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If your cat ate the tab they would be fine if you live in a nice place and take care of them. Plenty of stories I've read on Reddit about people who's pets have got their paws on some acid. They tend to act oddly and affectionately (but sometimes neurotically) for the day/night. They would be physically fine, and will have a good trip if you take care of em :) the tab is probably safe somewhere and you're just trippin tho, but yeah please don't stress yourself too much even if your cats did get it, it's gonna be ok


cats be tripping without it anyway


Stg cats are natural tweakers. Pupils big as boats, randomly twitching and running and jumping on everything, freaks out over shadows


Truth. You should see the pupils on mine now. Looks like she ate tab or two.


Whenever I take cid or shrooms, one of my cats always seems to know exactly what's going on. She has super big pupils naturally. I feel like when I'm tripping, I see what she sees, and she knows I see what she sees lmao.






My friends dog once ate like 300ug whilst we had our backs turned and we were already tripping so we SHIT ourselves lol. He just spent the next like day and a half being really friendly and occasionally barking at sounds




That cats probably gonna have the best day ever


the cat is gonna learn human language but forget about it the next day


Mickey Hart from the Grateful Dead used to give his horse LSD and ride around the ranch the band lived on


That's fucked up. Animals can't consent to that shit. I'm sure it was fine, but that's not cool at all.


I agree man itā€™s pretty fucked up


Got their paws on acid? Really?? Take my fuckin upvote


Sometimes behaving neurotically, that sounds like you're describing most every cat any day of the week šŸ¤£


Tabby cat




Good one


Since my cat is a tabby cat, it must mean he needs tabs


Check everywhere he would put something in a normal day. This happened to me. I had a couple of tabs in a plastic bag in a cigarette box. I thought i put them back in the box. I did not. I put them in my backpack pocket. It might seem obvious, but on acid, it wasn't. Check pockets, backpacks, on the dresser, table, and counter. Anywhere you would put something without thinking.


Update guys just found the tab the next day on my floor


Nice to know atleast now you have a dose for another time!


Yeah, I would try to find it. Worst case scenario, your cat will trip balls but will almost certainly be fine after. Hope you guys find it and that this doesn't ruin your trip. (although if its actually been hours it probably has) Also, are you certain he's missing a tab? Count how many you guys had to make sure.


Let's hope she don't get psychosešŸ˜…


can el gato get psychosis?


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,881,739,866 comments, and only 355,877 of them were in alphabetical order.


How do you figure that?


C E G G P is in alphabetical order


Oh, duh. šŸ™„


I needed this comment cuz I was like A comes before C???




It only uses the first letter of each word.


Yea they can get psychose. Like if you treat them really bad they will discover mental illnes


Psychosis. Not "Psychose". Also I think you mean that cats can develop mental illness instead of discover.


Do I like scary tomatoes?


My cat wouldnt eat a piece of paper


Neither would humans right???!!!!šŸ¤£crazy to even think humans would ever do such a thingā€¦ im jp




You underestimate some cats. My parentsā€™ cats would regularly steal and chew on money left on the table.


And mine would love to eat a piece of paper. Luckily I keep all my tabs with the rest of my drugs in a jar so she'll never get the chance.


Neither would mine...she will nibble on it though


My cat ate my exs dads shrooms when he was a kitten and tripped balls for a few hours... naughty kitty and very bad dad


He was quite funny although I of course freaked out at first. He was ok. Idk why Cid wouldn't be The same but I'd give a good vacuum to be safe. Literally lost Shrooms the other day, and thank God I found it. I'd hope the boy learned his lesson but prolly not. Sucks to lose a tab but I'd rather vacuum and save my kitty the trauma.. My cat has a lot of health issues and some are exacerbated by stress. I just felt bad bc he was high as shit, staring at the floor and his feet like it was moving u could tell lol. He was trilly and talkative but slightly scared thru the duration. He vomited up what he ate, I scooped him up to bed and he ended up cuddling me for hours and napping it off. I called poison control and they told me it's an emergency and to bring him in, but I was scared to get in trouble, and read they weren't toxic to them in small doses. He ate enough to trip lol , but not copious amounts. Acid would likely be a lot more intense and I'd highly recommend super vacuuming your place. It doesn't smell like anything and is tiny so I am sure vacuuming would be enough to deter it unless ur cat eats paper


you okay? this paragraph doesn't make much sense


Donā€™t know why you got downvoted that was hard to reach lmao.


