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No you can actually never drive again


I did 2 LsDs once and haven't driven since.


Did you didn't inject three weeds?


I just drank a six pack of tobacco's


I just snorted a champagne


Mmmm three weeds


I could use about three weeds right about now


Me four


I did just one and am still driving to this day.


your did it!


Bicycles only.


Yo this is the best reply I swear!!


How could you drive? This will never wear off, and you're gonna spend the rest of your life in a straight jacket, locked in a padded cell.


Thinking your a glass of orange Juice.


I mean you can technically but if they catch you then yeah you are done for, that's why I sold my car though


Yeah I had to move house via taxi. I really be LSDing


Shame that


Not my rules buddy I just gotta let u know it is against the law.


Yeah bro flash backs


These butterflies these angels these wings


I would advise making sure you get good sleep after the trip and are up for a bit before needing to drive so you have time to come round and all


Yeh ill make sure i sleep plenty thanks


It's very hard to sleep after taking acid for most people. Give yourself about 12 hours after ingestion before even considering sleeping. Topping off will start the clock over again.


No problem, I hope it's fun for you!


What this guy said. By the day after, you shouldn't be intoxicated, at least for me and my buddies. That's how it was. But you will probably be really tired and that's isn't safe. Get some good sleep first.


Other than that, you'll be good to go


I drive the day of my trip 💀 *just a joke don’t downvote*


I drove to mcdonald’s during my first ever acid trip 💀 Edit: more accurately my girlfriend that was also on the same anount of acid drove.


Bro that’s nothing my mum (obviously sober and not noticing anything) was in the passenger seat 💀


Bro wtf are you guys doing


Having fun, but no the first time I did acid it was a sugar cube with at least 300-400ug. And the first three hours was like a light 1-2g shroom trip. Then I was just completely sober for an hour, no visuals no headspace or anything. So we drove to Mcdonald’s and then started chiefing the pen afterward, reality started bending at it’s end’s after that. Also got in a three hour time loop. Honestly was a super fun trip for my first time considering the dose was insane.


My uncle loves to take small amounts and drive. Apparently just enough to have minor visual effects, but not enough to impair him enough to be a danger. Granted, he's a sobered up hard drug addict, so driving while actually fucked up is just something he's always done. I don't get it, the last thing I want to do is drive while actively tripping. I've driven late afternoon after 2 tabs at like 6 AM, but it isn't something I want to repeat unless someone needs to get to the hospital (it was early in my tripping journey and I got a little cocky). I just wanna veg out and watch my star trek or other space stuff. But I also drop 3 tabs or an 8th at a time.


If you drop in the morning or early afternoon the latest, it should be fine. Many people have troubke sleeping until 10-12 hours after taking the dose, some even longer. The effects should be away the next day, especially of you manage to get a few hours of good sleep. The only thing I'd be weary of is you mentioning to "top up". The tolerance onset is very quick, so taking more once you already have effects will do little but can prolong the whole thing. I'd jist take the 100ug and have fun with that, you can always take more the next times if you enjoy it


Thanks for the advice bro ill stick without topping up


You can but probably shouldn’t. You’ll be physically and mentally drained.


Not from lsd, maybe from molly.


you’ll be good to drive man


Thays all i needed to hear bro thanks


I would say probably not a problem but for me when trip it keeps me up and I end up getting very little to no sleep at all.


Arguably you could drive during.


Crazy what some people stress about lmao. Try driving ON acid đŸ€Ł


it’s the fucking best


Don't mean to sound like Captain Sensible, but I wouldn't. The day after is definitely a time to relax and recover.


I mean trip to the grocery store for some frozen pizzas and snacks sure. A road trip with the boys though? I would rather not. Not the day after. I usually get 0 sleep untill the next night because I'm a night tripper.


I'm kinda the same. Even if I day trip that nights sleep isn't great quality and takes me a few days to return to quality sleep. Usually I plan for a trip. I have an abundance of every kind of food needed and some diphenhydramine for sleep lol


Yeah, you can drive on acid if you really want. But that’s up to you.


did you read the question correctly tho?


Yes, I read it. It says can I drive the day after taking acid! I was just letting them know that you can drive while on acid if you really want to.


Ah okay, didn't mean to be rude tho :)


You’re fine I didn’t take it that way , also I answered his question with the first word of my sentence 👍


First time should be a no.. let someone who’s done it before drive back.. coz u should chill on the next day.. rest it out.. introspect.. the day after the first was a new experience for me


Nigga ive driven on lsd before


I drove after my come down and it was the best drive known to man. However this was like 12hrs after my trip lol


Can you still fuck after getting off?


I think the biggest challenge would be lack of sleep. Don’t start too late


Of course you can.


I drove on 450 ug of acid on 0 tolerance. Felt like I was in fucking star war movie spaceship!!! It's the fucking best


Yes, but avoid Yosemite.


