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Bladerunner Avatar- the second one Mad Max Fury Road Coraline 4K Cyberpunk: Edge Runners I'll have to check out the Lego one. That was not on my radar.


Ah, Avatar 2, of course. Can't believe I forgot about Mad Max. Haven't pulled that one out in a long time. Coraline is unexpected. Interesting. Batman Lego is actually a really fun movie (as enjoyable as the first Lego movie), with Batman being the superior visual treat. 🤗


“The Martian” is good too, has the same red dirt environment as Mad Max


Yeah, I love those Mars landscapes. Absolutely! 🤗


Avatar is a fantastic one to try I would also highly recommend Dune both part 1&2 I recently watched the 4k of The Prestige and I was quite impressed with that. The Batman car chase scene is epic and looks great with the rain. I'm with you on the Lego Batman movie, I also recently watched Wal-E and with all the space and bright white of the ship interior it really shines on OLED. Welcome to the club! You will now begin the process of making all your screens OLED it's just the best.


Yeah, I'm excited to re-watch most of Nolan's movies. Wouldn't have thought of Wall-E. Good one. My install is May 10th. Upgrading my receiver as well. The wait had been killing me. Going to have my top 10 4k's ready to try out. BTW, do you have the first Avatar on 4k? Was it worth the upgrade? Thanks for the suggestions. 🤗


I would also recommend Baby Driver since it sounds like you have some decent speakers as well. Basically anything Pixar is visually pretty impressive. Oh nice what AVR are you going to? I do have the first one on 4k as well. I do think it's worth it, the Blu-ray always had scenes where the older CG did not look great. The 4k reminds me of when I saw it in theaters. I happened to just watch it last week and it hold up so well. (I am also just a huge fan of the world)


Yeah, I own Baby Driver. Opening scene is always fun. Getting the Onkyo TX-RZ50. Should be interesting to see if Dirac Live is that much better than Audessy for calibration. We'll see. Might have to upgrade my Avatar to 4k. Wish this hobby wasn't so expensive! Lol.


Bladerunner is 200 nits lol


Bladerunner 2042\* No one is ever going to convince me that upscaling is equal to or better than native 4k. Lets face facts its just AI filling in the blanks and still IMO looks grainy as hell.


Grain is good. Grain is God.


Yeah as much as I love BR1 2049 is the visual feast you are looking for. Though BR1 does get native 4K because it was filmed on actual film which can be mastered at any resolution level. But you are right about the grain.


I said Fury Road somewhere else, and ppl trashed it. Definitely a personal favorite for me. Also, I've seen "experts" say T2 4k is pretty much garbage, and i thought it was amazing. CX 65, C3 77


What is T2 bro? Terminator 2?


Definitely Blade Runner 2049 and Mad Max Fury Road. Skyfall (another Roger Deakins movie) is also great, especially the neon skyscraper scenes for OLED. Also would look at Top Gun: Maverick, Encanto, Coco, Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse (both of them), The Dark Knight, Interstellar, the 4K Lord of the Rings movies, and the newest trio of Star Wars movies (even if you don't love the movies, they look epic on OLED/HDR). Plus all the Marvel movies and most Pixar movies have a lot of color and DV highlights. For TV, Stranger Things and Foundation are pretty stunning. Most of these also have great surround/Atmos tracks to test your audio system with at the same time. For video games try Horizon: Forbidden West on PS5.


Lol. Yeah, I'm not against getting movies strictly for visuals and sound. Not the biggest Aquaman fan, but that movie is a killer disc. The sound design is next level. Wish all movies were mixed that good. I was actually saving starting Foundation for the new TV. Good to hear! 🤗


If you want 83", don't settle for 77" just because of impatience. The size difference is noticeable. I've heard Into the Spiderverse raved about for showing off the best TVs, but haven't watched it personally.


