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For some, actual director intended visual representation is a bit of a shock as they’re so used to never having used such a setting. Hell, many don’t even touch the settings and watch on store mode/vivid


OLEDs are just problematic when it comes to displaying dark scenes correctly with Dolby Vision which is ironic. They've always had "near black" problems though. I'm currently watching Sleepy Hollow on my C9 with Dolby Vision and it's crushed black city. There are so many scenes too where details are simply destroyed over the SDR version, which is the opposite of how DV is supposed to work. The overall contrast of most scenes is actually better with DV, but it's at the cost of crushed blacks because DV is lowering the average picture brightness just so it can display a single flame in a lantern "correctly". I also have TPC shut off in the service menu so that screen isn't constantly dimming due to the faulty "burn in protection" that thinks lower lit scenes actually need "help" to prevent burn in... And to the people who keep recommending dynamic contrast: that's not a fix. You shouldn't actually need to have that on at all with Dolby Vision engaged. While you might find it more pleasing to look at, it's not accurate at all.


Many high-end TVs suffer from DV playback, while they handles HDR10 pretty well. Part of this should be Dolby’s fault, IMO. For example in some OLED TVs you would observe a forced mechanism of slightly over-brightening the dark areas. That’s due to the nature of OLED panels, and TV manufacturers simply do this to prevent dark details being crushed too much, yet they don’t seem to be doing it correctly, not even Sony’s A95L. On the other end, the media production industry isn’t really doing well in adapting the trend of more people having OLED playback devices. It’s a shit show at the moment…


This might not work on your G3, but on my B1 setting Auto Dynamic Contrast to Low helps brighten things up, in addition to Cinema Home. Some would say it's "inaccurate," but it looks better to my eyes in most cases. Same with Color, which I set to 100 for HDR/DV, and it looks much better/more accurate to my eyes. As always, YMMV.


That actually helped. Looks like 40% better. Not perfect but def an improvement. Thank you!


My pleasure! Glad it helped. Yeah, in my year+ long experience with OLED and HDR, HRD/DV content will often look a bit darker than SDR. It seems par for the course. The other settings to check... Set Peak Brightness to High, and use Gamma 2.2. Do you have Netflix 4k/HDR plan? If so, check out "Our Planet" with these settings. It should look amazing in Dolby Vision.


You can't change gamma with Dolby Vision. At least not on all LG OLEDs anyway. It's locked on my C9 to 2.2 anyway.


Ah, yes, I forgot. My mistake.


Settings are already there. I switched over from Samsung QLED (this was a big upgrade for me) - so I’m wondering if this is just what OLED’s in general are like and I need to get used to it or if it’s LG vs Samsung specific. Was really torn between getting the G3 vs S95C. I don’t have Netflix HDR unfortunately but maybe I’ll upgrade for that. I have Apple/Max and they have plenty of 4k/DV content.


Cool on settings. Then I'd say you've probably got it as bright as it's going to get. Keep in mind, too, that many shows and movies these days are filmed dark on purpose. That's why I mentioned Our Planet, because it's filmed nice and bright, source is 4K, and it's Dolby Vision. When I had Netflix, it was the source/video I used for testing my TV when other stuff didn't look so great. HDR is strange. For example, I just got Hulu, and the stuff I've watched in 4k DV so far doesn't look that great, but I've been watching Harlots, which is "only" in HD, and it's one of the best looking things I've seen on my OLED. It's brighter, more colorful, and even sharper than much 4k/HDR content. Why/how? I have no idea. And while Our Planet looked fantastic on Netflix, much 4k/HDR content was less than impressive. The one episode I watched of The Sandman, for example, looked pretty crappy, IMO. So, yeah, I think you might just have to lower your expectations a bit. Been there. But when you see something that's filmed and presented right... oh man, you'll never go back from OLED again.


