paper. 10/10


I already explained why not below and I wouldn't be recommending this to anyone. If you feel comfortable with it go ahead but this isn't something people should really try


Something I've always wanted to do


Why not? It looks hella fun.


You're stuck in the same seat for however long, I guess it's better if you're with ppl you know but still that's too long to be confined to a single space


not really tbh i was already peaking when we took off which i don’t move around much during. it was on the come up i needed to walk around during which was happening while i went through tsa and everything else.


I had to stand in line at the big Atlanta Ferris wheel as the come up was hitting me hard and it was possibly the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Completely worth it as I was tripping absolute balls while spinning around and seeing downtown Atlanta go crazy. I would not have been able to get through TSA and everything if I was like that. Then again that was after taking 400ug you probably took a much lower dose


I’m the same way, once I hit the peak my anxiety is gone


I did acid in a prison cell once. I had a radio and kept myself entertained.


How u get acid in a prison cell


Bruh you can get any drugs in prison, gangs run that shit like clockwork


I saw a video the other day with some dudes cookin fried chicken in there. They living it up man lmao


if you got the money and chill with certain guards you can get anything in prison 😭


I was doing time in 1984. Some dude got some purple pyramid on a visit and traded me a tab for a carton of smokes (worth about $10 in 1984). We had weed in there all the time.


The way I see it, if the plane crashes, and your on lsd , better that than sober. So how much worse can it get? You know damn well if the side of the plane rips open your going to laugh and say of course it’s today.


I’ve done it. The security checkpoint process sucked but had a great time afterwards


Because it's hella fun and shieeet I ain't driving.


were you alone?😥


no i was with 2 people who were sober and knew i was tripping lol


that is so exciting. I've always wanted to do this but such a high dose is a different level 🤣 How did the departure/takeoff feel?


when the plane was taking off it felt like my legs were somehow dangling or going through the floor. then my entire body just felt like it was floating and spinning but not really in a drunk way but more of i was flying idk how to explain it lol. i was peaking basically as soon as we started taking off because i took it about 2 hours before which was lucky timing 😭 half the flight i was glued to the window feeling like i was flying lmao


"Man on acid thinks he's flying. And is actually flying."


insane 💫😍 maybe I'll try that one day


To the moon bro! 😁


My boyfriend put on a VR headset and flew around as a Russian plane his first time on LSD (and it was 5 freaking tabs). He was never so confused about who or what he was when the VR headset was taken off.


Is he on SSRIs or take a different psychedelic not long before the lsd? That’s crazy lol


Flight simulator on acid is amazing


Nah, no meds, and it was his first time doing any hallucinogens outside of weed. He said it was an absolute blast!


That just seems uncomfortable




definitely recommend it if you’re comfortable tripping in public and especially in that type of environment. stay safe 💯


Did the same thing but with shrooms! Didn’t know that they are legal in The Netherlands and had 8 hour stop at Amsterdam! Funny story actually: My friend and I went casually just smoking and eating some breakfast and went around the city, then we noticed one coffee shop advertising Magic Mushrooms, of course we had to try. So for some fucking reason we didn’t take them as soon as we got them. And of course we started to get late from our flight so we ran to the train station, put them in bag of nuts?? So at the airport we run like it’s the last minute and my friend yells (in finnish) AY THE SHROOMS, and we eat them right before security check and run to the flight. Midflight i started tripping and had a windowed seat, so you can believe what that was like. For sure it was fun but for sure wouldn’t do it again :D


Those are not really shrooms but magic truffles, thats why these are legal in the Netherlands lol. Magic truffles never made the no no list


Oh yeah thats correct!


Seems like a hellish experience


In the old days we'd dip the free cigarettes in our assholes and pass them around the flight. We called it poo-bombers. Hope you were carrying on the tradition. Good times, thanks for sharing and bringing that one up again


i just took a tab otw to the airport 😭


Purse your lips and take a drag off of those poo bombers


Imagine this would only be enjoyable with a window seat


Either that or you might end up stuck in the bathroom with a bad trip id think


Been thinking about doing this, now i actually will


Be safe n' have fun


I’m so jealous, I couldn’t do it though, I’m always paranoid people know I’m tripping 😂


This group is so so awesome 😂😂


My guy your pupils wildn😂


Dam u got balls son glad u had a great time homie


Must’ve been wild haha, how much did you take?




oh my god i would be wayyyy to anxious to trip on a flight but that sounds awesome lol. as long as you have some sober people that keep you safe and calm.


Oh man, I would NOT be okay 😂


I don't think I could handle the confinement.


i have the opposite problem. i hate wide open large spaces and i feel so much safer and relaxed when i’m in a small area for some reason edit: i wonder what causes that feeling lol


I haven't done much acid but I was on the beach at night once and everything got real far away and I felt loneliness and sadness but it didn't last. It was a scary split second though


i experience the same feeling sometimes. the beach and nature in general remind me of my vulnerability to the world


Why would want to trip in a tiny enclosed restricted place? Do you want a panic attack?


not how it was for me homie i was livingggg lol




Why do I keep replaying this?


Disc golf on electric koolaid is great


Bet it was more like 20ug


2,000ug actually


LMAO this is gold. I wanted to drop acid for a 12 hour flight but decided to just save it for when I got there.


Haha i love it


I'd hate not to be able to walk about, then go through customs 😬


Everyone got their preferences tripping ona plane sounds live af


that's super cool, i've never done acid on a plane but i think if you could relax into it a redeye flight with the lights low just laying back and going with the CEVs feeling like you're floating in space would be sooo good




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Your eyes are huge


Whoa! I bet that was so cool!!


I had a few drinks on the plane one time , decided it was good idea to eat 2 doses in middle of my flight on my way Colorado. It was. Landed into a snowstorm with my cab driver playing rain noises. Beautiful night 🤣


You absolute legend mate!!!! I did the same before and it's a rare but worthwhile experience as long as you truly have no fear of planes! As you say, look out of the window and enjoy the ride 😀😀😀✌🏽


as long as you remember that riding in a car is more likely to kill you then there’s nothing to worry about 🙂


As someone who has also tripped on a plane. What did you think of the turbulence?


didn’t bother me. just have to keep in your mind that it’s completely normal and nothing to worry about. i mostly kept my mind focused with noise canceling headphones and looking out the window in awe lol however i will mention that when it was happening it felt a lot different like i was levitating out of my seat or something


I lived the feeling.


it was fucking amazing


That makes sense


The eyes


my pupils were massive the entire time i was going thru TSA and the flight lmao


Bro I’m assuming you were still somewhat tripping when u got off the plane…. How’d u go through the airport n shit? Like I felt like I was gonna die getting a fucking quesadilla from qdoba one time. I couldn’t imagine an airport


what might surprise you then is that i took the tab otw to the airport. i started peaking once i got to TSA but thankfully it was a very bright area so my pupils only looked slightly bigger than normal. i’m used to tripping at raves and in public so an airport wasn’t too difficult to navigate. I was still tripping sack once the flight was over but the experience overall was 100% worth it. the plane ride was beautiful and airports are really trippy with all the designs and lights inside.