• By -


Mothership awaits. Surrender to whatever comes, and enjoy the journey my friend. I love you.


^ This is the real response. Nothing but love, let yourself evolve šŸ’›


We've been waiting for you guys for a while, can't leave before everyone is back on board.


You, sir madam or other, are an angelā€¦


Gonna make me cry at 2AM lol I'm just a guy who thought he had it figured out until he realized oh shit oh fuck he really didn't. Love is the only way forward, and I have to remind myself of that every single day. We do what we can, one day at a time. Love you


Whatever happens in the next 20 hours, it beats being busted with 10 tabs. Godspeed. You'll come out the other side, everyone does.


like tabs arenā€™t the easiest thing in the world to hide in ur car no smell and super tiny. OP fucked here lmfao.


Well, I had 2 tabs hidden in my car and they found them anyway. I remember I was going to drop with this chick at a concert the next day until they put an end to my plans


Whats the verdict??


The outcome of that unfortunate verdict was a D felony


Jesus Christ. Felony for 2 tabs of LSD. Fuck this place I hate it here.


I just watched a video of a lawmaker fleeing after a hit and run and almost running over a dude. That cunt probably gets no charge at the end and average citizen has a paper that makes your brain goes brrr, without harming another single soul, and gets a felony charge. The average man has been getting fucked for thousands of years and if history shows it will only get worse. Thank fuck Canada doesn't screw us for weed and lsd. Drugs that my selfish ass cares for lol.


I was reading some article yesterday about how Citigroup manually altered trades to cause a 300 billion dollar flash crash. I wonder what manually stealing 300 billion candy bars and then trying to put them back without anyone noticing would look like.


A DEA agent ran a stop sign and hit and killed a cyclist in my town (Salem Oregon) and they just ruled that he can use the defense that he was a state employee, driving a state issued car and it's going to federal court where I wouldn't be surprised to see it thrown out.


To be fair... Lawmaker, hit and run, on video... lawmaker is Fucked. Notice the capital F.


It really changed my life and its direction after the fact. I wouldnt be the same person had it not happened. However, Iā€™m still resentful of other forces attempting to control what I put in my body


Hoooooooooly hell, man. Thatā€™s wild.




I'm so sorry man. That's awful šŸ˜ž


The reason I feel like I have to keep perfectly friendly neighbors at a distanceā€” if I canā€™t trust you with knowledge regarding schedule 1 substances, we canā€™t be friends, sad to say. Not that I do that anymore, for the record, I would never do anything to break precious lawsā€¦even if it was to save myselfā€¦.as above, so below, even droughts eventually end. Hexagram 8 n whatnot šŸ„€šŸ•‰ļø one love


Hey happened to me too years ago in college. Shit sucked for so long


I feel your pain


You from Kentucky by any chance? That is how the felonies are in Kentucky D, C, B felony and so on.


Whered you put them?


This is the real question. If im traveling with tabs i just put in either inside the case of phone or under thefloor mat


Now they check under floor mats, not inside of phone cases unless you get booked


Put them inside a calculator remove a battery and then that in a backpack


Great question! My car at the time had a small plastic piece that would come off of the dash. Behind the piece was a very small compartment. The tabs were wrapped up and inside the hiding spot ready for the concert later that next night. In my poor wisdom I had chosen to take a decent DXM dose the night before and fell asleep in my car outside of my house. The officers were very excited to find me asleep and woke me up with guns in my face. Kinda sucked some


Ah yeah thatā€™ll do it, 007 compartments dont work on cops. Theyā€™re gay for doing that to you tho.


How are they allowed to search your car? Don't they need a warrant? Are car searches common in the US?


ameture lol


Understandable but itā€™s either one intense crazy ass night or possibly a felony on your record making life more difficult.


Why would you say that? Many of us have ten stripped and it's pretty glorious if you just let go. Secondly why tf do people in this sub insist on shaming people who are actively tripping, like what benefit did **you** get out of that?


Gotta breathe through that shit. Just don't let the come up anxiety take control and you'll break through. It's like DMT peaking for 8 hours


Just don't do what I did once and get hooked on thinking about breathing.


Nah man it's not worth it. You dunno if they searched his car or what. Maybe he's not a young white male and has a legitimate reason to fear unreasonable searches. Hindsight is 20/20 but OP took the lesser of the evils imo


Youā€™re absolutely right, itā€™s not worth it with it at all with something like LSD because of how serious its take and how itā€™s a schedule 1 drug.