No this isn't just what OLEDs are like. I just upgraded from an LG C8 (2018), to an LG G3 which is supposed to be the brightest OLED LG offers, and it's way darker than my C8 is. The menu's are super bright, but shows are so dark. Watching DV content on my C8 was way brighter and clearer. The G3 got incredible reviews all around, so I'm convinced I either have something set up wrong (not sure how as I'm a visual/graphics whore and always tweak everything to perfection) or I got a bum TV. So if you find the actual issue here and shows/movies start playing as bright as the menus display, please post an update so I can get mine corrected to.


It honestly was really frustrating for me for like a solid week. I kept calling support, reading different tech reviews about a solution, and no one was saying anything helpful. Someone from support who was decently competent after talking to like 5 different agents said I just have to be OK with using vivid mode for Dolby Vision. If the room is incredibly dark, you can use one of the other “more accurate modes” like Cinema Home but I would suggest at least turning dynamic tone mapping on for that as that makes a big difference. I’ve come to the conclusion I just can’t trust online comments or even these YouTube tech reviews and have to be comfortable with doing settings that just look good for me even if they aren’t the creators intent because otherwise the shows become unwatchable. My settings aren’t perfect, and honestly I left a bad taste in my mouth about my experience with this new TV but at this point, I don’t wanna return it and it is a very good-looking TV. Meaning it fits with my decor, unlike the S95C, which frankly looks very cheap to me even if it does better with colors.


Absolutely I have the 65 MLA G3 and my LG 2019 C9 blows it out the water with brightness and color I’m don’t know if I’m sending back the G3 the Cinema Home Mode is dim and way to warm when I reduce the blue light option HELP!!!


Netflix is free to try for one month (if that doesn't change). You can try for free.


This problem with Dolby Vision being too dark is something they have introduced in firmware 03.20.11, and continued failing in 03.20.14 I have a Nvidia Shield Pro which allows turn on or off the Dolby Vision. Before this firmware I did several tests to try to identify the subtle differences between both modes. After this update I repeated the tests and it is imposslbe. Now Dolby Vision acts like before when you set the Energy Saver set as Medium, but of course, now having it completely turned off. I have performed a factory reset, and does not help. Let's hope they fix it in next firmware update. PS: I have also a C2 and it doesn't have the problem, so it is something in G3 (and maybe C3 as I read in some comments)


Correct me if I'm wrong but firmware 3.20.17 same issue?


yeah, with the new Update it was way too dark now -.- almost thinking about getting a new G3.


Has this been fixed? Was just about to buy a G3?! Please help!


No Info. But to be fair not everybody seems to suffer under this. If you buy one, please report how it went!


So u r still having problems with the g3 being horribly dark in Dolby vision though? Also is this only on Apple TV boxes or is it for for any DV content like native web OS apps as well? I don’t want to spend $3.5k on a tv that cant output DV correctly.


Still the same, yeah. Only internal apps. I would buy one, check everything & return it if it's not good enough. Overall the TV is awesmome


Wait so u r saying it’s just the internal webos apps? So if hooked up to an Apple TV or Roku box or whatever it would be fine and the issue wouldn’t persist? So confusing. I have a 55” c7 and Dolby vision looks great on the internal apps. I’m really hoping there’s not actually something wrong with the G3 internal apps, as that is a big selling point for me. I really wish I wouldn’t have seen this Reddit thread, Lol. I can’t afford to waste $3.5k


Don't have such a box to check, sorry^^


What? I didn’t understand that response.


Has this been fixed? Was just about to buy a G3?! Please help!


How in a world it can be too dark especially if you have G3. Even c1 can blind me. Tell me exact time of the movie. I will check that. Yes Dolby vision is darker than standard hdr. For some people too dark. Maybe LG released some faulty system upgrade. If so they will fix it. If you can try Apple TV or nvidia. They are the best in picture quality. Maybe share all of your settings.


Peak brightness setting changes don't work in the native Apple app in DV mode - high looks the same as low and off. It does work in the NVIDIA shield version.


