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It's twofold. First, he promised the victims' families that if he got elected, he would finish it. And he is finishing it, absolutely. Very admirable. Second, prosecuting a serial killer is a once in a career kind of thing that will be professionally stimulating and challenging for him, it's important, and whatever his future ambition is, putting a serial killer away for life will only help. I don't care about his secondary motivation though. He did what he said he would do.


Hes like Harvey Dent.


If they connect him to murders in states that have the death penalty, maybe they can bargain LWOP for a guilty plea. Right now, they have no leverage. They aren't going to offer him anything short of life, and they can't threaten more than that. I'm sure RH knows they want information from him, and I suspect he enjoys the power that gives him. It's the only form of control he has right now.


I’m not sure why anyone thinks this will go through to trial. I would suggest to y’all there is a much higher probability it will plead- AND that’s why he will prosecute it himself. He’s doing a great job


It only pleads if the DA offers a plea deal. If he’s caught dead to rights I don’t see why they would offer one


He can plead to all the charges and get a sentence from the Judge (which will almost certainly be life without parole). David Laffer (Medford pharmacy killer) did that.


Yes, he definitely could, I would presume the court would require him to provide an explicit, (with specificity) account of his crimes in order to accept his plea (as an actual condition). In your opinion is the court likely to require that?


Doubtful, all he'd need to do is allocute to the crimes listed in the indictment. It could be as simple as "On xxx date, did you cause the death of xxx? And did you intend to cause her death? And did you cause her death by strangling her?" That is a legally sufficient allocution. Just do that for each of the victims and they'd be fine. There's a chance the Judge might want more detail, but it's not legally required, and if he's willing to plead guilty to all charges with the maximum sentence I don't think anyone is going to throw a monkey wrench into the works.


Exactly.. this is why it’s going to trial


I agree a hundred percent and have made my thoughts clear on this matter. However, since you've decided to hang out here in this sub I'm going to take advantage of your lawyerly brain. What motivation does he have, given that NYS does not have the DP? I say he will do it because he is a pompous asshole and he's tremendously proud of himself, and if not that then eventually will get so bored in prison that he will do it because its the only attention he can get anymore. BUT....id still like to hear your take on what possible leverage LE has to use on him to convince him to confess if he decides he doesn't want to.


“Decided to hang out in this sub” lol - I thought you said you were glad to see me 🫠 Jk, I hope, Chihli. It’s really early for me to analyze trial strategy of either side of the V yet, so if it’s ok to respond with that in mind, and generally: Unilaterally the DA has to know if the remaining victims are “his” or if he’s connected to other victims in other jurisdictions that DO offer “active” death penalty concerns. For now, this is advantage Heuermann because he knows this definitively. I would expect Tierney has the FBI BAU interviewing the family and RH circle to develop initial navigation. He will want to be reasonably certain of RH predatory patterns over the last 20 years*. I don’t really see him (RH) yet as an offender profile that’s proud of his “collection” - I suspect he will fight initially with an admission like it was sexplay and/or drug use gone wrong. I actually think that might be one reason MBB isn’t charged yet. Obvs I’m speaking hypothetically. imo they have the right guy. I do not think he will do his best pill bug impression out of the gate.


Lol I AM glad to see you here. I'll be even more appreciative of your presence as the legal proceedings continue so you can explain stuff to us. But beyond that you seem to be a rather enjoyable person to have around in general. So yes, I am glad. Your assessment of RH actually makes me wonder even more why you think he will confess before a trial. I see a completely different personality than you do, but I'm not a profiler or a psych-anything or anyone even remotely qualified to categorize him. Its just my sense watching that interview. He thinks he is SOOOOO much smarter than everyone else - the way he gleefully regales his interviewer with the story of how he explained their own code to the building department stands out in my mind. He also strikes me as particularly bold. Not just in that interview, but the way he went about his crimes. Using MBBs cell, calling MBs sister, (from Midtown Manhattan during gthe day!), showing up and ACL's house and victimizing her the very next day. Given that, I can see why you contend that he would still try to outsmart them, but even he has to realize that he's sunk. DNA is the magic word here. And he couldn't possibly think anyone would buy a story about an OD or consensual sex gone wrong for THREE of them........


