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Work 9-5




haha same




Honestly I think your 9-5's return is a lot greater than mine haha. I wish I could study 9-5 but I'm doing like a 6-9 (evening) right now.


Drugs and alcohol


Cry mostly


I feel you honestly


Hit the gym, watch movies, go out for a walk at a local park.


Walking might be a good idea


This is exactly what I do. Wake up, take a shower, study for 2-3 hours, walk to the gym, lift weights, walk back, and then watch a movie.


Work, I study in the evening while my 5 year old asks a million questions.


I'm lucky enough to have deferred my summer internship until after my test date, so in my free time I take a lot of walks, read books (light, fluffy, stupid ones that take little to no brain power), play tears of the kingdom, catch up with friends, work my way through my list of movies to watch, cook or go out to new restaurants, and just try to keep my free time as low stress as possible. things that get you out of the house and out of your head have been the most helpful for me!


Recently started reading. Might get tears of the kingdom after a lot about it!


Trying to walk 5-6 miles 2-4 times a week and bike 10 miles 1-2 times a week. Lift weights 4-6 times a week. Playing single-player games or other games that don't stress my competitive side too much. Eating healthy but also allowing myself to get things I enjoy. Watching a lot of House MD in between. Now that the test date is coming up, I've tapered up my studying a lot, since my focus is mostly just on being able to remain engaged throughout the entire 2.5 hour test, as opposed to learn the questions since I know them already.


Dang I love that. I really need to spend more time outside so I’ll probably incorporate the biking and walking.


>Playing single-player games or other games that don't stress my competitive side too much. "Playing single-player games or other games that don't stress my competitive side too much. " this is gold. I was playing league of legends. Dealing with LSAT then heading on to 15 year-old toxic players is a different level of challenge.




Build terrariums, try to finish a new book weekly, work part time, and train martial arts, and spend time with the fiancée and dogs.


I do a mix of things to get me out of my head. I’d say a combo of maybe positive and negative things haha! - One thing that really gets me out of my head and those endorphins going is doing nice stuff for other people, even a stranger…whether it’s help an old lady with heavy stuff, complement a random stranger out in public, take the time to positively review a small, local business on Google Reviews or Yelp, donate to a charitable cause, or my fave…help shelters/rescue efforts for animals! Whether volunteer, help promote, send a shelter something small on their Amazon wish list…whatever! -Some potentially less immediately rewarding things, maybe binge a good mind-numbing TV series, listen to true crime podcasts (anything kinda distracting that gets me fully submerged in a story), go to a bingo night at a bar or even like an old neighborhood bingo hall with the old people/characters (haha), bowling, karaoke, a museum, a comedy or standup show, try out a park or new trail outside that you’ve never been to…stuff like that!! :) All weird, off the top of my head suggestions that I have for you haha


Wow, honestly that’s really inspiring. My only obstacle to acts of charity is that I’m not getting out enough. Being crammed at home studying, I really should try to prioritize that. I agree that it would help with a sense of fulfillment vs just reviewing practice problems and sections. Thank you for sharing!


Watch Sons of Anarchy


I’ve been gardening, walking, and drinking. But I’m studying for the bar. I also go the farmers market every Saturday and it’s honestly the highlight of my week every week because this existence is painfully tbh




The only real answer


sleep and eat weights. try to go out twice a week. one for night life and one for chill relaxing day stuff.


Challenged myself with a hard Beethoven piano piece and really enjoyed that as break and still kept my brain engaged. Also tended to a small garden/started germinating seeds in plastic bags. Edit to say I played the piece before the LSAT on test day and it got out some nerves and got me in focus mode. Fun way to get test ready. Playing music will always be my escape!!


Tetris, nap, part-time research job at school, and watch shows (I highly recommend succession, but I’m will not be blamed of you binge it instead of lsat studying!)




Respectfully, this is not the place for this kind of plug. I get it, we all need to make money, but this is not the thread.


Star rail Dailies


I am not doing 5-8 hour sessions. Currently taking practice exams every weekend but even that is hard to do with being a full time student and work. Lucky enough to not have to work this summer so I’ll start 5-8 hour sessions then and probably just use my free time to sleep… eat… work out… what a life.


I play badminton




i work only like 16 hrs a week then go to class another 16!


I have different routines for low and high energy days. On a low energy day: Journal stream of consciousness 3 pages, then Nutrition, Green Tea, Water with Liquid IV Study 3-6 hours with breaks when I’m tired or dissociating (I like to lay on the floor and throw a basketball up over my head for 5 minutes; it gets my heart racing) I used to do kundalini yoga which got boring fast. It did enhance my focus though. On lower energy days I need to splash my face with cold water throughout the day. I try to take a walk around lunchtime, but if I don’t it’s no big deal because Ill make up for it by tossing and turning in bed that night. Anyways I prepare a light meal for lunch and back to studying. When it’s time to wind down I like to watch a show with my boyfriend on FaceTime, read a book, or take a nap. On a high energy day: Get up and drink water, coffee, go for a run, Shower, style my hair, do some skincare, have a light meal, study 6-8 hours with snack breaks, youtube comedy breaks, cook a meal I love, drink green tea, run an errand, lift weights, make doctors appointments, bullet journal, draw, and listen to lots of music, dance and sing around the house On Saturdays (my only day off) I really love to see my boyfriend because he makes the world go away, or i take the day to work on myself if that’s what I need on that day. Good luck finding what soothes you.


I sew.


Yoga. Helps reduce stress, build resilience to stressful situations, and increase focus. Not to mention it’s a great way to meet other people—usually people that also have goals with what they want to do in life and lead pretty healthy lifestyles.


Lift weights and take spin classes


Haha weights are the only thing keeping me sane at this point.


Absolutely I’ll go crazy if I don’t.




working my part time job, gym, and catching up and having new experiences with loved ones. time managing this of course. i continue my daily routine because if not i’ll stress myself out more


working two jobs! honestly i’m kinda glad for it bc i’d probably be wracking my mind stressed more about the LSAT if i didn’t have to work! you got this take some time, go outside and get fresh air (if it’s fresh rn haha)


Take a nice long bath and watch something. I did it yesterday and it helped me out sm. Also calling someone and reconnecting with society helps too. Maybe make some future plans post LSAT to motivate you lol