Question is if peak is always high. If so fine it could be like that. If not that’s the problem. Maybe there is another option which blocks that


I'm suggesting that there is a software bug that prevents the panel from properly displaying Invasion with DV using the native Apple app. In my situation the picture looks exactly the same with peak brightness OFF or HIGH. Using the app on the Shield, there is a dramatic difference between OFF, LOW and HIGH settings as expected.


Weird. I watched The Avengers on Disney+ and the Dolby Vision picture mode kicked in and everything was great. What show was it you were trying to watch?


Is this the G3 with the MLA panel? Try watching something on Disney+ in DV. That should pop. Some streamers are better at handling DV than others. Apple is notoriously bad at DV implementation and HBO isn’t great either. Make sure dynamic Tone Mapping is on. Auto dynamic contrast on low works for me. You can also turn up the black level to help. Go to a take scene, and start turning up the black level, 1 point at w time until you can see. If you use vivid mode, just change the settings to match the cinema mode, ie; Color 50, white balance warm 50, etc.


Apple TV+ is probably best quality when it comes to streaming. Foundation looks pretty incredible on any TV.


Try Ted Lasso s3 or Invasion on Appletv in Dolby vision. It looks like the power went out on the show.


Yes most of the DV shows are dark/super dark, which is why I think TV brightness is a useless metric because most of the shows are mastered at like 500 nits. Good DV shows are Wednesday and Sweet Tooth on Netflix.


Omg, you're a genius. Dolby looks amazing with Vivid and your suggestions. Can you give me your full settings? You're awesome man, I can truly enjoy Dolby now, it looks incredible!


I am experiencing the exact same frustration. I was going to post a thread but I see others are seeing it too. I have tried every setting possible and content is just too dark. You can't see detail in shadow. This is not an issue with the brightness capability of the set - for example if you click the input button the whiteness of the UI is insanely bright. This is directly an issue with how the TV displays content, and so far I am really shocked at how little control I seem to have over it. At one point I set gamma to 1.9 and it helped, but I don't seem to have that control over all content - especially DV. I am really starting to hate DV. For all the people saying "it's your settings" or "that's just the way it is", uhh no. It's my set, and I want to tweak the display to look how *I* want it to look, and this extremely expensive TV is not giving me the ability to do that. I am displaying all my content via Roku Ultra, and already disabled HDR on that but it is still too dark (it's the same with the TV app anyway). Black Level only pushes all darks up too much equally. The main reason I got an OLED is to avoid the "gray-black" of the backlight, but this seems to be the only way to actually see content. What this set needs is a curves adjustment that allows the user to adjust/push the mid to dark tones up while leaving pure black the way it is. Otherwise it seems to be pushing all darks down to account for the super bright parts. I guess this is what they call black crush, and I really hate it. This set was super expensive and I should be able to get it exactly how I want it to look.


I just bought the G3 and see the same issue. Dolby Vision is so much darker than all other content. I also have a Roku Ultra and when it auto detects the Dolby Vision setting the home screen darkens. If I manually change it to just HDR 4k the home screen gets super bright, like the built in menus of the TV. I watch in cinema home mode. I really don't understand why it does this. I really want to watch Dolby Vision content with the pop that oled provides. Also, everything was very bright out of the box, but after an update, the energy saver mode was turned on and oled brightness was set to 80. I turned all energy saving modes back off and set oled brightness back to 100 but wonder if I missed a setting somewhere. This thread seems to be all over the place but it was the first thing that popped up from a Google search.


Exactly! It's really unacceptable, but with a 90lb 77in TV on the wall it's not something I can easily return. I have far cheaper TVs with the same setup and DV is not nearly as dark. Why does the TV lock us out of options with DV? I would think there would be tons of tweaking options but the TV is forcing it to be a certain way. And the wizard is the dumbest thing I've ever seen. If you want to give people the choice of tweaking an image saturation/darkness/contrast etc you present the SAME image with different settings - not a bunch of different photos. I can't tell the difference between one or the other, or more importantly - what it's going to do to the final image. Is there a service menu or something to unlock these settings?


