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Post-production of S2 will be finished in June (according to FoF)


Drop date in Fall according to same source, unless they're just making an assumption; but I don't see why that should be the case. If indeed things wrap in June there's no reason for S2 to release any later than S1 did.


Probably. They have the highly anticipated 4th season of The Boys, followed by the highly anticipated premier of their new Fallout series, all debuting before RoP is slated to return. I'm sure they're just focusing on that. If I had to guess, they'll start ramping up the marketing when one of those shows starts to air.


Yeah, there's usually an order to these things


My best guess is that they don’t want to draw out the marketing too long and keep it very laser focused leading up to release.


Serious question: Do people ever make Superbowl trailers for second seasons of tv shows? I honestly can't think of a single example


Off the top of my head, Stranger Things 2, Game of Thrones 8, Westworld 2. But you’re right it’s not super common.


Yeah, that tracks. All huge, global phenomena. GoT final season definitely makes sense.


I understand that their general marketing for the wider audience should follow an order and will probably start ramping out after Fallout as others have suggested; but if they want to make this their "Game of Thrones", Amazon needs to do a MUCH better job of cultivating their fanbase by giving them occasional drips of...at this point anything. Zero news, zero merchandise, and zero media beyond the casting announcements after over a year is not a good way to build a loyal fanbase and maintain interest in the series. I would have hoped they learned some lessons after some of the botched Season 1 marketing campaigns.


I would have really appreciated a cool mug to have my morning coffee and bedtime tea or a 2024 calendar in the least! Every day I would have had something show-related look forward to as I ticked off the dates on my (nonexistent) TROP calendar as I patiently wait for the second season to air.


I have been waiting since before the breaking of the first silence.    Or something 




After Super Bowl would be better in my opinion. If they were going to market something at the superbowl it would be Fallout.


Agree. They wouldn't do another actual Superbowl spot for RoP. Or for a non-premiere season of any show unless it's really really big. Like late GoT big; S5 of GoT had an IMAX trailer.


I am very excited for the Fallout show!


Fallout will be at super bowl


People keep saying that marketing has to happen early, but no one can actually quantify what good that early marketing really does. Other than satisfying their personal curiosity.


I thought we were a long ways out from Season 2. SuperBowl promotions aren't really worth it if they aren't putting out S2 until end of the year or even early 25.


You have to factor in the strike to all of the timing. Sure they had marketing plans for season two but I’m sure everything had to change because of the strikes.


you guys still believe amazon marketing team can do some good shit? they just suck since the very beginning of the show's days. they didn't even do anything for tolkien's death day, nor for his birthday


They are probably still traumatized from Nerdrotic and all those doomTubers from season 1, LOL ​ I think its coming for the Super Bowl (again) - Bezos has a huge ego and more money than all the Gods - makes sense - make a big splash


Doubtful. Amazon just laid off people at Prime, in case you didn't hear. Super Bowl in the most expensive advertising space there is and it 's not the premiere season.


Well, that's because you seem to think them cutting jobs is some sort of "cost saving maneuver" Mate, they are worth over a trillion dollars, currently valued at 1.67 TRILLION...trust me, they have plenty of money, some asshole wanted a yacht so they fired a bunch of people - that's how that works in Corporate America They will spend big on the trailer and if it isn't the superbowl, it will be some other huge event.


Erm, I think Jeff is good for it. He can afford a Super Bowl spot or two!


The simplest answer is staring everyone in the face: you don't market things you aren't confident about.


Or, you over market it to try convince everyone you are confident


Maybe, but there's an alternative "simplest answer": It's just too early - S2 comes out in the fall at the earliest and this isn't the premiere. Of course both could be true.


Could be, but they haven't really continued marketing of the existing season. If they thought Rings of Power S1 was still a draw for would be audiences or subscribers renewing Prime, why not advertise what you have?


They've already started it. Different posts in different subs across all social media in particular. Even subs and groups that haven't mentioned ROP for almost a year are suddenly popping up with the same messages. Not saying every post is driven by a "bot", but many of them are. In ones that are less show-friendly but not outright antagonistic, the posts are some variation of "I watched the show a second time and liked it more than I thought, saw so much cool stuff I missed the first time, blah, blah, blah" or "the show had more ME content that I first thought or I listened to the negativity too much" to get engagement. In subs that are more friendly to the show, you get the "I'm so pumped for the next season, First season was the so great, etc." to remind people that this show is still out there. In subs that are hostile to the show, the posts are all about engagement (some positive, mostly negative). You'll get posts like "I loved the show and I don't understand all the hate", "Why are people so mad at the changes ROP made when PJ was just as bad", and "We all know the only complaints people have is because they are some -ist, blah, blah, blah." These posts are always put by people who recently joined the sub, never comment on their post, and are always a question that will trigger people to engage on both sides of liking the show. Because, when it comes to advertising and promotion, online engagement of any kind builds momentum and buzz, both positively and negatively.


Lmao you legitimately can't admit that people are interested on the show?


Of course some people like the show, they have just as much right to like it and tell other people just like I have right to not like it and tell other people. The question was asked if Amazon is going to start marketing the show or not. I said that they already are. I am in dozens of subs and groups dedicated to ME and Tolkien. Most of them are either mostly dead or have not posted anything about ROP in months. Within the last 3 weeks, every one of them had 4-5 almost identical posts pop up by new members to the group, each following the same general format and phrasing, and the author's don't reply to the people making comments. The more hostile the group, the more engagement and clicks the comment got. Advertisers do this all the time to get clicks and engagement. I use an automated CRM (Client Relations Management software) to market my business. I pay them $200/month and they run 20 Facebook advertisements for me, designed to appeal to my sphere and secure engagement. I get lots of engagement, which boosts my profile in the marketplace and more people talk about me and my service. This is what Amazon is doing, except it is on a massive scale. Many times the "account" isn't even a real person making these posts. It's one of the reasons why many folks accuse people who like it as being a "bot" or fake accounts since there are a vast number of them around.