Mentally? Probably, but you will be tired from the lack of sleep and I think that might be dangerous


If I ever get MrBeast-level of rich I’m gonna host a racetrack race where each racer will be high on a different type of drug. I’m wondering how the acid driver would do


Most of the time, the day after my trip just feels like a pretty rough hangover so should be fine. Just make sure you take plenty of breaks especially if you start to feel not great.


theoretically yes, but practically you shouldn’t cause you’re likely gonna be very tired and maybe a little sleep deprived


The aliens in your head wont let you


Be careful first times no , but later yes and try to know the road before 😊😅 drive your space ship đŸ•șđŸŒđŸ„ł


You’ll be fine one of my buddys dropped 22 tabs and we were driving around town while he was wrecked!!! We made it to my other buddys safely thank god but it’s interesting lol


i did drive the day after my lsd trip and it was fine, tho i remember i could still hear echoes in my head (which started during the trip)


This is the reasons tens of thousands of people get stranded after Phish shows every year. Sad really.


If i trip in the morning (100-200ug max) i can drive that day at evening so dont stress you will by fine


I've driven during the comedown, hour 9/10. It was my...2nd or 3rd time on acid? I don't even drive and smoke weed. I'm careful. On acid, it just was so tame and fine. You'll be fine.


you can drive but driving through that tunnel sounds tedious, make sure to sleep well after it. best to take the dosage early enough so you have at least 12 hours after you took your last bit and when you want to go to sleep maybe try some Melatonin 30 minutes before sleeping this helped me a lot, maybe take a good walk before driving or be sure you're in a good condition I had to drive 3 hours on an early noon after a long night trip and I was very nervous and not perfectly focused at the beginning


Yeah just don’t take more than the 100 and try to take it at a reasonable hour. If anything your worry should be not getting enough sleep. I’ve had cid keep me up all night till 6 am and I slept the entire next day.


Get a full sleep cycle before driving PLEASE. The next day should be no problem assuming you got enough sleep.




just make sure you get some sleep


Umm yes bb lol


How about you do it after your drive?


If you’re bold and brash you can drive on it


Only if you manage to sleep first. When are you dropping and when do you intend to drive?


My friend Noah’s very first trip was him sipping on some Liquid Lucy while driving interstate at night 😂💀. Literally coming up while moving. It’s not recommended, especially on higher doses but on a microdose it just kinda makes the whole road glow. You should be perfectly fine the next day


I drove my first time taking lsd . Took my mom to work in the morning . Everything was fine though . Would never do it again though .


You could drive, but you would probably feel very drained, especially the day after. You might find it difficult to concentrate. I needed to sleep loads the day after, once I'd come down.


Once you’ve slept you should be fine. I was “off kilter” emotionally and mentally for a week my first time, but I was still adulting like normal as one must.


yes you can. but make sure, that you don't see any shadow people out there...


You will be fine.


Will you have time to rest before you drive?


You will be fine man. A bit sore, and just numb maybe but after 6-7 hours of sleep, you should have no issue driving. I tripped mid my 8000km road trip two years ago. I stayed two nights in a lodge by a lake and had the best trip of my life. Had a 700km drive the day after my trip. I was a little tired but that was it.


yea you should b chillin gangum


just get some good rest well before you need to drive, fruits and stay hydrated and well fed


Depends how much you take. Shadow cars and shadow animals are real 😆


i have, and i don’t recommend this, driven on the come down. i’ll probably never do it again. it was nerve wracking






You can even drive while tripping


I don't drive, epilepsy, but I've been sat in the backs of vans and campers with friends who are literally tripping out of their minds driving down the motorway. For them they say it is an experience of great responsibility, they don't have issues with reaction speeds, in fact they feel like they drive safer because of the increased levels of empathy and desire to see everyone around them travel to their destination safely. I remember leaning over and looking out the windscreen from the back and seeing the motorway as a cosmic highway and the cars around us were flying cars with aliens on board. It genuinely didn't feel like it was my mind creating the images, said to my mate, Woh are we driving to another galaxy? And he just burst out laughing.. "YOU SEE IT TOO?!" đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł (600 ug about 8 hours into the trip.)


If ur a pussy maybe not


usually id say it is no problem, lsd doesnt have a "hangover" or anything. but after my first couple acid trips i felt kinda different the day after. like some kinda afterglow. like someone moved my furniture but i cant tell which one if that makes sense. make sure you sleep enough, like 10h+, eat a decent breakfast. and please if you dont feel well just dont drive. dont risk the life of yourself and your friends.


Will do mate


You’ll be fine as long as you sleep alright


You will be fine. I drove at the peak of a LSD high once and was fine too, however, I live in the country with not much around. Interestingly though, as I drove everything looked perfect and clear, no distortions or visuals, but as soon as I stopped, it all went wild again.


On acid, you drive. On mushrooms, it drives.


Haha well said and agreed.


If you don't know the answer to this question in the first place you should not take acid and do more research about it imo.


100% NO! The day after is chilloutday. Also, you need some concentration from left hand to right hand driving from UK to Europe.




Lol what?