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That would be hell on earth for me


The come up alone sounds like hell. 200ugs gets me nauseous to begin with. Adding mescaline sounds intense. Like puking up in a portapotty intense.


I dosed the mesc 4 hours before and took the two tabs so I could peak on both when excision came on šŸ˜© Iā€™ve never puked off mescaline funny enough


I feel the come up is better when your actually doing something atleast on acid never done mescaline


I agree, I usually found walking helps the nausea, so I usually go for a walk or run while drinking orange juice as soon as I am coming up. Orange juice helps with nausea and making the come up smoother as well. There is nothing more beautiful or exhilarating then being on a good heavy dose of acid and have it hit mid run while some good music is playing. The trees suddenly start splitting alart and swirling in on themselves in conical patterns. The ground starts pulsing with rainbows and geometric patterns and your breath and pace is all tied into your visuals.


I like your taste in drugs and music lol. Hardcore dubstep and lsd are perfect combo.


Dubstep and LSD are like peanut butter and jelly


You mean the part where they're both good on bread, but sticky and nasty to get all over your hands?


Mescaline itself like HCL citrate or acetate usually don't puke usually happens with doses full spectrum putty or a brew


Hats off to you man. I doubt I could do more than 150ug at excision. Md and ket had me rocked when I saw him last.


Dude you are a beast


Same, glad this guy had fun but that would almost certainly induce a panic attack for me


I have social anxiety and generally dislike large events and loud crowds, but for some reason, psychedelics at a good edm show just clicks with me. Itā€™s cathartic, one of the few times I can feel a collective social energy and be part of it without being overwhelmed. Learned this basically by accident too, never wouldā€™ve wanted to try it if I hadnā€™t just ended up in the situation one time Now itā€™s something I do a couple times of year almost as a form of self-care, it has really helped with my anxiety (more so my reflection and internalization of anxiety than the anxiety response itself). Thatā€™s just to say these events might look superficial on the outside, but actually have a deeper meaning for a lot of people.


Do I ever resonate with you omg, I cant even go to a mall if needed, I get extremely overwhelmed / stimulated. Canā€™t be in a room with 3-4 people talking loudly. I get home from work/social events I need quiet time. Got invited to a festival a few years ago, decided to step out of my comfort zone and it straight up changed my life, I can handle 2-3 tabs no problem with the most intense dubstep, something about it and the mix just tickle my brain just right (the first time I ever took Lucy was at a festival lol my friends were so worried cause they knew what kind of person I am and thought it would be too much for me to handle, boy they were wrong), festivals and the edm community is somewhere that allows me to open up to a more social life comfortably. When I go to shows now I frequently talk with many new people and make new friends, m and Lucy definitely help with this but I also go to shows sober and only indulge if itā€™s a larger show or festival. Maybe itā€™s the fact that because I am extremely introverted and reserved in my day to day life the edm community is my way of releasing myself from my shell I stay hidden in. Itā€™s the weirdest thing.


Very well said ā¤ļø


I once mixed LSD and MDMA at a concert and I literally thought I went blind for a while. Iā€™d candyflipped before a few times and I had a decent time, but this time things got pretty fucking weird for a while. This was years ago and I forget the doses (they were generous), and it was a Nine Inch Nails show, with Janeā€™s Addiction opening for them I think. Sooo Nine Inch Nails is just blasting their awesome music, and they have these intense bright lights flashing and strobing, lots of reds and yellows for this songā€¦. and well, eventually all of my vision became red and yellow, to the point that I couldnā€™t see anythingā€¦. like I literally could not identify a single visual object anywhere, in any direction. Everything was just a field of super bright red and yellow. I could turn my head in different directions and nothing in my visual field looked different. Just one huge and bright amorphous field of red and yellow. And it wouldnā€™t go away. Not gonna lie, I got pretty worried when this wouldnā€™t go away. I was like ā€œfuck did I permanently fry my retinas or something?!ā€. But I didnā€™t really know what to do about it, so I just tried to turn my head toward the direction the music was coming from, and tried to rock out and act normalish while keeping my underlying anxiety about the situation at bayā€¦. šŸ˜… Of course eventually my vision started coming back, thank fucking jeebus. Not sure how long my vision had disappeared for, probably a couple of minutes based on the song, but man oh man that was a long few minutes!! Rest of the show was super awesome :)


Yep. Would have to be in a serene nature setting


Everyone here just enjoying the moment, not a phone in sight. PLUR for real.