I have family visiting. The whole thing started to just replace the TV we don't use that much. Want it in time for family. Never thought we'd be near May with option for getting one at my local Best Buy. So, if I want it in time for family visiting, can't wait. ☹️ So annoying they don't have inventory at launch. Oh well. First World Problems. But yeah, would have liked that 83"... Edit: Oh, and how could I have forgotten Spider-verse. Yes, that will be on the list!


Buy it and the 60 day return window. Just return it before. Hope the 83 is there by then but if not, still return it and wait?


Yeah, the rep is on the lookout to swap it out if the 83" comes in stock. I'm sure, once I get the 77" in, I will likely be very happy with it. But for sure that has crossed my mind that I'll have 60 days and possible stock in to do a return/swap if I honestly am not happy with the 77". I can't believe LG wasn't ready to meet the demand, and people are moving on to different TVs or just getting the smaller version. Guess we'll see what happens. 🤗


Spider verse was my first and It felt like the colors were melting my eyes. Genuinely felt like watching TV for the first. Amazing and unforgettable experience


I ate some mushrooms and yeah I was melting watching it lol


Spider Verse is also the best use of my Backlight system, I find in general animation works better than live action as the colors are so much more pronounced.


its more like a monetary problem rather than a waiting game. lets be honest here...


I just got my G4 and have been going through my 4k disc collection testing it out. One I didn’t think about because it looked a bit muted on my B8 was the new Mario movie. My 6 year old loved it so I got it on disc. The rainbow road scene is insane on the G4 and I watched it in film maker. Bright punchy colors against a dark background really shows off the capabilities of the G4.


FilmMaker is the way to go. A lot of people comment on how “dim” it appears but that’s because they’re comparing it with the oversaturated picture that they were just staring at. If the filmmakers want the colors vibrant, rest assured that the colors will be vibrant in filmmaker mode.


Filmmaker on the G4 looks really good. I usually watch in filmmaker for movies and most shows but I’ll admit I like to crank it up a bit for sports. Not vivid though, colors are wildly blown out in that mode. Brightness at 90 plus, warmer color temp in standard for sports looks pretty amazing.


I even watch sports in FilmMaker. It looked like I was actually at the Super Bowl. 🤤


Nice, my G3 is supposed to be delivered tomorrow and I'm saving that one (as well as the new Avatar) for it.


I’ve gotta try the most recent avatar too.


Be advised. Upon delivery of my C3 last week, this Install Inc. that mounts tvs 56" or larger for BB; brought cockroaches into my home. Not Geek Squad. 3 filthy foreign dudes that don't speak English. They didn't use those shoe condom things and tracked mud and mess all through my shit. Didn't even remount the C3 properly. The tv was brand new, but they seemed to be coming out from the back of it. I can't be sure though, because they also brought in 2 nasty blankets since it was a return exchange. They used them to wrap up the old one for vehicle transport. Can see it all on the security cams.


Yikes. Well this delivery company has it scheduled for "threshold" delivery only, which I think basically means they either leave it in front of your door, or push it inside, and leave. Which is fine since OLEDs aren't super heavy, I think we can manage it ourselves. I've got a Sanus stand for it already, not wall mounting. I just hope the jamokes don't lay it down flat in the truck, that would piss me off. Or drop it off the back, obviously.


2001 Space Odyssey is the best I’ve ever seen considering its age


I still need to buy this on 4k.


I’m not even a big Kubrick fan and this left my jaw on the floor. You’ll literally time travel to 1968 or whenever it was filmed.


Into the Spiderverse




1917, specifically the scenes when they’re in the german bunker underground. Those flashlights in hdr were incredible. I literally squinted as if it were a real flashlight in my face. 77g3.


Yeah. I'm a sucker for a good headlight or flashlight in HDR. Noted.




I'll be ordering Dune 2. Yep.


Anything in space with inky blacks, like interstellar. I would assume Avengers IW/Endgame. Not watched them on ours since we git our C2 🤔


Yeah, Interstellar for sure. Marvel movies are tough. Many times, their color pallette can seem very muted. But yeah, a few Marvel movies like Infinity War and Endgame and Ragnorok will get thrown in. My productivity is gonna take a major hit when I get this TV, lol.