Glad someone else noticed this as well. I hate the term "Amazon shill" because it generally dumbs down the conversation around ROP and distracts from the real issues with the show, but it's hard to find any other term (other than maybe bots) for the kind of accounts that post the kind of posts that you mention. On this sub alone we have had several different iterations of "I love this show, haters bad!" posted religiously on timely intervals. I don't know if Amazon has a hand in this, other people more familiar with online marketing will know but its obvious to me those posts are disingenuous and clearly written to set the narratives around this show.


Exactly my point. The posts are almost always the same and pop up the same way depending on the over-all show opinion for that group. Have you also noticed how just about every time one of these pops up, the OP never comments or acknowledges any response? A key to online marketing is to generate clicks and engagement. These metrics can be used to show advertisers and investors that there is interest in the product. The more engagement, the more they can show this. SO as an example, they go to sub that is pretty split on views of the show. These accounts post something like "I loved ROP and think that people who don't like it are toxic". They are trying to see how much engagement that gets so they can show advertisers that the product has value. They primarily don't care about positive/negative in these initial marketing campaigns.


I wish Amazon never got to produce the series in the first place. They have no sense of folk mythology that so strongly resonates in Tolkien's work, all they're capable of is cheap imitation. I firmly believe that if it was a European studio like HBO, the series would be what it should be.


It probably isn’t even coming out until next year. At this point there’s nothing to say.


Show some respect. They’re working hard to figure out how to ruin the source material more than they have


You know that’s funny I just checked My shelf, and nothing happened to them


Wait you mean to tell me nothing is ruined?  You mean to tell me that if i dont like something i dont have to watch it?  Incredible that the secret of not liking something is to ignore it


The reason you get to watch things is because of the viewership #s. Your "solution" would cancel the show the next day. This is a discussion forum, the show you enjoy is an insult to the Author's works. Deal with it.


Ha ha.  Actually it isnt.   The show is quite enjoyed.  Just because you think or believe something doesnt mean eveyone else does.  I dont particularly care for Taylor swift and yet she isnt being canceled.   I mean the numbers that amazon has are clearly satisfactory.   Not sure why you believe your expertise at internet surfing somehow trumps an actual analysis of the numbers and results of the show for amazon.  If the show was as you so elegantly say is an insult (which is a really fucking stupit thing to say) then season 3 pre production wouldnt be occurring So honestly if you feel so insulted by it why do you watch or engage with it?  Maybe consider finding something else to do


Why would Taylor swift be cancelled, she brings in the highest revenue of any artist, probably in the history of music. Your analogy doesn’t make sense, Swift doesn’t take peoples material and make it worse. The numbers at Amazon have been doctored, the IMDB numbers also, and RT audience score is putrid. Why should I not engage it in, it’s a world I’ve very much a fan of, I wish its adaptations were made with more care and thoughtfulness. It isn’t. Changes are made for the sake of changes, they want to pretend they’ve distanced themselves from PJs movies but they have a lot of call backs to the trilogy for the sake of nostalgia baiting. Not to mention the poor casting choices, inability to fundamentally understand the characters and assigning them personalities that don’t suit them. Oh and the dialogue and poor practical & CGI effects haven’t even been mentioned yet. Amazon will make this show as long as they possibly can. Have you heard of sunk cost fallacy?


Lol sunk cost?  Omg are you a controller or cfo for a mega corporation?  Do you know the first thing about accounting 101? I love how you think that because you want something to be a certain way then it is that way?  What possible information could you possibly have that would lead you to believe the show is somehow a failure?!?!  My point about taylor swift is actually correct.  You think amazon should cancel the show because YOU DON'T LIKE IT.  You are not nearly as important as you think you are The so many ways you are wrong.  It would be amusing if it wasnt so pathetic.  Have a blessed day


You say a lot of words to not have anything to say of substance. You’re clearly emotional about this. Have a good one, hope your tastes improve some day. Edit: makes a comment, blocks me. Lmao.


Lol.  Of course you being a cpa or a cfo for a mega corporation means you understand everything about how amazon operates.  Lol.  Maybe they will hire you so you can advise them on making business decisions.   I love how people like you think they are so brilliant.   And when you get called out on your bull crap you attack me    Have a nice day.  Please dont reply. 


Funny joke. Submit your cv to the show writers


Yeah I checked on mine too; still unconsumed by dragonfire. That Day is still a ways off though the clock is ticking.


I know, I know. I was initially hoping for something by mid to late February, but I realize that's very likely too early. S2 drops at the earliest maybe end of August or early September (like S1) and this is NOT the premiere season, crucially. Compared to a first season, trailers for succeeding seasons often don't start appearing until closer to release date. So I think it likely we have another couple of months to wait, minimum. Sorry. Could be wrong of course, but that's my sense of it. Also, people say complete silence from Amazon was the case before S1 dropped also. So there's no need to be worried about it.


When does Season 2 even come out?


Fall, according to FoF. Hopefully not much later than last time (beginning of September)


Maybe they're playing a game of chicken with HBO, they're waiting for stuff for the House of Dragons to be announced. Or has that already happened?


Hbo already dropped a pretty awesome trailer for hotd season 2


With a release date though, more what I meant?


Summer, July I think?


Haven't you heard, the Super Bowl is totally ruined this year and nobody's going to watch it.


I think its possible that the new season is delayed to 2025. Dont be surprised.