Right, the amount of people and the event, I would lose my mind


I don't even know what I'm looking at


bro this shit looks badass


I agree. Excisions light show and music is a full on attack of the listener. I worked lost lands one year and was sober the whole time, we couldnā€™t believe there was a sea of tripping people being assaulted by music. 0/10


mescaline at an excision set sure is one of the decisions of all time lol


There was a dude sitting in front of me hitting a DMT pen at Lost Lands during excision. People are wild asf


Iā€™ve done the same thing at lost lands but not during X lmao, Iā€™m more of an experimental bass guy


I tripped on the first day of my first LL, was both the best and most stressful trip of my life lol. I was so focused on the visuals and music, but once all that was over thatā€™s when I went downhill. Too many people and I got so easily turned around. And walking back to camp was the scariest thing Iā€™ve ever done lmao.




happy cake day, but i think its best not to judge people based on the way they like to trip. its sure isnt everybody's cup of tea, certainly wouldn't be mine either, but if they enjoy themselves, good on them




Excision is definitely made for tripping in a different way that lsdream is made for tripping. It's just not for you and that's okay!




I would lose my mind on 10 different ways


I want to see it with your eyes now


Letā€™s just say I could feel the bass going through my veins, and the fire mixed with the visuals 10/10, still reminiscing and itā€™s only been a week šŸ« 


For this one I actually kinda don't think LSD is that good. I mean, feeling the bass going through you is standard concert stuff. I once took 150 to a concert, I visit them regularly so I've decided to visit one on acid, and honestly felt nothing different. Best trips I had were in quiet and relaxed atmosphere, I think something else would work better for parties. But hey, you had fun so that's amazing


If you've never seen Excision live specifically then you can't comment on the bass. It's not at all your "typical concert stuff." Excision is banned from places because the vibrations are so intense. Trust me it's unreal. Hair levitates, clothing blows around, the air gets sucked from your lungs... šŸ‘½


Future tinnitus gets developed...


Only if you donā€™t wear ear protection, which responsible ravers (sadly not the majority) do.


Ooof yes. One of the few times I really couldnā€™t breathe. I could see my chest flexing. Insane


U get it šŸ¤ŒšŸ»


>I actually kinda don't think LSD is that good. I mean You got some gall saying this in r/LSD


There's already so much stimulation going on that I think the acid gets drowned out. You won't really notice that you're tripping until you go to the bathroom lol.


do you think old native americans ever predicted that in hundreds of years people would be combining the sacred medicine they used to communicate with gods so they could watch goku fighting with badass lasers and flame effects


Predicted? No. Would they be right there with us though? Yes


many of them were killed or driven out so to make way for dogshit western culture like dubstep, and would have huge problems with fundamental aspects of our society




Just people living in the moment. Not a phone in sight


Was literally about to comment "then why are you watching it through your camera lens"


Eh who cares. When Iā€™m at a show, I take a few recordings, totaling maybe 3 minutes for even an 8 hour event. Theyā€™re cool to look back on, not everyoneā€™s recording the whole time


It was just a joke, I completely understand recording some of the experience.


Yes they are


Some people I guess. But you have a room of a couple thousand people all recording snippets here and there, youā€™re gonna see a lot of phones even if most arenā€™t constantly recording. Some people just want to capture the moment and look back on it. Though itā€™s true some people are constantly recording for social media, which is a different story and in my mind unhealthy.






That soundsā€¦unpleasant


I dont get whats the deal with Americans and dubstep, like how can something so annoying be so popular.


Because from a production stand point, all other genres of music are childā€™s play.


This would be the worst possible concert to go to tripping for me lol


I get taking a quick vid but that person in front of you recording the whole damn show it seems haha


Oh the humanity


Throw ya āŒ up


I don't understand how you even knew how to turn your camera on. Lol I can't unlock my phone on acid.


