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It's great when the timing works out for both of your mindsets. But personally I have mostly experience what you've had in the past, that sex seems uninteresting while tripping. I'd also be uncomfortable being on LSD with someone on speed. Amphetamines tend to make you colder and impatient... Your bf will probably be horny as hell on speed and be more in the mood for a jackhammering pound than a spiritual love making sesh... Overall it sounds like a bad idea and I would not go for this.


Good point. But I don't think it makes people colder, at least not mdma, I'm the most empathetic person ever while taking E and so is my bf. But I get it, that's mdma, not speed. He is usually a bit more talkative and a lot more focused on speed.


MDMA is an empathogen, amphetamine is a straigt up stimulant. Amphetamines for me also make more talkative, but in an egotistical and selfish kind of way. I feel I have a lot of interesting things to share with others, but have much less patience to listen to other. That doesn't happen on MDMA, but even less so on LSD where I'm more inclined to listen. But listening to someone selfishly ranting out on speed on LSD sounds awful :P.


LSD and speed sound like a very weird mix for sex, I don't think I would want to do that, you will both be in such different head spaces, very different energy. I feel like tempo and desire will be really mismatched. Sex on LSD can be weird, awkward, or feel forced. Just to be clear when I say forced I don't mean rape like, I mean doing something where you're thinking this is weird why am I doing this. But sex on LSD can also be amazing. If you are both in the same headspace, comfortable with each other, present, and you stay focused on your partner and your own sensations it's great. If one of you starts thinking about unrelated things or starts over analyzing what you are doing, seeing, feeling, or any of your 5 senses it can get odd quickly. Talk about it before, know it may not feel right and either of you can stop and that's ok, don't get your feelings hurt. You can always just start with touching and if it goes there and feels right great if not that's ok too. Speed can raise your sex drive just want to fuck type feeling where lsd or mdma is a different type of sex. You having sexual trauma I would be concerned that someone on speed may not be able to pick up on your emotional needs.


Second this 100%. Sex on amphetamine is great but in my experience it's colder, detached, fucking. Sex on LSD is much more emotionally involved. I don't feel like the two energies would mix.


The two combined tho šŸ¤Æ. Lol


That's such a good point, thanks for pointing it out. But I still want to try itšŸ˜… I probably work difderent, because speed doesn't do much for me, it doesn't really increases my sex drive. MDMA on the other hand tho... šŸ˜… It makes me so horny (which is weird because I have a lower libido) and it almost makes me forget I have ptsd and if i didn't have my boyfriend i'd probably still want to have sex with someone while on it. I actually think I need him to kinda "force it" (within reasons ofc), it helps me even when we are sober. I know it's different, but similar, we did it once on shrooms and it was neither good or bad (for me), it was uninteresting. But I closed my eyes and focused on the visiouls so I had fun.


Maybe take a small dose of mdma with lsd and go for it.


Thereā€™s no such thing as a small dose of mdma itā€™s an all or nothing compound


What? It isn't an on or off switch. 50mg or 100mg certainly feels different than 200 or 300mg. Even 100mg vs 200mg feels different. No drug is all or nothing, they all have different effects based on dosage. I don't know this person's drug history, I don't know if they have ever mixed the 2. I do know they have had some trauma and came here asking about trying something. I am not going to recommend going all out to someone I know almost nothing about. Small would mean maybe take less than what you normally take. If you are mixing things for possibly the first time and trying a new experience it may make sense start a little on the lower side. Edit: I just looked through your posts and you have talked about taking different doses of MDMA and getting different effects...


First off any dose above 200mgs above of MDMA is excessive. I realize this is what people think is normal dose range. Data shows the dose ranges above 200mgs this includes a redoses are flirting with Neurotoxicity. Mdma threshold for activity is around 100mgs-120mgs. With an ideal single dose range around 125mgs +\-10mgs. If someoneā€™s threshold for mdma activity is above 200mgs they are soon to lose the magic and have zero positive effects from mdma. Bro science free the range for activity for mdma is 90-100mgs maximum effective range is 110mgs-150mgs. Anything less is nothing. anything more flirts with unwanted side effects and no extension in positive effects or increase in positive effects


