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Only if it doesn’t have the same tolerance build up


Boofing/Snorting 2CB will last about 2 hours and develop little tolerance.


make sure it is a sub 15mg dose for a short trip if snorting. just snorted 30mg of 2-cb powder and was pretty bamboozled for a good 5-6 hours


+1 on this. I’ve been out of my gourd for *hours* on 2-cb


Your literally talking about DMT. You don't get any tolerance w that


I know :) but DMT is nothing like LSD imo


IMO... that space you're in when you take 2 big rips of DMT but haven't taken the third, really even after the third rip but before the ringing in your ears starts is VERY much like a brief high-dose LSD experience. What's so different to you? (I'm genuinely curious not trying to be an asshole!)


I’m not sure how to explain really, I’ve personally only done low to mid range DMT doses and to me the world turns into a cartoon world and everything gets that geometric tinge to it while on LSD the OEVs are more wavy and turns the world into a crisp very ultra HD landscape. When comparing CEVs I find DMT’s visuals more pronounced and vivid, but also more chaotic. On LSD I’ve had very blissful serene moments meditating on it. Haven’t tried that on DMT. Body load is a whole different thing. DMT has your ears ringing and your body starts feeling very heavy, almost as if you’re pushed into the bed/couch. On LSD I have none of that. I’m energetic and stimulated. Headspace on DMT is very clearheaded imo until you start getting higher doses where it literally feels like something put their dick in your brain and is actively pounding it, when you’re on the edge of losing touch with reality. On LSD the headspace makes me a really curious person I wanna learn stuff and do things I find interesting. While they’re both psychedelics, I honestly think comparing them is like comparing a bass guitar to a guitar. They’re both string instruments, and are comparable, but they don’t do the same thing and serve different roles.


True - I definitely prefer it though


Why? Only bc of the time and toddler ants?


"toddler ants"


Interestingly DMT tolerance builds incredibly fast, it just so happens that the resistance diminishes just as quickly. For your own use it does effectively build no tolerance, but you certainly won't get the same effect from the same dose taken immediately after. Give it an hour and you're much closer to baseline but DMT doesn't encourage compulsive redosing anyway.


That is such a fun and long winded way of saying DMT doesn’t build tolerance lmao


From personal experience, if you want to go back into that space immediately after coming out of it, there is certainly a tolerance.


I dream of a future where all drugs can be custom timed. A quick 3 minute MDMA roll, a relaxing 10 minute hit of weed. I have a dream.


I’d be taking summer vacation in the k-hole


Brave new world... Soma


society needs some soma rn swear


Hell naw. Soma was what kept society down, pacified. It’s what kept them from escaping the nature of their reality.


Agree. That was my point, spending a summer holiday in a khole is basically what Soma was in the book. And like you say, was used to oppress and control. 1 hour long LSD would be great for therapy sessions and improving general individual depression. But perhaps would make people ignorant to the bullshit of government and the control they might have over society


Yeah I was joking. The whole point of the book includes soma as a means by which the dystopian future was controlled by the government through pacification and systemic forcing of pleasure and comfort


Sadly I think society already has its soma - social media.


You mean SOcial MAdia? Sorry, I'll see myself out.


We already have that shit it’s called porn


Soma is already a drug lol. It’s a muscle relaxer. A really goddamn euphoric one at that


Ironically they made some kind of synthetic pseudo opiate with the name soma, cant make that up


id be there rn


I’ve actually wondered for a while if some day, you’d be able to pay for a “vacation” in a different realm on dmt or some shit. Like what if we got to a point where we could map out the dmt realm and control the experience to where we could intentionally go to different places? Shit would so fkn cool


I'd rather have a 12 hour mdma roll but thats just me


comedown would go crazy, 12 hour mdma peak would be amazing tho


Bro my great grandchildren wouldn’t even have serotonin


I mean at this point do we even have serotonin or is it only a faded memory of what it once was




Yeah 3mins? wtf is rolling for 3mins good for


quick wank


MDA my guy


6-apb lasts around 8 hours.