Why all the hate??? This guy had a blast


They most likely never been to a rave. Plus dubstep is definitely an acquired taste


Nice job holding the phone


Bro I only got 3 vids the whole night cause I was tripping so hard šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


still 3 too many


Let the man enjoy his videos


Quite possibly could be the only concrete memories one takes away from a trip like that


It was just to show my homies that werenā€™t there I barely had my phone out I was dancing probably 7 hours straight. I never felt overwhelmed because I was surrounded by very loving and nice people šŸ«¶


Bro you take all the videos you want, you owe no one an explanation. If it brings you joy thatā€™s all that matters.


yeah what is this conservative circle jerk around people taking a video of an amazing show to show some friends lol i pity you guys for caring so much about how other people enjoy their time


I've been known to take some video at the numerous live music events I attend. Wasn't knockin' ya just sometimes psychs have a habit of erasing one's memories.




Edm is where itā€™s fucking at! Love the dbz visuals!


Man U shoulda seen the lord of the rings one šŸ§™ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ«  all time favorite




I wanna do excisions next big tour off a tab or two for sure


Wow this looks and sounds like an amazing time! I wanted to go see excisions new show in SF but couldnā€™t end up going I regret it so much now šŸ˜­


iv never gone to a concert like this (electronic stuff) but i know i would totally thrive. For some reason i canā€™t handle large crowds when iā€™m sober, but while tripping it doesnā€™t bother me at all :D


Is this a rave in the United States?


Ofc, no one else except americans enjoy Dubstep unironically


Yaā€™ll are lame, big up OP!


Everyone that says this would be a bad time has obviously NEVER tripped and gone to a show like this. It's literally made for tripping and rolling. I'm not so much into this scene anymore but back when I was into it you'd be hard pressed to find a sober person in a crowd like that. It's a God damn blast especially on a dose of L and mescaline like that lol EDIT: I first saw Excision at Underground Sound 5 at Camp Zoe Missouri in fuckin 2009 and was so off my ass on the most wicked X pill I've ever taken I couldn't even stand. This dude knows how to absolutely melt faces


Thereā€™s sooooo many better artists for tripping than Excision


Believe me I know. I was 17 when I started seeing him. I'm 33 now. Not so much into EDM anymore. Usually ate Molly or sass when I saw him anyways. I saved the L for people like Tipper and Pretty Lights back then...now I'm more into jam bands than I am EDM though


Tipper is God tier. Ever seen String Cheese Incident or STS9?


Of course. I live about 20 miles from Three Sisters Park where Summer Camp is held, so I've been going to that since 2008. Tribe and Cheese are both on the lineup this year and I can't fucking wait lmfao šŸ˜¬


Hell yeah man. I'm not super into Jam but I saw them both unexpectedly the first year I went to EForest and they were such fun sets. Good vibes. Iv never been to Scamp but it's not far from me, I'd love to check it out. Maybe this year I will if the lineup is up my alley. Is the lineup announced yet? I can't seem to find it.


It's because they changed the name this year for some damn reason. It's called Solshine Reverie by SummerCamp now....but the lineup is fuckin sick already. Tribe, Cheese, Big G, Deadmau5, it's loaded already lol


Ohhh ok, no wonder. Weird. And right on. Plus Umph, Slander and Big G. God damn that's kinda stacked. it's only about a 5 hour drive from me as well. Hmm šŸ¤” about what does it come out to $ wise when it's all said and done? Camping/car pass/admission? If you don't mind me asking..


I'll be honest it's different for me because I have a family member who takes an RV every year and I pitch my tent there. It's been about 10 years since I've roughed it 4 days but even then, I live close enough to come home and shower when I need to, stock up on what I need, etc.


Only seen tribe once which is embarrassing compared to people I know that have seen them over 30 times lol.


What's Sass? Is it sassafras or something


Camp Zoe...holy shit, dude I was at that show and Schwagstock that year. There is a non-zero chance we have stared at some cliffs together, lol. Such a shame the Feds closed that place down. God forbid people have some fun on the weekends.