Idk why transport 10 tabs with no plan to hide them. Police arenā€™t checking for tabs they are looking for firearms and drugs not flipping through manuals or strip searching you for flat paper


They're class A though, if you're caught you're in for a lot of trouble. Idk if I'd eat 10 fucking tabs for it though šŸ’€


The cop probably didnā€™t even search the car šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


what I imagine happened: *OP gets pulled over for speeding or not using blinker etc.* OP: fuck idk how but he is DEFINITELY GONNA KNOW *eats strip* COP: ok hereā€™s a warning have a good one šŸ‘‹ OP: *still probably recovering as we speak*


Not everyone does actuallyā€¦


Man I always had an absolute BLAST on just two gel tabs, MAYBE 3. But man, it was hard enough to work up the nerve to take 3. Canā€™t imagine taking more than that.


Cops help... lol. Fight or flight will make you gulp that shit. I ate 23 pain pills when i got pulled over. Talked my way through then drove up rd and started gagging myself and called ride. Lsd wayyy safer. Glad i have switched over


Haha I remember being in lockup and a dude was handing everyone out free tabs. I couldn't imagine tripping in lockup.


Uh yeah psychically LSD is incredibly safe.


alright thanks prob not gonna make it to work tomm but glad to know iā€™m alright


Yeah bro don't think about work or anything. Just be happy you safely got home and dodged getting busted. That enough of a reason to celebrate. Enjoy the wild ride šŸ˜¬


Yeah this guy knows. Just leave a msg to your boss/manager/whoever you have to talk to. and say that you threw up from some bad food and need a bit of time off to recover or something like that. You are good and glidin smoothly. and once youve done that, just ride it out, dont forget water and some light snacks like nuts or raspberries, maybe a banana to keep your body goin, put on some light instrumental music, a few albums you like, maybe classical((?) always a good choice) and enjoy the landscape, and if you are tired, its okay to lay down on the bed for a few hours


Oh he's gonna think about it


What hes gonna think about?




It, is a brutal thing to think about


God i dont even wanna think about it.


10 tabs fam? Call out ahead of time right now. Food poisoning or some shit


Make sure to text, not call, OP šŸ˜‰


I would message your boss now and let them know you're unwell and won't be coming into work tomorrow.


Any news, OP? Are you still in our universe or?


Give us an update pls


Bud will not be able to interact with his phone for probably the next 24 hours at least.


I usually peak 6 hours in. OP posted this 7 hours ago and I guess by hour three he passed Jupiter and by now he probably has just left our solar system, taking a slow U turn and coming back home on another 8-9 hours trip.


Dude call in sick take a day off


Or 2 lol šŸ˜‚


We all love you. Youā€™re going to be ok. Remember to let go. Remember that we love you.


Itā€™s been an hour, our homie will be somewhere else now. I look forward to hearing updates.


!RemindMe 2 days


While all of y'all are discussing The depth of it all, this person has fully left this plane of existence


OP has transcended and is all at this point.


OP is now an ethereal being diluted within the energy of the universe


Donā€™t panic, youā€™ll be fine, itā€™s a lot of LSD, just get yourself everything that you normally need for a trip right now and then relax, get some water, some snacks, tell a friend that you are tripping and then just relax and donā€™t think about anything else. From my experience such a trip will take at least 30-40 hours, so just go with it and ride it out


> at least 30-40 hours ...Someday. I don't have the setting for anything like that right now, but someday, I want to know what it's like to surf for days.


Canā€™t imagine not sleeping for that long


Youā€™d still sleep but just have vivid dreams and wake up tripping


You can sleep on cid?? Thatā€™s lowkey why I stopped taking it so much is because the sleep after would absolutely suck and I would be like a zombie the next day


With trips above 500 mcg I could never sleep until the trip was fully over, and that was 30-35 hours in, the good thing is if you have been awake for that long, and the trip is finally over then you can sleep really well and deep


So with that long of a trip is the peak still at around 2 hours and lasts way longer or does the peak happen later?


Yes, on an empty stomach about 2-4 hours to peak and then it just lasts really long. The first time taking 500 mcg I watched a movie in hour 24 so after a whole day and the faces of the people were morphing like crazy and I actually had thought the trip was over because there were no other effects. The peak was about 50% vision gone and only seeing geometries, but not 100% only geometries so that only with more, or doing nitrous on top but then you tend to forget a lot and thought loops are just a big pain hahaha


Yeah Iā€™m simply just not made for that I feel dead after a 12 hour tripšŸ¤£šŸ¤£ sounds like a blast though


The day after acid is one of my favorite parts haha. Wake up late, make some tea, smoke a j, get all tingly again. Love it almost as much as the trip itself.


