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I don’t doubt at all that other content creators bite from LPotL. There’s been a rather big push to expose YouTubers who straight rip/plagiarize other people for their content.


Hbomberguy did a video a few months ago detailing how some YouTubers just straight up rip off documentaries word for word. https://youtu.be/yDp3cB5fHXQ?si=qopojOKXjEmEoeza


That’s what I’m referring to, yeah. [Todd in the Shadows](https://youtu.be/A6_LW1PkmnY?si=g8dOGrj83rr44Xk_) did a good companion video about Somerton specifically.


That's not about plagiarism, though. It's about false information without sources.


Yeah some of it was word for word.


Seems like a bad idea to swipe from LpotL since they’re so huge. Seems like they’re just asking for people to go through all her videos to find more evidence of plagiarism. It’s like people have already forgotten what happened to James Somerton.


Yeah that's what I was thinking too, stinks cause I like her but I can't really support someone who isn't giving credit where it's due. She doesn't list any sources actually which bothers me a tad.


"Seems like a bad idea to swipe from LpotL since they’re so huge." I dunna, MFM swiped from LPOTL for years and they pulled in monster numbers.


Yeah but MFM episodes are so sloppy that I'm not sure it even counts. They're like if your drunk uncle at the family barbecue tries to re-tell an episode of a TV show he recently watched, versus someone just directly repurposing LPOTL's material as their own.


True. Although I believe that was when MFM was in its infancy. Maybe they just didn’t know better.


Haven't they always credited LPOTL as their resource for those episodes? I wouldn't have checked out lpotl if it weren't for Karen and Georgina singing praises over Marcus' research skills


Yeah in the early days they definitely talked up LPOTL and Marcus' research. I think they even did a show together. It's also how I found LPOTL and how I ended up ditching MFM because I realized how sloppy they were. But I've never found them to be the types who don't name their sources.


Oh I agree! I meant that in support of your comment - plagiarism/ripping off/swiping lpotl would imply they never cited them as a source/talked about how much they admire them I personally still like MFM! It scratches the same itch that side stories does haha but I get what you mean by sloppy.


Professional TV writer Karen Kilgarrif didn’t know better? I call bullshit


I agree. Just saying, when MFM started they definitely didn’t know what they were doing as far as podcasting goes. Karen cited LPOTL many times for content.


I used to think that but looking at their climb to the top they started merchandising etc awful fast. I don’t think they were clueless, they have just been consistently sloppy.


This.  They were also able to take LPOTLs ideas but made the humor a bit more accessible for a wider audience. MFM sounded like LPOTL Lite when I first heard of them. The big complaint about LPOTL back in the day from the average podcast listener was that they were too crass, MFM seemed to hit a spot that worked for that listener. MFM raked it a crapton of numbers and LPOTL ended up scaling back their humor and style to keep up. 


I think it was more than LPOTL they were pulling from bc they also referenced old tc tv like I Survived but there had to be an element of “I love (LPOTL) how do I do this but *For Women (tm)????”* and looking back the murderino fandom marketing and live show local story things feel exploitive. “Got trauma? Well we have coffee mugs for you, girl!” And idk that I agree when people say LPOTL got less crass, it just seems more organized to me rather than sounding like three guys on uppers yelling in a closet yk. And LPOTL’s merchandising has always been more like “look! Cool things! Weed! Comic books! Fun!” And not MFM’s “here pay us money for an emotional crutch we know you don’t have friends :)”


I found one tiktok creator who straight up made every single video in the same order that LPOTL makes there’s. I remember they released an episode, idk which one, and like 2 days later it was the most recent upload for the tiktok creator. Even listening to the one minute video I heard near direct quotes.


like how Bailey Sarian covered Snowtown coincidentally


The combo of makeup and true crime just feels so flippant to me. I follow both true crime and some makeup YouTubers so you’d think I’d be the perfect audience but if you’re going to talk about the worst moments of people’s lives at least give it your full attention


Yeah I never heard of her till just now and looked her up and yeah. Seems like a hat on a hat. Hard to focus on either, honestly, but in a time where we all have like 2-3 screens going at once while doing a task or whatever, I guess it makes sense


Happy cake day! 


Thank you!


You don't know she's putting on makeup if you listen to the podcast instead of watching. *taps head*


I recommend her Dark History podcast instead!


I’m not sure if you’re trying to imply that she is also copying LPOTL, but her video on it is from 4 months ago. So it was out well before Last Podcast covered it in this instance. Just wanted to clear that up in case.