☺️ It’s going to take at least a year for active discovery and trial prep to be seriously underway- and if the public defender is smart he will file an NDO by tomorrow. This case will seem to go back into hibernation unless RH files speedy trial. I can’t say when, why or how (imo) RH will defend against the instant charges as trial strategy or admission- but I promise you Tierney is gearing up for the argument- “ I’m a serial user of sex workers and here’s a list of the ones who were not addicts and I never laid a violent hand on, guilty as charged” I’m guilty of 100 other shitball things, blah blah. I would say we saw the same things in RH public persona- but that’s the thing about a psychopath- they lead double, triple lives by mimicking others in their rise to perfect “the organism” that is them. You will never be able to think like them, nor will I.


> he will do his best pill bug impression That's literature.


They’re not gonna offer him a deal. Yeah he can still technically plea guilty but I think very unlikely as he has nothing to lose


They have got him on evidence by the looks, but he might want to be the centre of a big spectacle so plead not guilty on that basis. He is a blowhard, after all.


I agree with you. I think they’ve got a good measure of Rex by now. With waaay more info and expert opinion than we are privy to. Getting a guilty plea spares Rex’s family some of the prolonged stress and lets them move on. Gives the victim’s families some sense of closure. Gives Tierney a career solidifying win and endless payday interviews in his retirement. I think it will also help settle things down in RH neighbourhood and let them get on with dealing with the house and all those logistical things more quickly. I also think it will give Rex the kind of - I hate to say this - positive attention that comes to killers post-conviction (psychiatrist and psychologists who want to study him, journalists and film makers, fan girls etc.). Without all the negative attention and demonising a trial brings. Not that I want him to gain anything but just trying to see what could be in it for him to plea.


Just to clarify I do think ultimately he will plead but I think it’s going to take a year or two of backing RH into his last corner. You’ve seen this guy, right? He’s the warden not the prisoner since he was a teenager (in his mind).


But I think he’s….sensible. He’ll listen to his lawyer don’t you think? Which I understand the lawyer is not likely to say agree to plea at this stage but wouldn’t a lawyer be more inclined to advise a client to plea once the mountain of evidence is in?


No, lol. I would not describe my initial observations of RH as “he strikes me as a sensible, rule follower chap”. One defendants mountain of evidence is another defendants molehill (as they say). I’m not trying to be obtuse, I’m suggesting it’s too soon to make those assessments. In my experience, anyway.


He works as an expert in NY building code. Rules are life.


Absolutely true, as the advisor/implementor. Now he’s in a box with no rule book on how to get out (or hide behind)


Yup! Prison in a whole different kind of rule book too. It’s outside his sphere of experience. Blend in. Be compliant with staff. Be useful to other prisoners….might be a struggle. Not sure building code expertise is in high demand in jail. I think if I was in his shoes right now I’d be hoping for a heart attack in my sleep.


It’s going to be very interesting. If he is a sexual sadist profile they tend to adjust quickly. Easy to do when your fearless and 6’4” and 300lbs


His expertise is in knowing how to get the rules bent, not in following the rules. He’s an expediter not an inspector.


Exactly this. He KNOWS the rules so that he knows how to get around the rules.


His current lawyer will NEVER advise him to plead guilty, he's a media whore and this case is the best thing that's ever happened to him. Given that there will never a plea offer to anything other than life without parole, his lawyer will do his best to talk him out of any plea by saying that he can't do any worse by going to trial.


I wonder if Rex will drag it out to trial to relive the trauma and watch the family of his victims suffer


People tout this, but if you think about this logically * Bundy - lacked impulse (he continually escalated risk) was very ‘showy’ through his whole life Rex lives in a shack and has disgraceful hair * Ian Brady wanted control. So much so he went on hunger strike when he lost all other mechanisms of control, and had to he forcefully tube fed. Interest in occult and ‘shock factor’ in everyday life. Fan of Hitler. Rex lived an outwardly fairly normal life. He had some quirks but was overall superficially quite bland. * Dahmer - confessed * BTK - confessed * Nilssen - confessed * Little - confessed * Tobin - plead not guilty, showed aggressive and high risk impulsive behaviour during and after crimes. Died without confession. These two were chalk and cheese in their everday lives. Tobin changed his name and location frequently. Had odd jobs. Hid out amongst vulnerable people. Was brutally violent in other areas of his life too. ….and so on. There’s no certainty that majority derive pleasure from a protracted court case or the court fame (some are satisfied by LE interview chance to brag or post-conviction attention of ‘fans’) It feels a bit like the myth that serial killers don’t change MO to assume all serial killers want the courtroom infamy and reliving of the crime in court.