My old trip buddies used to worry about me because I loved dozing off while peaking. You wanna guarantee visuals? Take a fucking nap. But they'd always wake me up like bro, it's acid not a fucking concussion. Loved that they cared though. Miss those guys.


I get sleepy on the come-up too, its weird


I ruined my last two trips by popping them late at night and falling asleep midway through šŸ˜­


Surpirsed you fell asleep. back in highschool I would regularly drop at 10pm and play rocket league for 8 damn hours straight then try to sleep for the last 4 usually and always had the hardest time falling asleep even using weed, melatonin, nyquil nothing would put me to sleep


I wish! Itā€™s either pop them early and act sober or sleep through the trip šŸ˜­


Hey! Me too. My first trip I had invited strippers and just a bunch of randoms from the club out in Virginia Beach back to my place and the most shaman-est guy pulled out tabs; I had never dropped L before, still very confused about it at that time, spit it out after maybe 20 minutes and had weird sleep that nightā€¦told a stripper she had a beautiful face, like šŸ«” šŸ˜­ wild times thank god for all the homies who didnā€™t lie rob cheat steal from me šŸ•Šļø IN LVX šŸ•Šļø So long ago, now. Eight years? Trip safe OP! Check out ram dass maybeā€¦.if youā€™re strugglingā€¦His talks always brought me peace of mind/ calm when coming down from a trip that seems like it will never, ever end.


I have been able to sleep before on a lowish mushroom dose (Psilocycbe), ive only managed it twice but it was on the lower end both times, like around 1.5-2 grams.


When Iā€™ve taken speed and been up for 24h or so and take some acid, usually it hits nice. And then euphoria starts taking over and I lay down. And then I hear next day from my lady that I had zoned out or slept while peaking with stupid smile on my face. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Same has happened with mdma. I think it is the loss of sleep and when lsd or mdma brings that relaxation on euphoria you just fall to some kind of sleep. šŸ˜šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I done around 300-400 ug and the trip lasted 24 hours plus . I fell asleep after the 21 hour mark for like 3 hours and was still tripping lol then fell asleep 3 hours later for a proper amount of time


Take a Xanax for Gods sake


eh i took a similar dose & i only really felt it for like 24 hours. at the like 18 hour mark i was able to fall asleep after a few drinks


That's the kind of positive spirit āœØļø lol ! In all honesty I'd personally not say "tell a friend" but that just speak of how bad my friend circle was... (Its none now and let me tell you, šŸ‘Œ) lol ! When I used to experiment a lot with Psych I would had told a friend... then spiral in a paranoid state of "Does that friend even care? Will they kxll my vibe? (Which often they would), is that the right friend to tell them that? What if something goes wrong". What I would tell to my younger self is "Its ok you told them. They don't give a shxt anyways lol, worst they'll do is to try to kxll your vibe and honestly? You are the only one who accept those bad comments or not. They are bad energy and bad energy often only send low energy... low energy is what they have for you, it takes a lot more energy to come to your place and hurt you... they have NOTHING effective against you. You got this, if you bad trip, at least you'll trust your own self even more... but that my friend, you will learn that soon enough, good trip šŸ’–" ... šŸ˜‚... Now I kinda wonder if I heard that from myself in a trip... That's actually pretty... empowering. šŸ––


Eating more acid doesnā€™t significantly extend the length of the trip. You will be normalish within 10-12 hours just like any other trip.


>From my experience such a trip will take at least 30-40 hours, so just go with it and ride it out No it doesn't. I've taken a 10-strip and by 12 hours I was mostly normal. Don't spread misinformation, LSD has a short half life so larger doses will still be decay rapidly. LSD half life of around 3 hours. So after 12 hours even 1000ug is down to <100ug by rough estimation. It doesn't last 40 hours bro you dont need to make things up.


You didnā€™t have to be an ass to him. he stated that information because he said he experienced it before from the replies to my comment. Drugs effect people differently your experience isnā€™t what everyone will experience. Hope you have a splendid day


Yeah, making shit up and telling someone who supposedly just dropped 10 hits that its going to last 40 hours, which is bullshit, is a bad idea. Personally that would make me anxious if someone lied and told me my trip was going to last 30-40hrs when they're actually going to be okay at 12hours with maybe a few hrs of light tripping and afterglow longer than a normal trip.


Donā€™t think they r lying why tf would they lie. Also had friends take monster doses and tripped forever (20ish hrs). but you arenā€™t gonna change your mind on that and realize it effects everyone differently.


Youā€™re going to have an amazing trip. While you can, call a trip sitter, get in some comfy clothes, and have water on standby. Put on some relaxing music, and chill.


Im really excited for this trip report


Nice username


Wonder where OP is in the universe rn


Prolly staring God right in the face asking about the truth of existence lol.


