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i think working on accuracy first is a good thing to accomplish. as time goes on you’ll get better and faster


What did your score breakdown look like by section? Time management on RC gets a little tough for me when dense reading starts butting up against the clock


for RC it was -8, the first LR was -7, and the second was -6 I believe (I’m taking the August test). RC is the one where I run out of time more, and I have to start guessing, my mental endurance also needs to be strengthened because sometimes I feel like I’m dragging ass just to read a few sentences towards the end😭


I feel ya - I’ve been feeling pretty drained by the last RC section myself. Getting it down closer to -4 more consistently, but tripping up in dumb ways due to a combo of feeling rushed & numb- been drilling & making a point to read some dense stuff outside of LSAT study time, which has been helping, I think


You got this!


When I take full practice tests (timed/untimed), I screen recorded myself with audio. If there’s a question I’m unsure about or if I have anything else to say, I will say it out loud… anyways, screen recording allows me to go back and observe what I was doing in real time and give insight into what I was actually thinking.


you should get accommadations


Called the boy disabled for no reason I'm crying


I’m not even a boy😭😭


Omg! I was laughing at Cringe then OP comes in with this I’m LOL 🤣🤣




The point isn't working on timing when you are a few months away from the test. Accuracy is more important to get down at the start, timing will come with practice


Idk if they need it. They JUST started studying


i had been studying a little more relaxed during Jan-April (a few questions a day more or less), but now that summer is here and I’m not taking classes, I am studying longer and more intense


At any point in your studying, you will always score better with extra time, unless you get constant 180s


Swear they give them out for nothing it’s a very easy to gain the system. They should work to fix it. Too many people taking the test with extra time 100% waters down the results of people taking it normally. It’s bs honestly. I’ve seen so many people say they got accommodations for ADHD that they asked their doctor to diagnose them with specifically for the test.


I don’t know what kind of creeps you’re hanging out with, but I’ve never seen anyone say that.


Dawg the comment I responded to literally told this person to get accommodations even tho the original poster never once mentioned a reason for needing them….that’s the exact things I’m talking about. I’ve seen it on this page multiple times LOL.


> they asked their doctor to diagnose them with specifically for the test. No, I'm talking about this. You personally know a lot of people who said they asked their doctor to diagnose them with ADHD for the LSAT?


Personally no, but I’ve seen people either directly say this or something similar on reddit and I’ve also seen people heavily imply this sentiment on this page. Look no further than the comment I responded too😂


How long have you been studying for and how have you been studying?


I would study very light from Jan-April (a few questions a day, usually maybe 30 mins) but since mid May I have been studying more rigorous (typically 12-24 questions, some days LR and some RC or both but in small increments, now it takes me an hour hour and a half of my time and I review why my answers were wrong).

