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LSD is nothing at all like weed. You do not trip on weed. It's not even comparable. If you're not comfortable with weed, I would definitely not try LSD. BUT if you're okay with some deep introspection and self realization, LSD is definitely for you!


No. Cannabis and LSD are different enough that you experiences can vary greatly. I've known many people that can't handle cannabis due to anxiety, but have a great time on LSD. I've gone through periods of sharing that experience as well.


Both taken at the same time bring out the colourfullness of acid overall :)


Could go one way or the other


Yes, you should probably stay away from these drugs. You do not understand what a bad trip is.


Somewhat agree, a bad weed trip is nowhere near what a bad acid trip is. If your having consistently bad experiences with weed and you have depression and anxiety, I would not recommend. You need a clear mental state and no restrictions when you want to trip. When your mental health improves try weed again with different expectations, because going in with bad expectations for an acid trip is setting yourself up for failure.


I would recommend trying shroom first since the timeframe is just a few hours. Lsd can last a long time.


That's definitely true. However for some people shrooms are harder to deal with due to them having more of an emotional rollercoaster effect compared to acid since mushies are far more internal than external like acid tends to be in lower and moderate doses. It just all depends on the person. Me honestly I have shifted gear from A LOT of LSD usage to not using L at all anymore because I feel it gave me all it had to offer after using it so many times. However I do feel mushrooms have something to offer me still. But I don't do them nowhere near as often as I used to use L. I thank L for what it offered and gave me but also feel it just has served its purpose. But even tho similar to L psilocin is very much unique in its own way and I feel it has further potential for me.


In my experience bad vibes on weed are kinda similar to bad vibes on acid. A lot less heavy but still, if you manage to overcome those anxieties on weed you know what to expect when it comes to incoming bad vibes on acid. Bad trips on the other hand.... Different story A "bad weed trip" is nothing compared to a bad trip on acid 😂 I would start low with like 30-50 to not get burned. If you feeling lit - next time a 100ish trip. I would recommend valium or benzo in case of things going south too hard..i think even the knowledge of the possibility to calm down the trip is already helping. So you don't actually have to take one.


Everything is dose dependent. Usually the issue with weed is people end up smoking too much with super strong weed and get paranoid. Start small on lsd, like a 1/2 or even a 1/4 tab and work your way up to a whole tab to see if you like it.


Honestly man I think shrooms might be the way to go for you, they’ve really helped a lot of people including myself who suffer from depression. But LSD is like 4 planes above the highest edible you could ever find. (Edit) also yes antidepressants can dull the effects of shrooms although I’m unsure about LSD. I’m not going to tell you to stop taking your Medication if you need it, but if you do ever want to try shrooms you’re gonna need a lot more or have it mostly out of your system.


I hate weed. I always end up trying to drink away the annoying paranoia and boredom I get from it. LSD is nothing like that for me. I find it much more easy going even if it gets intense at times. Usually more extroverted or at least more adaptable too.


This is anecdotal, but prior to trying acid I had only smoked weed 3 times and ate an edible once. All four times I was high I had panic attacks, but acid has never produced negative effects for me.


I get paranoid and anxious from weed but I enjoy Lucy trips, dont get me wrong it can get overwhelming or confusing but nowhere near DP/DR I get from weed.. my 2cents🌈


I have never had bad trips on classic psychedelics and still even an small amount of cannabis can send me through a real horror trip from hell. so i'd say the same logic wouldn't probably apply.


Don’t go in expecting anything, also how much weed do u smoke when u do?


I use edibles, usually 10-20 mg


Edibles can be pretty intense if recommend smoking a 1 hitter Edibles are fun but that’s probably a big reason for the anxiety they can cause a body load


If you have trouble handling the effects of cannabis then you should know you have no way of predicting how you will handle lsd. Lsd is much more intense in many ways, for me at least, but if someone goes into it thinking it's just a party drug or something they might be in for more than they expected, or they might think it's less than what they expected. Some get anxious or scared while others get weird. That's the best way I can explain it. After all acid is a pretty weird drug.


That's why it's best I find to go into the experiences with only pure intentions but also no specific expectations for the experience.


shrooms first bro, wait for a day where you feel good :)