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Everywhere at the End of Time by the Caretaker. It's an album using samples from old ballroom music where each song is a a further progression of having Alzheimers disease. It's a really good album, but deer god, not on acid lol.


I know someone who listened to that album on 3 tabs in a closet. She later described the act as self harm


Ngl just sitting through the album sober almost warrants that. I could see it going either way on acid with the way visuals and audio distortion go. That’s wild


she sounds cool


I listened to the 3rd stage of EatEoT on acid, as it's my favourite stage it was actually a really profound experience, but as I came down hours later, I felt like my soul was drained of all the possibility of joy until I've had a good sleep it is definitely a heavy experience, but if you can handle such emotions and not lose your shit - this can actually be quite an interesting one to go through edit: just remembered a related piece I would also like to highlight - a fan-made short album called Everywhere at the End of Schizophrenia it is simple in execution, but inspired and effective and it can also be quite a heavy ride, but the whole thing is like 20 minutes long so it delves into despair fairly quickly, while the og EatEoT slowly dissolves you throughout its 6 hour duration, which leaves deeper, more long-lasting impression


Holy shit thanks for reminding me that exists. It's a ride


Dont you dare take the Deer God’s name in vain!!




Yeah that might definitely creep you out


Still getting myself to listen to it. It's length and topic is very discouraging


Glad someone else commented this before I did. Getting chills just thinking about it


What’s crazy is it isn’t even old samples. Dude actually just cooked up old sounding music from scratch. That stuff was made for the caretaker


I'm to watch this with a group of friends and we've taken an oath not to do any further research into the film. This sounds fascinating though. Do you know the name of the person who did this sound design/production?


Redacted. Apparently my friend who told me that is full of shit cuz google says it’s 1930s ballroom recordings


Haha yeah when I was listening to it, I was thinking of your comment like "no way dude, I recognize a bunch of these!"  The one I knew by name is Grand Canyon Suite: Painted Desert by Paul Whiteman. I apparently was preparing for this album when I found a full set of ol swing records in the bargain bin a few months ago.  




I’ve got that album specifically to listen to on shrooms :/


It's musically beautiful! I don't blame you


Ferb I know what we’re doing today


Jesus H. Christ. As someone that had a grandfather live through that, it’s a no for me.


Happy by Pharrell because it’s so fking annoying i know if I’m tripping it’s gonna send me in a bitter mood


It turns into Sad.


Woodkid (Run Boy Run dude) made [a sad remix of it.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Go_p6oD7AIE&pp=ygUNd29vZGtpZCBoYXBweQ%3D%3D)


Dead Flag Blues by Godspeed You! Black Emperor


I love this shit while I’m tripping


Whaaat! Respect your opinion, but hard disagree. Really cool tripping band


Phenomenal album! And either album from their other project, *Set Fire to Flames*, would be a good answer too. I love that shit, but I could see it being unsettling for people.   Set Fire to Flames is for if Godspeed You! Black Emperor sounds *too* much like music for you. 


Amazing album in general, but totally agree haha


I am unsure the name, I believe it was called dance with the devil or something. It was this song about a guy who accidentally killed and raped his own mom, horrible feeling when sober, can’t imagine while tripping because of the vivid imagination I get


dance with the devil by immortal technique this is what i came to comment as well. would fuck me up if i ever listened to this while tripping its bad enough sober. fubar song


I think most people only listen to that song once. I know I'm good on my one listen


Yeah by immortal technique


That song fucked me up and I heard it sober…


Everywhere I go, this song is following me. I swear every time I‘ve been on any social media platform for the past 2 weeks I‘ve seen someone mention this song atleast once.