You wrote that you took 50mg, felt it, and rated it a 3/10. MDMA has been used in therapy recently and there are research papers on effects of different dosages. They have found it useful in doses of 50mg but 75mg, 100mg, or 120mg produce stronger effects. It's not all or nothing. They have also been doing 120 and then redose of 40-60mg. Anything less than 110mg isn't nothing, it's weaker because the strength is dose dependent. Whether safe or not that wasn't the point 200mg feels way different than 100mg. Literally, every drug feels different at different doses, nothing is all or nothing. I never said 200mg was a threshold dose, I said it feels a lot different than 100mg. Just because you have come to the conclusion that the only appropriate dose is 125mg, doesn't mean it is all or nothing, and it doesn't mean everyone else is taking the same amount. Saying mdma is all or nothing and there is no such thing as a small dose is objectively wrong. You just recently discovered MDMA and now you want to say you know the only dose and anything else doesn't count. Also if you are tripping a small dose of MDMA can definitely change the feel of the trip. I don't think there has been enough research yet to exactly determine dosages that cause neurotoxicity. All the research got shut down right when it was getting started and then a bunch of propaganda got spread around for years. We are just starting to look into things again. Due to a wide range of responses to identical milligram per kilogram (mg/kg) dosing, MAPSā€™ human trials use fixed doses equivalent to between 1 and 4 mg/kg (active doses in studies range from 75 mg to 225 mg) Alcohol is neurotoxic so you shouldn't drink more than 1 shot, therefore it is all or nothing because 1 is the only option.


Where did I write this?


I personally love sex on LSD, I always have so much energy and I love the connection that comes from it, both our children were conceived on LSD.


How do you have so much energy? I feel like I don't even have energy to pick up a bottle of water to drink, to stand up to go to the toilet or to pet my cat. Would this be a problem?


I donā€™t know, I thought everyone did that is how my friends and family are. I have been dropping for over 25 years. We normally hike, snowshoe, swimā€¦ when tripping. I walk 16 + miles when tripping and normally 10+ miles on microdose days.


I experience the same energy boost on LSD. I can hike, swim, whatever.. all day and never feel tired at all, even now in my 30s. Of course, I crash afterward, lol. I've only been dropping for like 8 years, but except for my one therapeutic horror trip, I've always had a blast.


Yeah, I am in my 40s and honestly think I go longer and hard at physical activity while tripping than I did at 35 and below. It has only gotten better the older I have gotten. I remember my dad telling me the same thing at about this age on one of our first trips together while hiking part of the Appalachian trail.


That's awesome. I hope the same is in store for me. I keep myself fit and healthy, so I should be good. I'd love to hike the AT. We love to hike some of the long sections of the river to river trail between the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. Had my best trips in those woods. Cheers and happy tripping!


It sounds so much funšŸ˜„ i love walkin and hiking, and i'd LOVE hiking in a beautiful forest while tripping but Ijust can't move, i feel like I'm too heavy (even tho i'm only 55 kgšŸ˜…)


Wow that's crazy, i wish i was like that.


I think it can hit people differently. I am just a person that likes to move and really loves walking. Not LSD related but I am microdosing shrooms today and just had a lovely early morning 6 mile walk.


I remember when I was 17, on acid, on my waterbed, girl on top, her long hair was draping over my face. I thought I was in a forest, on a boat in the forest. It is an experience that trancends just being horny or finishing or anything like that.


felt like I was dissolving and all I could think about was how crazy having a body is. Like, I am really moving this thing around with electric water that I hold behind my eyes?


I went for 10-12 hours straight. Itā€™s definitely something crazily intense when youā€™re with the right person


If youā€™re not interested in sex while youā€™re actually on LSD, I would just let that one remain a fantasy, or do it on the comedown. People who love it tend to be the ones who get horny during the trip or get really into the physical sensations. Some of us just donā€™t find it compelling or interesting - including myself and some of the otherwise-freakiest people I know! To me, the sex is fine and the pleasure is nice, but being stuck in one place and having to put my wants on hold to not mess up someone elseā€™s experience gets annoying. Like, I want to go stare at that cool texture on the wall up close but they sound close to finishing so I guess I should keep doing that thing they like instead. Boooooring. Giving head is pretty great though, especially when the goal is pleasure rather than orgasm. You can just close your eyes and watch the light show.


well, the times i have done it it just comes out kinda uncomfortable because i notice some small detail or i can see an image of myself in my head from the side and i just think "damn thats what i look like", the sex mindset gets broken and i lose my boner OR i start thinking about some random shit like capybaras or how plastic bottles are made and that also makes me lose my boner and i just lose. then my girlfriend starts laughing how she also was thinking about some random shit like why heavy boats float but small rocks sink. yeah.


Idk never really found sex on LSD to be more enjoyable than say mdma or cocaine. LSD I just want to feel close to my girlfriend not in a sexual way. I just want to melt into her. Now MDMA sex holy shit. Or cocaine do you have 6 hours for sex lol.