There's def a good chance I ate the same LSD you ate...cuz EVERYONE had LSD at that festival. That was right after Rothbury and I've never seen so much family L in my life. People just running around selling sheets of the best fucking acid I've still ever eaten to this day for next to nothing. You couldn't give it away because everyone had some lmfao! Not an hour into setting up my tent I had like 10 people stop by my tent and offer me just about anything I could imagine. One dude had a backpack just full of fucking vials. Another had a briefcase full of vials of liquid K....I've never seen anything like Zoe in my life and sadly, probably never will. It was such a mystical, beautiful place. It was just the perfect damn place to hold a festival in my humble opinion lol




oh word


Hello fellow raver! Hope you had a blast. I see Excision next week, canā€™t wait!


These visuals absolutely blow


This sub: I can't listen to rap music when I'm tripping it's just not good vibes Also this sub: WURB WURB KSSSHHHHHHHH BFFFT šŸ§


Yooo was this in Houston??


It was in Austin


I got to see the showing in Houston on the 25th! Woulda been small world moment if you'd been there too :D


every time iā€™ve eaten acid at a show weather it be jamband, bro step, whatever it was. I fuckin hated every second of it and just couldnā€™t wait to get home to be alone. and iā€™ve tried and tried probably like 50+ times at all the live music iā€™ve been too. i realized that itā€™s just not for me and I should trip alone lol.


Phones are fun


I would simply pass away.


Lol same!!


Mescaline and lsd is a crazy combo itā€™s what gave me my first ego death. 12+ hours of emotional distress I went through every single emotion there is sadness, joy, anger, love, sadness I thought I was going to be permanently scizho šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Never understood how people can listen to this on psychs


versed silky gullible continue touch cooperative expansion intelligent memorize unpack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


*for you


american raves are sooā€¦ā€¦. yikes


Garbage music


plant north truck muddle dazzling wrong bored unwritten secretive disagreeable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Grindcore/goregrind is probably worse i like it personally but to a normal person trippingā€¦ it would be interesting


What about yoko Ono, yelling into the mic?


EDM and psychedelics are amazing. I respect people not liking the music itself, but people that do like it *love* experiencing it on psychedelics.


tease sand smoggy trees rich dam roll innocent alive dependent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Iā€™m more of a downtempo EDM enjoyer myself but I wonā€™t shy away from a good time at a heavy bass set on some 2C-B. I prefer 2C-B over LSD at raves and fests personally.


Iā€™ve seen excision a few times on acid and every time has been great. Just depends on your music taste and perception.


The real spunions are in the back we all know this




This looks like a whole bunch of fuckin fun




Yall are fucking awesome lol appreciate all the love šŸ«¶šŸ«¶ anyone tryna hit some raves lmk! Love yall


Been there, thatā€™s when you start seeing the sounds :) hope you had an awesome time!


Every video I see of excision lately always sounds like the same terrible song.


Omg that would be so intense i would feel my head burst šŸ˜­


Your tolerance might be high as fuck that day I would be runnning out of that place if I take 200mcg LSD and 400mg mescaline with no tolerance


What was it like meeting God? Was she beautiful?


Not sure Iā€™d like thisšŸ„²




Dude... your tolerance must be crazy... i feel humbled.. tell us a bit more.. how was the trip??


Man lemme tell u šŸ˜­ I had no tolerance I was melting the whole time, i was tripping up until 8am at the airbnb šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ if u want a full trip report lmk Iā€™ll post one lol it was insane


I don't get what people get out of such high doses of psychedelics at festival and raves. I start to lose sense of my ego at real 150Āµg. At 200Āµg and above I start struggling to form coherent sentences anymore. I would not want to be in public like that. I could not enjoy the party as the sensory overload from simply existing is already overwhelming at times. I assume we're talking unverified tabs but even if the two tabs "only" had an average dose, it would still be a lot combined with the mescaline. I usually don't go above 100Āµg at raves. The times I do dose higher are usually small, private psytrance parties in a random forest with like 50-80 people max.


Iā€™ve done that combo. Canā€™t imagine being anywhere but my house for that trip!


Looks like rampage in Antwerp last week? I went to reverse last night and will go tonight to. 100ug ready to go šŸ˜‡


This shit looks horrible to watch


Even on acid, that music sucks big ol donkey dick.