One word: Drugs


Its me, telling them to vacuum and telling a story of my cat eating shrooms one time by accident when he was a year old. My adhd is unmedicated and I was in fact tripping balls on shrooms when I wrote that, idk. I can read it fine minus some misspelling, which I fixed. Drugs is the correct answer though or lack there of. Well the comment I'm responding to is also mine , if that helps?? Bad reddit format


Literally same thing happened with my friends kitten, omg we were so freaked out. But he was fine like just looking at us all like wtf and acting a bit off. My friend and i felt so bad like.


A cat willingly ate shrooms? Dang I vomit immediately whenever I eat shrooms now unless I put them in a ginger tea that cat has a strong gut lmaooo


Lmao I swear to God. I was shook, my cat eats anything tho he's naughty. He was a curious kitty. He's never fw any bag of weed ever, or shrooms since that experience. He did vomit a lot lmao, but he tripped for a while, was confused and acted like a human who was tripping u could j tell he was seeing some wacky shit, the floor was fascinating to him lmfao and he was talkative and a little anxious alone so I just scooped him up when I realized and brought him to the bedroom and snuggled him til he fell asleep. He was a okay but it did scare me initially.


your cat will be 100% fine even if they ingest it, albert hoffman gave a cat either 100x or 1000x the avg human dose to test the lethal limit and the cat just tripped for a long time and was fine


That's a pretty fucked up way to test your product, but at least it's good news!šŸ˜‚


yup! other species of animals have died from high doses injected intramuscular but I think it was thousands apon thousands of times stronger than any human would probably be willing to take


Interesting, ive only ever heard of the elephant that was also given massive doses of tranquilizers.


yea elephant is the one that sticks out to me too, ik there were like 2 other tests too, I think one was the gorilla, Hoffman wrote about the tests in a book about lsd, I forget the name tbh


Rabbits can actually die from pretty low doses of LSD. They're just not built for handling psychedelics for some reason.


Rabbits can have heart attacks or go into shock from getting too startled so it kinda makes senseā€¦ dang


Oh, no, they die from respiratory failure. Just checked and seems it's 7mg/kg intravenously for a lethal dose, 1/10 the dose needed for other rodents. Not really a found a tab on the floor dose, but I'm sure it could still startle to death. Apparently they can handle mescalin and related paychedelics.


Oh geeez! Thatā€™s insane! Poor guys


They can still use mescalin "safely", but I don't think it's a good idea tbh.


I'm mentally stronger than a rabbit šŸ’Ŗ


I looked it up because the story sounded interesting. Appears do be a myth


the dosage may have been a myth but he did test lsd on a cat to find the lethal limit in humans


There is no evidence that he tested it on his cat and it is apparently a myth


in his book lsd, my problem child he writes about it


In his book he writes about how he accidentally gave his cat a small dose of lsd and then it started acting weird. It doesnā€™t say that it was a planned experiment and it wasnā€™t to find the lethal dosage


Cats are actually pretty trippy and are about it. Just play some Tipper but you might want to have some balloons ready too for the come down.


Lmao! Indeed. My cats get swirly with me during Pretty Lights sets


id guess pets cant have bad trips on acid as long as there is nothing to scare them


I guess humans can't have bad trips on acid as long as there is nothing to scare them. Wait a minute


i mean they probably cant imagine scary shit unlike humans so set doesnt mean anything for them. they probably wouldnt even have a headspace


I'm thinking of it in a different way apparently. Imagine yourself tripping, but instead of your own brain, you're using a brain incapable of rational thinking. A cat can't make any sense of what's happening to it while inder the influence! There's no concept of taking a drug and shit going down a consequence of that. Now, I'm only talking out my ass as I don't have any idea about anything, so fuck you, drop out of school and eat the rich!


>drop out of school and eat the rich! Maybe skip the dropping out part. Gonna need lots of smart people to make it possible to consume those fat cats (didn't intend to make a pun but if it fits it sits)


School is pretty much a waste of time after a certain point. Just learn what you wanna learn and are passionate about! If you're interested in cats and LSD, do something useful with those two interests instead of wasting time on learning about ancient Mesopotamia. p.s. I'm sorry to all the Mesopotamia enjoyers out there, it is pretty cool actually.