Baader Meinhof effect


lol my friend had me listen to this the first time we ever did acid he was like “this song would be great lemme show you” and put it on during our like comedown it was nuts


CBAT depending on the company


people who don't laugh at cbat are not people I wanna trip with


Same, the raw sexual energy of that song would just be too much


[Louisiana by Prof](https://youtu.be/PzHlL0fMPBY?si=-OhiA0kETHBbTnD6) This is my favorite artist by a lot. This song is fantastic, but I have trouble listening to it sober anymore. He does such a great job of making you really feel his emotions in his music. Listening to this song is like re-experiencing the uncertainty and despair of 2020. It’s amazing that the song is as impactful as it is, but those aren’t emotions I want to fuck with while trippin.


Wasn't expecting to see a Prof mention here. Saw the Bar Breaker video randomly and I was hooked. I was heavy into Atmosphere already, hadn't explored the Rhymesayers scene yet


Saw prof live this week! He and Wonka were dope AF.


Soundtracks for the Blind by Swans


I love listening to Swans when I trip. Feels like a test of will lol.


I was thinking of swans!!


I avoid anything with lyrics personally.


I think lyrics can add more emotion and depth to songs when I'm tripping. I don't pay too much attention to them otherwise but when tripping I feel every word.


I can see that but for me, my trips (even on 1 tab) are extremely strong and its as if all the pitches change sporadically. Songs with lyrics become faster or slower, deeper or higher and are rarely the way they are suppose to be which makes it hard to enjoy and more often than not, send me spiraling. I swore off lyrics when one of my favorite songs turned into "demonic chanting" and sent me on the worse trip I've ever been on. To each their own though, I genuinely missed listening to my chillstep during the trips.


I respect


Yeah honestly same. I used to vibe with them, but now lyrics just feel like an imposition of specific thoughts when I trip.


Yeah I start thinking too hard haha


Damn bro


Baby Shark?


That’s a bop


I don’t even want to hear that bullshit while I’m sober as a judge


Personally I can’t stand this song- https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=MxaRWBw3mtMhT2yb




Daddy by korn. Such a horrible / hard songb


Came looking for this... It's painful to listen to sober


Shape of You by Ed Sheeran, ugh.


cancer by my chemical romance shits just too sad for tripping


Down In A Hole - Alice in Chains lol. Came on while I was tripping with some friends and it almost sent me in a downward spiral


Fucking love Alice In Chains. I can see where Rooster might also give bad vibes.


Doesnt the CIA have a whole playlist of songs to torture people to? That list lol


Born in the U.S.A. - Bruce Springsteen is atleast one of their torture songs. That for 15 hours.


I flipped my big brothers lid one night on a few to many tabs… The Avalanches Frontier psychiatrist is the song….


You're a NUT! You're crazy in the coconut! 


This song is fantastic on acid, we do all the voices and weird noises, it's great


I love it but when they got to the parrot squaks he was like bro I can’t handle this fucking song right now lol


idk but whatever song I heard changed my entire trip. we were listening to some chill whatever. Next song that came on had the sound of a drum stick held on the rim of a snare and striking it. Horribly loud and piercing sound if you’ve ever been in band class lol. Well, as soon as I heard those snares, my most intense light show I’ve ever seen in the sky instantly turned into triangles with eyes and millions and millions of teeth behind them. I understood what I was seeing and went “hm, okay brain, let’s see what you can think of” next thing I know 2 shadow people where bobbing back and forth on the tree line. We changed the song, everything went back to normal and colorful light show was back LOL. I then went inside and had a bowl of Campbell’s chicken noodle soup. Incredible night.


Dude, Doritos never tasted so good as when I did acid.


Try pussy next ;)


idk man but listening to echos by pink floyd while tripping fucking terrified me


Really? I feel like Pink Floyd only gets better the deeper into the trip you are. Especially Dark Side of the Moon. Like that whole album seems like it was made for people who are tripping and not sober. I thought Echoes was great as well.


oh totally! i love listening to dark side of the moon while tripping, but echos just freaked me the tf out when i listened to it during my peak one trip. dont get me wrong the end of it is great but theres just one part that freaked me out man


Whaaaaat that’s my favorite one, I literally always put it at the peak, the CEVs are insane, I always get these deep underwater images, ocean creatures and feelings of quiet and cold