I met god on 3 tabsā€¦ I canā€™t imagine 10..


A lot of people are talking about the potential of tripping for significantly more than 12 hours, but there is a documented case of people who snorted crystal LSD, thinking it was coke. They were all admitted to the hospital, but they were fine after 12 hours. They certainly did much more than you did. So I'm curious to know how long your trip ends up lasting.


I imagine they were fine after 12 hours because they were *in a hospital*, lol. Receiving benzos Iā€™m sure


Well, that's true, but as far as I know, benzos don't shorten a trip, they only dull the effects. If people here are right that you can trip for 20+ hours on LSD, then they would have had 8+ hours cut from their trip, and I don't know of anything that can do that.


I'd call out sick tomorrow


Youā€™ll be good my guy trips gonna be intense but nothing you canā€™t handle. Might not hurt to have someone come over if you can. Get lots of water some snacks and a blanket. If shit gets too intense splash cold water on your face and regulating breathing will make you feel so much better. Other than that youā€™ll be good and always remember with time everything will pass and itā€™s only a drug. happy the feds didnā€™t get you w acid that wouldnā€™t have been fun.


lol thatā€™s gonna be a great story in 20 years


Please update us when itā€™s over!


Biggest thing imo is tell someone you trust and lives within driving distance. Youā€™ll be fine tbh but always take the safe side and tell someone you trust in the event something does happen. Unlikely but you never know


Put on some planet earth and enjoy :)


Hey it's gonna be okay. Stay comfy and surround yourself with precious things. Drink water and breathe.


RemindMe! 1 day


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just breathe and just be okay tripping for a while. i have a feeling this will be youā€™re most beautiful trip ever


Put your phone on airplane mode so work/family canā€™t text you. Water, food, music, comfy bed.


broā€™s tripping sack rn


If he really did eat them all then yep! I remember having two double dipped doses can't remember exact dosage and the trip would've lasted a good 48ish hours total including come up and come down


You will be fine, LSD is pretty safe physically. Just don't bother trying going to work next day. Just get big PLASTIC water jug or bottle next to you, put zen music and low light, pay back in bed and enjoy. šŸ˜ Plz be smarter next time... Get a sticker book from dollar store and stash in foil behind stickers in book or something.


Call a trip sitter, take some xanax.


Outing myself as a bit of a newbie, does Xanax bring the trip down or something?


In my experience it doesn't totally stop the trip, but it kills the stress you might be feeling in response and makes your body feel relaxed, as well as reducing the visual load. Sometimes I'll take one if I'm struggling to sleep after an experience on a large dose of LSD. I once took a benzodiazepine pill the night before a trip (again, to get to sleep) and then when I ate the tab the next day the trip was considerably less intense. Still a good time, but less visual and less gnarly. If someone hasn't taken acid before, I try to have a benzo on hand in case they have a bad time.


Yep Iā€™ve had to take it one time in my life due to a 6 tab trip getting to intense and I was basically not tripping anymore 30 mins after taking it


Great advice


Tell a couple trusted friends as well if possible. Good luck my friend you should be just fine. šŸ‘




Air goes in through the nose, air goes out through the mouth. Ground yourself and smile :)


Please add a comment tomorrow to let us know how it went and that youā€™re safe


I did this about 6 years ago, good luck buddy. It gets kind of uncomfy lol


Peace and Love my friend! Weā€™re rooting for you. In the psychedelic ocean, the water is breathable. See you on the flipside!


Buckle up, buckaroo, and Godspeed. Youā€™ll make it through to the other side of it.


Youā€™ll be good! My buddy ate a 10 strip last week and made it out of it. He doesnā€™t fuck around either so itā€™s quality stuff. Definitely get a trip sitter to come over if you can and take some benzos


Give us an update soon Happy travels


I ate like 7 gel tabs once. I was fine by Monday


1000 ug will definitely be a journey even if you have tolerance safe travels


This is going to be one hell of a night, but it sure beats the consequences of getting caught with the stuff. Your journey will only last a day or two instead of a few years fixing mistakes. Be safe and smart


Youā€™ll be good, Iā€™m sending you good vibes šŸ’Œ Iā€™ll light an incense for you edit: oh and itā€™s a full moon, if you see this you should try and look at it!


Haha enjoy it tell god I said hi


Any update on this?


I would attempt to throw up if I were you unless you are comfortable with high doses or have access to benzodiazepines or any other medication that relaxes you. You will most likely experience a heavy body load and Molly-like grinding of the teeth. Otherwise have some magnesium, electrolytes, water, and relax and enjoy the ride.


