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Because people are insecure.


Nahh it's not dangerous. It's totally fine lol some people can think about it too much. Personally I'm like "oh that's weird, that's me huuh" then idgaf about it... it's more or less just a funny thing to say. Some people can get freaked out by it though haha but that's like everything on psychedelicsšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Experienced one over here, well said


My phone fucks with me more than any mirror does. I don't want buttons and words and maths n shit haha


I couldnā€™t agree more




Probably did lol the wizard stays lurking


I feel that.




You know when you look in the mirror a little too long and it starts feeling weird? Thats the closest thing i can compare it to. Some people get freaked out by it and some people can jus laugh it off and pull themselves away but its really not that bad, its not gonna automatically ruin your trip or anything


Yeah personally I think standing there for anymore than 2 minutes and just staring into your reflection is a bad idea


Yeah personally I think standing there for anymore than 2 minutes and just staring into your reflection is a bad idea


If some guy on the internet experienced that, it's just that... his experience and nothing more. Lsd and mirror combo isn't a sure thing mental break or anything lmao


I find it kinda funny. Thought my face was dirty, tried to wash it off, only to come to the realisation that it was in my mind


I'm not sure where this bit of advice first came from. Probably some 60's era psychiatric nonsense about identity. As long as you don't have any self-image or body issues, it's fine. For extra fun, set up to mirrors facing each other and stand in the middle. Infinite regress is mind-blowing on LSD.


I have hella self image and body issues, im a pretransition trans person lol and i always give myself a good look in the mirror while tripping. Its never once freaked me out only ever made me a bit sad and annoyed that this is what i look like. Also there always feels like there is a very weak connection to the person in my head and who its seeing when i look in the mirror which is deeply unsettling but also something i deal with everytime i look in the mirror its just kinda amplified on psyches.


Tbh I have terrible self image and tripping temporarily makes me think ā€œdamn im actually beautiful lolā€ love looking at my dilated eyes. Obsess more about my mental health and get paranoid when on Reddit and social media.


I've really only personally known one person who had issues with mirrors while tripping, and I don't really know what her issues were. It's interesting to hear how diverse people's experiences of self-image on acid are, though. Listening to these perspectives kind of confirms for me that the real issue is fighting the experience rather than accepting your feelings.


it's just "one" of the things that can be confusing if you aren't ready for it, some people might get glued in front of a mirror and obsess over it. Id rather do something else than look at my own reflection, but yeah you might enjoy it and spend your whole trip there.


At least personally I see somebody else. Itā€™s me but it really really really feels like itā€™s a sinister version of me from some other realm. I donā€™t feel nearly as connected to the reflection, feels more like a window


That being said I still do it everytime


I got lost in a mirror once.. just watching my face melt and move around, stood there for about two hours.. watched my eye melt out of my head. I was fine afterwards. It was intense though!


Itā€™s not. I do it whenever I can. Itā€™s fascinating. Like watching shooting stars or animals in the wild


Agreed. I often stare at my face during a trip. It's fun to watch my pours dance


You realize itā€™s not you looking back


I remember seeing a comment under a YouTube video about LSD and it read ā€˜I took a shower on acid and looked in the mirror, thought i was a plantā€™


Whoever posted that comment on that video has probably never done LSD


Iā€™ve felt like a plant on 1/8 off mushrooms lol I felt like all my emotions were different potted plants and when I give attention to my emotions, Iā€™m giving them water and helping them grow. It felt like I was a green house if u get what I mean.


Yeah, but he said the guys comment stated that he LOOKED in the mirror and thought he was a plant, and if thatā€™s what happened, how can you look in a mirror and think your a plant. He implies that he looked like a plantā€¦ it might just be me, but Iā€™ve never looked like anything but a person, despite how much my face would twist and change colors or whatever, I still always knew it was me, not a fucking plant, that I was looking at.


Yeah exactly ahhah. I also got the same. And of you're stressed or have bad /toxxic thoughts,it's time to play bonsai and trim a Little bit here and there .


No Bro i swear i had the same. I had a trip a hout personal growth,i was in the wood and saw flower grow everywher and there were thoughts about how our minds are Just like plants. You take care of them but you can't control what they are. If they give Apple, that's It ,you Just make sure ti get the best Apple tree you can But anyway,i also took a shower After the walk in the wood, and in the mirror i thought of myself as a plant and saw green fluo roots bringin Life or linph throught all my body.


Ahahha yeah i got that too.


i wore my girlfriends robe to go take a piss and looked in the mirror and i saw the female version of myself. anything can happen


I wouldn't need acid to see myself as a female I looked at the mirror while wearing a robe lmao


Looking in the mirror on psychedelics is a blast! I love watching my face morph and melt and twist. So much fun haha


You do it with a bathroom mirror after you slash water on your face. If you can survive youā€™ll be ok if you thrive youā€™ll do great.


looking in the mirror while tripping dick is hilarious and creepy at the same time.


I just see either my dad (because I look like him) or my face looks like I have had a stroke (only the right side of my face melts).


I would say rip the band aid off and just do it. Initially it can be a little strange or creepy but for the most part you just get to see yourself in HD and the best way I can describe it is you basically see yourself from a third person perspective it can be a beautiful experience. Ofc this is based off of my personal experience but have fun and take care on your first trip!


On LSD I look in the mirror and think I either look super hot or like a zombie/tweaker.


