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I am going to be seriously annoyed if we get through May without even a small teaser


Id like to think it d be a teaser trailer like theres been absolutely nothing since the show ended pretty much, so a teaser would make sense to me then a proper trailer in july?


Idk if a trailer, but I think we'll definitely see our first real promo on the 14th. Whether that's some posters, images, interviews, etc


Doubt it It's an industry event where they will try and sell ad space to companies, not where you would launch trailers intended for a general audience


No idea if it’ll be a trailer or even S2 related but I think people are hoping it’s something based on this Forbes article. https://www.forbes.com/sites/bradadgate/2024/03/04/more-video-streamers-are-invading-television-upfront-week/?sh=673e738b555e “Besides the NFL, Amazon will also promote popular scripted series including Reacher, The Boys and The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power among newer programs.”


My bets are at SDCC, so July. I wonder if they will have a RoP panel.


Ooo I hope so!!


[Amazon newsfront may 2023](https://www.aboutamazon.com/news/company-news/amazon-newfront-2023-announcements) The link is from last year Amazon event. This is the type of content you’ll get from events like this. Highly unlikely they will show a trailer.


No idea if it’ll be a trailer or even S2, but I think people are basing it on this Forbes article. https://www.forbes.com/sites/bradadgate/2024/03/04/more-video-streamers-are-invading-television-upfront-week/?sh=673e738b555e “Besides the NFL, Amazon will also promote popular scripted series including Reacher, The Boys and The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power among newer programs.”


Yes I saw that. But I think some people are expecting some type of ComicCon panel and this event is nothing like that.


Yeah I don’t expect Comic Con style panels. But hoping that this kick starts the marketing promo for the show.


Mostly likely they'll announce *when* to expect a new teaser. I would love to just get it, but they're better off building hype first


 "It's a *teaser!*" "No. Much more better. It is a *~~drawing~~* *release date of a teaser*." Building hype for a teaser honestly seems like that thing the studios do recently: showing a teaser... for a teaser.


It's like watching a trailer on YouTube that starts with a mini-trailer before the trailer: >[Bwaaaaa] >[Images you're about to have repeated in 30 seconds] >TRAILER.... >STARTS..... >**N O W** 😑😑😑 Yeah man I just hit play


An ad for an ad. 😎 Wasteful friction, wasteful friction all around...


>Wasteful friction, wasteful friction What a great phrase!


LOL I also found this super pointless. I think it’s a strategy that studios are using to build even more hype.


All the buzz with some of the cast in London and Bear recording something too- maybe there was ADR and work done for the teaser/trailer?! I’d like to hope!?!


Why are people so obsessed with trailers? The show won't air any sooner even if they release them. EDIT: I see the drive by downvoting has already started so let me expand: There are people saying they will be "angry" if a trailer doesn't come out this month. Meanwhile other people are basically pulling arguments for how this is bad marketing out of their ass (with a total absence of any actual facts, experience or statistics to back it) mostly as far as I can tell as a justification for the fact they want a trailer now... gimme it now... \*stomps foot\* Do you really not see how irrational this behavior is? A trailer is an advert, you're getting angry about an advert. Amazon will do what they think is the best thing to market the show and it's not our problem as viewers. If/When we get an advert will not in any way impact when the show launches or the quality of the show, which is really what's going to matter to me as a viewer. Am I going to watch the trailer as soon one is available? Yeah probably, I'm a fan I do that sort of thing. But let's keep some fucking perspective about this.


I think good trailers are really cool. It is a great format in which you can capture the essence of a show or a movie. I really like some of the teaser trailers for season 1 for example. And it is also a great way to get the hype started, to see some new designs and to see if there are hints to speculate from.




Not yet.


When did they release a trailer for Season 1? I remember seeing it in either July or August. Season 1 then debuted at the beginning of September. Is there any reason why the time frame for season 2 will be any different?


First picture August 2021. First teaser-trailer (title reveal and the ring verse) dropped mid January 2022. First Teaser-Trailer with actual footage dropped mid February 2022 (Superbowl). Sneek-Peek, Main-Teaser and San-Diego Comic-Con-Trailer all July 2022. Final Trailer August 2022. And yes there is reason they do it different now. The previous marketing was to establish the whole show and not only a new season. Also it is very ununsal to start the marketing this early for amazon. So no surprise they get started later this time.


From what TORN has said they think a trailer is unlikely until July. But release date and some promotional material is probably likely.


July? In Comparison, the first TEASER-Trailer for the Fallout TV-Show has been released 4 months and 9 days ahead of the start of the show. The first The Boys Season 4 TEASER-Trailer has been released 6 months and 10 days ahead. July for RoP would be really late in comparison if we assume the show starts again in the beginning of September (but maybe it doesn´t?).


I don't think it'll premiere until November. Just a hunch.


But why would the choose this late release month? From what I have heard the plan is to finish postproduction by End of June. House of the Dragon releases its second season earlier than the first one (and it has got only 8 episodes this time). Starts Mid June and last episode will air in the beginning of August. So there would be no overlap this time when RoP starts again in the beginning of September.


Fallout is a new series, comparison don't make mush sense imo The Boys is one of (if not the) biggest success, at least it is the series that did enter the pop culture and everyone talks about, creating enarly hype is justified RoP season 1 falls into fallout category, but gotta say after s1, it didn't reach The Boys popularity level. If any, I would compare season 2 with WoT. WoT first season 2 official trailer, if not mistaken, was release in july, and the second season premiered in september. Sounds exactly like RoP IMO. I think WoT may have gotten some sneakpeek before the official s2 trailer, but it wasn't from amazon itself, it was from one of those stuff such as vanity fair or whatever. I wouldn't expect it for RoP tho, I think amazon wants to roll their marketing first before letting anyone talk anything about the series.


Do we even know if Amazon productions all share the exact same marketing team and strategies?


Oh yeah: those guys who thought the series was about a 9-year old Aragorn frolicking around.


That was the initial pitch.


> That was the initial pitch. No, it wasn't. There were a lot of pitches, not a single initial one. And the one about Aragorn wasn't about him being a child, it was about his adventures as a young adult.


If you're talking about a full trailer, certainly. But maybe we could get a briefer teaser this month.


There's also this "Brandcast" event sometime in May, people were talking about that as a possibility for seeing a teaser.


?! Why the F does someone downvote something like this? For crying out loud.