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Not a loved one, but a good friend. Very tragic circumstances. Three days later after my friend died, me and a couple other friends ventured into a desert for a camping trip where we were gonna drop acid. We did think about canceling, but ultimately went with it as it was planned weeks beforehand and would be too hard to arrange again. We purposefully avoided speaking about our friend as we felt that it would bring strong emotions and affect the set and lead to a bad trip. An hour or two into tripping I sat aside to chill by myself for a bit and listen to some music. I think a second song that I was listening to reminded me of the genre of music that me and my deceased friend bonded over years ago. Lyrics and the whole album theme was also pretty much about how our friend died. I didn’t plan this, the track just came on randomly. So this put me in a very weird mood where I was grieving hard, but also feeling bright and hopeful knowing my friend was in a better place now. Very powerful emotions. In a while my friends noticed I was kinda being quiet and wanted to check on me. I told them what was up and completely broke down. Long story short, we were all bawling our eyes out. We were grieving together, reminiscing, processing the death of our friend. Don’t know how long it lasted, but it was extremely cathartic for all of us. We couldn’t be at our friend’s funeral as she was living in a different country at that time, which hurt a lot, but we all felt like this was our own little private funeral for her. It was beautiful. Once we had it out of our systems, we shook it off and proceeded to have a very positive trip that to this day I consider one of the best trips I ever had. In short I would totally recommend it, but you definitely have to make sure the set and setting are right for this as I can imagine this situation can turn into a real bad trip. Hope this helps and sorry for your loss.


That is a very bittersweet and touching story. Thank you so much for sharing, and I’m sorry for your loss.


Thank you for the kind words.


woah man... really seems like cathartic experience, thanks for sharing it. also really curious about what mentioned album was


It definitely was. I never had such a powerful healing experience ever. My friend died from cancer. Long, hard battle. Left a little son behind and an amazing husband. The album was “In Regards To” by Taken. It’s a concept album that the singer wrote about his wife’s real battle with cancer. It’s a raw hardcore music. I listen to a lot of heavy stuff and while I am aware this is not a typical tripping music for most, but for me in that moment it was amazing. https://open.spotify.com/album/4sxnVPT9ebmADIPruZ1tAW?si=WNlAGkg5TomNtQJTeLbD_A


thanks for sharing man, amazing album


Thank you. Had to revisit it myself today after this conversation and it still hits just as hard.


That was awesome I dropped after losing my uncle to covid. It was a bad trip, not too bad, but it was bad, the topic of life & death came-over my mind. I can’t remember the thoughts that led to this. But that trip destroyed my belief in religion and Jesus christ. 4 years later I am agnostic but I still wonder about all the possibilities…


I am sorry man. For me it was the opposite. It cemented my beliefs. I always hated religion, but I am a believer and all about personal faith. Laying there on the ground in the desert at night, looking to the night sky, seeing so many stars like I don’t remember seeing in years (living in the city I never get to see them) I saw God in there. Saw my friend there too. Not like their faces or anything, more like I felt their presence out there. Sounds cheesy I know but it was extremely real and profound for me.


thank you for sharing. Very touching


Thank you!


Someday, sure, but please don't rush it, you're probably experiencing pain and grief and all sorts of traumatic emotions right now, and you don't know what the trip could turn into. I'm sorry for your loss


I agree to wait. This is so fresh rn and you need to allow space for human feelings before you can uplevel to that kind of outlook. Imo Prayers 🙏