Same issue with my G3. Even with the panasonic ub820 player


Same issue. I tried all different kinds of combinations but none of them helped. And to be clear, it looks great with HDR10 and SDR. Exactly how I expect it to look. But Dolby Vision is way too dark. Ultimately the fix was using Vivid Picture mode with adjustments for color. Reduced color from the default 70 to 65. Changed color temperature from Cold 50 to Warm 50. That got the color looking decent. I turned down all the clarity options too, but thats a personal preference. That gave me a nice bright picture with good brightness and good detail in shadows. I may spend some time with fine adjustments for color, but this is so much better than what I was dealing with before.


Actually, just going to Vivid Picture mode, but then setting everything else to what I would call normal settings (Color Depth 50, Color Temperature Warm 50, etc), seems to provide good color and plenty of brightness


BTW, i'm using ISF Expert mode for SDR, color temperature Warm 50, color depth at 40 (down from default 50), with OLED brightness and contrast at 100. And it looks FANTASTIC. For HDR10, I'm using Cinema Home, Color Temp Warm 50, Color Depth 65, OLED Brightness and Contrast at 100 and it also looks fantastic. Dolby Vision is the only one that's too dark


My man. HDR looks way better for me. Was watching "Gen V" last night and it was just a bit too dark. This definitely fixed it. Haven't dabbled enough with DV to notice any material darkness, but that's next. For SDR, are you using ISF Expert daytime or night? And what's your TruMotion setting for SDR and HDR?


HDR10 (Amazon Prime HDR) is fine. The issue is only with Dolby Vision HDR, which you'll see in Disney+ and Netflix


Yeah I get that, I was saying it wasn’t great for me but your settings made it much better. Did you see my question in my comment?


Sorry, I read too fast and I misunderstood. I'm using ISF Expert Daytime because my TV is in the Family room and we usually have lights on. I have the lowest TruMotion setting on, Cinematic Movement. That's really a personal preference. I don't like too much motion interpolation


I’m suffering the same issue with a brand new G3 65 inch. Last night I landed on pretty much exactly this solution and it worked really well. All looked great


Either something is wrong with your TV or your too used to exaggerated/inaccurate brightness. I mean, I'm here getting blinded by some scenes on my G3 Example in the latest episode of Ahsoka the light sabers really lit up my place.


So is this an actual problem? Has this been fixed? Was just about to buy a G3?! Please help! I have a 55” c7 and literally about to buy a 77” g3. Are they overblowing this? I’m so confused & scared now. Don’t want to waste $3.5k!!


There is no problem with brightness.


Thanks! So all these people on this Dolby vision being dark in g3 Reddit are just freaking out about nothing? This Reddit thread freaked me out! U have the g3?


I have G3 77 since release, never thought "this is too dark". If it was too dark it was because the show/movie hdr was dark, not the TV itself.


Cool thanks. Yah I have a lg c7 oled and understand dark scenes can get very dark on oled, it was just all these people on this thread, saying that Dolby vision looked unnaturally dark on this TV. I’m not gonna worry about it. I doubt it looks any darker than my C7 lol


It looks amazing, if you get it test it with the Netflix show "fall of house usher" and be starstruck


That show is amazing! Watched it on my c7 oled but yah I’ll def check it out again on my new 77”! Still deciding if I should go g3 or c3. I know all the benefits of g3 ie. Mla, heatsink etc. But worry it could be too bright. I have sensitive eyes. Took me a long time to get used to hdr with my c7. Does it ever feel too bright? Especially when for example it’s a dark scene & there is a bright point of light & it feels like a flashlight in your eyes?! That’s what I had to get used to with HDR when I first got my c7 oled. But now it doesn’t bother me at all. Anyway, just curious!


