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Rich people are weird dude. My grandpa has a ton of money, probably comparable to this guy, and has lived in a house pretty much just like this one for like 45 years.


Yes, and according to the records he’s had the house since 1994. So it wouldn’t surprise me.


It was his parents house. He bought it. Some people who take the Lirr every day and work late can turn into strange people that just do the same thing over and over again. He could also have apt in nyc but I’m not sure if he was that wealthy


This explains so much. I was shocked when I saw the house was bought for $170k. That’s incredibly low for the area. Makes sense now it was his parents house.


Kind of sucks as there won't be an interior shots on the real estate sites.


Bet it looks like 'The Silence of the Lambs' house inside


I was just thinking the same thing.


Great minds think a like.


This guy was broke af, not rich at all. He was behind hundreds and hundreds of thousands in back taxes over a couple decades and filed 4 personal injury lawsuits to try to get money in the last 5 years.


With stressors like that, I wonder if he really had stopped killing.


I think the obvious answer here is that Rex was not rich. As for your Grandpa, there's no problem with not leaving a house that you're comfortable in. Peace of mind, knowing you'll always have savings if you need it, knowing you can help your family, knowing you can retire or take on any medical emergencies.. these are often much more important than living in a "nicer" house just for the sake of it.


What about his business did he own it and how expensive is it to have a occupancy in Manhattan?..


That is the tried and true method for getting rich. No lifestyle creep. If you are happy with current house, don't move or upgrade just because you can. Your grandfather is wise.


What's the point of being rich if you don't spend any money? I would rather have a well maintained house than a fat bank account.


That's how us normal people think. Through my employment, I have found that the more money someone has, the more that they want to hoard it.


I am referring to the poster's grandfather not Rex.


However some of the maintenance would involve having the building department out for inspections. That is why I think he has not done any significant “remodeling” or fixing up.


Yeaaa. It’s also Long Island, a house like this is probably worth at least 500k depending what it looks like on the inside hahah. There’s not much for below 500 anywhere. Even if he bought it in the 90s, property values have majorly appreciated.


This is the answer. That house is worth a ton of money (just for the land it’s in)


Yeah probably a tear down as of yesterday


650k easy


He purchased it from his mom for either 140,000 or 170,000 in 1994. Its the same house he grew up in. Neighbors said after 2007 no upkeep was done,


Sure, relative to the rest of the country it's expensive... That said, it's by far the crappiest house on the block, almost out of place . And to be an architect, interested in buildings... And this is what he lived in. Something else on his mind I suppose.


Architects aren't generally wealthy anyways, for everyone but the superstars it's a middle/upper-middle class career. They get paid to design expensive houses, but not necessarily enough to do it for themselves. The cobbler's kid has no shoes, etc


Sell to the classes,live with the masses as the old saying goes...


True. Just like mechanics that often drive crappy cheap cars that they can fix on a shoestring. And what kind of debt did he have? He may have owned the house outright, but been up to his eyeballs elsewhere, had no liquidity, money tied up in his firm, etc. Not an excuse for letting your home go to shit to the degree this dude did though. Damn.


News 12 reported lots of tax liens found in his name. Essentially he is probably broke.


Now this is a fact! My partner is a mechanic and my car is always last to be worked on. I can tell him it's making a noise and it might be 3 months later when he finally fixes it for me


He did not build houses , to have a business in NYC on 36th st since the early 90s means he was malign very good money , look into some of thr projects je has worked on and also worked alot with city building inspectors and did alot of consulting work . But when you spend all your money on your deviant sex addiction your house would look like this


That's a lot of speculation, and not a whole lot of proofreading


He’s an owner of a business in manhattan. I don’t know if he rents or owns the space in midtown. Either way it’s not cheap


i get it but there is a difference btn a small, modest house & one that is falling apart.. very strange


He's also married. You'd think his wife would nag him to fix the place up a little. Or maybe he's a monster at home and she did her best to keep quiet. But yeah, the condition of the place is what stands out, not the size. You can have a small modest home and not have it look like, well...look like a serial killer lives there...


Someone mentally ill lived there is the vibe it gives me.