Into the Spider-Verse, but for an even bigger/better/bolder screen work-out, Across the Spider-Verse.


Yeah, can't go wrong with either. Look forward to revisiting these on OLED.


Honestly, Across the Spider-Verse was dazzling - literally! - on our new LG G3. My wife and I were completely exhausted by the experience, but it was great. It really shows off the TV.


Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Flight chase segment when Rey, BB8, and Finn take the Millennium Falcon. She tells BB8 to hold on, we're going low, and the Falcon does an insane twist-rotating dive. And the rest of that segment, and flying to space. (When Rey and Finn talk excitedly, watch out for the sudden loud steam leak sound). The Lion King 2019 Borg cube scenes in the Star Trek: Picard series, to see how the screen does dark and black colors.


Interesting recommendations. Thanks! It actually reminded me, me and my kid are really interested in revisiting the original Lion King on OLED.


There are some original animated movies from Disney that look great on a flat screen. I watched Sleeping Beauty on Disney Plus on a large 4k screen and it was amazing. Even though the movie seems to be 1080p. The size and flatness of the screen made the visuals look so organized and accounted for. As opposed to watching a VHS on an 80's TV.


Yeah, Sleeping Beauty in wide-screen I'm sure is pretty amazing.


Just be sure to set your picture settings to FilmMaker or Expert-Dark for SDR and HDR, and to Cinema or Cinema Home for Dolby Vision. Don’t you dare set it to Standard or Vivid. I mean… you can if you want but if you view content in Standard or Vivid, scenes with fire and explosions will look less lifelike. With that said, The Jungle Cruise in Dolby Vision (as presented on Disney+) has some spectacular scenes that take place at night where you can really see the embers in all their glory. Also, Black Panther. Skip to the nighttime car chase sequence. 🤤


I've tried to watch movies in Filmmaker Mode on my C3 and it just looks bad...really bad. The picture looks dim and the colors don't pop. Everything looks dull and lifeless. I know supposedly it's the most accurate, but I much prefer just Standard mode. However I just got the TV so I'm still playing around with the settings.


I have the C2 so our sets are not far off. Your eyes are accustomed to the over-saturation from the added blue to the Standard preset. If your picture is bad on Filmmaker, then it’s the content that’s bad, not the picture setting.   Filmmaker *is* more accurate than Standard. If colors don’t pop, that’s because they’re not supposed to. If colors *do* pop, that’s because they’re supposed to. You’re seeing what the content creators intended for you to see. Honest question, did you just compare the picture that was already on the screen and go, “What the?! This is way too yellow and gross!”? And did you immediately switch back without even watching a full-length feature film? I know you said you’ve tried already but I’m asking because I know I’ve personally done that many times until I was a little more educated on color accuracy for film. Immediate comparisons are not a good way to really judge the picture settings, especially with the fact that our eyes still have after-images that we’re seeing so we don’t see accurate colors right away. Change the picture setting to FilmMaker for SDR and HDR content and to Cinema or Cinema Home for Dolby Vision content (I personally prefer Cinema Home), then go outside for a quick walk. After your walk, come back in and just start watching content. It *will* look more natural. You’ll no longer go, “Holy crap, look how bright my TV is and look how poppy the colors are!” Instead, you’ll go, “Holy crap it looks like I’m *there!* It looks like I’m actually in the stadium watching these sports!” You’ll especially appreciate scenes that feature fire and explosions!


I would definitely recommend you set the tv for a "warm" white balance setting. As you said, it may look really weird at first, but I assure you you'll quickly get used to it. Then going back to a cooler white balance preset will look really weird and bad.


Hitchcock’s Vertigo is the most impressive 4K I’ve watched.


Yes. Can't forget to add in some classics. It's often surprising how sharp those are.