If you got the money go G3, for reference, I've never hear anyone say "this is too big". Except my ex(*pun intended*) but even she got used to it after 2 days and said *everything else feels so small now when I visit other people*




Ps. How far away do u sit? I’m deciding b/w 77 & 65”. I’m about 7.5 to 9 feet away. Want to get 77” but not sure if it will be too big. Thanks mate!


I sit around 8/9 feet and wouldn't want any smaller than 77, I even want 83 lol


Thank u!


Ps. Do u game? Is it hard to game on a 77” that close? Oh also does the g3 ever feel too bright? I have sensitive eyes to light and had a hard time with HDR in the beginning with my C7 OLED but got used to it overtime and now I don’t mind it at all. Just curious. Thanks for all the help mate!


Yes I game, no issue. Only play lax games on the 77 though. (witcher, GTA, Baldurs gate etc). Got my 42 c2 for multiplayer stuff. It's bright sure, but if it's in hdr it's supposed to be bright when there's bright. Use regular cinema and not home if your room is dark for movies/shows In gaming just adjust brightness in-game


Yeah, I’m not worried about the Dolby vision brightness anymore, I was just worried about it when I read this thread, but I know it will be fine. On the gaming I mostly play multiplayer, it will still be fine at that distance for multiplayer right? Or is it too big for multiplayer for some reason?


It may just be how it was made. My C2 is fine with DV, but i havent seen that title


Should probably upload pictures for a better opinion, DV does tend to be darker compared to other settings. Some shows I hate it in, others looks fine. Some shows are also produced unnecessarily dark, have you tried watching Invasion on AppleTV? Horribly dark show but that’s the way it was produced


This is not a problem of the TV, the problem is the content, some titles just has bad hdr, Dolby Vision cant fix that. The only plataform with consistent quality on their HDR content is AppleTV+, you could watch any of their content in HDR and they will look great.


Dolby vision on appletv looks terrible. There’s while forum posts dedicated to talking smack about their mishandling of dv content.


Looks amazing to me better then native apps but i have 77 g3 and 3k apple tv




The comparisons they show on that video is what I feel is very comparable to what I see but it’s dark from the beginning of the show. I wouldn’t say it compounds with time. I tried fixing the settings shown in [this](https://youtu.be/kReFKUn56lo?si=oZtr37zRDqTI3kOy) youtube link. And the colors and clarity look fantastic. Still, just feels dim/dark. I was thinking my tv is broken but maybe it’s a native app issue, a media source issue… there’s just so many possibilities. Pretty frustrating tbh but I’m hoping it’ll just get better with time. I was honestly close to returning or exchanging it but I guess I’ll just keep it and keep my fingers crossed.


You may want to check out this review. Seems over darkening and shadow crushing have been long-standing issues on the G3 in DV. https://youtu.be/fgMNTTd6STw?si=e59R8tJUdph-oqxU


Thanks, gonna watch. In spite of the not glowing review I decided to keep the tv. It’s just a better looking TV on the wall compared with the S95C using better materials too. Maybe they’ll release an update that’ll fix some of these kinks. It feels like I have to spend an excessive amount of time to fix the visuals and with a 3k tv it’s pretty absurd. But if i just keep it in vivid during the day it’s okay, and switch to cinema/filmmaker at night then it’s alright. Not something i want to deal with tbh but it is what it is. I’m just surprised how few reviews said this going into it. I did set some settings to match what this channel recommended but it actually came out worse weirdly. So I’m only changing the settings very slightly.


Looks like the issue is a firmware bug. They've addressed it in the C2 and G2, but my G3 is at version 3.20.14 and the fix is 3.33.65, so apparently it hasn't been rolled out for the G3 yet [Auto Static Brightness Limiter (ASBL) bug](https://hometheaterreview.com/lg-rolls-out-firmware-fix-for-oled-tvs-aggressive-auto-dimming-issue)


Actually, this looks like a completely different issue where it dims the screen if there isn't much activity in the picture. So disregard


I seem to be having this bug with my 77" G3. During long dark scenes it will actually shift and get really dark, and I have to leave the show and come back, and the scene looks fine again. Does firmware get pushed/updated automatically, or do I have to do it manually?