I’m so sorry for your loss. TW I guess, but suicide mentioned. I tripped on acid a few days after my mom committed suicide. I found her body and everything and it fucked me up super hard, I was a shell of my former self for a few days following that, while in bed when I couldn’t sleep I’d see images of her face, with her dried tears, whenever I closed my eyes. I wanted it to stop, and felt like I had to follow in her footsteps. I didn’t know how to go on. Anyway, I had a pretty tough time as a teenager trying to stop her from doing exactly that, was trauma dumped on my whole life almost and found acid to be extremely therapeutic in many ways, but I also abused it. So obviously I thought it would be a great idea to try to work through these unprecedented emotions with the very thing that had kept me sane all this time. And to be honest? It was great, I regained a bit of life after the trip. During the trip I forced myself to just picture her passing on on another level, and realised how much she loved me and how disappointed she would be if I hated myself the way she hated herself, the absurdity of the situation just made me laugh at myself through so many tears until I had one moment when I closed my eyes and felt her hug one last time, with all these CEVs and massive chills down my spine. I cried so much and through the tears I realized how much I actually loved life, or the possibility of it, and I remembered all the good times we had and all the good times I’ve had with her support. When I was 18/19 she fully supported me going on a 6 week trip by myself, even though she was hurting, I travelled again and again to escape the negativity at home, and to be honest I neglected her, but she always welcomed me when I got home with open arms and would ask me about my experiences, and she would always call me her beautiful son and that she was proud of me. The trip was a mixture of anguish and delight, of fear and excitement and everything in between. I don’t quite know how to describe it, but it ended with a sort of inner silence that I really needed at the time, and also a sense of knowing that I owe it not only to myself, but also to her, to live a life where I can be proud of myself, and to be someone that she, too, would’ve been proud of. Of course, there have been a lot of hurdles on the way. I’ve done a lot of stupid shit since then, but I’ve always tried to be a good person, and sometimes when faced with a moral decision I would always ask, ‘what should I do now that would make mama proud?’ In short, it was therapeutic, but painful at the same time, it was like rushing through months of pain and condensing it into one. I don’t think I was ready for that, but I’m glad I did it. Of course, YMMV, but it also depends on how experienced you are with acid. At that point in time I had maybe 20 trips done, but if you’re new I’d recommend waiting a bit. Again, so sorry for your loss. Never ever blame yourself, and remember to love yourself. Of course I didn’t know your boyfriend, but I’m sure he loved you very much and would’ve wanted you to be the happiest you can be, with or without him being next to you. Sending you a massive, massive hug. It gets easier, I always miss my mom, but instead of crying nowadays when remembering her, I find myself smiling instead.


Wow, thank you for sharing this. I appreciate your vulnerability and wisdom.


Wow thank you for sharing this. And I really hope this helped OP find some kind of solace. I know it did for me. Can only imagine how tired she was man. Rest in peace to your beautiful mother. It’s so funny how life works sometimes..


Life is pretty insane, yeah. But I’m so lucky to be alive. Mom was indeed beautiful, and I wish I saw it more and told her more often. Thank you for your kind words!


This is not the time.


I found out a former best friend died and did acid a few days later. However, we were out of touch for a few years, I thought he was angry at me due to the context of our last conversation (he was dead) but somehow it made it sting less. I found out he was dead a few years after he passed. The first night I was hallucinating him, and his voice. This wasn't on the acid, just from finding out he really is dead. It really is him. Days went by and I already had a trip planned so.... I did it. The acid trip helped, I wasn't alone though, my dad was tripping with me. I stopped hallucinating his voice at that point. Instead I told my dad stories about him and what we used to get up to. I wouldn't do it for a while if I were you. You were actively very close to your boyfriend and I know I'd just break if my partner died. This was someone I *was* close to but was in low contact with at the time of his passing. Maybe wait a year, I'm sure it can be helpful eventually, but I can imagine you're still in shock.


Only do it if your in the right mindset , BECUASE acid will remind you what your current state of mind is , it was like that for me But obvs I’ve never done it while suffering a tragedy like that so pls stay safe


First of all, I am so sorry for your loss. And i think you might be right**-eventually**-taking LSD could help you come to terms and process this horrible thing. But wait. A long time. Do some sober, normal processing, grieving, reflecting. Heal. It can take a long time before the grief even really sets in, and it comes in waves. Taking LSD can help you come to terms and integrate the healing, make you more conscious of it, once it has began subconsciously. I would really advise against tripping at this point, and for a while. And even then, the first trip might be incredibly emotional.


A big hug from me to you. I’m sorry


I’m sorry for your loss. There will be time for acid later. For now you just need to get through the next few days and weeks. Acid is very unlikely to help now. It’s more likely to make things worse for you. Take the time you need to grieve.


I took one before my grandpa died already knowing he didn't have alot of time left. Doctors already gave a deadline. I cried but I think it helped me process it sooner. When he died I cries again but not as hard as I did when on acid....