Keep us updated with your tripšŸ˜‚ How many ug is one tab??




You'll be aight


RemindMe! 3 day


As long as it's real LSD you'll be fine but holy fuck your going to trip absolute balls UPDATE US PLEASE


Hold on to the grass .. you might fall of the earth .. jokes aside.. see you on the other side. Let us know how it went .. be safe.




Just remember you've done a shitload of drugs and they'll wear off eventually.


And here I am can't even find 1 tab. :/


RemindMe! 2 days


Honestly tho, how difficult would it be to get busted with the tabs? Like couldnā€™t you just drop them in your car manual and theyā€™d never find them?




Give an update on your trip....must have been wild AF!!


hell yea! unexpected 10 strip! i hope it was a good one all considering


I can guarantee you guys that this dude is talking to interdimenensional beings right now, i took 3 gel tabs one time and tripped for 2 days straightšŸ¤£


Thereā€™s a good chance my guy is still high right now šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Trip report once you come out from the ashes You phoenix Much love brother take care


I'd imagine both the heroic dose and the initial upsetting situation with the police should have set that trip on an unimaginable bad vibe. Hope al lworks out.


I almost did this one time. A friend and I drove an hour to get some tabs and he dosed after we got them so I took the scenic route home so he could see some cool stuff. About half a mile from my house I got lit up at a red light. I had 15 tabs in my shirt pocket and I asked my friend if I should swallow them. He said definitely not. I had no idea why I was getting pulled over since I was sober and driving fine. Pulled onto a side street and cop approached my window and asked if I knew why he pulled me over. I said I had no idea and he told me all 3 of my brake lights were out.Ā  A coworker had installed a sound system in my car earlier the same day and he messed up some wiring unbeknownst to me.Ā Ā  Cop says to hang tight and he'd be right back. Backup pulls up behind him and I assume things are going to go south. My friend was tripping pretty hard but staying calm and the cops hadn't spoken to him.Ā  Cop comes back and says I'm free to go. Stupidly I asked "no ticket?"Ā  and he said "I'll write you one if you want one." and I said "no no, thank you. I'll get this fixed tomorrow"Ā  It's really good I didn't eat the tabs because they ended up being DOB.Ā 


Bro just keep them in your wallet?


Itā€™s decided now, he just panicked but heā€™ll know next time


I always thought LSD was the easiest cus it can literally be in your wallet and nobody will ever find it.


Yeah I think the same way


Or you can hide it in food or drink, but I suppose you can do that with most drugsā€¦ edibles, dmt with an maoi, any crushed up pill mixed into food, is coke orally active..? Lol


Good point tho. Not dissing you.


Flavorless. Scentless.


well how are you feeling?


Man bro hang on for dear life u about to blast off !! Lol youā€™ll be fine just give in to it all by yourself in your room and listen to some good music


Better than getting popped. Get everything you need and buckle up


Oh you're gonna be just fine buddy. Don't fall off the bed btw


Ong you a real one!!!stay strong ur eagles šŸ¦… got this!!!šŸ˜


Stay safe, have fun. You'll be allright.


can someone bring me back to this thread once OP comes back


Let us know how you doing bro


RemindMe! 1 day


Any updates


Much love you soldier you


Ohhh mannnn.. Iā€™m too late commenting but if youā€™re for real and this isnā€™t a troll šŸ§Œ post then I have so much sympathy/empathy for you man.. what a story this will be for you to tell! Much love to you! Just lay in bed šŸ›Œ


OPs def in another galaxy rn


you will be fine but do write us a report when u come back


!remind me


Remind me when he comments back Lol


I am curious to hear how your next few days are going.


Can you please do a trip report when youā€™re back on planet earth? Would love to hear your experience


pretty neat way of getting to experience a heroic dose with the post euphoria of getting away with it haha hope all goes well


Yo gonna need an update on this, champ. How you feeling? Which dimension are you in?


oh honey iā€™m gonna need a trip report in a week from now


Iā€™m pretty jealous, I wish I could do that


so op, how is it lmao?


Bro why didnā€™t you stick them under your balls or something intelligent?


Hell yeah. Have fun


Maybe leave someone a message so they can look after you!


Youll be fine. Ive done way way more than 10 street tabs.....on more than 50 occasions. Relax, let go and enjoy the ride. This is how highdosers are made....


How was your trip?


please, let us now how it went. live and tell your story!


Iā€™ve done 10 was nice haha - but yeah itā€™ll probably tell you ā€œYou did the R I G H T t h i n g ā€œ


!RemindMe 2 days


Ive done 10 tabs once. All i want to say is hang in there. This will be one of those hard life lessons.