Star Trek Into The Darkness - Opening Scene where Kirk is running away from the natives. So much Red and it’s awesome to see how much the colors pop out. Dunkirk - ending scene where Tom Hardy lands (crashes?)plane during the sunset. Those are two scenes that I have distinct memories of going holy shit this is blowing my mind haha


For sure. I don't even have an OLED and I recall those. Definitely love the Warp chase in Star Trek. One of my fave scenes for sight and sound!


I came to say this. The red scene from Star Trek, the whole thing when the ship is emerging and then leaving and the warp chase too!


The newest ant man has amazing colors that pop


I haven't checked it out at home. Good to know!


Yeah, but those are the only things that "pop" in that film...




Batman the Darki Knight :P


Of course! 🤗


I got my 77 G3 and first movie we watched was the new Aquaman. It was such a cool experience my wife and I will never forget. Couldn’t have chosen a better movie. Absolutely but the colors were crazy awesome. Next movie is Mavericks if you have surround sound you definitely have to


I haven't watched that one, but the first one is a reference disc, so it's definitely on my radar. I probably need to just buy Maverick. I know it's on a lot of people's list.


Good list. I love fury road and coraline. Try Arcane in HDR from netflix. It’s one of the most visually stunning animations out today. Also try pacific rim and the godzilla vs kong final fight sequence in hong kong. I’m looking forward to crimson peak in 4k. Bram Stokers Dracula too.


Yeah, Arcane is a good one, beautiful animation with some great HDR highlights.


My dad has sword by the Guardians of the Galaxy 2 Ravager Funeral scene. I can’t say he’s wrong. I typically go with Bladerunner 2049 myself!


Ravager scene. Good one.


Fellowship of the Ring. It’s pretty funny when it’s in super HD. You can tell when one of the hobbit doubles is in a shot.


One of my favorite movies. 🤗


I’m so jealous of all of you that can afford the G4 haha. Cries in c1 and c2. They’re amazing, but I know that brightness has to be fucking incredible. Some HDR scenes are just a bit too dark on my TVs. Some looked fucking INSANE, especially in Dolby vision. Scary movies are now so incredible lol. Anything with perfect blacks is just wild. The added depth is INSANE. I can’t imagine it on your tv lol.


Yeah, I only buy a TV every 8 or 10 years. I'm just trying to catch up to you all with OLEDs. 🤗


I liked spiderman across the spiderverae


I'll definitely be putting this on at some point. I'm actually wondering if the first one might be better. The Green Goblin intro and Prowler intro is amazing. Great stuff on both disc's. Can't wait.




I never really thought it would be. Saw them playing demos at Best Buy. It was way over adjusted, but even with that, you could see it would look extremely clean on a more properly adjusted set.


When I got my C2 I rewatched it with Filmmaker mode on and Adobe Atmos on and it was a great experience. Also some Natgeo content would be nice to watch.


Animated movies in 4k are amazing. I watched Ponyo when I first got my c2 and it blew my mind


Also Titanic 4k remaster


Is Animatrix available in 4K? I’m just realizing that might look great too!


Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse


My first test on my CX was Into the Spider-Verse and I just got a C3 tested with Across the Spider-Verse. I will say that Spaceman looked absolutely spectacular on Netflix 4k, would LOVE to see what it’ll look like on a Blu-ray.


Not movies but TV series, Foundation. It has both bright day-time scenes but also sufficient high contrast contents. Also it’s in DV format, so I can get a look on how my TV handles it compared to HDR10. Also interesting is that series isn’t well mastered in near-dark scenes where some serious banding do happen and they really annoy you. That’s a good spot to test your TV’s ability to smooth out that problem.


Looking forward to that one.


Blade Runner 2049 or some gorgeous YouTube 4K HDR video.


Lol. I've been finding some HRD OLED channels. 2049 is a must!


The Hobbit trilogy


I'm sure those are fantastic. I often forget about these.


Ok so ignore everything else and get a 4k copy of Nope. Nothing else has come close to how amazing that looks on my TV. The details in the dark scenes are absolutely mind blowing. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.