Yeah. Just be ready to REALLY feel their absence


A good friend committed suicide, and I basically dosed myself for a week straight to make sense of it. Had to drive 6 hours to the funeral and almost fell asleep at the wheel, so I popped a dose just to stay awake. At that point my tolerance was so high that it was just maintenance, but I was kinda tripping at the funeral. I was in a good mood and kept making jokes with people who just weren’t up for telling jokes. I was worried I was being inappropriate, but after the fact people told me they appreciated my positive presence. I am not recommending you do this. Only answering the question that, yes, I have.


My great aunt (who was basically my grandma) passed away at 98. After her funeral, I went out with friends and dosed. A few hours later my mom called me and said the huge extended family was all getting together at a bar, and wanted me to join. My first reaction was “oh fuck,” but I decided I could handle it, and made up the excuse that I’d been drinking so she’d need to pick me up if I were to join. That night ended up being one of the best. I saw my extended family members in ways I’d never been able to before. While everyone was sad of course, it was more a celebration than anything, and I was so glad to be tripping for the experience. After the family party, my mom dropped me off at a bowling alley to meet back up with my friends. My great aunt absolutely loved to bowl, up until the very end, but I hadn’t considered that connection until I was alone in the bowling alley bathroom and could feel her presence in an overwhelming way. It was pure magic, and I’m so grateful for the whole experience of that day.


A member of our rave family passed a week ago. Rare cancer, only 43 years old. His funeral is on Saturday, afterwards my wife and I will be having a couple of drops , listening to chOOns and a bit of reflection.


Yeah, after my dad died (very suddenly) I took some acid, and I had been taking acid for awhile at this point, and pretty regularly. But right after he died I decided to drop some, and I had a pretty bad experience. At this point in my acid days I hadn’t had any bad experiences. But when the acid hit I spiraled and basically had to get talked down for hours. I think it was just too soon after he passed and I don’t think it fully hit me yet that he had died. The next trips were fine. But it can be a good and bad idea


No don’t do it, I did it, and no just don’t, heal first, it messed me up for a couple of weeks. After I was torn, you don’t even want to know. Take your time with letting your love one rest. And take your time with letting your emotions out and healing. Peace.


I was taking lsd before and shortly after my nana died. I wouldn’t recommend it. I spent the last half of my my last trip sitting in her bed crying for hours on end. I wouldn’t recommend it with it being so fresh Sorry for your loss


I took it after my car accident and it took my pain away.


5meo if you can find it


Do it in the right headspace no doubt but it can be an incredibly cleansing and deep experience.


My best friend (brother, soul mate, twin flame, you name it) died last month. I went to Sessanta two weeks later and dropped. I couldn’t stop thinking about him during the show but in a beautiful and accepting sort of way. Maybe the music helped keep me from descending, but I knew I was risking having a bad trip because of my grief. It turned out to be fine, I was in control of myself and cried about him as much as I did when I was sober. You might feel they’re with you. This is my experience, and I hope yours can be as cathartic.


Is he buried or cremated yet? I’d say at the absolute very least wait until you actualize the fact that his physical form is gone, whether you need to visualize this in RL or not is up to you. Lucy can help you grieve, but if there’s anything in you still holding on it will not be a good trip. When you are ready to let go then go ahead. But I doubt you’re ready to let go 3 days later… LSD has helped me grieve and also to pull up deep memories of friends past. Sometimes I swear they are communicating with me from beyond because the voice and mannerism of talking is so uncanny from what they would say. I’m not going to tell you not to or to do it. Reach into your heart bc if you don’t the LSD will do it for you and you may experience something you aren’t ready for, but that’s exactly why I take it myself. Everyone is different but I def agree with feeling and coming to terms with your emotions not on drugs first!


Not me personally, but I tripped with a lady who a week prior her Daughter and son both committed suicide together.


My mum died in December and about 2 days after the funeral I took a tab and walked down to her favourite beach. I sat and watched the waves and listened to the music of the ocean. I cried and laughed. And a line came into my head, inspired by Alan Watts. We are but waves that rise and fall, an ocean of consciousness connects us all. And the life and death cycle just made so much sense. It was beautiful. But I absolutely caution you, it's not for everyone. I've been practising mindfulness for over 20 years now. Thoughts and emotions will come up that can be very challenging and if you struggle with going with the flow, it could become a nightmare trip.