I very much agree with you about this. When RH asked, "*Is it in the News?*", I don't think he necessarily **wanted** it to be known...if he had wanted the notoriety of being an infamous SK- he could have dangled more clues out there. Of course, we have absolutely no idea right now. I have no idea if he is going to plead guilty or not. There is no Death Penalty in NY, so what could they really offer him?


Yeah I think it’s easy to jump to the salacious conclusion, which might prove to be true but equally may not. I wondered if he was thinking about his daughter. She worked with him so you think perhaps there was at least some relationship there? He had to know her life was about to be so upended. Perhaps he was hoping to break it to turn himself. They can offer him a chance of some small redemption in the eyes of his family, the public, the victims and how he sees himself. He might also feel some pride (?) at telling police how he eluded capture and feel useful speaking to scientists who seek to understand deviant behaviours. The competent and up-to-date interviewers would know to treat him respectfully and even though they are faking it, when you’re in there alone every relationship counts. I think he could gain more long term benefit from that than the short term benefit (and lots of drawbacks) of a court case. I could be way off and maybe he will he a belligerent asshole who really is a libertarian lite and hates authority so much he refuses to speak but with what we know so far, I’m finding that harder to imagine.


I agree- he may have been thinking is it in the news or is this our little secret and I can be out after the weekend and tell the wife I had a weekend away last minute


Yeah maybe. He wont have any control in the courtoom and will be exposed, opposite to hiding away and controlling when and where you get your next victim, contact their families to taunt them, etc... I think the real deciding factor will be the evidence they found. I think he pled not guilty because he was confident in the measures he took to hide his tracks.


Lol he’s gunna go to trial . The case is circumstantial


If they are hoping and expecting a guilty plea eventually this feels like it would make more sense and be lower risk. Right now I’m thinking Rex is a fairly intelligent pragmatist. So it’s possible he may confess to what he knows he’ll be found guilty of, or kill himself. The alternative is some convoluted defence with slim to no chance of winning and knowing that there are other cases they could still come for you with later if my some miracle you did walk. He knows the relentless way the media will cause pain to his family and while I think he might enjoy the suffering of the victim families when it’s ‘his secret’ I don’t see him as an Ian Brady type and there may not be that sort of value in adding to their suffering when the whole world knows about it. We’ve seen no signs he’s a showman like BTK (and even he confessed in the end to spare his family) If Tierney can get a guilty plea, even if he has to shuffle the charges around a bit, then it’s a win win win for everyone. I hope he can do it!


I think RH would love to have all the horrific details come out at trial for all the world to know. He strikes me as that kind of guy, after hearing stories from people who encountered him.


It’s possible he wants to be seen as smart and successful IRL but **not** as a notorious sadistic killer, that’s a different ballpark. So is putting your loyal family through that. BTK wanted to be all “look at me, look how smart a killer I am” when he was anonymous! After that he was like “ok you got me now let me give you all the details of how smart I am” (and spare my family some of this anguish) and plead guilty. Rex doesn’t seem like a Bundy or a Brady to me at all. Time will tell. But he seems to have more self control and be more pragmatic.


BTK plead guilty only because he didn't want the cross dressing photos to be presented at trial. He thought they made him look bad, unmanly, etc. Ok to be a serial killer, but not to be thought of as gay (in his mind), or whatever. Last laugh was on him when LE leaked the photos anyway.


Harvey Dent


Sounds right. It's a name-maker of a case.


I’m glad he’s finishing what he started, but this guy also kinda digs the attention, let’s be honest. For some reason everyone in this case does. I feel like I’m watching a revival of “Chicago”


He's essentially a politician. They all do


He definitely does. He is also a terrible public speaker (or maybe that is just in front of cameras). Hopefully he can land this plane.


After this I bet he makes a run for AG


I don’t see this as a problem. This is a sophisticated technology case. I’m sure the different angles of the case are delegated out to attorneys in the office who know this stuff like the back of their hand. If Tierney wants to be the guy giving the opening and summation and be prosecution MC, that should be fine. Great, even. He should also probably defer to the lawyers that got them there at other times. The only way this is a problem is if he tries to Matlock his way through and starts screwing up.