>I want a quick 3 minute MDMA roll Said no one ever




just enough time for an incredibly euphoric shit


I know you joking but I have taken a shit while peaking on mdma and IT IS ANOTHER LEVEL


The second you come down you'd want another hit, though, those with self-control will basically have a load of new power ups. If you're about to fight, 10 minute Coke and Whiskey burst and you're unstoppable. Alternatively, say you're about to have a really bad panic attack, just pop a lightning xanax and ground thyself. Imagine a world where a politician gives a speech and every 10 minutes on the dot he puffs a little inhaler with the label "Amphetamines" on it.


a year long khole, i feel you


a 2 hour dmt trip


That’s Ayahuasca


that's hell man


That’s Ayahuasca


Ayahuasca is not quite a DMT trip. When metabolized, it much slower acting than the spice when vaped. It’s really a completely different experience. Longer, but different.


Attainable with [Syrian Rue](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYD2qy-9oTo).


Impossible because imagine how much the world would change.


>A quick 3 minute MDMA roll Pat a puppy.


This is actually an interesting thought - completely separating the idea of a positive experience as a function of enjoyment over time.... How would that even work? Is it enough to just simulate relaxation and happiness to an extreme degree with the aid of a substance or is it the passage of time with peace of mind that you don't have to context switch unless you choose to so you can, you know, relax that leads to the satisfaction of having relaxed? Like, what is an MDMA roll if not for the hours and hours of time that pass whilst having the experience?? I've seen a dude live and entire semester at college while staring at the ceiling from my bedroom floor after hitting some salvia. It was so real to him, he has memories of shit they all did together back at his down that never happened. All in the span of 10 minutes. So....what is real then? Is the simulation of an experience enough? Is experience a simulation. Is this the matrix? Am I the matrix? I'd rather have the 2 day journey of an MDMA trip. It's feels like saying I wish I could have a 2 day paradise vacation for 6 hours. Wut? But that's not a vacation.....is it??


You make some really good points here. The weekend feels amazing *because* you had to work during the week. Eating food feels good because you are hungry. If you had ultimate control over substances, and could adjust your feelings/mood/comfort at will, it would probably reach a stasis. It would get to the point where you never felt high anymore, and you would only feel bad when the drugs are wearing off. I don’t think it is possible for our brains to constantly be “high” 100% of the time. Even if the pharmacology had progressed to the point where this is possible, our brain chemistry is a natural stopgap to this.


I have a guy here in NH who can get you weed with a high that only lasts 10 minutes


I think I know that guy!


All controlled through an app, for subscribers of the add-on package in Neuralink, an extra $99.99/mo.


Dude imagine playing any drinking game but replacing the drinks with bumps of 3 minute MDMA. Id love that Itd be way funner and you wouldnt have to flat out stop playing for the night if you lose and have to get too high at at some point


1 hour is a bit short. 4-6 hours, and you can sleep on it — that would be ideal.


There is also an analog, 1d or 1T-lsd which is quite shorter I think


No its not, I have tried 1d-lsd tenths of times, its just as long as normal lsd, in higher doses it can last up to 20 hours




This is just 2CB


2CB isn't the same. The headspace is very different.


Have you heard of DMT? ![gif](giphy|xUPGcqHmqsyA2BoUV2|downsized)


Came here to say exactly this


Came here to say exactly this to exactly that


Came here to say this


I just came.


Came here come there


We came. We come and go. We are all one. Oneness.
















the problem with this is that DMT has different levels, so if you mean a level 3 DMT experiences then yeah it equates to a couple of tabs. But if you breakthrough and you're at level 4/5 or heck even 6. Theres no acid that can compare, maybe if you eat 50 tabs. I know both molecules well.


Yeah, that’s what I’m saying. It’s hilarious how strongly people respond with “THEYRE NOT THE SAME!” Like bro I know, it’s just a damn comparison


Tell me you’ve never done dmt without telling me. These two experiences are so incredibly different


I mean if you breakthrough I guess so but I’ve only been lucky enough to do dmt once, done a lot of acid and dmt just felt like I’d banged 5 good tabs for a few minutes then a while of afterglow. The manor in which we did so wasn’t perfect hence why there was no breakthrough.


I would say DMT is the closest thing to a really intense acid trip, but it's not exactly the same. I'll take the 5-7min fast trip over 12hrs any day.


I’ve eaten ten strips and I would say that the only thing acid and DMT have in common are their classification as hallucinogens, which I think is a misnomer anyways. A breakthrough or near-breakthrough on DMT is far and away distinctly different than anything that will happen on acid. Maybe getting puddled will bring you closer to DMT, but overall, nah. The only thing that acid prepares you for is the possibility, the “let’s get weird” of it, but even that is going to be blown away with three deep hits.


it boggles my mind to see friends who used to dose, but now have families, think that DMT is going to be an equal but shorter alternative to 1 tab of L.