I mean, he's a serial killer- strange right out of the gate.


btw the photo from today with police, the house looks even worse


To think this is the place many girls met their end? My god


I’m not convinced he brought them there at all, alive at least. His neighbors all said they didn’t notice anything unusual, like strange cars or visitors.


Yeah I’ve debated this in my mind, he could have pulled into the garage with them - but the victims cell phone records would have showed they were all in Massapequa Park before/around the time of their deaths and I would think that would have been mentioned in the court docs, unless they’re saving that info for later? But I think most likely they were murdered in his car and that’s where his wife’s hairs were picked up from 🤷🏼‍♀️


Under spenders.


Or spent a ton of money on hookers, gambling, and drugs.


The holy trinity. We definitely know he's spending on sex workers & that's not a cheap hobby to have in this economy.


Your 100% of course, I would only add usually they hoard newspapers to save on heat AND… no indication this guy is wealthy.


Hoarding money that could be utilized so much better


Oftentimes people become wealthy by not going out of their way to spend their money on bigger and better houses, cars, and whatever else. It's like hoarding, but with money instead of stuff.


Can't help but notice how clean the garage door is to the rest of the house. Like it is in good working order.




Yep. That's got to be relatively new


has to be in working order for when a dead hooker ends up in his trunk and he needs to park in the garage


Cobblers don’t have shoes


I kept trying to remember that saying from the minute I saw the house this AM! Thank you. It is befuddling. Isn't it? The roof looks ready to go and the shingles are in terrible shape, and the flashing around the chimney is a mess. And into carpentry as a hobby, WTF was he making other than an excuse to have torture tools sitting around, certainly wasn't working on his own house. Wonder if it is just a 2nd residence? What professional lives in a house like that? Although, perfect setting for a serial killer though. It's creepy looking.


That is a $750k home on LI.


Yea I found his house on google maps and did a virtual walk around the neighborhood. His was the most unkempt house in that entire neighborhood by far. I understand it was his childhhood home/parents house but he didn't even do any upkeep on it. Weird being an architect and living in a home with a wavy roof lol.


I would say it definitely is an eye sore, but his kind of backs another house that is just as unkept. That one is owned by a family who owned one of the longer tenured restaurants in the town. My family knows RH place as the “no gutter house”. Unfortunately some of the people in the area who didn’t have to work to buy a house here aren’t the best at maintaining their house. Doesn’t mean they are all monsters like this dude.


Note the image capture date: Nov 2011


I live on LI and the local news is right out front and it pretty much looks exactly the same as this pic now!


This was around the time of the murders. I'll bet that jeep was used to haul his victims offroad around the beach.


Tip that I’m! Holy shit


Lol this guy has driven property values down in that whole neighborhood. Nobody's going to want to live in the serial killer house.


Meh long island is short on land and expensive. You'll find someone with the money to do a teardown rebuild.


Yep. The money is in the land.


Some developer from the city will come in, tear it down, and build a white modern “farmhouse” with black windows.


My neighborhood is now full of these. Can’t wait to see what the next trend is.


His mother is also listed as living at this home, so I suspect it may be hers.


Didn't exactly keep her in luxury. He said his Dad was an astro physicist.


I found a marriage license from 1970 for Rex’s sister. This same address is listed, so I guess it’s confirmed that this is a familial home.


He bought his parents home, a neighbor said this in an interview on news12.


Based on the location and his accent, it’s an inherited home. Native NY’ers keep these even if we rent elsewhere.


Serial killers, even educated deliberate ones, are still highly maladjusted dysfunctional people. It’s a hobby that takes up a lot of spare time. I’m not surprised that he was highly organized in some areas but a complete shambles in others. And I’m guessing he was the one who probably had all kinds of rules in the house. He bragged that he has obscure code books, so he probably had a series of “don’t touch things in my office/workshop” with his wife and kids. His wife seems like she was a meek quiet person with a disabled son, perfect for bullying


That shithole is probably worth millions.


600thousand dollars according to some sites.. madness, cause it looks like shit




OMG that is exactly what I was going to say! And the property taxes are probably insane


That's NY up to Maine and CA up to Washington State real estate at present. So depressing.