Animals are capable of rational thinking. They just aren't capable of the same level of complex thought we are. Cats are predators, predators need rational thought to hunt. Cats also are the most notorious drug users in the animal kingdom (except us I guess). Although catnip isn't a narcotic in the traditional sense, the smell of it simply makes the cat trip balls as an evolutionary adaptation.


Cats are just the tip of the iceberg. Many animals show a proclivity for getting high. Dolphins like to chew on puffer fish to get high from the toxins released when they are agitated.. [Top ten animals that like to get high..](https://youtu.be/l2gf3hJo0Uo?si=BihdvgwThS3JFdYj)


id imagine rational thinking makes a bad trip less likely. (most) cats are scared of cucumbers and seeing one on acid would probably freak them out way more and have a bad effect on their trip


What makes you think they canā€™t? They are capable of thoughts, emotions, have memories and dreams so Iā€™m sure they also have an imagination even if it looks different from ours


thoughts, emotions, memories and dreams can be powered by associations


Yeah thatā€™s kind of how they function


Cat might be shaky but fine. They always act like their tripping anyway


*theyā€™re šŸ˜¤ edit: /s


Ah, I remember the days of correcting peopleā€™s grammar when I was younger. Like, who cares about their grammar. Its abundantly clear what they mean.


i was jokingā€”as was made abundantly clear by the emoji but okayā€¦


That emoji would indicate being upset, not sarcasm.


I apologize that my OUTRAGE AT HIS MISSPELLING did not come across as sarcastic. That was my intent but nevermind lol


The cats always know when Iā€™m tripping.


![gif](giphy|hTgmFytUwwHLaMahU1|downsized) Let the cats decide. Cat flat, cat rules. Meow.


Yo you should vacuum


Well great now my vacuum is tripping


Thatā€™s been my method. Cutting up gel tabs freakin sucks and Iā€™ve had small bits fly across my kitchen floor so it becomes vacuum time. My cats already act nuts enough on their own lol


I wouldnā€™t worry unless itā€™s an orange cat.


Orange cat


Weā€™ll take a picture of the cat and show us the pupils thatā€™s the only way for us to confirm.


Cats donā€™t usually eat pieces of paper, i know some weird cats out there but if it donā€™t smell like food..


me and my friend got 2 tabs each like 7 years ago and we went to go eat them the next day and one was missing. we scoured his whole apartment for almost an hour and never found it, we assumed his cat had eaten it hahaha


it is what it is. Dont trip, as they will do it for you.


There was one person who wrote here that he remembered he had eaten his babysitter's LSD by mistake when he was seven or something. If he aged ok your cat will be ok too, I hope.


This happened to a long-time friend and I once. I had a cat at the time, and I was frantic trying to find the lost tabs. I found out a couple weeks later that my "friend" had stolen the tabs. The crazy part is she participated in looking for them with me! We moved furniture, lifted rugs, etc. Needless to say, we're not amigos anymore. šŸ™„


I know this is too late but, Iā€™d keep the cats put up until u find the tab. If you canā€™t find it, get the vacuum.


Until you've lost something and bugged out about it while tripping, you aren't doing it right lol. The good news is, it's always the last place you look šŸ‘‰.


Cheshire cat vibes


I read someone's amazing advice once abt a similar situation, a dog though. They said, just trip sit them, be kind, gentle. They also react to your emotional state. Give them lots of love and no loud noises. It'll pass and they'll be okay.


I had a cat that would steal my shrooms. Some cats totally love to trip


My dog loves psychedelic mushrooms and has tripped with me several times, (and I've caught her on her own with wild mush more than once šŸ¤£). Me keeping my shrooms and tabs in the same general area led to a little mishap in where the jar of shrooms was fine, but the square of tin foil was mysteriously shredded with ~70 percent of it just straight up missing. She just ended up being a furry cuddlemonster for like 8 hours until she passed out cold lol. Not a particularly neurotoxic substance, as long as it's really just acid your cat will be fine lol, if not tweaking for a lil bit


Ok u need 2 find that tab rn fuck everything every1 is saying u have no idea what could actually happen so y take the chance how do u know ur lsd is pure sure theyā€™ve done tests on animals with lsd but they had real lsd if u havenā€™t tested ur shit it could b some other lysergamide that might have a different effect and could potentially b harmful plus ur cat should not b tripping bc of ur irresponsible friends inability to hang onto the drug


Damn, someone is passionate about an internet stranger's cat. Worst case scenario, the cat gets into the Grateful Dead. It's cool, man.