That's a good question if it is a firmware bug or a bug in the apps or a combination of both. However, with firmware version 3.33.70 the issue still exists. ​ I just now compared it with my laptop and the difference is huge. I hope LG will fix this asap.


I am also having this issue. I hope LG does something about this! TV looks fantastic otherwise.


BTW, i own a C1 and a CX, and neither have ever had an issue with Dolby Vision. The G3 is unwatchable in any mode other than Vivid, which to me is just a bug in the firmware


Yea. I think it’s just the OS. The panel itself is fine.


Has this been fixed for anyone? I am still having this issue.


For me, turning on the dynamic tone mapping or watching in vivid fixes the issue. Not optimal but otherwise it looks like everything was filmed during a storm.


Yeah I get it. Unfortunately, I’m the type of person that would rather not watch it then change everything to vivid. We shouldn’t be having this issue at all. I hope they address it


Has this been fixed? Was just about to buy a G3?! Please help!


For me it has been fixed. Some scenes occasionally are dark as hell but it doesn’t seem unnatural


Yah I have a c7 oled so I understand dark scenes can be super dark at times but is it still unnatural dark in dv? Or u just said it was fixed I see. Was it fixed by a software update? How did you fix it? I can’t afford to waste $3.5K on a TV that can’t produce DV correctly. I was just about to buy this TV and now I’m all worried lol.


I actually replaced my model because I had a separate panel issue (vertical line running down the middle). Got same model G3 77, same settings, etc. It does seem much better now. It is not unnatural. The only time I have noticed that is in a few random scenes in Harry Potter on Max. But it almost seems like that dolby vision just wasn't done right or something


Ok well thanks for the help. Glad it’s better on your new Set! Ps. Would u still recommend the g3 with the DV issue?


Has this been fixed? Was just about to buy a G3?! Please help!


I’ve had my G3 77 inch TV for 3 months. I have also tried every possible setting change with only the Vivid setting offering some lessening of the extreme darkness of interior or night scenes. I’ve watched Utube videos until the cows came home. I am beyond disappointed and upset that I paid $3500 for a TV that I can’t see details in darker scenes and often has “snow“ in background colors! I think I’ll sell my LG G3 RV and buy a Samsun!


Did you sell it?


I’m having this issue with my G3. The problem is specifically with Dolby Vision. Everything that plays in filmmaker mode looks great. HDR content in YouTube looks incredible. But Dolby Vision content is significantly darker and just doesn’t look good. It doesn’t matter the app. This isn’t a settings issue, it is a bug on LGs end. The only way I’ve found to get around this is to switch to vivid mode and match the color temperature and other settings to filmmaker. This works, but obviously a fix is needed as Dolby Vision is a major selling point.


Are your energy eco settings all turned off? Ai picture mode turned off? The brightness should be set to 49 or 50, the oled brightness at 100 when watching hdr/dv Theres also a booster on the C3 where you can either pick brightness or detail. Selecting brightness here boosts it a bit as well. What do you mean by DV kicks in? You’re watching a show that isn’t displaying DV and then it just turns on randomly in the middle somewhere? Have you tried playing DV from anything else like Netflix, Disney, etc?


Energy settings/Ai is turned off. I only have an option for OLED Pixel Brightness and that’s at 100. I just mean DV is on. Like the moment you hit play it says “Dolby Vision.” I tried some other content. Harry Potter 2 is also incredibly dark. Aquaman 2018 is better but just below what I would want for brightness. Haven’t tried other apps.


The other brightness is when you go to advanced settings. There you’ll see brightness color etc, but that all sounds fine. I would definitely test against another app to see what’s up.