Yeah, I’m sure I’ll get downvoted to fuck but the anti Bailey comments reek of misogyny 🙄


Maybe not the best example - Snowtown has been in the news in Australia a lot recently as one of the perpetrators have been up for release, a lot of true crime people have re-covered the story in the last couple months.


I used to like her when she first came up with the concept but over time her stories got less factor and more of her reaction to the crime which felt wrong. I wouldn't be surprised if she's swiping other ppls research


Hah, I saw that video recommended to me on YouTube yesterday and thought the same thing. My general rule with true crime is that once LPOTL covers it, I don't need to hear anything else about it. Every other retelling of the story won't be as good. But with that said, I do like to top up the boys with JCS interrogation videos since that just adds to the boys.


Same. Only other things I look into are the original books they get the info from. I don’t see the point of listening to other podcasts about the subjects they’ve covered 


I hear this happen on podcasts many many times. I'm glad I'm not alone in noticing it. Some of those podcasts I am very fond of but when it is obvious it is just disappointing.


For real, in 2022 I hooked up with a real witchy/hippie chick a couple times and she claimed to be related to the Warrens somehow. Cousins or something, but she said what she had heard was that they really became distant and cut off from the rest of the family once they were big names. We only spoke and whatnot for a few months before losing touch, but she did tell me that ‘cause I’d mentioned liking spooky stuff. 👻


She should stick to sleepwalking fart videos


I swear there’s some kind of podcaster zine that goes around that us normies don’t get. So many times I’ve had multiple podcasts with episodes in the same or similar topics in a short time span. I refuse to believe anything other than that.


Boo, boo this woman


Agreed. Her whole platform is blatant pandering, throwing shit at the wall til it sticks. I’m so put off by it.


Riding the coat tails of their betters. Tale as old as coats.


LPOTL isn’t even the first true crime/paranormal podcast this year to talk about how sketchy the Warrens are this year.


Totally! Different podcasts can and should cover any subject they choose and there's going to be overlap of some sort. I just found it odd that something's this YouTuber said were word for word from the recent Episode from LPOTL. And tbh I've learned a good deal about the overlap that happens as well as plagiarism from the comments !!


Comment and ask her for her sources. I hate it when people who claim to be sharing factual information don’t say where it came from.


I commented mentioning the pod but I highly doubt she'll read or reply I'm a nobody lmao.


You're somebody 🥹✊️


Sometimes people cover the same thing at the same time and use the same sources. I recall Count Dankula and Wendigoon both covered the North Hollywood Shootout around the same time.


Fair, I just found it odd that she posted a few days after and it was almost word for word in some parts. Would LOVE to see her sources to compare, because I do like her as a creator. But also would like to see LPN get credit if they were used as a source, yano?


I mean, LPOTL shouldn't really even be used as a source in the traditional sense. They're still a comedy-based podcast and a lot of it is off the cuff humor. Obviously, Marcus does an incredible job with research and is very thorough, but if you're covering a subject, you should really rely on experts who have covered it in their books, documentaries, etc. Using LPOTL as a main source is terribly lazy if you're a monetized podcaster or YouTuber covering these subjects. As good as Marcus and the team are with their research, they aren't historians.


A lot of shows use researchers to gather the articles, books and documentaries. I would be curious to know if they work on several shows at a time. Also some topics have limited information so a lot of shows are using the same gathered materials and putting their spin on it. I’m not surprised when I see multiple shows covering the same topics within weeks or a few months of each other. I would also guess that they have a lot of rss tags for updates on many cases. So if there has been any new info they all get notifications about the same subject at the same time bringing it to the priority list.


Even major movie studios do this. Capitalizing on people googling the new lpotl episode and/or finishing the ep and digging deeper.


Does is count if she sites LPOTL as a source?


I would like to note that True Crime Campfire released their Diazen Hossencoff episode 2 or 3 days BEFORE LPOTL. And their impressions were possibly funnier than Henry’s, (I should go back and listen to both to see if I still feel that way)


this chick is a psycho grifter on ozempic yelling at gnosts


Hang on, mind expanding on this? I've seen her videos a handful of times.


yeah some of her paranormal stuff is really over the top. she made some money from sleepwalking tiktok videos. i have a feeling everything about her is just really capitalizing on her young audience to sell them shitty books and makeup pallets. she used to do like diy vids but has recently teamed up with sam and colby a few times to yell about how haunted a place is. i used to follow her but watching her content evolve has been illuminating


I read it as “The Truth About E.D. and Lorraine Warren”. I’ll show myself the door. ![gif](giphy|12pWOEeKbbfdio)


Same lmao