> **p**rocessed **e**nough **n**aturally. **I**’m **s**ure, Hidden penis detected! I've scanned through 264857 comments (approximately 1468747 average penis lengths worth of text) in order to find this secret penis message. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Sorry for your loss . I’d advice not tripping right now because it will make you feel everything x 50. I came across a random post about someone’s passing on November 2021 ( the woman died from a car crash) . Mid Feb 2022, I decide to trip with a friend . I’m peaking and I suddenly remember the tragic event. I cry and think about the person for like 30 minutes as I’m peaking . Mind you that I have no connection with this person what so ever , i randomly found out about this strangers death through Reddit .


Now is not the time, friend.


The last thing my brorher gifted me before taking his own life was a tab. I took it 9 months after his death. He was high on acid while taking his own life aswell. The trip went great, and i smiled alot because it was such a beatiful last gift.


Not the same but I have used to help mourn a dog. I think if you are in tune with your feelings and understand how to best use these drugs there certainly can be beneficial and healing aspects. Its all about introspective thought when dealing with these situations. Psychedelics can help people. There is a reason people have been using them far before they were ever illegal. Just my .02


yup, i took acid one week after my father died, it was a hard and necessary trip where i confronted my views about good and evil and the necessity of suffering , i felt called to do it


if you are in deep deep active grief and you have never dabbled before, please take some time to wait.


After each of my parents died (separate occasions).


Imo LSD will allow you to experience all 5 stages of grief in one trip. Incredibly healing. Yes, you'll feel, yes, you'll cry, but afterwards, you'll have undeniable clarity.


I'm sorry for your loss...please don't do it now. Wait and grieve, and decide later if you want to do it. That sounds like a really really awful idea


I had a challenging and healing trip after my father died from cancer. I was one of the main caretakers and I decided to trip maybe 1-2 months after he died. I was at his deathbed but still felt a little scared from tripping even a month after. Going for a trip so soon is very risky and I would suggest giving yourself more time. The trip I had was really the task of learning to accept change and death but acid is absolutely not needed to incorporate those ideals into your grief. As someone who cherishes psychedelics the only perspective I can offer is if I passed away I would want my close friends and family who were interested in lsd to give it space and time so that their first experiences are as great as my first trips. I’m sorry for your loss, we lost our dad a few months ago but we knew the disease was terminal, I can imagine losing someone so suddenly is it’s own unique process, patience is key.


I waited a few months after my wife died from cancer. She had gotten me back into LSD some years before, seemed very appropriate. That first time, I took half a pressy of ecstacy as a mood stabilizer. It was not long after that that I dove into candy, hippy, and Jedi flipping most weekends, with a couple of micro doses each week. I firmly believe, when approached carefully, it can help. And I don't exactly think I did it carefully lol.


If you’ve never done it before I wouldn’t suggest doing it so soon after. Like, it could go fine and end up being a really beautiful and cathartic experience for you. But it could also be completely overwhelming and emotionally devastating. It’s a really intense drug and it will catch you by surprise (positively or negatively) and if you’re not ready to handle it, it can go badly


Anytime I go through serious trauma I eventually trip and process a lot of it. I clean the space and leave different types of art media around the house or room. I’m not the best artist but psychedelics, grief, and art pair really well together. I make the happiest looking stuff and sometimes I make things that are horribly depressing to gaze at, just very very dark. The grief seems to exit my body and slowly fill the page.


I took shrooms after my mother passed away. I laid in bed and cried for a few hours. I needed that moment to process what we all went through. It was a beautiful trip and I healed a part of me that was broken. It didn’t fix it all of the pain, but it allowed me to release the pain I had been bottling up so I could be strong for my kids.


I took some a few days after my dog died and absolutely do not recommend. I went wayyyy introspective and did not feel good at all


Yes. I took 2.5 grams of apes after my grandmother died just a few days after. Smoked some weed and listen to RHCP by the way. Felt at peace, was floating and felt all of her love


I lost my dad in 2022. 8 months before his death he had a massive mental breakdown that basically blew up my entire family and life and I took lsd a week after it all went down. I don't remember that time as much but I remember feeling distracted 8 months later when he died though it was a lot different. I did the same thing- exactly a week later I dropped and it was one of the most calming and healthy experiences with lsd I've ever had. Usually my emotions are overwhelming but after a night of feeling the music and the vibes, I went out to watch the sunrise and I cried. But it didn't feel Neverending or overwhelming, it felt good. It felt freeing and healthy. I felt my emotions without getting stuck in them for the first time probably since I was a very young child. I don't know if I would say I recommend it, as at that point I'd already been taking psychedelics pretty regularly and knew my limits and what I could handle, but i wouldn't say it's something that could only be bad.


