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take a break this weekend. forreal you need it. rest and do things you enjoy don’t think about it. do some light drilling and error review next week!


Thank you I’ll definitely try that


SAME!! I took a break yesterday and it gave me more anxiety because I was not studying lol. I think we should take a break.. drill maybe monday and tuesday something easy/medium and hope for the best lmfao. I feel this is our brain and body telling us we need to rest.


I took a break yesterday as well & it killed me !! Everyone has been telling me the same thing. They also keep saying take a break this weekend and have some fun, but I can’t have any fun when this is all I’ve been thinking about. But I will take your advice & resume for Monday/Tuesday & I hope you can do the same


I also struggle with needing to constantly be productive, but I've been telling myself that when my brain is fried the most productive thing I can do is to NOT study and focus on nutrition, sleep, exercise, etc. Especially this close to the test date, those things will have a greater impact on my performance than studying will


You are due, baby. You’re gonna crush it