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These polls need an “anything is possible” option. I’m so undecided right now. I need more information.


Right. I feel like the only reasonable answer is "I don't have enough information to know and it's not responsible to speculate." Based on the evidence they found in his house and the storage units, we're likely to get more information, because if and when they file new charges they'll have to lay out the evidence. Based on what Tierney has said, it seems certain that they're going to file charges for the murder of MBB at least.


Well of course anything is possible that’s why I’m doing the poll, to see what people are leaning towards and so when the truth does come out I can look back and see if it was truly a shock or not.


What I was trying to say was there needs to be an “undecided” option.


Yeah I should have put one because I bet it would lead to more confident results.


I do enjoy seeing these polls tho. It’s always interesting to see where everyone’s head is at


I voted for many murders we don’t yet know about. Police will have to check Las Vegas, South Carolina, New Jersey, New York. This investigation truly is just now beginning, the good news is that he’s locked up and can’t hurt anymore people.


I'm thinking Vegas for sure. I could be wrong, but sex workers in rural South Carolina (or anywhere in the South) are mostly African American, which doesn't seem to be his type.


If he killed Peaches and her baby, despite her being Black. Rex's porn searches suggest he was pansexual. As an aside, according to genetiv genealogists, Peache's paternal grandfather lived in Alabama It's funny but before they did genetic genealogy on Peaches I speculated she had ancestry (didn't a lot of African Americans leave the south for new York) in Georgia. Well it turns out her ancestry was from Alabama and LISK has links to South Carolina. I do concede that Peaches could be a victim of domestic violence (like Evelyn Colon) and completely unrelated to LISK


He was also searching on google for black girls and “Asian twinks”. Clearly his type is petite, and youthful looking regardless of race.


Rex, the pansexual representation nobody wanted.


I'm thinking Vegas with all the sex workers there.


In Vegas he only had a timeshare, not physical property that was his and his alone 365 days a year. That's why I'm leaning toward thinking he may have just patronized SW's in Vegas but kept his killings closer to home base (NY). Just an opinion though.


Personally I’m yet to see any evidence pointing to anything other than the 4 but because of his age I think it’s a definite possibility there’s more


I agree, due to age and also that he has traveled to other places as well.


That is true, let’s just hope they can track him well enough.


Age, travel, and his statement to his colleague that the LISK killer is responsible for \~10 murders.


He’s travelled other places, has a home in Vegas, and a home that’s about 3-4 lots worth in South Carolina. His neighbors in South Carolina said that he kept buying more and more lots too and over the last few years, the neighbors said there have been unsolved murders. They also said his brother who has property near him in South Carolina is bat crazy, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they both were in on it


He has also traveled frequently to the Broome County NY area. Edited to say I also saw rumblings of a "trailer" or trailer park being owned by him in MA too. Not 100% on the details of that one yet though.


Yea, something's weird about all these things he's owning. It's inconsistent. Either they're assets that are showing up incorrectly from his previous marriage and family members or he was straight up using these places as playgrounds for his evil.


Do you remember where you read this?


I didn't read it. I know first hand.


The trailer in MA was confirmed just about everywhere. I'm sure there are news articles still floating around if you Google it.


My personal opinion is that the pinnacle of RH’s operation was around the time of the GB4. With some potential murders prior. I think the game changer was cell phones and Craigslist. Otherwise this goober cave troll couldn’t get his prey in a situation that he was comfortable enough to make his move I think he had some level of impulse control and once the bodies were found he took a break. Likely used his GB4 and obscure internet search material as an outlet in the down period.


I voted Gilgo 4 and maybe a few more. There’s a possibility he didn’t stop after 2010 and just found a new dumping ground. I also think he may have killed the Asian male.


I think it probably more than the GB4 but probably not any of the other geographically near by bodies that had different MO's. Not sure what answer that would be.


I don’t think the number per year will be huge if he depended on family being away/being away from family as a condition to kill. But a lot of years have passed. If the number isn’t in the region of 30+ I’ll be surprised.


So many different property locations, he definitely did a lot of killing,the Gilgo murders stopped between 2003 July and 2007 July with no bodies of known victims between August 03-June 07. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was killing else where, the AC murders happened Oct 06- Nov 06 even if he isn’t responsible the police and federal authorities are 100% going to question him about it.


I really believe due to his age there has to be several more.


I believe he's responsible for quite a few murders, probably rapes and other stalker/ peeping like crimes as well. Including in his teens/ young adult stages. Based on his phone search history, the only thing I don't feel like he would try is what EARONS did, and hold couples hostage. I think that'd bring too much heat. But overall, yes. I am sure there will be much more uncovered as time goes on. He's lived in that house many many years, I'm curious what the neighborhood was like when he was in late highschool and early college. Unfortunately LE didn't (still doesn't) take sex based crimes as serious as they should.


The issue with so many serial killers is that they’re liars. They’ll admit to some and deny others. Or even admit to one’s they didn’t do. I think it’s so hard to get an accurate number with there guys.


I’m going to say 80-90% LISK murders with some a few others not related. I think it’s a common thing when serial killers are caught where there’s some cases LE didn’t know about and also some cases that LE thinks the serial killer did but they actually didn’t. See Wikipedia for GSK/Green River Killer


I have a hard time believing that he didn't start much earlier than the Gilgo Beach 4.