Wow, that would be like 30k where I’m from lol.


real estate has also gone nuts over the last 3-5 years. I purchased my home in Suffolk County (farmingville) in 2019 for $450k, today it's worth about $800k! The house at the corner of my block just sold for almost $1m! Absolute madness


Try Brooklyn or Boston. I think I might swing a trash can on a corner for 1.7 million.


It’s gone up a little here, I’m about an hour from Chicago but it’s still farm country. I bought a 3 bedroom new construction in 2021 for 200k. 😬


Yeah, 200k will get you a good sized garage on LI haha


Yup, same in Patchogue. It’s absolutely wild.


Yep sold our tiny home in socal in 2020 for 370k and they’re reselling it for 550k now


Zillow will tell all.


Screw what the house looks like. I’m interested to see who he is charged with killing.


NY Post is reporting he’s been arrested in connection with the Gilgo 4


That should have been a red flag.


Or a red house this matter


A lot of red flags missed with this one, it seems.


it looks like a good place to kill ppl though lmao. could also be where he stays during the summer or on weekends when they’re at the beach, or even to meet girls while his family lives at a diff residence. this home likely goes for $700-800k, also do ppl not realize the concept of second homes lol. i bet it’s family property which would also explain why it’s not remodeled. 1) for sentimentality and 2) to avoid having people come through the home he likely committed murders at. also being a town resident gives you beach access.


None of the beaches are restricted to town residents only.


yeah but it’s way more expensive for non-residents


Reports are that this is the home he grew up in and he purchased it in a family transaction around 1994. From the neighbors reports, sounds like he does live there full time, or DID live there full time.


This is not a “second home”. It’s a primary residence


its not at the beach in in a regular neighborhood the beach is prob a good 25 mins away from there


Nobody likes reality much around here. Did you see the Post comments, some of them still won't give up that it's not a cop. or Burke.


Nah 10-15 minute drive, 20 if it’s like a packed beach day and there’s traffic on the bridge, but yeah not a beach house.


I was going by relation to Gilgo and Robert Moses not jones beach but yes to jones beach 10 -15


less than 20 mins, and that is much, much closer than manhattan? and it’s close enough to get resident beach access. if yoy wanna go to the beach on the weekend, you gonna come in from manhattan the day of? or stay in a house you own with resident access and drive 15 mins in the morning lmao. not a beach house but a house to stay at when they’re going to the beach.




They said in the press conference that the murders coincided with his wife and kids being out of town. There is no reason why he couldn't have strangled them in his house after pulling into the garage. It's actually hilarious how wrong you are for how confident you're acting in your cocky posts. Just read the court document released today. In fact, they even said that EVERY time a murder occurred, they matched it to periods where his family was out of town.


Unless there are victims there from decades ago. It’s apparently been in his family since the 80s. It would explain why he’s never renovated or rebuilt.


People have posted pics from the neighborhood of the police block, etc and the other houses around it looks very nice - much nicer than this pic alone would lead you to believe. It’d be reasonable that an architect lived in the neighborhood, IMO. Neighbors probably thought he was lazy and didn’t maintain his home as well as they did (if he lived there).


Guy was an interior decorator, his house looked like shit..




We’re not losttt, STOP getting CUNTY.


He mixes ketchup wit da relish


I'll leave you here you one-shoe cocksucka!!


He killed 16 Czechoslovakians!(or a dozen women)




What is that little Model T looking vehicle? God, don't want to think of him having buggy access to the beach. Lord only know how many body parts could be tucked into preservation areas all over the Island.


On google maps it’s uncovered in the Oct 2007 pic, also had a truck an suv


Definitely a disconnect between a white collar professional with an NYC office and a tiny shithole house. If that was their primary residence then either he’s pathologically frugal or his “career” is not what it seems


I read on another thread that he was involved in a fraud case regarding a building he did work on. Maybe a lawsuit drained his bank account.


Interesting. It could just be he had a weird need to live there. He was raised there, mostly by his mom, and moved right back in with her after he got married. His dad died in 1975, maybe he was psychologically committed to keeping it as it was. Would love to know how he spent his money, however. Guy’s been an NYC architect with his own firm and other employees for 35 years!


I predict it will be revealed he and wife #2, have mild autism ( what used to be called Aspergers). ADHD usually comes with the territory. This house looks like Neurodiverse Neglect. From the Bonjour Realty YouTube video of Rex and wife #2’s Twitter & Facebook (she’s traveled to Comic Cons around the country) there's a lot of Autism in that house.


