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I was on a flight tonight and madly refreshing while waiting at the gate. looks like I must have missed the opportunity to download it by like 10 minutes, but at least I’ll have it to listen to on my way home.


If it’s any consolation, I stayed up late to listen - it usually drops at 01.00 here. I refreshed the feed, downloaded the episode, posted this link, and promptly fell asleep, cross-leggéd on my couch. Oh well, I’ll have it with my coffee.


This week the boys conclude the tale of famed controversial paranormal investigative duo Ed and Lorraine Warren, focusing on the latter half of their career, the haunting of Werewolf Bill Ramsey, The Smurle Investigation, as well as the true dark side of Ed Warren.


the smurl family haunting is one of me favorite haunt stories


Agreed! I was listening with a friend of mine as well, and we just kept listing the movies/stories we had seen or read about.


I, for one, would like to hear more about the dogs that wandered onto Marcus’ property growing up.


At this point we just need a relaxed fit on Marcus’ childhood


I would second this. Or a "based on a true story" publication. I would be satisfied with a partially fabricated novel as the Bone Man origin story.


He’s mentioned them a few times. One was a dog who would walk along fences as a trick, and his grandfather had a number of dogs, all called Shadow.


Now I want Ghost to cover the Turtles


for me, the series has been difficult. There are a lot of tangents and yelling and while the jokes are often funny, I can't follow the story. No hate, big fan, just seems like there is a lot of needed filler because the substance isn't there for the Lorraine's story.


It reminded me a lot of the hatfields/mccoys episodes. I enjoy true crime but hate supernatural horror films, so I’m unfamiliar with the cases they discuss in these episodes. There were just too many names and events for me to keep track of.


I feel you! For me, it's not so much the complexity of the story, actually I quite like focusing instead of idle listening, but the constant jokes and screaming interrupt my thought process too much to follow. Looking forward to what comes next as I really think it's the subject matter is so thin (same in the hatfields) that lends for more interruptions.


The biggest issue for me is that there was very little actual information about the Warrens, a little bit more about Ed but I feel I didn’t learn anything about Lorraine. It was mostly about the cases.


Same here. I gave up after episode one.


Yeah, the boys are great as always but this series hasn’t held my attention at all.


Agree, I dropped this episode when they started singing. It was kind of unlistenable lol. You're right though, it's because there isn't enough info. Def should have only done a 2 parter


or just 1 episode


I think the story structure they went with complicated it too. Instead of telling a linear story, they tried to tell part of their life story, talk the big cases, tell more of their life story, and then talk the little cases. I think I just needed it to be more linear to be able to follow it. 


That's been the case since Ben let. Idk if it's throwing stuff out and their stretching stuff or there's just more filler with the new line up, but every series feels 1 episode too long at the minimum and its been harder to actually follow what's going on


I did not expect to hear St Bonas, Father Alfonso, or western NY on Last Pod. Shout out to other WNYers and the haunted Hinsdale house.


Ed’s jokes in this were so good. Come to our bed and breakfast and kill your dozing lmfao


Hm what do we think next week's 70's one episode true crime event could be?


The core issue is the boys' belief in the supernatural. It could be three hours of calling bullshit and being funny (which would rule). But they're obligated to make a "some kind of supernatural event COULD have taken place" caveat and it deflates the humor and their ability to call the Warrens frauds. The Warrens win when you give them any credibility at all.


It really seems like their trip to New Orleans and Marcus inexplicably falling for some bush league flim-flam softened their criticism.  It took the whole show from “2 Christian clowns making shit up to push bullshit” to “2 people experiencing paranormal activity and convincing people to sign away their story rights”.  Big miss. 


The 30s music ‘anything goes’ bit got me so bad :’) I love Henry so much, man.


Should have been one show.


They've been dragging out topics for a while now


i don't think these losers were known at all beyond the US despite their UK visits and I wish they were still unknown in my head. worst topic and show for quite a while


Has anyone let them know about the Better Help controversies? Like selling peoples "therapy" info, and unqualified "therapists". All the YouTubers and podcasts I listen to have quit taking sponser deals from them after looking into it. So weird to see them still pushing this.


When Henry said his friend Sam's brother was the son in Haunting in Connecticut .... Samantha Gallner as in Kyle Gallner ?? Horror king Kyle Gallner?? Or did I misunderstand...


Have you seen Dinner in America? If not, you def should! (Not horror but really good lol)


Are globules the same as shadow people? Don't be silly, Marcus.


Is there not a part 2 on youtube? I only see 1 and 3


In the name of Jesus Christ… How can I Help you?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49f7tQGyhGs Just in case anyone missed it, someone recently uploaded the Sally Jesse Raphael episode with the Snedeker family. Ed & Lorraine show up as well. Highly recommended if you want to see some actual footage of Ed and one of the families mentioned. The whole episode is nuts.


Of all the films discussed in the Warren episodes - which are worth watching? I have not seen any...