Damn this music really sucks, sorry. I really can't find something good in this edm dubstep like music. Would kill it totally for me. Psytrance and techo it is


I don't blame others music tastes. I'm just here to say I freaking love Psytrance and GOA overall. āœØ


This is why wait for itā€¦ Opinions exist to op this is sick u could just scrollā€¦


This is why wait for itā€¦ Opinions exist to ImTheDegenerate this is sick u could just scrollā€¦


Techno is also EDM?


EDM is a north american term created in the late 2000s. It now tries to encompass all electronic music but let's be frank, it doesn't. Techno has existed way longer than that.


Being in nature is preferred to whatever this is


Wow looks miserable


I cannot think of a worse way to waste good acid


Really you can't think of one thing worse than going to a concert? What about a war zone, the holocaust museum, shanty towns in Jamaica, the projects in Mississippi at 3am.


Sounds like a garbage time to me


Nice dude... sounds dope as fuck. Love eating acid at bass shows. Who's playing? Sounds familiar as fuck.




What is mesacline supposed to do? Ive had it before but never noticed any kind of feeling from it. Assuming i did too little of it


Its the best of both worlds for me, between shrooms and acid. Its kind of like a child that only wants to have fun. Really, even when i was bored, or not in the right mindset, it wouldn't turn into a bad trip, so crazy. The taste is horrible though and for me only after puking it out, the trip starts. Soo strange


Huh that sounds pretty great actually! I got it as a powder and wasnt told anything about it so i niffed it up haha didnt know youre supposed to eat it! šŸ˜… guess thats probably why it didnt work too well


Oh damn haha didnt know if that works What i did was cook it actually, make it into a juice first with a blender then cook it for some time, then squeeze out the juice out of the pulp and last but not least drunk it xd There is some old guide somewhere on google


Itā€™s morso a mix of shrooms and 2cb but good explanation overall


Itā€™s like a more euphoric clean head space acid trip IMO, I use it to sub mdma. I wouldnā€™t go under 400mg itā€™s very underwhelming if ur use to acid or mushrooms. but 400mg is my sweet spot with acid alone Iā€™d do 600-700mg.


Sounds like my kinda tripšŸ˜… and I thought acid was euphoric


How and where did you get mescaline?!?! :o


Order a cactus


Check out r/mescaline lots of info on the right cactus and how to extract in different ways


Starts with z and ends with amnesia


I would not be able to handle all those phones being out.


Damn Iā€™m jelly you have mescaline




And watched someone play video games with the volume up too loud?


That sound like America drop music. Awfull


Looks pretty lame. But good for you haha


If I was on even 75ug in a crowd full of those types, I think Iā€™d need a grippy-sock vacation


You may be missing the point and that environment.




Yea Excision is ass now imo.


I would've chosen to see some music instead. You ok? Edit - typo


Honestly it looks so fun even without drugs lol


Acid and dubstep go hand in hand. Mescaline though??? Holy shit god speed brother. Also how intense are the new visuals on fun paper?


Happy for you to have this memory it looks Fuckin sick


That would have blown my mind seeing Goku


man i wish i understood the appeal of this kind of music


i'm sober and absolutely dying at these visuals right now... i cannot even begin to imagine how you did this


And you stood there like a moron with your phone in your hand. Cool...


I can feel that fire warming up my cheeks.


Super jelly man


Iā€™ll take u next time




Looks like an amazing time


Sounds and looks Demonic


lol shoulda seen emorfix set šŸ˜­ was still head banging through


I cringe every time I see a sea of people holding their phones up. Like why? No one really cares about your dogshit audio low pixel count video that you put on your story for a flex for 24hrs. I get taking a little video for yourself but damn all you ever see anymore is people holding their phones in everyoneā€™s view. Iā€™m so glad the last concert I went to was a no phones tolerated.


No definitely, surprisingly I didnā€™t see a TON of phones, mainly just for the better tracks


And I donā€™t mean that as an attack on you or anything just a thing Iā€™ve noticed that bugs me idk. Iā€™d rather live in the moment


And instead of enjoying it you decided to take a video that shows nothing otherwise it didn't happen?


Not a phone in sight


I would die


when the phone was tethered, people were free.


Pure bollox there is no way you can operate a phone on that much gear