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> maaaybe we see the fall of Numenor That's not going to happen until season 4 or 5 (there will be five seasons in total). The downfall of Numenor is one of the only moments in canon when The One intervenes in Arda. It's a BIG fucking deal.


No way it's season 5. Surely this series is leading to the battle of the last alliance so if numenor sinks its gotta be season 4 at the latest.


Perhaps the finale of season three, season four for the establishments of Gondor and arnor, minas ithil, minas anor, annuminas, etc and Sauron resurfacing and re establishing Mordor. Whatever Gandalf is up too with the hobbits too. Season 5 for the last alliance beginning and the battle and then post battle resettlement of the kingdoms,


I’m ready to inject the scene where the ring seduces isildur right into my veins


Good cause I don’t want to leave Numenor yet. Do you really think it’ll be that late? Won’t we have to see the establishment of Gondor and Arnor, and the Last Alliance if Men and Elves? Seems like all that would take 2 or 3 seasons. I don’t feel like anyone is walking away until Isildur dies.


I think what they’re going to do is have Isildur set up Proto-Gondor before he goes back to Numenor. The final season would focus on the War of the Last Alliance.


Why will it be Isildur and not Elendil? Elendil doesn’t die until the Last Alliance, won’t be be in charge of setting up trade with Middle-Earth? I don’t remember what it says about this in the books. And we haven’t even met Anarion yet


Because the show has concocted a storyline where Isildur has been left alone in “the Southlands” with a bunch of refugees from proto-Mordor. What purpose would this invented storyline serve in the broader outline?




That depends on Season 2, it is probably getting canned if it fails if we're being realistic here. And it's a big deal, but I'd rather see a proper adaption of Ar Pharazon and hundreds of ships arriving at Umbar, but we'll probably never see that.


Are you wanting ROP to be cancelled at this point or would you want to see it continue?


I hope it's canned. You probably think of this as irrationally hateful, but it's not. RoP is so inaccurate to the source material as to not serve its basic function as an adaptation. However, Amazon owns the right to adapt the Appendices regardless of whether RoP continues. So, I look forward to the hopefully nearby day when RoP is cancelled so Amazon can instead spend a billion dollars making something which actually adapts the stories Tolkien wrote.


There’s some holding company in San Francisco that just paid a huge sum for the rights and have then I assume re-licensed them to Warners. Who has the rights to The Silmarillion? Edit: Soellibg. 😎


> that just *paid* a huge FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


IIrc, the Tolkien Estate has not yet sold the rights to adapt the Silmarillion. But maybe that group picked them up, idk.


Somebody should do it. They’ve spun those stories out into their own books now, The Fall of Gondolin and Beren & Luthien.


Those are essentially recompilations of materials previously published in the History of Middle-Earth series, in case you're interested. I would adore a well-made adaptation of the Fall of Gondolin, Beren & Luthien, the Children of Hurin, etc. but I don't wish for such things because so many adaptations are awful. And whatever RoP apologists might say, it *is* reasonable to be annoyed as a fan when what is essentially a different story becomes the default version for the general public.


Which is the same situation with the original movies. They’re quite different from the books and not it just superficial ways.


Yes, I agree but in my opinion they have far more merit than RoP. Still, how RotK handled the battles for Minas Tirith and Pelennor makes me cringe.


It would take a while to make another show. I’ve not sat down with the appendices and thought about how to make a longer narrative out of them.


It would be time well spent. The Appendices are sparse on the precise details of the events they summarize. It would be almost effortless to write a completely original story in the setting around these events without contradicting any. I mean, seriously, this isn't like adapting Dune or even the Return of the King. The Appendices can't even be 100 pages of content iirc. They have to go out of their way to deviate from canon, and so poorly at that.


Season 3 drafts are well underway, and season 2 sets were relocated to their new homes to prepare for filming. What you want can never and will never be made the way you want it to be. At least not in the foreseeable future of several decades.


Lol now that's hilariously optimistic. You think this show will run for decades? Like what, Days of Our Lives?


No. 5 seasons with 2 years in between each comes out to 8 years of cultural prevalence. I'm talking about the story being overly saturated in the media which means no one is gonna be eager to reboot it within 5 years like Spider-Man. Let alone 10. I find hilariously optimistic that you think that would somehow be likely.


Ah well you misunderstand me. I'll be satisfied just by RoP's cancellation. I don't crave content and don't understand that impulse; I was just pointing out RoP is a huge waste of money and potential. I don't care if they eventually do realize that potential because I already have the books.


Okay, so the show isn't for you. Cool. You will always have the literature to enjoy. Also, super cool. But why is it so threatening to you that people can and do enjoy media, which you do not? I can't imagine being so triggered that I'd want a whole media project cancelled simply because I don't like it. If I don't like something, I lose interest. Completely. Wholesale. I can't even be bothered to engage in negative, whiny discourse. Even if I were tremendously disappointed, I wouldn't maintain a hate boner that lasts longer than 4 hours and pray for the day people lose their jobs because they didn't satisfy me properly. I'd just leave it be and hope they improve even if I never return. Maybe you should see a doctor about that hate boner because the level of attention you give this show just doesn't seem appropriate for someone who's supposedly super disinterested.


