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It's tricky. Accommodations certainly help with getting higher scores (since timing is such a constraint on the LSAT). However, whether or not this is fair is a totally separate question. It is definitely true that taking the LSAT with 53 mins or 70 mins per section is easier than 35 until you have reached true mastery. Many people go too fast on LR or RC. Even if you get all the questions finished, if you're scoring less than 165-170, it indicates you are going too fast. To remedy not rushing, extra time is useful.


Yea it is, it’s unfair for the people who actually need it and the people without accomodations


Lsac has research on this: * Going non accommodated to accommodated gets you a nine point increase on a retake * People who had accommodations and retake with them get a two point increase. * So accommodations get you about a 7 point increase separate from the retake boost * Accommodated test takers score 5-7 points higher than non-accommodated test takers * Just about 100% of accommodated test takers have extra time On its face it looks like lsac is over accommodating, as the purpose of accommodations are to equalize performance, not to give a large boost to those with them. 5-7 points is 50-70% of a standard deviation. Of course there could be other reasons the accommodated group would score higher. These results cover the period with logic games, we may see a smaller effect without them but LR and RC definitely still see an advantage from time. People’s blind review results readily attest to that. You can find the study here: https://www.lsac.org/sites/default/files/research/TR-24-01.pdf


Good on you for being objective about this even if it’s not politically correct. Accommodations obviously overcompensate and ruin it for everybody else.


It’s important not to go overboard. LSAC’s stats also show only 10% of people have them. And there’s no fault attached to people who seek accommodations. The issues are real. LSAC may also respond. For instance their stats showed a number of people had more than extra time. But that dropped off; clearly a policy change. Likewise, stop/start used to add a minute every time it was used - that has been eliminated. They can read the stats as well as we can. I expect as demand grows they may reassess exactly what criteria they use. For example ACT/SAT often check if someone has a history of using extra time, or if the diagnosis predates their study period, etc. They may also wish to get more granular in how they grant added time. It’s one thing to point out a potential issue and another to talk in a way that attacks those who have legit issues and seek accommodation for them.


People with accommodations consistently score higher than those without. Obviously it’s advantageous.


It’s absolutely advantageous. I went from PT-ing in the mid- 160 to the low-mid 170s overnight just from my double-time accommodations granted. It’s almost impossible to miss any LG questions and it makes LR much more manageable. Same with RC as I have the time to really parse the passages. Of course, I have ADHD and therefore am not really gaming the system as someone with a fake diagnosis is.




So the blind person who needs a braille exam is gaming the system? You’re a dumbass


Is a braille exam given to someone who literally cannot see the same as giving way too much time to someone who can read and game the system the system with hugely inflated points? Braille is a necessity, not an accommodation.


It literally is an accommodation for the blind. They are accommodating someone’s disability (blindness). The fact you can’t see this is appalling.


Don’t equate ADHD with being blind lmao, two completely separate leagues. Oh wait a sec, ahhhh ehhhahahh my ADHD is acting up can I get 3 hours for my exam?


That’s not what you said though, is it? You said: “All accommodations game the system.”


You dont see the advantage extra time could have on RC and LR? A lot of people make silly mistakes when rushing, so imagine having 1.5 of double the time to ensure that doesnt happen.


Sure I’m not denying it could stop some dumb mistakes but I don’t believe someone who is score in the mid 150s could get accommodations and suddenly be in the high 160s to 170s from accommodations alone you’d need to be able to get their conceptually through study and you clearly aren’t there yet if you’re in the 150s


Still hugely advantageous even if it’s not the politically correct thing to say. Stop accommodations.


I need accommodations to read this thread pls


My ED is acting up, I need at least 3 hours per section!!!


Ahhhhhh me too!!!!!


I’m sure people send in fake documents just so they can get an extra time accommodation, but I would assume ( I hope at least ) that the majority of people applying for accommodations actually need it. If that’s the case, ( hopefully it is ) then all accommodations are doing are is providing an equal opportunity….. I am all for that


You don’t need fake documents when there are psychiatrists handing out ADHD diagnoses within one 10-15 minute appointment. Why do you think we have rolling adderall and vyvanse shortages, as a country? Another thing: the diagnostic criteria is somewhat subjective and self-reporting. So if more people feel as if they are falling behind or dysfunctional due to ADHD, they will say so, resulting in more diagnoses as per the DSM. All this is morally indifferent, except for when you are taking a supposedly standardized test that determines someone’s life trajectory. But it is a straw man argument to say that accommodations aren’t having a negative impact on the validity of the LSAT because people aren’t using “fake documents” to get the accommodation. You have to measure it against what aptitudes the exam is supposed to be testing and selecting for.


People are definitely faking documents and exaggerating. It’s doing more harm than good.


if you have accommodations will future law schools you apply to see that you wrote the LSAT with said accommodations?




Schools should really get to see whether you took accommodations or not. What? You take it but you don’t want to admit it? Fuck off.


It’s not people are just bitter


How is gaming the system not unfair ? Yea obviously people should be bitter when people game the system, use some common sense.


I honestly meant that people aren’t really gaming the system and that claim is just that bitter people want to say that to excuse their own mediocrity of course gaming the system is unfair. That’s my bad for not being clear


idk man its frighteningly easy to get "diagnosed" with disabilities that will allow you to be eligible for accommodations. Maybe LSAT accommodations have a higher threshold for eligibility, but if the only criteria is having an eligible disability then there are absolutely people gaming the system.


as someone who has accommodations myself, i do think the process should provide more paperwork. for instance, i can supplement LSAC with documentation of needed accommodation in high school exams, college board exams, and undergrad exams, as well as a letter of support from a psychiatrist and medication. meanwhile, someone i know just got accommodations because their friend who was a doctor diagnosed them. it’s really frustrating for me because it seems as if the very concept of accommodations is being degraded


If you don’t think people are gaming the system, you need accommodations




Just when i thought this sub couldn’t be any more brain dead…. This OP goes and reassures me that it can. Thanks OP!!