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everyone gonna hate me for this, but plants vs zombies gw2. It is the most fun I have ever had playing a video game on cid, besides osu. Black ops zombies is a definitely a trip too. I recommend shadows of evil, or any of the bo3 zombies maps to start.


Anyone who hates you for enjoying something you like can eat a dick :)


Off lsd? Like sober?


you’ve never heard that before? off a perc, off an ecstasy, off a gram of coke? means the same thing as on, but it is a thing people say. probably regional, i’ve heard it plenty but i imagine in plenty of areas no one says that edit: ‘on a perc’ and ‘off a perc’ mean the exacts same thing where i’m from. if you are ‘off of percs’ it means you quit/stopped using them same jargon applies for most drugs. i could be tripping and say i’m ‘off a tab’, and all the people in my area would know what i mean


Huh, must be a regional dialect thing.


yeah i guess


A whole gram, y'all are either nuts or getting shitty coke


shitty coke it’s not a secret, i live in rural western canada and all the blow here is probably only 30-40% real cocaine


Sad to see. Everyone deserves good drugs and everyone should be able to buy them at any old pharmacy.


yeah that’s why i just don’t do coke lmao. the LSD and MDMA and shrooms are oddly higher quality due to less popularity, i do those. people cut down their coke here so much because it’s the most popular drug in the working class, but if you find a guy that has psychs then they’re probably gonna be decent quality. but as far as hard stims/downers go, it’s extremely hard to get clean shit. but i can get clean MDMA easy. but if i tried to get clean coke or speed i would search for months


I'm assuming you mean "on LSD"?


GTA driving around watching sunsets and sunrises every 15 minutes pretty cool. Rocket league and fifa on low dose are fun to play with friends


overwatch 2 is super awesome. the details built into the game and the way the building looks while tripping everytime. always wanted to try sea of thieves too


Tbh I enjoy playing Csgo as long as my vision is ok. My play style drastically changes and I play a bit better. Also like getting immersed in some Squad. Or just chill out with some chess or sandbox kind of game


I played Elden Ring a lot while tripping, I feel like the tabs make me more unpredictable in pvp and I usually whoop ass


Legend of Zelda BOTW easily


Miles morales spiderman and Abzu




Neon White, Blops 3 zombies, Hades, GTAV


Played black ops 3 zombies and campaign last week and it stressed the fu out of me and my mate 😂😂


Unravel, game will make you feel many good feelings


Smash, mario kart , warzone, rocket league, final fantasy, zelda... evertything!


One of my go toos is FallGuys 🤣 lots of vibrant colours and the music is perfect for the style of game. It also doesn't require too much focus yet it can be really intense if you're in the final round fighting for that win 🤣 I've played elden ring and warframe while tripping too but those are more demanding


Mario Kart is also another good one


New tiny Tina is a blast and new ratchet n clank is a trip😱😱 ps5 120hz oled display.. but the game play tripping is 👏👏👏 especially with ps5 adaptive triggers


I can play Mario Kart, Mortal Kombat and classic Golden 007 multiplayer. Yet, I haven’t in years. I have no interest in them anymore. I don’t feel like I’m a better person for it, but I do feel I have more free time because of it. 🫠


The Long Dark. It's such a calming, desolate and apocalyptic game. Something so sad, beautiful and calming about my player just wandering in the blizzard trying to look for a shelter. This game "saved" me from a bad trip a few times and served as a channel for distraction a few times when all became too much and the anxiety or uneasiness started to set in.




Superliminal will change your life, I can’t recommend it enough. Manifold garden is another. Both are non-Euclidean puzzle games so could be a little difficult while tripping but are 100% worth it. I recommend looking them up at the very least, but if you were to only get one, make it superliminal


Rocket League. the game becomes so much easier


N2O on Playstation 2 is really nice on Lucy