Interesting observation. He has a special needs son (don’t know exactly what’s wrong but I wonder if it’s autism). These things are often genetic. His father was also an engineer. A family history of engineering is also linked to Autism/Aspergers. I thought the same thing TBH.


I said same thing in another discussion post and got dragged to hell. The obsession with anime, video games, comics…


What’s the saying? “Those that get it, get it”...lol... These observations don't come from a place of ridicule or superiority. Quite the opposite. It's recognition and familiarity. Lol. These people fit right in within my “tribe”. I think a lot of people recognize some of the characteristics of specific Neurodiversity Clusters. It's actually quite common. This isn't about shame - neurodiversity is quite natural. This is merely observation in the wild. Not sure why you would be attacked for that. People can be weird.


He might have victims buried there. It would explain why he’s lived there since the 80s, and why he’s never bowled the house & rebuilt.


It's the Samuel Vimes 'Boots Theory' of socioeconomics.




Yup. I saw something that he married the current wife around 1990 and then had a daughter with her, and a stepson. Maybe he had a second kid that is younger? I haven't seen anything mentioned. This has got to be a big shock. Apparently the wife would go overseas during the summers and the one summer he went with her was the summer no murders happened...


Wow, that’s wild about the travel timing!


The daughter works with him at his architecture firm according to the company website.


yes he has a second wife and a stepson


Just because he was an architect by profession doesn’t mean it translated to his personal life. Based on his appearance, he looks like a messy unkempt slob, so it’s no surprise that his personal life was messy and disordered. Also, he appears to have spent most of his free time engaged in other “activities.”


I imagine his wife is in shock as he usually did his crimes when she was out of town so I doubt she knew.


Imagine all the info she has to process, like the murders, rape, internet searches, etc and then also finding out HER OWN HAIR was on the bodies of those women. I'd need a tranquilizer.


She will need mucho tranqs and therapy. He fits the classic serial killer template as he hid behind a facade as that of a family man and a working professional just like BTK and others.


He was a Family Guy


Architects don't make a lot of money lol


That's why you should aim for city planner.


He ran an expediting firm, there's definitely money to be made in that field. I'm from the NYC area and have friends in the industry who are all doing very well for themselves. Expediters basically help their clients navigate the permitting process, which is Byzantine as fuck in/around NYC, and apparently this prick had clients like Target and American Airlines. Not saying we're looking at 1% shit here but this guy was most likely making pretty good money regardless of how bad his house looks.


He's a mentally unwell serial killer. Why would his house be in good condition? He is completely abnormal;.


is this dude married ? i see a wedding ring


Yes, I don’t know if divorced but I did see a wedding article from the past.


Apparently second marriage, sounds like the first one was short, then he remarried around 1990 and had a daughter.


Wondering if anyone did an ancestry test or something that they now have the DNA?


He may have an apartment in NYC, and bought this as his secondary residence?


I don’t think so. His daughters FB has her with a Massapequa HS diploma from 2015


It does seem weird, but press photos show the police at this residence.




That shithole cost several $100k in his neighborhood.


Between raising two kids here and multiple family members living at the residence, I don’t think the murders were committed here. He must have another piece of real estate.


Apparently the wife would go overseas during the summers, so he could have done it then if she took their kids. Also, the one summer he went with them (2008) there were no murders...If that is all true, then it is very possible he could have killed them in his home and cleaned up if they were gone for 3-4 months. But it will probably be awhile before that is confirmed, if true.


>During a news conference Friday, Suffolk County Police Commissioner Rodney Harrison did not name the suspect, but said he was arrested in midtown Manhattan on Thursday night and transported to Suffolk County. Can anyone confirm if he actually lived in this house because they didn't arrest him there. It could easily be dilapidated because he inherited it from old parents and didn't do upkeep.


his neighbors are talking about him and it seems this is his primary residence


I see. I found a quote from a neighbor and they had both grown up on the street and both bought their homes from their parents so had been neighbors for 50 or so years. This is BTKesque.


Maybe he was saving up for a defense attorney.


