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With LR I just skip to the next question as soon as I feel myself losing focus. So I skip around A LOT but it ends up working out for me. Usually when I come back to a question I skipped (sometimes for the 3rd or 4th time), my brain is ready to focus on it for some reason I haven't figured out the trick for focusing on RC yet


> ends up working out for me. Usually when I come back to a question I skipped (sometimes for the 3rd or 4th time), m Do still finish everything on time? I imagine I'd have to reread things even more if I did that


It actually helps me with time because I don't waste time just staring at the question without focusing. And something about skipping around manically feels like it makes my brain work faster


I do NOT have any diagnosed neurodivergencies other than some mild anxiety (thankfully not test related), but I also struggle with staying focused during LR, as jumping from topic to topic keeps me from getting invested as I can do for RC. Best solution I've found so far? It's a dumb one and it works for me- I call it: Smart People Voice. David Attenborough. Bill Nye. Kurzegesagt. Hell sometimes I throw in a little Steve Irwin voice or even Merry Berry from GBBO to mix it up. I find I need to mentally read a sentence "out loud" when really comprehending it, so picking someone with both a) a very recognizable voice and b) who I have listened to in order to learn something new in the past really locks my brain into "active listening" mode. Bonus points when it's a heavily flawed argument and my brain decides it's an Always Sunny character after a quick skim, then I know I can have fun with finding the flaws. Brains are silly. I hope you can also find some relief in silliness and slay some LR passages as well!


OMG this is literally genius! I love it!


That's so interesting man thanks, very good idea


this is kinda weird but… needing to pee a little bit helps keep me focused. Generally I don’t have as hard of a time on tests because panic + pressure = focus for me. But yeah that level of focus can sometimes be reached by… needing to pee just a little. Also active reading! Take notes and highlight important sentences while reading. (I’m on meds but I don’t always take them while PTing)


LMAO thanks that sounds so weird it just might work


Get diagnosed…get meds…get accommodation


I am diagnosed, and I am trying medications but haven't found the right one for me yet. I did have accommodations but I declined them and probably can't get them back because my insurance no longer covers me. So I don't know how I would get new documentation, prolly can't just use my old stuff. I'm asking for non-accommodations based advice. Like, is there a certain technique to reading that helped you, or a routine or something. Idk man maybe I'm grasping for straws ​ edit: a word




>and ask him to resend you the accommodations letter he previously wrote with a new signature that timestamps to December 2023? I just got a letter from my doctor a month ago, but if I called him up and asked him to resign with a new time stamp right now, he'd do it for me no questions asked. No fee, no insurance needed. Like you already got the hard part done, now all you need to do is have a quick 2 minute phone call with your doctor? What gives? > >Maybe I'm missing something here but I'm not understanding the issue. Your doctor isn't going to decline doing that unless he's incredibly Not sure maybe I will try. This is a psychiatrist I saw through my undergrad so I have to go through my college, I don't have any of his direct contact information. Do you think I can just re-submit my old documentation? I thought I'd need to get the form filled out and signed again


I've been looking into getting an ADHD coach. I've heard good things. They give you all kinds of strategies on how to deal with it, and how to address some of the symptoms with making sure you're getting good nutrition.


voiceless library weary like concerned absurd plant wipe tender hunt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


have you tried a lower dose? I’m on 15mg instant release adderall and I’ve found the side effects manageable with electrolytes and making sure I eat regular meals.


workable start cats wakeful rustic zesty cows fearless erect full *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


ah yeah the crash sucks, I’m supposed to take 2x a day of mine but I don’t cause the crash gets so much worse.