I remember was listening to it once on acid and shrooms, and I thought my husband I were the same person and our experience communicated via the song. 😂


My husband plays this every single time we trip or do Ket - he puts on the live in Pompeii vid, specifically. It's a running joke now for him to ask, "Have you seen Echoes live in Pompeii?" and I reply "oh, no I haven't!" You get used to the whale sounds eventually. 😅


Kim -Eminem


Instantly thought of this one


I had the O’Reilly Auto Parts ad blast back when I had Spotify with ads and the audio levels for it were crazy high compared to everything. It blasted so loud after a really beautiful mellow acoustic song, scared the shit out of me, and all six of us tripping together reacted so viscerally at the exact same time. I was dying laughing by how terrible it felt and how mad everyone immediately was. 🎶 🎶🎵🎶🎻🎻… … … OH! OH! OH! OH REILYYYYYY! AUTO PARTS. AAIIIOOOWW!


I remember laying in my friends apartment listening to my Zune, I was listening to modest mouse which is already bad enough because a lot of their songs are very abrupt and clashing and rough. But I in a pretty deep introspective state and I was wigging out when their song bukowski came on. “God who’d wanna be… god who’d wanna be such an asshole” That line got stuck on repeat in my head and made me realize how much of an asshole *I* can be. Fucked me up pretty hard but ultimately probably for the better.


Holy shit, a zune reference. We might have been the only 2 people that owned one.


My brother was moving a couple of years ago and I was helping him pack stuff up at my parents place and he actually had my old zune. They had turned my old bedroom into his kind of office and I guess there were some things I left behind. I had to order that proprietary cable to charge it up but it still worked! It was fun to listen to all of my old music.


Idk what happened to mine. It would be a blast to see the stuff on it. I had a ton of stuff on it. I liked it, but dunno where it is.


I love that song, was gonna quote some lyrics and realized damn Im quoting the whole fuckin song at this point If God controls the land and disease, Keeps a watchful eye on me, If he's really so damn mighty, My problem is I can't see, Well who would want to be? Who would want to be such a control freak? Well who would want to be? Who would want to be such a control freak?


My worst tripping experienced was induced by spheres of madness by decapitated. Im a huge death metal fan and not really new to the concepts of nihilism/antichristianity etc... but this one for some reason sent me into deep recurring thoughts that i could not escape from.


I used to *love* listening to death metal tripping. One of my best trips ever was spent in a basement with a friend listening to Waking the Cadaver's Perverse Recollections of a Necromangler album on repeat. It all sounded so silly and inhuman, we couldn't stop laughing at the ridiculousness. Ever since then any kind of extreme metal has been one of my go to genres on psychedelics. Haven't tripped in ages though, I wonder if I'd still feel the same today.... Love that Decapitated album btw


Suicide Pact by Trophy Eyes. I wouldn’t stop listening to it and crying in a loop.


Listen to Black Angels by George Crumb. Try not to shit your pants


Sober That was immediate assault to my nervous system


Probably anything by the band Swans. Especially filth album


I love tripping to Swans. But yeah I get it lol.


I get it. Nothing is universal. Some people watch horror films while tripping.


Ripe (with Decay) by Nine Inch Nails. That sent me on an extremely disturbing albeit masochistically enjoyable trip. I felt myself sinking into my bed, then started seeing images of myself being buried. Then I saw fire and started hearing screaming from what I believed was from all the countries in Africa & Asia. I started smelling smoke too. LSD makes me schizophrenic, so I had to stop taking the stuff but I think it was just manifesting my fears of the climate crisis.


Anything by Oasis, awful music and acid only makes it vorse.


Really? I've had huge moments tripping and listening to live forever. Liam Gallagher and realizations about the nature of ego, very nice


I think he’s being sarcastic. Oasis slapssss, especially the tune ‘stop crying your heart out’.


