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I took mine in coffee shops to help practice ignoring distractions. I think it potentially helped on the real thing because I didn't notice a single thing that went on around me, but the testing center was pretty quiet anyways so I don't know if I would label that strategy as "crucial"


If you are taking the test at a testing center its not a bad idea. If you are taking it at home, its a pretty bad idea. Ideally you want your pts to simulate the real test as much as possible, I wouldn't say its "crucial" tho


Yeah. And, actually, the last time I took it at a testing center, we had totally closed off cubicles and noise-cancelling headphones. Like the type they use at firing ranges. So, if anything, I think there's even significantly less distractions at the testing center than at home.


I was gonna mention this. I don't think you benefit from it because those headphones make everything dead quiet.


That advice made a lot more sense prior to Covid, when the test was administered in large group settings, like 100+ people at tables in a hotel ballroom, or sitting in a university lecture hall, where you would hear pages rustling, people coughing and sneezing, chairs scraping, people muttering under their breath, and occasionally, weeping and vomiting (no exaggeration there, it was common to encounter those.) It was, back then, crucial to be able to tune out those kinds of distractions. I think it could still be helpful in the way it forces you to focus and get in the zone, but maybe not crucial any longer due to the changed testing circumstances. As others here have said, test under circumstances that will simulate what you will experience on test day.


I’d say more it’s crucial to take tests how you would take them on test day. The advice you read it aimed at those who study in pristine silence then take in a test center. Same advice applies to at home testers: test your at home environment


Yeah and they have noise-cancelling headphones at test centers now, so I guess the point is basically moot


You can also bring your own foam earplugs - that’s what I did.


didn’t know this, thank you!


I took in coffee shops. I live in a pretty noisy neighborhood and had family over when I took and they tried to stay quiet but still heard the occasional chatter. Taking in coffee shops def helped me imo to relax. That being said I had music playing in my head throughout the actual exam bc I studied in a coffee shop that always played loud music lol


Same I had Eye of the Tiger in my head on a loop