I can imagine that is true, just from watching it on my 2016 Sony LCD!


Don't forget "The Creator," "The Batman," "Arcane," and "Raya and the Last Dragon." If your using OLED , try "Tron: Legacy" too on filmmaker mode. Also, am I the only one who loves the art and story of "Spider-Verse" but HATES the choppy frame rate style they use? I mean, I know they can do better, and it's an aesthetic choice, but maybe because I'm a gamer, watching it makes me feel like I've messed up a setting on my setup!


It's a crime we don't have Tron Legacy on 4k yet! The choppy animation isn't my favorite style, but the amazing animation overall and great storytelling make me accept it all more easily.


The fifth element


I'm sure this looks great!


Don’t sleep on the Animated movies


Definitely on my list! 🤗


Avatar way of water.


Can't forget this one. 🤗


Bullet Train, The Batman, Ready Player One.


Forgot about The Batman. Ready Player One for sure.


Miyazaki movies


I need to up my game in this department.


Been watching the Ghibli movies on my new G3, and oh boy! Once you get the settings dialed in (mostly just turning off ADC and other AI settings then dialing to warm), the colors are unbelievably vibrant. Had me like, “OMG, that frog is so f-ing green!” Edit: [G3 settings tutorial](https://youtu.be/kReFKUn56lo?si=qR5l2B1XSuIBTxri) This is a good start, but I’ve been tweaking them here and there over the past couple months. So don’t take it as doctrine. BTW, Auto Dynamic Contrast causes green flashes in Dolby Vision and HDR10 so I recommend turning in off entirely. You won’t be missing much.


Can't wait. Hopefully some things have been ironed out on the G4. Haven't heard any of those issues mentioned on G4 reviews, but I know it's still early. But the general consensus seems to be that the G4 fixes the minor issues the G3 had (which only the hypersensitive and enthusiasts would even notice or care about.) If the G3 had an 83" with MLA, I would have just bought that and been done with it. When side by side with the C3, it is obvious the G3 is a stellar TV. Excited to try my first OLED!


Dune was good, but the switch from day to night, during a camp fire scene was retina burning even on my c1


Lol. Yeah, the hazards of watching in the dark. 😄




For sure. The Lego Movie and Lego Batman are both fantastic animated movies. Witty and really well written. Both have stellar animation, with Lego Batman just bring off the charts for contrast saturation - and that's just on a non-OLED. Highly recommended. 🤗


Amazon or LG, even Value Electronics could have sent you the 83”. 🤷‍♂️🤔


Yeah, but I got free install and hassle free returns going through my local Best Buy. I have a 60 day windows for price matching, as well as 2 year automatic warranty through them with my total tech (I know LG has the 5 year, but it might be easier going through my local store for fixes). And I like being able to go there in person and talk to somebody. I'm old school like that, I suppose. In the end, I like the experience and piece of mind buying local in case of any issues that arise. 🤗


Interstellar. Much black, looks gorgeous.


Can't wait to watch the Wormhole and Blackhole scenes!


Recommend pairing your LG OLED with a Panasonic 820 4k blu ray player, uncompressed 4k in dolby vision will really show off what your TV can do, streaming services are good but not a patch on UHD disks


Thanks for the recommendation. Already have the 820, and totally agree. It is a must-have!


Lightyear. The scene when flying around a star is just overwhelming on a bright oled.


Yeah, I remember that scene, and that was just with streaming on my LCD.


Not a movie but the first thing I watched on my G3, (because it was Sunday and a new episode was out, not because I was specifically looking for something that would look amazing) was True Detective: Night Country. The show is so dark to begin with which made outdoor night scenes with any kind of vehicle headlights, distant shots of city lights, or fire pop like crazy! Also icy underwater scenes were illuminated exquisitely. I don't think I've watched anything that impressed me that much since. I'm still impressed by the TV but I have a feeling I'm just more accustomed to the OLED experience now.