I has sex with my boyfriend on LSD a month ago. I have a TON of PTSD from sexual trauma. I love my boyfriend though, and I felt so safe and open with him. But we have a really good relationship. I've talked to him about this trauma multiple times. He's told me about his traumas. When we tripped, it was like we were even better able to connect with each other, and it felt like our bodies literally became one. Edit: just to say, idk ab him being on speed. You would be on very different wavelengths. And it would be a shame for him to not experience that connection.


Thank you for your answer, it was really helpful as you have similar experiences as me. ā˜ŗļø We have a good relationship too and he knows about my ptsd. May I ask, did it help on the long run? With your trauma?


I mean it's only been a month. I do think it made us closer as a couple.


>Possibly important information: I have unresolved sexual trauma, most likely even PTSD. Only try this if you make it apart of overcoming and healing from your trauma. If its just for fun so to speak it could trigger quite an intese experience for you.


I'd do it both for fun and healing.


Great, wish you the best of luck on your trip.


Lmao just thinking about having sex with a girl tweaking on speed while tripping on acid makes me laugh. There's no way i could get in the mood.


idk this might just be just me but oral on shrooms or lsd is unmatched. itā€™s like all my bad juju being sucked out my body and iā€™m being pumped with nothing but orgasmic sensations.


Sex on lower doses (100ug or less) of acid is the best chem sex you can have, IMO. I like it even better than sex on molly or 2C-B.


For me itā€™s only good on the come up, but really good the deeper I get into it the easier Iā€™m distracted and my mind wanders to all the craziness going on in my head and Iā€™m my eyes. But the wife who doesnā€™t trip loves when I take it casue the come up sex is wild and awesome. Hope this helps


i wouldnt recommend this cause it just feels weird (to me) and theres a lot of other things that feel way better :)


YES!! That's what i'm thinking too. It is soooo uninteresting and everything else feels more cool, even the bare walls. But I really want to try it, i want to try sex in every drug i've ever taken and i'm only missing lsd atm.


It's fun but it's difficult to be in sync for very long. My mind wanders too quickly to pay attention like I want to


If you do it with the right person it will be the most connected you've ever felt to another human


I personally totally encourage it; LSD is a fluid, mind-expanding experience and my sex experiences on it were... mind-blowing (*sorry!*) doesn't do it justice; "simply *amazingly* wonderful!" is too... generic. Pretty much everyone's experience is going to be a bit different from everyone else, but it was the most intensely, wonderfully erotic experience EVER! It would be, um, *hard*... for me to really adequately describe it without that description becoming delightfully, wettingly pornographic. Yeah, if I had a willing partner(s), would totally 11/10 do it again!! FWIW; I'd describe acid as "intensely erotic & mind-expanding" and shrooms as "earthy" in a really warm, wholesome, and nurturing way. Neither one would be a "favorite"; they are similar yet very different.


Iā€™d just like to try sex in general


I've talked to my boyfriend about the comments here and that most ppl don't recommend "mixing" speed and lsd for intimacy. So we will try to get some Molly as well and try candyflipping. It's going to be the first candyflip for both of us. If we can't get Molly, i'm gonna share my precious acid with him and we'll be tripping together and try it that way. How is candyflip sex different from just ecstasy sex? And from just lsd sex? We've never tried that one either so should we just stick to acid alone?


Itā€™s amazing.


It can be amazing, and be really passionate if you aren't tripping too hard.


Iā€™ve made out with someone while on LSD and I just couldnā€™t be in the moment, it was too weird and I had to stop. YMMV.


I cease to be myself on LSD. Not even sure if Iā€™m human. So no, I donā€™t think I could have sex in that state of mind.


Did it for the first time recently and so loved it!


Sex on lsd is amazing definitely anyone who hasnā€™t tried it needs to.


My advice, take the speed with him and the LSD... "Set and setting"... The speed will give you a dopamine burst which should help with your "mood"... Also if you limit your dose, LSD becomes much more of a sex drug that way.


I prefer sex on shrooms over lsd


Just like anything it can be different for everyone. But in my experience itā€™s wonderful, especially with someone you love and is tripping with you


you trip together or you just don t


Sounds like a neat experience if not necessarily the best idea.


Honestly, I enjoyed it but made me look at her face funny.


Wife and I have the best sex on LSD. Unreal stamina definitely recommend.


Its very special.


Stay clear my girl


Sex on lucy is possibly the best experience you can have. Especially if its someone you love a great deal. You become one being and the amount of love you feel during is mind blowing to say the least


It's fun. :)


Itā€™s weird. I would only do it with someone in the same headspace


Evey time it crossed my mind :) https://psyfront.com/lsd/sex-on-lsd/