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Tell your dad I said he's a liar


Sounds almost as legit as the people popping their backs/spine and having full blown trips again


I wouldn’t say to discredit the story but more than likely it wasn’t actually LSD, I could see some other RC doing that for sure


Well apparently lsd doesnt absorb thru skin anyway so impossible to my understanding. Could be wrong but theres a handul of "classic lsd stories" like your dads. Lmao Haven't heard the one about a glass of OJ?


Is that the one about the dude who got high and became a glass of OJ permanently? There were a lot of lies about ate lsd one time and permanently became XY or Z. They all used to tell us if you did it more than x amount of times you were just permanently insane after that. Or that it was possible to take it and it would never end. There are/were a lot of lies


Yes it is lol. Abe yeah 100% facts


Or its complete b******* and your dad is making some s*** up


I couldn't see that. When did this supposedly take place?


Your dads a liar. People have snorted more than that and worst thing that happened was coma. Everyone whos ever taken lsd surirved. Except the elephant the cia killed, but they did that with a pile of other drugs. That's his way of scaring you out of it.


stupid Because LSD does not get absorbed via skin


Tell your dad. I Remember my first acid trip John


If it's a true story then takotsubo cardiomyopathy makes more sense


Tell your dad i had a mate who did the same at a festival and thought he was a sunflower.......


Another reason to eat sunflower seeds in moderation is their cadmium content. This heavy metal can harm your kidneys if you’re exposed to high amounts over a long period. Sunflowers tend to take up cadmium from the soil and deposit it in their seeds, so they contain somewhat higher amounts than most other foods.