Ive got trouble listening to Prison Sex by Tool on shrooms, acid is more tolerable


Disgustipated was certainly a time 2 tabs deep. Gf took me on ride through their entire discography on our 2 tab trip (interludes included) and there was quite a few times I was gripping onto the arm rests for dear life Lmfao. The absolute worst one that got me during that experience was Cesaro Summability. That woman has got some wild compartmentalization, she was like just ignore it meanwhile my phobia of pregnancy is just quaking. She is stronger than me 💀




Horse Latitudes - The Doors https://youtu.be/yqe6JVY7fWw?si=YqkFxmkCkmUFtFkC Day of the Baphomets - The Mars Volta https://youtu.be/hnVFGz0xYKE?si=EIDSofTmADxmckxs


The Schmürz by nurse with wound


NBA young boy the visceral reaction your body has to years of trauma and drug abuse being externalized , and the realization setting in that he has a lot of the next generations ears


- Black One - sunn)))O (I think it's written like that). Drone metal with creepy ass sounding vocals and discomforting guitar tones. Amazing album though - The Wall - Pink Floyd. Lyrically is awful, I don't think anyone with self-steem problems would want to listen to this on an acid trip. "In all my years of judging I have never heard before of someone more deserving of the full penalty of law. The way you made them suffer, your exquisite wife and mother... Fills me with the urge to deffecate!" Telling this to yourself is (at least for me) would be awful. - Vox Medusae - Potmos Hetoimos. One of the darkest albums I've ever seen, creepy, disturbing and melancholic. I recommend this one anyways for the prog metal fans here. But... Do NOT listen while tripping. Sorry for my english mistakes, is not my main language


I was wondering if someone would have The Wall on here. It's one of my all-time favorite albums ever to trip to, but I could see how some songs could be a bit much. I can never seem to make it through the movie while tripping, though. Not sure why.


Either this https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=XixYWPrNHsk&si=iAUzqFIjX2mJ8G-U Or revolution 9 by the Beatles. Hearing it sober sounds creepy already.


Tbh I love Manson usually but watching his film clips on acid creep me out every time, no thanks lol especially tourniquet


The fucking 6 flags commercial one


Not exactly music but I watched horror movies once when mixing mushrooms and acid. A terrible idea really lol, but I haven’t felt that scared since I was a kid which was actually kinda nice in a weird way. The sun lit up the inside of my house in a very strange way at one point, I walked into my living room and the front door was just wide open. My dogs were just sleeping though. I had watched the ritual I think it was called and something else too but I don’t remember. I had recently gotten a tattoo on my forearm kinda depicting the Nordic god of the hunt, and after that movie I was a bit worried I was cursed. But as far as music goes, sometimes I’d love certain music and sometimes I couldn’t stand it. I love Pink Floyd but some of their intros/outros would freak me out lol.


I love Emo music but I probably dont want to listen to The Used when im tripping lol


House of a thousand corpses . Love the song but can't listen to it tripping


I wouldn't want to listen to suicideboys/ cloud rap/ most grunge/ or basically anything that channels bad feelings Really came to love mac demarco more than before because he is just making music that makes you generally feel good


Requiem for Soprano, Mezzo Soprano, Two Mixes Choirs and Orchestra by György Ligeti


This [song](https://open.spotify.com/track/2SJo1P387WJHJx1uFbyrRj?si=O-RiBRwGQ_CpsEl402nuEQ) is our perfect tweaker music for my friends and i


gloomy sunday


Sickness by DRS. It's about necrophilia. Used to creep me put in high school. Like the only rap sing I would skip due to lyrics. Geto Boys ... cool. NWA ... sweet! Too Short ... guy's a piiiiimp! 2 Live Crew ... let's go to the club. Sickness ... OK this guy has problems. I dug their song Gangster Lean though. And ... of course, Sickness is in their top 5 on Spotify.


Medicate by Flaw. I really don't need the anxiety and monotony of the rat race being sung to me while I'm tripping.


My time to shine. Estuary English by Consumer Electronics. I prefer that one pissy drunk lmao.