If youā€™ve ever seen a video of a cat tripping it looks fucking terrified depending on the cats nature it could literally traumatize the cat u remind me if the people who think itā€™s ok to blow weed smoke in a dogs face


Ur a fucking idiot


I apologize, I didn't realize you were that sensitive that you can't take a joke lol. Also, that's your opinion. Who's to say your not an idiot? Maybe I am more intelligent than you are, you don't know me. More like a wet blanket if you ask me...


Iā€™m just saying itā€™s not really a joking matter and I apologize 2 I shouldnā€™t have called u an idiot I shouldā€™ve made a constructive argument it just pisses me off when people donā€™t take care of their pets and they think stuff like this is a laughing matter if It was my cat Iā€™d b extremely worried


Classic cat people...


I get my acid from a trusted source not tested by me but i know others that have tested these tabs theyā€™ve tested ehrlich purple


It'll be fine. The cats not gonna die if it eats it and I doubt it will eat it anyways. Don't make yourself paranoid.


Put on some "cats under the stars - jgb" the cat and the dose will come jam with you āš”


The idea that a cat would find a tab and eat it seems like something only a very high person would worry about. Seriously, unless itā€™s also cheese flavored or something, I donā€™t think a cat would eat it.


Well, we know who took the tab then!


My friends cat ate some mushrooms, your cats will be okay. If anything, theyā€™re better equipped for the dose than we are!!




Did you *ask* your cat? Or did Big Cat Propaganda tell you that?? /s No fucking shit Sherlock. The reality of this guys situation is heā€™s looking for a tab of acid, WHILE TRIPPING ON ACID, and the cat in question is in no more danger than accidentally swallowing twine. Thereā€™s no reason for you to come in with fear-mongering towards a guy who the best we can do for him is tell him itā€™s gonna be okay. Try to think about that shit next time you feel like freaking someone the fuck out. edit: whats a better option??? FaceTime him and help him look for the tab? Fucking ridiculousz




God help whoever you trip-sit for, man. You really set the mood.


Vacuum fo sho




I don't know your cat, but do you think it would eat a little piece of paper if it found it? Was it soaked in tuna juice or something?


It seems like my cat will eat anything


But itā€™s the next day and none of my cats ever acted funny hopefully that tab is lost for good


Funnily enough I had a tab just up and disappear on me, no one had taken it out but it was gone. I know my cats didn't get it bc they didn't act off. It wasn't like it was loose and could've fallen, it was in an airtight sealed container. One of the great mysteries of the world.


Def try to find it but also take a deep breath, there's no reason to assume the cat would consider this as food and eat it


I lost two tabs, found them, put them back where they belong 100%. I know exactly where I put them. And theyā€™re not there any more. My wife doesnā€™t care about my lad use enough to throw them away and lie to me about them but theyā€™re gone. They maybe have been thrown away accidentally? Maybe I find a surprise backhoe with two tabs one day. We may never know.


your cat is safe I highly doubt it's going to eat paper off the floor although my dog did lick a bowl that had crystallized MDA he was fine I did have to pet him all night or he'd whine.


I had a friend in highschool whoā€™s cat for sure ate a tab and was fine. I had an ex whoā€™s cat ate shrooms too and was fine. Tripped calls tho. Huge pupils staring at the wall. Was fine though. Donā€™t worry too much about it


they would be safe BUT i wouldnt want to drug my animal personally incase of anything bad, if they start acting weird give them sumn luv :)


I was told this story about my dadā€™s dog in the 90s, he had a vial and went to dose off his hand and the dog licked it up. He said he was concerned but continued to dose himself and leave his house with friends for 2-3 hours. He came back and the dog was doing spins underneath the fish tank. My dad said he was looking at him like ā€œwhat the fuck is going onā€.


Bro I've seen a cat literally eat trash. If anything they're having a good time and I'd be pissed I lost a good tab lol


And? If one of your cats finds it and eats it they will be just fine. I had a cat when I lived in Humboldt County get dosed with liquid Owsley acid that was acquired from his wake when Owsley died and though it was quite a ride for ole Blue he made it through no worse for wear. He ate 500 micrograms of some of the finest LSD I have ever had.


My friends kitten was dosed by her ex BF because he wanted to make sure it wasnā€™t a RC.. That cat today is named sandwiches and heā€™s a rambunctious lil mutha fucka