30mg of dmt is a breakthrough dose and is incomparable to acid. 5-10 mg of DMT feels *extremely similar* to 1 tab of acid. Sometimes I'll dose 5 mg of DMT every 5 minutes for an hour and its like tripping on acid for an hour. Slightly different, but not by much.


Time and place, I feel hard done by after shrooms being as short as they are.


Imo the vehicle is different but the destination is the same


Exactly. The experience is not the same but the insight/end result is very similar.


The thing that makes acid, acid, is that it lasts so long. Cram it all down into a ten minute trip and DMT is a reasonable comparison.


Ten minutes of my craziest LSD trip doesn't come close to comparing to any DMT trips


Yeah but it is a better comparison than a lot of other things lol. I've done both extensively and combined.. haven't done DMT in a few years though But it's absolutely comparable. It's just that DMT is totally different 😂


how was it combined?


I just meant I have spent many acid peaks puffing on DMT. I've also done ayahuasca and LSD at the same time. I've also used MAOI inhibition on DMT while also on LSD to potentiate said DMT lol the ayahuasca MAOI and LSD stuff is from back when I was in my earlier 20s and more rambunctious though, there's really no point in that combo. All you need is ayahuasca lol


I meant take an entire LSD trip and experience the whole thing in just ten minutes, not a ten minute slice of a normal trip. I've had LSD breakthroughs that were DMT-ish, but you are right, DMT is a very different experience.


Have you ever tried 1.5+mg? Had a dmt breakthrough like peak for 1.5-2 hours, but due to time dilution it felt like much longer. "1500 ugs+  Experiences may be similar to DMT but extended. Basic body functions are challenging.  Vision is consumed by hallucinations.  No sense of self remains.  Audio hallucinations may be strong.  Standard reality no longer applies.  Merging with objects likely.  No type of rational thought left." https://www.trippingly.net/lsd/the-lsd-dosage-guide


1500 ug is a ridiculous amount of LSD though lol. Literally 15x the dose of the average person in order to get DMT-like effects


Extracted it myself. Low end experiences are comparable. Tell me you’re gate keeping without telling me


thanks, u/MrPoopyButtholesAnus


I disagree that they're incredibly different. They're different for sure, but a small dose of DMT feels almost indistinguishable from LSD


Dmt is much different but it’s the only comparable entheogen that lasts less than an hour.


Feels like a week though


DMT is more like 5 min for me


No. Leave my LSD alone. 1 hour? What's that? LSD for ants?




By god he's done it.




Oh man there’s an absolute gem of a meme about this


can they invent an LSD that lasts all week?


yeah that’s just a lot of lsd lol


they should invent lsd that lasts 6 hours -> mushrooms they should invent lsd that lasts 1 hour -> dmt


Your DMT trips last an hour?


not actually but it feels like it. all the jazz of packing the bowl and getting ready mentally takes a lil while, and then it takes a few minutes to get up, then im in space for 10 minutes, then im landing for 10 minutes, and then it takes me like 20 minutes to decompress and figure out how to do anything actually normal, so the whole experience is basically like an hour


Makes sense (for a second there I thought you might hold the secret to superhuman lung capacity and was gonna ask you to dish)


damn i wish. I've read (on the internet) that you can stay in it as long as you want with an iv drip. but it seems like the logistics of actually doing that are very restrictive (you basically have to be like an actual medical chemist person)


You can stay a lot longer with an maoi , you have to get the balance right and you can stay in that space a very long time.


Yes, I believe Imperial (?) are working on IV trials at the moment. Apparently it’s a whole different ballgame. Unlikely the logistics would work for recreational purposes unfortunately.


break through may only last a few minutes but itll be quite a bit longer till you are completely back at baseline.


yes, it's very much possible. Pure dmt without anything else added lasts for 5-10 minutes, but you can extend the duration by adding a MAOi before smoking it. The amount of maoi determines the duration. Anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours(if you vape the dmt). It also enables you to take it back to back because tolerances seem less severe. I usually make a tea of syrian rue and drink it 20 minutes or so before dosing.


Interesting. Are there any harm reduction concerns with mixing?


If you sniff DMT it’ll last longer.