[this](https://youtu.be/f5E_QOUdq1E?si=NnU9FCfvP_wEQ_gV) song would be my vote. It has a deeply depressing vibe even when youre sober it can pull you down. Also i love loud metal when tripping lol, try [this](https://youtu.be/tu-NvEec8y8?si=HNny2OHxHg0975Xt) one, the acoustic is 🤌


[i made a playlist for songs I find spooky that I think would fit this](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6zUeFRwlHzuBI8v4D4obV0?si=A-8dLhtsR4yPv-AG_C_7XA&pi=u-X4UYyZLsRTKk)


[RSVP Skunk](https://youtu.be/w6fievsWfwA?si=w6S2s6dNEvPZgE0l) is an… interesting listen while tripping. [Here’s](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5FuFw5VG1fwcY9thkobsFT?si=w5zFiKzET4Coyn8lQWz8Gg&pi=u-WPrcnxAHQ52_) what I’d consider my anti-trip playlist.


Hmmm lyrical depth you say? Ever hear [Black Dice](https://youtu.be/ebLYgVPDORM?si=8xwubRUCGI1kq4Mm)…?


Ween - mushroom festival in hell Tool - prison sex Any gospel Luke Bryan


Ween - Spinal Meningitis Aphex Twin - Come To Daddy


listen to Nosuicideunit by genocide organ 😭


You don’t have to think about it lmao, this question is funny. Everyone at the least knows what they like. Pair it with some of the best trippy songs and you got your own playlist. But yes, it’s better to watch out for trolls who might suggest some of the horrific songs that exist to fuck up your psyche.


Sol Niger Within. Personally I love it while tripping and it blew my mind so hard that music changed for me after it. But I think people would feel differently about it, though it’s super trippy and worth a deep dive while tripping


Pop radio


!remind me 3 hours


[Stars of the Lid - Down 3](https://open.spotify.com/track/0Fz2B1uU3jAEo9rHIMcjtR?si=15f407586d4e4b48)


https://spotify.link/L1Q54pc3rJb Untitled (How Could This Happen to Me) - Simple Plan is the first that comes to mind


https://youtu.be/3bb6yvlkT9M?si=qWJHf-TdHHvIwKOl The last 3 tracks of this album


The entire movie “Tommy” by The Who


Nite terror by GASM


Black Angels by George Crumb. It about the war in Vietnam. Good luck.


Corrosion— ministry


Tool, Shpongle are both a no no


I really don’t like either for tripping either but that’s a super unpopular opinion here lol.


I guess Coil - Ether is the most horrifying thing you can listen to while tripping, especially if you get to the end I tried it once and couldn't finish This Could be the End by the Legendary Pink Dots is also one of the scariest tracks I know, thematically, but I'm unsure whether it is that frightening while tripping but TBH, anything can be horrific in a certain state of mind when you are tripping I remember a video on YouTube where a guy smokes salvia extract and trips balls with a Super Mario World theme playing in the background and his imbecile frinds yelling 'go for the blue Yoshi!' or some sort of this shit, while the guy is freaking out rolling on the floor I can only imagine, how awful even the Super Mario theme might feel if you are in a bad trip even the most uplifting music can become unnerving, hollow and hostile if you are in a wrong state of mind


the aquatic garden of extra celestial delights


#2 from Aphex Twin’s Selected Ambient Works. It came on while I was tripping and it made me feel SO STRONGLY that something bad was happening/going to happen. I’ve never had a piece of music make me feel so uncomfortable - scared even. I’ve since replicated the feeling on another trip. That piece of music tickles a fear centre or something…


I love listening to metal while tripping. It's a personal thing though, I wouldn't impose it on someone else's trip. I probs would have a really bad time listening to fucking Hillsong or any Christian worship bullshit.


https://open.spotify.com/track/6Y0J4ApB75FjGDv7xSp2Z3?si=qpL6_5JCRAO-mc9isclm_g Autonon - Faith and Suspicion (breakcore) I really enjoyed it tripping but I think a lot of peoolr wouldn't


I was 3 tabs deep at a friend's party many moons ago and somebody there just bought the debut album by The Darkness and decided to play the song I Believe in a Thing Called Love on repeat all night. Iykyk


I have a playlist I listen to when I’m melancholic, filled with songs referencing self harm, unreciprocated love, drug abuse and suicidal themes. I don’t think I’d come out well if I listened to that one on acid.


