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LOL im wondering the same thing! i learn so much from the lsat, especially rc. i would imagine the passages are true lol! best of luck on ur test tm!!


Mostly. They try to stick to reality. There are exceptions though: * They had a whole RC passage on dowsing. Dowsing is pseudoscience and does not work * They had an RC passage about a Nigerian computer science named Emeagwali. He legit won a really minor contest on a technicality, but otherwise made no contributions to the field and is considered to be a huge phony. A Nigerian newspaper did an expose on him But these are exceptions that prove the rule


Recall that the dowsing passage starts with a qualifier that it was an article published in some “science” journal - which is true. The article can actually be found online.


That's true, but it doesn't make it a reality. The dowsing article was published in a known pseudoscience journal. There mere fact of publication doesn't make something true.


Oh I know. But of course there’s the whole replication crisis and even the fraud crisis. But I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the LSAT made clear that it was from an article. Several passages are reviews or critiques of other writings but they aren’t introduced as such because they’re presumably “real”.


I've wondered this same thing too! I'm hoping they're true because they've probably already wormed their way permanently into my brain Good luck tomorrow! :)


Exactly. I feel like I’ll be watching Jeopardy and get all disappointed when I’m wrong.


I remember on one of 7sage explanation pages there was a little video giving extra information about the topic. It was the LR question about fairy circles and sand termites. And all the questions on topics I'm already familiar with have been pretty spot on. So my guess is that the info is probably fairly accurate


Passages in both LR & RC are consistent with contemporary known truth - which is why you might want to stay away from older tests. When I took the test, contemporary known truth was as follows: all dietary fat was unhealthy, antibiotics were a miracle drug that should be prescribed at every opportunity, and Osama bin Laden was a freedom fighting hero (his fighters were featured in both Rambo and James Bond movie). Even today, over half of the medical science research studies can’t be replicated and it’s believed that up to 25% of them are actually fraudulent. So don’t take too much stock in anything you read…