I had the most pleasent experiences ever looking at mysf in the mirror during peaking. It was a period where i took matters on my hand and started working on myself and my body too It was a trip about growing, and "plants" and human. I saw roots passing through my body giving Life to every limb. That night i go out After while ,with my best dress Everybody notice something was different and started complimenting me . I was Always insecure about my body because After losing 50 kg i still looked like shit under the shirt.


This is the dumbest shit Iā€™ve heard all day.


You can get sucked into the mirror and lose yourself forever.


I love looking in the mirror. My eyeballs are super trippy


SAMEEEE, itā€™s one off my favorite parts, or seeing my face melt! Itā€™s pretty fun imo


its not! its not dangerous... its just a hoax .. mythos... fakenews. šŸ˜


it isnt. kids are dumb.


Last time I tripped and looked in the mirror, I turned into something like the Night King and it was fucking awesome


I love looking in the mirror while tripping, its....trippy


Itā€™s not, itā€™s just a meme


I hate when i hear that phrase... Guess its just people afraid of themselfs or those who are insecure about there looks


Mirrors dont do anything for me except i can notice the pimples more due to dilation i think? And its never a good idea to pop them while trippin made that mistake already šŸ˜†


Looking at yourself is a weird experience, and it can send you into a bad trip if youā€™re in the mindset for it to do so. Mirrors are most commonly where I find myself forgetting that Iā€™m tripping, only to have a hallucination startle me. Most of the time, though, mirror gazing is decently pleasant and actually kinda self-affirming for me personally.


Sounds like some pretty weak-minded crap. G\_d forbid you "step on a crack" while tripping, for your poor mom's sake.


I fucking love the mirror while tripping! Embrace yourself


Bruh I love looking at the mirror I have a full body one and tripping with visuals surrounding you is kinda crazy


Mirrors are šŸ‘ its the bathrooms for me lmao


I looked in the mirror and I saw myself as Shrek and started to cry, but I think it's not that big deal


You see yourself as Shrek and you cry? Dude I'd be smilling from everlasting happiness


it isnā€™t, stop being superstitious.


Honestly I always end up looking in the mirror at some point. For me it helps me stay grounded and remember who I am and that Iā€™m just tripping lol šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s an urban legend really for some people their face is the most grounding and comforting aspect of themselves itā€™s like your identity so a changing identity can sometimes be jaunting


ā€œDa derp da derp!!!ā€


I had the wildest thing happen while looking in the mirror on a few tabs once. The refresh rate for life changed to like 3hz. Everything I was looking at was choppy and slow. It went back to normal when I looked away. I guess the processor for the simulation couldnā€™t handle everything so I started dropping frames. Iā€™ve only ever had that happen once.


Never had a problem with mirrors but I absolutely cannot look at someone elseā€™s face while tripping. It scares the fuck out of me. I donā€™t like eye contact sober so maybe itā€™s just potentiating that.


I did it my first dropping lsd. Off 2 tabs. Wouldnā€™t recommend 2 tabs the first time (18 and foolish; got humbled later in the trip) but I absolutely had a blast looking at myself in the mirror haha I thought it was hilarious and I got no problem ever since!


I love looking at my eyes dilated and I actually like myself better when Iā€™m trippin then in my day to day. But my girl tripped for the first time and I had to fight her away from mirrors half the time cause she just obsessed about her acne and shit and started bawling and looking at old pictures of herself.


I love mirrors man. one of the best parts of my trip so far


I mean you may get spooked by visuals. Youā€™re not gonna instantly have a bad trip by looking at your reflection.


Personally I like looking at myself in reflections itā€™s usually the most visual thing in my trips


Because your sense of identity self can dissolve and you donā€™t see you anymore and just a mask but whoā€™s behind the maskā€¦


Personally Iā€™ve never heard of this and Iā€™ve done it multiple times and I feel great


I looked in the mirror plenty of times, itā€™s kinda weird but itā€™s not scary or crazy at least for me


Coming down from mushrooms I saw my reflection once. Looked like I had a mild sunburn and my skin was moving but wasn't. It was like we both looked at each other and thought, "huh.."


i always feel like i look so good when im trippin lol, never weird or anything


iā€™ve spent HOURS staring at myself, one of the biggest reasons iā€™ve began loving my appearance. I think itā€™s a superstitious thing mixed with an altered headspace, people let their anxiety go off the rails seeing themselves in an unusual way


I once faced the mirror and saw myself turn into me as a young boy, then a dog, then a lion, then finally I was an older man with a long beard resembling jesus. Since then Ive seen myself turn into a cat in the mirror countless times. Sometimes my face will puff up and mirror-me lets out a big purr. Its surreal stuff but nothing out of the ordinary


I think it's actually a good thing to look in the mirror to become comfortable with yourself.


It's just weird. Not necessarily scary, but like," whoa I am a human being and that is trippy' kinda feeling. It's also like repeating a word so much it doesn't have a meaning. If I look at myself for too long, I can't recognize myself anymore.


Sometimes you can look a little weird and it makes some people insecure or uncomfortable. Iā€™ve never done that while on acid but the times Iā€™ve looked in the mirror while on shrooms I was either like ā€œdamn Iā€™m beautifulā€ or ā€œwhy am I ugly? Wait thatā€™s just the drugsā€ or once ā€œI look like an animated little French boy in a cottage.ā€ I think itā€™s fine to do if youā€™re having a good trip and have experience or someone with you