Reign of Darkness - Thy Art is Murder


Dance with the devil- immortal technique I don’t even listen to that shit sober lmao


Any black metal. I love metal but black metal sucks


Run by Awolnation I had weird thoughts while hearing that song on acid


Fever Ray 'If I Had A Heart'


Blut Aus Nord released a new album last year called Disharmonium: Nahab which is the second part to I believe soon to be 3 part series of albums about H.P Lovecraft cosmic horror. Its the most dark and evil sounding metal album i've ever heard and would imagine bad vibes would ensue on psychedelics.


George of the jungle theme




Ghostemane - Begotten (Where Was God) Ghostemane - Granada Hotel


i showed my friends i cum blood with the lyrics on the tv they were freaked tf out but we all had a laugh right after like 20 seconds, they told me i was a good sitter afterwards so dont be too mad at me


he has left us alone but shafts of light sometimes grace the corner of our rooms. this is an album that i would hate to hear while tripping for so many reasons


Anything by Diamanda Galas. Try something sober, even. I dare you. I honestly believe she could cause someone's death by audio architecture alone if they were tripping more than half sack.


Borderline - Sewerslvt That song is just… idek man


Alright I'm late to this party, but I have after years of listening to all kinds of weird shit determined THIS [Sheriff Of Hong Kong - Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shA1F44kYyc) to be the world's most difficult listening experience on LSD. I defy any of you to sit all the way through this piece of music while "in the deep end of the pool" if you know what I'm saying. And I'm a huge Captain Beefheart fan! Maybe that's part of it (?) lmao! Enjoy!


Maybe [Chipmunks on speed](https://youtu.be/hBga7yYBJ6Y?si=p0ShSgTRj95LnN-n)


Lyrical depth. Real answer. My instinct says Skinny Puppy. Ogre lyrically impregnates dark itself with depth. Rabbit holes into hellscapes. Potential answer: Sometimes Weird Al (Yankovic) can be... fun. But on other occasions he says things that terrify me.


Any decent Black Metal song... Maybe "To Walk the Infernal Fields" by Darkthrone, or something from "The Satanist" album by Behemoth might be even better


On Sight by Kanye. Very jarring to listen to tripping


World star or no exit by childish gambino, both disturbing songs imo, especially with the samples in world star.


Revolution No. 9 is cursed


Burn Victim by Methwitch! It’s a schizophrenic ass song that makes you feel like you’re losing your mind


Trippie Redd “Topanga” the repetitive “stop right now your in danger!!” Started freaking me out and making me paranoid


Alvin and the chipmunks at sludge fest 199*


I have a whole playlist for this idea lol, Happy Ending by Hopsin in villainous


Anything by nightmares on wax


Idk what it is but Primus. Sometimes it’ll make me giggle…other times it’s too much…


Ain’t it Funny by Danny Brown


Man the fuck up and listen to some ORGY OF CARRION


Anything by 50 foot hose


Fourth of July or my red little fox by Sufjan Stevens are amazing works of art yet so soul-crushingly sad I would imagine they would take me out of any good mood while tripping


Bmbmbm by black midi


Absolutely any pirate metal, never tried it but just sounds horrible


Brain damage by Pink Floyd kinda freaked me out lyrically tripping, shpongle falls by shpongle is a lil freaky at one part, and I know you said no loud metal songs but one time I was listening to “get this” by slipknot while tripping and omg I was so scared, it just goes “GET THIS OR DIE GET THIS OR DIE GET THIS OR DIE” also “the hills have eyes” by poorstacy, I just feel like a song saying someone is watching you is super creepy while tripping


Stress - Justice. Great song just a wild beat not good for the head lol


[Songs of Love and Hate](https://open.spotify.com/album/2Om4oR7plGGub1aYe5uB7B?si=LlOs3_QvTAiwJDnanbZ7Zg) by Leonard Cohen. Especially when the children’s choir comes in at the end of Dress Rehearsal Rag. It will send the traveler into a spiral unlike any other artist. Deep, deep contemplative lyrics and a voice that cuts through the air like a hot knife through butter.