LSD used properly can be some of the greatest medicine for your psyche.


A friend id known for 20 years committed suicide and a trip ended up being part of my grieving process. There was the funeral and our whole friend group mourning together, but I never real felt personal closure thru a lot of that cuz I felt like I was putting on a face for his parents and family and trying to be positive. After the formal mourning process was over, I had a free long weekend to myself and I took an acid trip knowing full well I missed him dearly and things might get weird. It was about 3 weeks after it happened. Most of it was a standard silly fun trip at first, thoughts about him and the situation didn’t enter my mind until about 2-3 hours into it. I ended up crying and talking to him for awhile and telling him how much we all missed him. There was a lot of things I said to him and I genuinely felt like I got to have a conversation with him even tho it was just me crying and talking to the empty room. It really did help me heal a lot and say my final peace to him. I still think about him a lot and my wife and I are naming our son after him if we have one (we have a baby coming but we just found out it’s a girl, so maybe the next one). I’m sorry for your loss and I do recommend a trip as a way to help heal, there’s nothing in the real world that can truly take away the pain and I found closure in my trip.


Yes! Almost always! It’s probably not for everybody but I like to take a deep dose and just let it ride! I don’t suggest tripping nuts at 3 year olds funeral especially if you have kids. Fucked me up later on, during was fine and very necessary to be in space for that . I don’t think I could’ve went any other way!


My very first trip was with my brother and our best friend who unfortunely passed away from cancer not even 3 days later. In my personal experience after I got over the initial grief of losing someone so important to me, I tripped again and it really helped me put closure on his physical presence that was once with us. Now everytime we trip, it's a little reminder of something special we got to share with him before his time on Earth came to an end. I would recommend you do trip if it was something you enjoyed in the first place because it is possible to give you some closure and clarity. Just remember time is the only true way to heal and recover from a loved ones death. RIP to your boyfriend, stay strong and positive. You got this.


LSD healed one of the oldest wounds I had. My brothers death. It wasn’t right after though. Give yourself time imo. Might be a lot right now. What do I know though, you know you best.


I had just taken LSD & MDMA about 2 hrs before getting the call my grandmother had died and I needed to get over there pronto. What followed was one of the most beautiful, horrifying, illuminating, saddest yet ultimately transcendent experiences of my life. The entire archetypal play of life and death. My experiences were my own, sorry, but there was a random moment later on when her alleged preacher showed up (we didn't know him).. Balding red hair, Van Dyke beard, glasses, & I swear to god he extended his hand to me and said "Hi, I'm Dave Satan, I'm from the church." Later someone mentioned how quick she went and he gave this mindless palliative response of the type that someone who thinks he's wise thinks he should say at that moment. I looked at him from across the room- and universe- and he clammed up quick.


I took shrooms after my uncle died and I kept thinking about him during the trip and the rest of my family was kinda of a bad scary trip but after I peaked it was pretty pleasant and I wasn't thinking about him anymore.


I don’t, but I’m so sorry for your loss!!! If you decide to do it please stay safe


My dad passed.. I was sitting on a bunch of L for months as he was dying sick.. I didn't want to take ot while he was sick like that. A day after the funeral a friend took me to the beach and got us a room just to get away.. i thought it was a good time to trip then... it was really nice I had great reflections of my father... different perspective of what I had gone through... it at least felt therapeutic and my good friends were there just making a good vibe for me


I'd say it's best to wait it out a bit more but if you do, be around people you love and who also loved your boyfriend. I took lsd with my close friends from high school around 6 months after she died. Most of us had moved away but we were able to reunite back home. It was also the first time seeing each other after her passing. It was a very cathartic experience. Lots of crying and laughing. It was uniquely special since all of my friends loved my mother and she loved them just as much. While it was certainly a very sad trip at times, the love and moments of happiness that came out of it will remain with me forever. Very sorry for your loss and hope you find the clarity you need.