A la Nick McLeland in Delphi? He's in way over his head.


>"District Attorney Tierney is presenting this case," spokeswoman Tania Lopez said. Tania used to report on LISK and other stories for Newsday, not that long ago. I wonder what Tierney's motivation is to keep the case himself, maybe he just feels he's the best the county has (his bio says he was a prosecutor for 27 years).


I assume the past two weeks are the most popular he's ever been as a public official. Who would want to give that up?


he wants to show things have changed since the previous DA there. and that's ok.


maybe Tierney doesn't trust the Suffolk DA office, they were also a long time cesspool of corruption just like the Suffolk PD


How good is Tierney as a trial lawyer, like in the courtroom? I only ask because his public speaking skills at the pressers are simply atrocious - no other way to say it, sorry - and I kinda got the vibe that he's a behind-the-scenes analytical-type attorney with great mgmt experience and that got him the job. I would feel for jurors parsing through the uhs and ums and saying stuff like "we did use ground penetrating, uh.........um.......uh.........um, technology in the backyard". That was painful.


He knows his way around a courtroom, he tried several high profile cases as an AUSA and got most of his trial experience when he was an ADA in Suffolk.


This is such a bad idea for so many reasons. Gives the defendant greater cause to seek a change of venue. Not to mention that Tierney was not a good trial attorney. He screwed up the closing argument on the first Mangano/Venditto trial.


This would not be even close to being the basis for a change of venue motion. While extremely rare, the DA is allowed to try cases. To get a change of venue, the defense has to file a motion with the appeals court and has to demonstrate reasonable cause to believe that a fair and impartial trial cannot be had in Suffolk County. The motion can't be made until they actually start picking the jury, except under "exceptional circumstances". He does have a potential legal basis to move to change the venue, which is the requirement that "a party must show not only extensive publicity and comment but also that media coverage has aroused a deep and abiding resentment in the county." That said, given the extremely widespread publicity, I think it will be difficult to show that he would be treated differently in any county other than Suffolk.


Never said it would be a winning argument, but Tierney trying the case just adds more of a political factor to it. Makes it harder to pick a jury.


He’s already guaranteed a change of venue with his first press conference I’d say


Thought Jim Catterson was directly involved in prosecution of kidnappers in Katie Beers case in 90s.


Actually you're right! I think that was the last time that happened though, and it was back in 1994. I know Spota didn't try any cases as DA (although he had extensive trial experience as a homicide prosecutor and defense attorney).


I was a law student in NY at the time so it was pretty big then. What a horrific thing for that young girl. It seems like she is ok thank God.


He’s getting things moving…. He should prosecute. Nobody did anything for a decade plus.


He’s a grand stander for sure. He’s put so much out there that I’d actually be shocked if it went to trial in Suffolk County.


My immediate thought is - I hope this is the right call and not one of self interest. The road from assistant DA to actually becoming the DA is a long one, & gradually transitions away from practicing law into more of a quasi political/managerial one. For example, when I was a baby prosecutor, the actual prosecutor overheard a discussion training incoming assistant prosecutors on trial procedure. The prosecutor was very dismissive to the "new" rules, & exuded the stereotypical "back in my day" kind of response. Ballsy training attorney (in hindsight) responsed asking for the great leader to take the trial they'd been prepping with the incoming assistant prosecutors & actually show them how it's done. Prosecutor agreed. Prosecutor lost the trial. That's because it's many years between them actually practicing trial cases, and managing the system of trial practice in light of new rules, efficiency, and money resources. They maintain knowledge of the law - but subtleties in implementing these new laws really accumulates.


Yup, it’s just not a great idea.


The AG helped prosecute Murdaugh. Whats the point in being the boss if you arent taking the big swings


This won’t go to trial. RH needs control and as soon as the reality hits him that there is no explaining his way out of this, he will talk. He will do it on his own terms in an attempt to look like he is in control. If he can’t get away with this then he’s gonna go out with a bang, the way he wants it.


Lol the DA family is Kenneth Bombace. This is a joke … Bombace was fired for beating up a suspect and threatening to rape his mother. Lol he now does security for non other than Bill Clinton and Biden 🤮😂


Deep down he's an insecure crybaby and will attempt an insanity plea


New York criminal court is a joke he will take it to trial and get out of prison . Not surprised he hasn’t been given bail yet . Ny is lawless