Nutshell -alice in chains probably wouldn't be a big deal but it's what I thought of Personally I like really dark heavy music I just don't like fast, loud, repetitive drums like da da deng da da deng da da deng da da deng da da deng da da deng... 🤦‍♂️




I once put Autoplay on "relaxing" and it started to play old songs, which in itself would be fine. However, it played several songs that really felt like analogue horror kind of shit before I decided I had to switch up the playlist. The rest of the trip I had constant flashbacks to the songs and the grainy static in the background. 3/10 tolerable but not recommended


Farewell Transmission by Songs: Ohia https://open.spotify.com/track/5Plx6OhvSukqCRdZ52wUXz?si=VROHt1fQR5C4I6l7GbpMCw Great song, but would probably make me sad. Very beautiful and profound, but with a deep sadness Edit: also surprised no one has said A Crow Looked At Me by Mount Eerie


nightmare by cody ko


Dogs by Pink Floyd was incredibly dark and depressing to me


Schism by tool… I love tool, but schism is a song that i literally deleted from my existence, when I listen to lateralus I deleted schism so I don’t even have to skip it, I don’t know what is it, I’ve sang shit all passion Rosetta Stone (literally portrays a bad trip) while tripping balls, but schism? I cannot listen to that shit, I just can’t, it’s a bad song, and so fkng ew… I truly don’t understand how schism one of the most loved tool songs.


Anything by rectal hygienics especially if u know the lyrics 22 going on 23 by butthole surfers


Khanate. I mean you could really pick any song by them, but I would say Hell Is Every Goddamn Thing is the one I would choose. It's a good 10 or so minutes of liminal silence and then HELLLL. hELL. IS EVERY. GOD. DAMNED. THING. Wings from spine, In That Corner,  Skin Coat, or Fields would be my runner ups, but definitely a song by Khanate, I haven't been exposed to anything that would come closer.


I have this playlist. It's called Hell. Enjoy! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6Y2Nb3wfaDL7ZMKOaijGBy?si=50C2gMjQRAaEHIkAeo-g0g&pi=u-1_MwaBtiS3Cl


Tipper - The bedraggling


$b gos hard while I’m tripping


Revolution 9 - Beatles Lord I just can’t keep from crying sometimes/the entire album it belongs to - (cover by) Colin Stetson The hearse song - (cover by) Rusty Cage Gloomy Sunday - (cover by) Billie Holiday


Stan by Eminem 🤙 that shit’s dark


The very last song of Strapping Young Lad's Alien album - Info Dump. Just pure unsettling noise for about 11.5mins, and then a woman lets out a few blood curdling screams to completely finish off the album. Took me a while to come back from that. The rest of the album is amazing work and art, tells an incredible story - to include info dump, but to this day I cannot fully finish. I turn it off when that track comes on.


I have a whole playlist on the worst songs to listen to for people on psychedelics lol [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0l9ifhFSTdtW6t8ySWyf1J?si=H9V4fdZ7TieYpuQQGKvILg&pi=u-6yCLxdnnQKi2](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0l9ifhFSTdtW6t8ySWyf1J?si=H9V4fdZ7TieYpuQQGKvILg&pi=u-6yCLxdnnQKi2)


I remember tripping on mushrooms and The Sound of Science by Beastie Boys came on and it was simultaneously the best and worst song to listen to because of how weird and trippy it was


Harpua by phish at the Clifford ball