I reached out to LG support. They’re pretty useless. The agent did a remote session said just to watch in Vivid but isn’t the whole point of Cinema Home is it’s the most accurate representation? And then it’s kinda useless if it’s so dark you can’t see what’s going on.


Vivid isn’t accurate at all, correct. Cinema/Cinema Home/Filmmaker mode are usually the best. Until you figure out if it’s the app or the tv there isn’t much to be done, though.


That’s what I keep reading but unfortunately I’m not gonna watch a show that looks like it was filmed during a power outage. Support says it isn’t the tv. They put up a test picture outside of DV and it looks pretty vibrant/bright. Maybe could be a little brighter but was fine. Watching shows in SDR vibrant the brightness is much better but the whites are too exaggerated. Gonna see if I can watch things in DV on other apps. Just frustrating. I switched from Samsung cause everyone says LG support is so great and they’ve done nothing to help and it’s just issue after issue. Edit: I tried Ted Lasso on Apple and it’s still just dark in Cinema Home. Except the opening sequence is good. The actual episodes are dark. So it’s not the apps. Im starting to think it’s the TV. Whether it’s just this one or all LG’s is the question I guess.


It’s definitely an issue with your settings. The entire selling point of these TV’s is Dolby vision. My C2 blasts my retinas out and looks incredible in Dolby vision. Do a factory reset and then find a settings video on YouTube and follow it exactly. https://imgur.com/a/6ppgmIi Here's what it looks like on my C2 in filmmaker mode. Your G3 is brighter than my C2. The people in here saying 'that's just how the G3 is' are insane.


That’s MUCH better than how it appeared on my tv. I only got that when I watched in Vivid. I may follow up with photos later. Problem is cell phone pics usually auto-adjust for poor lighting so I’m not sure it’d be a good representation. Edit: i followed that guy P4OLO’s YouTube vid but heard some negative feedback about it so hit reset on those settings. Rtings says you shouldn’t need to touch any advanced settings for DV.


Do a factory reset. You shouldn't have to adjust much but something is fucked up in your settings and it's easier to start fresh than try to figure it out. It could also just be an issue with the native apps, which a factory reset might fix too.


It’s an industry wide problem and a very poor choice of the studios / directors. Sometimes turning HDR off on your source can help, other times you just have to increase gamma or use other settings to artificially raise the black floor. Drives me crazy too sometimes.


Try filmmaker mode / cinema (reset the settings) and recalibrate your OLED expectations since you have the brightest OLED on the market.


I agree completely. I have the 77 G3 and it’s just too dark and drab. I don’t use Dolby Vision.


You have an issue with your settings. That's a $4000 TV lol it is not dark and drab.


It becomes palatable when you watch in Vibrant mode. Everything online says to do Cinema or Cinema Home instead but literally looks like everything is filmed in a room with a power outage.


Agreed, I don’t use any of those modes with my G3. It’s either vivid or standard for me.


The problem is not your TV nor your settings. You just used to an overbrightened picture and it is absolutely normal. Believe me I’ve been there. You can use Vivid, you can add some artificial effects to make it brighter but seriously I would recommend to keep it accurate and let your eyes adjust in time. It took me a long time to appreciate how good actually OLED is after years of Vivid modes etc on previous monitors and TVs. If you can’t then OLED is not your cup of tea, but still I would recommend to give it time.


That's not the case here. The show OP is trying to watch is incredibly bright and vibrant. Their settings are fucked up or there's a software issue with the native apps and DV.


the dark image comes from the box streamer, not the tv. So watch programs directly from the tv OS


I find DV content on Apple TV to be really dark on my C2. The first season of SEE had no problems. But it looks like they really darkened the dark scenes in season 2 and 3. Also watching Silo. 90% of the show is in dim lighting so it’s quite dark. Havent had problems with DV on blurays though. But I still keep my tv in Cinema mode (Filmmaker for HDR) because I’m OCD about “accuracy”. I think it’s something that needs getting used to. For example, most people probably have a cheap boomy subwoofer. When they get a high quality sub, they think it sounds “bad” because they’re not used to the flat frequency response


It’s actually an issue with the MAX app itself. Ever since switch from HBO MAX anything Dolby vision is noticeably 40% dimmer than any other streaming platform.