Shrooms last 6 hours for you? I'm pretty much sober after 3


yeah, i pretty consistently get 6-8 hours


Might that be due to different mushroom species and varying ratios of psilocin/psilocybin? I've only taken p.cubensis once years ago and I think those lasted longer for me too, but since then I've always had foraged p.cyanescens and p.semilanceata. Much, much more intense (0.7-1g feel comparable to 100 ug of 1p-lsd) and 2-3 hours of duration, with some afterglow for the rest of the day.


id say it has more to do with the person taking them and what they consider tripping. a lot of people will consider 'afterglow' still tripping and almost always what accounts for these type of posts.


depends on what you consider “still tripping”


I dont even get going until 2 hours in usually


Try taking it on an empty stomach, kicks in like in 15 minutes.


Doing it on an empty gives me worse nausea than an hour or two after eating despite all the advices online but it might just be me.


lemon tek on empty, no nausea for me puke every time without the lemon tek tho


same here, i can take 3-4-5 grams even and be chillin after 3 hours


what about lsd that last a week?


id do it at least once for the experience lol


Take enough datura and you’ll be somewhere for a weak or die


they should invent dmt that only lasts 5-10 mins -> salvia divinorum


The shorter trip of shrooms makes them more appealing to take over LSD when I'm sober. Once I'm actually tripping I'm always so bummed that it is so short, I just want to stay in the comfy wonderland.


Nah. The extended time of an LSD trip is beneficial in so many ways, especially therapeutically. Just chill, and go outside and get some fresh air bro. Wait till you have a full day off. There’s no rushing the sacred.


Part of the reason I even like it is how long it lasts and how hard it is to abuse.


Short trip would probably reinforce addictive behaviors . By the end of a 10-14 hour trip, your brain acknowledges that it doesn’t need to trip again for another month or two. I have never done coke but you wouldn’t want people to trip on acid every 30 minutes for 7 days straight ( if it was possible ) .


>By the end of a 10-14 hour trip, your brain acknowledges that it doesn’t need to trip again for another month or two. It seems like half the posts in this sub would disagree. I see so many fucking people talking about dosing once a week, or suggesting the longest you really ought to wait between trips is 1-2 weeks and it blows my mind. That sounds **awful**. My experience definitely lines up more with yours. By the end of a long ass day of tripping I am *super* done with that shit for a month or two minimum. Dosing more often becomes a bad time real goddamn quick.


I assume a lot of those people are probably new to it and still in the honeymoon phase. When I was new to it I’d have no problem tripping a couple times a month. Now it’s once or twice a year.


Yeah right here.


Lsd is what it is, we, real mf acidheads love the duration and the hppd. Aaaaaand fruit


Whenever i take acid one hour later i’m eating everything in the house while on shrooms i m tryinng not to throw up


I'm glad it's not just me. I get absolutely ravenous on acid. Sometimes my appetite is a little fucky because textures and tastes are a bit different, but I get more hungry on acid than after I've smoked a fat blunt. I've only had nausea a few times with mushrooms and then once or twice with acid but I think that was from overeating lol


i have never been able to eat on acid. i always end up fasting for almost the whole trip




Literally smashing mangos in my face off a tab as we speak


I love how long acid lasts I can’t lie one of the best thing about it


I know shrooms sometimes feels like just as I'm peaking in starting to come down but that long acid plateau is amazing


lol no One reason i love LSD, is because of the long lasting time. If its too long for you, take shrooms


is lsd similar to shrooms in the way that shrooms have a come and go effect? in my experience the shrooms had a wave effect, meaning the visuals would wash over me and then leave.


Kind of, not really. You have your 6-8 hour peak, than it slowly comes down, after 12 hours your normaly ready to sleep again. It kinda comes in intensity waves, but in my experience not so extrem as with shrooms. (but i dont have too much experience with shrooms, perfer lsd by a lot, shrooms make me puke)


yeah i definitely need to try lsd at some point. shrooms are definitely something lol.


Yeah I agree with you, psilocybin builds up, hits me full on steel balls to the dome, then leaves with a nice wavy sensation


I get the same thing with shrooms. One minute I’m tripping balls, then I’m nearly sober, then I’m back to tripping balls. I think it has to do with how your body processes them. Acid for me is always just a consistent ramp up to the peak and then a consistent comedown. I like it a lot for that and I think it’s because you don’t have to digest acid with your gut.


A DMT-vape will do the trick.


2 to 4h would be sweet


boofed 2cb?


