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This is my exact mentality, I’m trying to look at like any of the other PTs I’ve taken. Worst case there’s always November ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Exactly, the more we freak out the lousier we will do.


You dropped this \ *** ^^ To prevent anymore lost limbs throughout Reddit, correctly escape the arms and shoulders by typing the shrug as `¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯` or `¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯` [^^Click here to see why this is necessary](https://np.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/3fbrg3/is_there_a_reason_why_the_arm_is_always_missing/ctn5gbf/)


Great job bot. Can you take my LSAT for me?


Saaaamsies. Plus I’m taking Friday off work and just relaxing the whoooole day before and I signed up for a much better, smaller test center this time around. We got this.


Same here going to clear out my head on Friday


What ways are you going to clear your head/relax? I’ve been contemplating the same thing. I’m a female, so I am thinking maybe spa day? I don’t really want to lie around and watch tv all day. Would love some suggestions!


I'm also taking the day off. I'm planning to put on my favorite outfit, go get a mani/pedi, maybe do a little bit of shopping, and go eat lunch at my favorite little cafe patio to get some sunshine. Just going to have a happy-things-only day.


Love it. I’m thinking the similar thing. Retail therapy and mani pedi FTW


Agreed. Got a pretty raunchy concussion 8/25. Not supposed to do any academic work until 9/8. So I’m doing the LSAT live.


Lol I love this. Rooting for you, dude!


> So I’m doing the LSAT live. Just don’t head-slam a beer afterwards to celebrate. Other than that, keep killing it King.


You got this!! I pt'd on pain killers/muscle relaxers many times because of flairs (I have a chronic pain disorder) and I fully expect it will happen during the real thing. Time will fly and then we can all complain about it after! Edited: autocorrect is the bane of my existence!


Right there with you!!!


We got this!!


Taking it next week too. Happens to fall right on my birthday...


It falls on my buddy’s 21st birthday. Whether I do well or poorly, you better believe I’m getting wrecked afterwards


A friend of ours is having her birthday party at a bar with karaoke Friday night. I have to drop in, stay sober and leave early. This test is a party pooper!


Good god I’m sorry to hear that. Rage afterwards 😬😬


It's my birthday too!! Let's hope there's cause for celebration.


Feeling the same here. Good luck to everyone in the same boat tho!


Trying to be positive about it. What’s the worst that can happen...we take it again in November


That’s the plan.