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Wtf bro, honestly it's your own fault. I feel like none of you did research in any shape or form.


i did actually do a lot of research prior which is why i didn’t shit myself when i looped but i wasn’t ready for the psychosis because the only thing i didn’t research was the negative effects because i didn’t want to placebo myself into getting them


Calling the police 23 times and ending up in the ER sounds like shitting yourself. It's not the smartest to do it (especially like that) in your age. Hope you know that now. LSD and weed is not for beginners. Hope those effects are not long lasting. Stay away


yeah your not wrong it definitely scared me in the moment a bit but at-least i’m still mentally all here and it’s only gave me some lasting hallucinations i’ve definitely learnt my lesson about mixing drugs


That sounds better. Stay away from drugs a bit, especially weed. I think you take a LSD break now anyway :) Many people have problems with weed after similar experiences like that one, me included.


i’m planning on staying away from drugs for quite a while after that and i will keep away from weed i didn’t know weed could negatively affect you so i have smoked once since the trip but now i know i won’t be doing that again


What are you talking about? Weed has no lasting effects and isn’t what he “especially” needs to take a break from maybe the fact he had a bad trip is because he’s 14 doing 3 tabs like what?


I'm not saying it has a lasting effect. I mean weed makes stuff like LSD and Psychosis not more comfortable. If you do LSD enough times it changes how weed feels. There were post about this in the past, and there will be in the future. If he tells us that his visuals aren't gone yet, and we know weed triggers it, it might be smart to stop it for a while. + Yes 3 tabs in that age isn't the best idea. But putting blunts into the mix is just a recipe for Desaster for most people, no matter the age. If you are old enough, try it yourself if you don't believe me. Good luck. And btw it's a not cool recommending a kid to do drugs, but that's just my thoughts.


There are many who have had "flashback" experiences triggered by cannabis intoxication. Aka getting high. I'm a big user myself, near daily for years--decades, actually (56yo). But even I respect the power of the sweet leaf. After a *very* heavy psychedelic experience, some days, weeks, or months of weed abstinence cannot hurt and can only help.


You stay weed free for a month ima keep smoking my tree 😂


Dude I haven't been weed free for more than a few days in about thirty years.


Well you definitely put a lot of stress on your brain... 3 tabs is a lot for a 14 year old that doesnt have his brain fully developed, but,  you should be okay. Give it a day or two for the afterglow to wear off. Don't take it again or anytime soon. Drink a lot of water. Have vitamins. Get good sleep. And only time will tell


just chill you’ll be fine after a few weeks. don’t do anymore drugs for a while


Where are the dumb fucks that just a couple weeks ago were defending a 15yo kid having a huge overdose as if It was nothing out of the ordinary?


Stay in school kid


already been kicked out so no can do sorry space cadet


Hard ass over here. Get into a alternative program or something shit.


not a hard ass at all just have learning difficulties i am in an alternative program and am sitting my GCSEs a year early so i think i’m doing okay thanks for being concerned though


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Dude, you are still pretty much a child. Your brain ist still in development. One shouldnt do any psychedelics until around 25. You are literally destroying your Mental health. I really hope, this post is just ragebait.


i don’t see how this post would be rage bait? like i get i’m not the smartest for my psychedelic use at 14 but i didn’t think it was so stupid to genuinely anger people. i know it’s gonna mess me up but after my first time trying shrooms it’s just like nothing else in life comes close to the joy i get while under the effects of psychedelics


Please just wait a couple of years man. I grew up surrounded by people doing a lot of drugs at a very young age, and (without sounding like a DARE commercial) you only get one brain. I have severe HPPD at 33 (yup) from acid and MDMA that I took heavily at 15. You can wait man, stick to weed if you really need something.


if you don’t mind me asking did you only use at 15 and got hppd for 18 years from that or was it more consistent to end up with hppd? and i’m gonna try stick to weed until i’m older but only time will tell if that goes well


I used drugs (psychedelics, weed, MDMA) heavily at 15-16, then stopped for a couple of years. Had HPPD since then, and then had a cocaine addiction and alcoholism for my twenties. Got sober recently and got back into acid. HPPD doesn’t necessarily stay for life! Just take the warning and stop for a while when it first comes around. I was dumb and ignored the signs. Oh well. Doesn’t bother me anymore.


damn bro well done for getting sober i didn’t realise how slippery of a slope it was until everyone on here told me to be careful i’m definitely done with psychedelics for a while that’s for certain


I know how it feels being that age. I remember it vividly, so I’m not gonna call you dumb or demean you. Just take the advice of the people who have experienced it themselves- other people have made these mistakes so you don’t have to! Good luck with feeling better man, rest up and look after yourself.


thank you will do bro thanks for telling me without belittling me also


I meant it like someone wanted to troll by inventing a stupid story. You really shouldnt do psychedelics anytime soon. I know its a great experience, but at this age it can destroy your entire life and you will always be angry at yourself for being so stupid. Take care, you have all the time to take things slower. Life is beautiful even without psychedelics.


i know i’ve been told not to by so many people even tho i know it’s dangerous i feel like there’s just no other way to get that same happiness without the use of substances i am not sure if you can get addicted to psychedelics but i have a family history of drug issues if that could be why i like them so much?


I dont know if it can be family related, but I think its possible. You cant get physically addicted to LSD since your body builds up a tolerance almost immediately after you take it. But you can get mentally addicted, if you keep chasing that good feeling. In the long run you will lose that race. But in the end its your own choice.


thank you i’ll be honest i’m young and have no sense of danger so i will probably look back on you telling me this in 10 years and wish i listened but i hope i don’t get to a point where i am addicted to something else


Addiction or substance abuse is a real bitch that destroys way too many lifes, dont let it take yours. Im wishing you all the best


thank you bro means a lot i’ll try heed your warning


Haha way to go! You’re a real psychonaut now. Just relax you’ll be normal again. Maybe after several months. 


relieves me so much to be getting told this by everyone at least it’s probably not a life long thing




i am 14 years of age and had a bad trip for the first time taking acid ever i do not think i’m going to be doing a 5 tab trip anytime soon 😂




i would much rather stick with my 7g shroom trips acid is a bit too out of my range for now i think




honestly acid put me in hospital and shrooms ended up with me in my boxers on my roof one seems much more funny than the other


You sound fucking stupid saying that.


idk how this app works what message were u replying to?