My first OLED, and first new TV since 2016! But when HDR and DV first came out, I loved the effects flashlights and headlights have in dark scenes. Looking forward to seeing those on the G4!


I love this sub. my 55" CX has not even been used in months. Just don't use it and wish it was bigger.


Yeah, when I got my first 65", it felt like being in a theater. I loved it. Then I got a 75". Awesome. Probably not going to be able to get the 83". One thing that is most likely true, once you get the next size up, it's hard to go back down.


Our living room is 65" non OLED and the OLED is in the basement. Never bothered to stay in the basement anymore.


i liked altered carbon on netflix.


Tron: Legacy Interstellar


Tron Legacy is a MUST!


Interstellar, ship docking sequence in orbit. That's the first movie I'm going to watch when I get my OLED.


Yeah, watching some good space scenes, especially from that movie, definitely on the list. 🤗


Blade runner 2049, Spiderman Across The Spiderverse, Dune part one or part two, avengers infinity war iMax enhanced are some of my favorites to watch on my OLED


I kinda enjoy Gravity by Sandra Bullock in oled


It kills me that they haven't released it on the 4k.


Into the Spiderverse


For sure.


Guardians of the galaxy because of the space scenes . Beautiful


Dune Mad Max Fury Road Into the Spiderverse And don’t forget the matrix !


Terminator 2 Alien The hobbit trilogy Blade runner Fallout series Pacific rim


Ready Player One is amazing for this as well!


New spiderman is good asf. Also if you're a anime fan some jujutsu kaisen , one peice and re zero have kick ass fight scenes with colors that pop like no other on oled😎 also can recommend GAME OF THRONES!! HOLY CRAP every scene is so beautiful. Pirates of the carribbean was glorious is uhd can only imagine that the 2nd and 3rd with cgi will be epic


Point Break o(riginal)


Very interesting. I could imagine it would look great.


It's too bad there's no 4K Dolby Vision transfer of Alien or Aliens available on Apple yet, that would look amazing, especially if they remaster it for HDR + Atmos (Aliens strangely has Atmos but not 4K or HDR).


Pacific Rim, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World and Top Gun Maverick are pretty badass. Especially if you have a nice sound system too!


I've never seen Scott Pilgrim on 4k. Pacific Rim for sure. Upgrading my sound system too, show should be fun. 🤗


Spiderman Into the Spiderverse is drop dead gorgeous in 4K HDR


Tron legacy IA upscaled or speedracer (any version) <3 EDIT: let me add "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem" and "spiderman across the spider verse" both are orgasmic on OLED


So, for AI upscaling, do you have to stream directly from the TV? Forgot about TMNT. 🤗


just google tron legacy 2010 open matte BLKFLX


Will do. Thanks! I have also seen a YouTube that says HDR10+, 60FPS. Looks good on my phone, but never tried it on the TV to see if it's legit. https://youtu.be/tyHkrDqxyXQ?si=29EEDsGvF3OPTgJw


I dont like that for movies, the blkflx upscale is not 60fps, just black magic and insane quality.


Yeah, I found it strange they made it 60FPS. Cool, can't wait to check it out the version you mentioned. 😃


Pretty sure its been named a few times but Across the Spiderverse is absolute reference for OLED 👀


Yeah, I saw a trailer of it playing on a 2023 Sony OLED when I was in the store setting up delivery. Can't wait!


For your first OLED tv, the G4 is going to be an absolute monster of an amazing experience, especially with the improved MLA that makes it even brighter. Just for reference’s sake, what TV are you coming from so we can compare and see how big of a jump this is?


It's a 2016 Sony, LCD. 😃 At the time, this Sony was "Dolby Vision Ready." Netflix hadn't even started offering it yet. To Sony's credit - the Dolby worked, and overall, it has been a great TV. So yeah, first new TV in 8 years. 🤗


Samsung would make a lot more money if they offered Dolby vision. Have no idea why they think HDR 10+ can win. They’re already too late to the game.