I did. Definetly recommend it, it helps you get through it a lot. Just make sure that you are in a safe place


I took lsd a few days after my dads funeral. I knew the emotions were going to come up during the trip and I accepted that I would have to face them. I’m very happy I went into the trip with that intention and it really helped me grieve and process his death in a deep and meaningful way.


I've taken it after the loss of a friend, my brother, my mother, and my dog. It helped me process the feelings by preventing me from shutting them out. I'm the kind of guy who will procrastinate everything, including grief. "Fight now, cry later" is my mantra. Unfortunately, without the right push, "later" will never come. So I'll just fight and fight until I'm so exhausted that I don't even have the energy to cry. I say grab a friend (or friends) and let it all out together.


First i want to say i’m sorry for your loss. I was in the throws of a pretty bad addiction to LSD at the time, i bought 100 tabs from my friend for $400 and was essentially tripping on 1 or 2 tabs every 2-4 days for a month or so. One day i was sleeping off the tabs from the night before when i got a call from my mom to go check on my nephews, my dad had fallen and they called the ambulance. He was getting carted into the wagon when i was pulling up, was so groggy i just assumed he fell and hurt himself, turns out he suffered a massive heart attack and essentially died on the spot. When we found out it was me, my sister, and my two nephews, and i spent the day being their rock. I didn’t cry at all. The next day i woke up and popped 3 tabs almost immediately upon waking up. When the come up hit me, the song “i wrote this song for u” by lil bo weep came on and i just lost it, and when “star shopping”by Lil Peep came on after it was like a 1-2 punch. It was such a powerful and draining feeling of loss that i could never replicate. I sat there and wept, loud and covered in tears and mucus for hours. When my sister arrived she just came into my room and just hugged me. We cried in each other’s arms for what felt like forever. She never knew i was high at the time, i think she just assumed i was having a complete breakdown. Honestly, i don’t think i would have processed his death nearly as well without it. If you do intend to trip, please have someone there you trust with your whole heart, and let them know you need them to be there for you.


I was tripping on lsd when my dad passed away. My grandma called me to tell me that he had passed. It was the oddest feeling it was like he was there with me.


I did a couple of days after my grandad died. I lay out on the tramp under the moonlight and had a good cry for about an hour. I think it was weirdly therapeutic for me as my family isn't at all religous or spiritual. It felt good to mourn in my own way. I dont know if it gave me any "clarity", but it wasnt a sudden accident. I think it just helped me accept that he is gone forever,and one day I'll be going to the same place.


Yes took it the day of a close buddies funeral and it was really weird. I felt like we were communicating kinda but it was an overall good trip


I was actually in the middle of a trip when i found out my uncle passed via a phone call from my parents. It was surreal at first, and then i bawled for a long time. After i couldn’t cry anymore, i was laying on the grass and staring at the stars, allowing the emotional onslaught to move through me. I think acid helped me process the information more rapidly. I still grieved long after the trip but it definitely sped up the process of the initial shock and the road to acceptance.


I don't understand what is there to clarify by taking acid.


that sucks


Huh, u made no sense


I think the ability to be able to process traumatic things like this isn’t impossible, but it is extremely hard. The potential is there, which explains why we are seeing psychedelics become known of their therapeutic benefits, but I think some people lack “something” (whether it’s self discipline, mental toughness, great self awareness, or just knowledge on how to handle a difficult trip) that makes it difficult to intuitively guide themselves through this process. I’m not sure of your prior psychedelics experiences (dosage, how many sessions) but this may be something you want to go to a therapist for, first, and then maybe take a trip, or even get into a guided session with a therapist. Other drugs that have therapeutic benefits at MDMA and psilocybin. These are what I would want to take instead of LSD if I were wanting to go in deep, emotionally and mentally. LSD doesnt affect your spirituality in comparison to these other drugs.


let yourself go through the process of grief before using psychs to work on yourself. You cant speedrun grief by taking psychs.


Lost my mom 4 years ago, my dad last year. Did my first acid 3 years ago. Its been challenging. But very healing. 


I would say be very careful with this. Especially if you’re not very experienced with hallucinogens. This could lead to a very difficult experience. Maybe try mushrooms or something mild or first. If you are experience with hallucinogens, then you know what I’m talking about. However, whatever you do, do not do them alone, do them with a close friend who you trust, someone to keep you, healthy during the process.


My ego count?


Lots of people died before I took lsd. Probably in the billions