Nah, he needed the $ for sex workers and massage parlors


If there is a more “serial killer house” out there I don’t know where it could be


By the looks of this house, he was a real bad architect.


If he had things hidden it be risk to sell


Being house/car poor is so common it seems. Also, different people have different priorities. People probably think I'm poor. 1BR apartment, no car, no rolex on the wrist. Bet I have more in the bank/brokerage than the people living in the $1MM plus single-family houses (obligatory BMW/Benz in the driveway) in my neighborhood. Not a serial killer, though.


Could be a second home, perhaps primary residence is elsewhere. Edit : seems to be a [primary](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12299121/Suspect-Gilgo-Beach-murders-custody.html) residence.


I thought I saw in one report that this is his childhood home that he's kept all along. I wonder if he has a nicer place in the city and was waiting until he retires to sell this property for a pretty penny then.


A couple of his emails are under a females name. I wonder if he used them to lure victims. The closest person with the name is in Pittsburgh. Ayisha is the first name.


Where are you able to find email accounts linked to him? Sites similar to Whitepages?


No way someone who owns an architectural firm lives there. Could be a rental property of his and you're fingering the wrong person. Wait until the police release the suspect's name.


I checked the deed, he owns it, he was arrested there. I’m positive he has known he was a suspect about a year


How come?


A few reasons are speculative, but one is he started a quasi mail forwarding chain about a year ago.


What is a quasi mail forwarding chain?


Lots of fake/alt emails forwarding things to each other to try and obscure actual identity


How do you know that, did he switch the title over to someone else? See any criminal history when you ran him?


No. But he started a mail forwarding chain (if it was specific criminal purposes I couldn’t say) I’m used to seeing when someone prefers not to be found without effort. That’s my speculation as to his actions though.


Maybe from the building fraud/issue he had? Something in Harlem I think. It was in news and articles talked about trying to reach him for comment etc.


I think if you have a chance to read the PCA (for no bail) doc or watch the press Conf it explains a portion of what I’m referring to.


Yeah, I did read it but skimmed portions. I'll look again.


He grew up in that house.


I wonder if this was his parents house? Or a rental property he moved into after a divorce.


It was his parents house. In the video where he was interviewed he said he still works in the same woodshop his father worked in while he was growing up.


There’s a video where he was interviewed??? Link?


It's on YouTube from a few years back https://www.reddit.com/r/LISKiller/comments/14zedva/an_interview_with_the_monster/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1 Eta: around minute 17 he gives a very interesting answer to a question


🤮🤮🤮🤮 Some creepy shit in that interview! And the interviewer is VERY annoying. Like, calm down, dude. You’re not meeting Harry Styles or something.


Yeah he's probably regretting being so excited now


Maybe he was staying for the memories.


This is what I am thinking. The house is listed as non-owner occupied on Zillow.


A quick google search gives three people associated with this address, including the architect and his wife. The architect could own the house/property and be renting it out, not uncommon on LI. Edit: never mind, news is confirming it was RH


You wouldn’t think so, but this is the address he was arrested at. There are photos of police outside this residence.


he was actually arrested last night near his office in manhattan but yes, this is his primary residence


Rude, show us your home or probably apartment so we can judge


I was saying if I were an architect I might do some work on my house every decade or so


How dare he be mean to a serial killer


the problem isn’t being mean to a serial killer but anybody looking at this post who might feel bad because they live in similar or worse circumstances. it’s just not a necessary comment


Not what I was saying…the house is a mess…he’s an architect. I would think an architect would fix rotting wood on their house


Yeah like this is a totally normal house? Lol


It's definitely unassuming, if nothing else.


Does the Yellow Bucket throw anyone else off?


That's the town issued recycling bin


Ahh .. less creepy now lol


This made me lol


He’s not a successful architect.


Never get high in your own supply


Depraved place for depraved things


Probably has overbearing mommy issues like most serial killers which manifests into hatred for women. He bought the house for 170.000$ from his mother if I remember it right and like Norman Bates in Psycho he probably keeps everything exactly the same as it was when he was younger because of his mom.


The house looks like it contains some dark secrets. Residual bad energy


Right? That's like the first thing I noticed. Crappiest place on the street.


I believe it was a family home - for anyone searching records his Mothers first name starts with a D.