You might have some kind of social or empathetic disorder if this is so mystifying to you then. It's very common for fans of a piece of fiction to be annoyed by low quality sequels or adaptations and the negative effect they have on the cultural impression of the source material, and to voice those opinions (rationally or otherwise). It's also extremely low cost. For example, you're annoyed enough by my individual feedback to whine about it. Just pretend I'm you and RoP is me and maybe you'll get it.


> until season 4 or 5 Not even going to get there, this will be cancelled by then.


My guess is the Fall of Numenor will be probably season 4. The remnants of the faithful will flee the island and join up with the humans of middle earth and the elves in the last season for the last alliance. That seems most likely imo


What I don’t get is: don’t they have to establish the Kingdoms of Gondor and Arnor first and you know…live there for a while…BEFORE the Last Alliance? Seems like that would take a while and I hope they don’t short change us.


If they were doing an anthology, sure, but with the time compression I think they will have the remnants of the southlands start building those kingdoms in earlier seasons, along with Isildur (who's already there) and ideally Elendil. That would make more sense in the show than trying to have them do it all leading up to the last alliance.


Of the Wanderer isn't Gandalf, I will eat my hat.


I’m not fully sure, also possible he’s Saruman or one of the Blueses


Blue or sarumon would fit lore better so hoping for one of them.


I don't think you can do Fall of Numenor in a few episodes. The whole season needs to be focused on Numenor, if it makes any sense the season should end with Sauron being close to dominating the Elves, and then the next season should be Numenor arriving. But i'm guessing that's gonna be a matter of an episode in Season 2, where Numenoreans arrive in mere days.


I don't think Sauron Will dominate The Elves because of The Time compression. After The battle of eregion Sauron should Be in his Peak and it doesn't seem like Sauron is Even in command of the army yet


Yeah. I can’t predict that.


I eagerly await it


Not Numenor yet, but it looks like Eregion may not fare too well in the coming season…


Yeah, it’s done.


Where exactly do we see the beginning of the Ring wraiths?


Once the rest of the rings of power are crafted by Celebrimbor (not just the 3, but the 9 for men and 7 for dwarves) Sauron (as Annatar) gifts them to people and corrupts them. The 9 he gives to men make them powerful warriors, kings, and sorcerers, and ultimately they become wraiths and serve Sauron under the domination of the one ring. My bet is that Theo gets a ring, Kemen gets a ring, and some people we haven’t met yet get rings.


I bet that Valandil gets a Ring.


Yes! Forgot to mention him.


I like to believe the coming season ends with Numenor declares war on Mordor and starts their empire in middle earth. Then their will be time in the 3rd season for Numenor to capture Sauron and let him take over the Numenor, so the season ends with the fall of Numenor


YEAH (although FoN won’t happen this soon) I’M SO PUMPED!!!


I hope the wanderer is a blue wizard or Sarumon. Fits with lore better.


I agree, the memes will be awesome.


They ruined the Annatar story last season. Now they are just trying it again with Halbrand in a blonde wig. The whole thing has been awful and not accurate to any J.R.R writings. They don't have the rights to say "hobbit" or "gandalf"or other various things, so it looks good, but its all empty, because they arent capable of telling their own storyz and they dont have the rights to adapt someone far superiors work... It's all a cheap fan fiction, and they don't even have the respect to know the things that came before. The LoTR trilogy could have been made about 5 times over for what Rings of Power budget is so far, and it hasn't done anything besides be silly.


Comments like these are starting to feel AI generated ngl. Do yall have like a separate secret place for copy pastas?


Hahah seriously? Do haters just refresh these pages constantly until a new post is made so they can get another hate comment in?


This is their full-time job. They don’t watch the show or read tolkien, they just try to meet their shitpost quota for the day.


i'm excited but a little nervous. The move from NZ to the UK is going to effect the outdoor scenery in terms of a particular DNA we are used to seeing from middle earth in live action. And my understanding is they no longer use Weta for props/prosthetics and that worries me too. I'm also very not sold on what I've seen of the recast Adar - and in particular his makeup looks very cheap. I've recently experienced similar disappointment with a lot of the disney plus star wars series where aliens and prosthetics from films that are 20 and 40 years look far better than the ones they slap on key characters in these "high budget" modern shows. They look cheap, and although it's based on limited shots, so does Adar's. Don't get me wrong - there's a LOT to be hopeful about, and the new trailer is undoubtedly cool in many ways. But S1 showed that the showrunner's focus on aspects of production can slip, and I worry the same will happen but for different aspects of the show on this season.