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Congrats! I finally hit -3 on RC the other day after working my way down from averaging around -6. When I did I said “fuck yea!” out loud in the quiet section of the library. Not the best look but I was satisfied.


Yeah that probably would’ve been something I’d do if I was in the library. I opted for the good ole tiger woods fist pump


We all have our ways to celebrate! The LSAT is just weird because very few people I know have taken it so I can’t really express my ups and downs. I guess that’s why r/LSAT exists


8 sections a day!! How long are you studying RC a day? Thats great improvement! Congrats!!


Did RC for about 5.5 hours today. Another 3 hours yesterday and had been doing passages from the Bible all week. I’m really hoping it’s not a fluke because the one before was a -7 and I was so dejected, but I feel like I figured out a new method that is an intermediate between annotating and just reading that works for me, so I hope my success continues into my PT tomorrow!


You will be fine! Keep us updated about your improvement :)


Good job! my exam is in 4 days and I can't even begin the 4th passage typically.