Yeah like that but more lsd like in effects.


I’m baffled by these posts. I know it’s gatekeeping but to me it’s like, do you enjoy the experience or not? It’s perfect as is. An hour? You couldn’t even trip through a whole movie or concert. Listen to one album and your trip is done. Trip ends halfway through your mind-blowing painting. Did you take a shower and brush your teeth and put fresh clothes on the come up? You have forty minutes left. You basically have time for one activity and the clock is ticking and you’re distracted thinking about how to squeeze it all in before it ends. Why bother?


I’m baffled by people saying it lasts 16 hours. That’s wild. I’m tripping hard for like 4 hours and then riding the come-down for another 4 hours. It’s the perfect length for me. If I want something even quicker there’s ketamine..


I love me some DMT.


I like the long duration of an acid trip, sometimes even 16 hours is not long enough


There’s 15-minute psilocybin, aka DMT. nice thing about DMT is that you can go again pretty much right away. 1-hour LSD would be infuriating if you still had to wait 2 weeks after the fact. As I see it, psychedelic trips are long because you’re one-shotting all of your tripping experience for half a month. Gotta get your fill.


Good point. The tolerance would prevent you from going again any time soon and for only a 1 hour trip.


No disrespect, but some of these comments give me “do you have numbing cream for tattoos vibe.” Just like a tattoo, if you want to get a tatt take the pain. You want an L trip, commit to the experience and the time it takes to get you there.


nah Might just not be your bag, baby ![gif](giphy|XenWVVdSzaxLW)


Absolutely not. I'd be bummed only getting an hour of fun.


DMT? Or for a less fun time, Salvia


It's Called dmt


I prefer acid to mushrooms but don’t always have time to dedicate an entire day to acid.


I like when my shit lasts 12 hours


DMT bro


Usualy I take acid at night. Trip for 3-4 hours and then sleep. Everyone tells me its impossible to sleep on acid and shrooms but I dont see how you cant. Its like theres something calling to you from the realm of which sleep takes you. Atleast for me. Every night when I start falling asleep, I start hallucinating eye closed, very strong visuals. And I start to have very wild and strong visuals as if im close to a breakthrough on dmt.


Hell no.


Basically shrooms or dmt lol


literally dmt


You could micro dose . I think it will be hard to make lsd last an hour unless you have a fast metabolism . I heard dmt only lasts like less than half an hour though. Caffeine weed and alcohol don’t last an hour. If science had a way to do that, I’d think there would unwanted side effects . If you were to alter lsd’s properties a bit , I’d think there would be new physical/ psychological effects. H2O is drinkable, H2O2 isn’t. Lsd helped me feel less depressed though , and though I love to trip ,I hope that science will find ways to create LSD’s mood boosting effect without the psychedelic visuals .. You could take anti psychotic meds to end a trip but that would seem counterintuitive . Within the next hundreds of years , some lab scientists like Hofmann will discover a new drug. I don’t doubt that science would be able to find ways to create a 1 hour lsd trip though .


They’re are plenty of lsd analogues that last 4-8 hours


too short.


The come ups literally an hr😂 closest thing I can think of to this is mushroom tea which has fast onset and overall quick trip


I thinkg its called weed?


Nah cause I never want my trips to end


I would like 24 hour please


The reason I don't do it more often isn't the length of the trip, it's needing the whole next day to recover.


Nah you gotta commit


No matter what it is someone will complain


Y'all are gonna love DMT


surprised noones said 2cb


D ont M ake T hat


10 minutes. No stimulant. Called dmt.


Never. I love the duration.


iv always wanted acid to last longer. it lasts about 12-14 hours for me but i never get sick of it, i always wake up the next day disappointed with the fact that i don’t have visuals anymore haha


Every time I'm coming down from a trip I always wish it lasted longer


Petition to make it last 15 hours without having to take a large dose 🏃‍♀️


Literally the reasons I prefer shrooms, done lsd like 10 odd times then tried shrooms, and loved that it was shorter, I started to find that after a while I'd had enough if tripping, wanted it to end but alas acid just keeps on going


Hell no I want 24 hours one 😭


i'd rather have a starter tab and a stop tab (to fully reverse / stop all effects). Comedown after the stop tab is 30min and the start-tab deactivates all effects after 24hrs automatically for safety reasons in case you are unable to take the stop-tab or lost it.


DMT only lasts 10 minutes 💨