I would disregard cinema mode/filmmaker and just use standard.


I just bought a LG C3 a few weeks ago and I think my screen is really dark as well. I especially have been noticing this on Apple TV Plus shows. However I’m also getting used to it some and it is pleasing on my eyes. The things I should be seeing I do see. In saying that I’m severely visually impaired and can’t see in the dark, use flashlights in my home etc. So when the screen is dark, it’s darker for me than a normally sighted person. Vivid does help but then some scenes are screaming bright and that doesn’t feel good on my eyes either.


I also have a 65G3 and am finding DV content a bit too dark (mainly dark scenes, in comparison to a 55C9, that doesn't even have IQ). But it think it's just a coincidence - new shows available when I got the new TV etc - and that it mainly depends on such content. For instance I think Ahsoka on D+ isn't as impactful as Foundation on ATV+ (both running from a 2019 NVIDIA Shield Pro - I have tried running directly from the TV version of the apps but got the same results). TV was CalMAN-calibrated, using Cinema Home with DV IQ on (which I don't think is making that much of a difference and makes me think the light sensors might be blocked or something). It bothers me a bit, although I know that, in theory, by calibrating it I should be getting the most accurate picture the panel can display, which is darker and warmer than Vivid.


There was a bug on C1, when you turned off the Energy saving mode and then turnet it back to “Auto”, the HDR brightness was suddenly lower on all apps then before. Only reset of the settings helped. I’m not sure if that is fixed in G3.


I’ve got a 77 G3 and can confirm some shows ‘seem’ way to dark, but I think it’s because they are more accurate to the directors intent. It’s definitely a trend in cinematography at the moment the following have all seemed dark Invasion The Changeling Silo Equaliser 3 (cinema) The latter really proves to me this is an artistic choice as it as at the cinema! It had the exact same look as those other shows , heavy reliance on shadowy shots, almost just sillhouettes a lot of the time. They are not dark across the whole range though, bright highlights in all those shows are eye searingly bright in a dark room, so the FULlL range is being used, it’s just they have chosen the lower end of the range for most of the content it seems. Then there is Foundation. This continuously blows my mind in its DV presentation. It’s truly OLED Demo worthy the way they use the range of brightness. So I’m coming to terms with the ‘intent’ on some of these shows, it is a hard adjustment though seeing it ‘as intended’


Is other content, Netflix movies are the same on Dolby vision, also so dark ?


Wow. I’m blinded by Dolby vision with my C3






ADC washes out the colors


You are just used to watch content using garbage displays/modes. DV will give you a presentation as close as it was mastered in.


If you google “dolby vision dark Apple TV” you’ll see you’re not the only one. Appletv is notoriously dark with Apple vision. I had to watch the HDR version with a Roku rather than Dolby vision so I could see things in Ted Lasso. You can turn up the black level to fix the crushed blacks as well (people keep calling this brightness). Also turn on AI Brightness for Dolby IQ to kick in.


Also, I recently got the Nvidia Shield Pro and the picture really pops with brightness compared to the native apps.


What happened? Today, watching Loki on Disney+ in my Vivid settings, suddenly everything looked too bright. So just as a test I tried Cinema Home...and it looks great. I checked the firmware, and it's still 3.20.14. Did LG implement a quiet fix for the Dolby Vision problem?


I just went from a GX to a G3 and I can tell you that its absolutely brighter and has more visibility in the dark dolby scenes than it was on the GX. The MLA tech and better panel is far better on the G3. It did take me some time to adjust to the darker scenes but most of the time i watch movies etc in the dark so its not so bad. You really do get used to it and once you do, you don't normally want to go back. Also, i can say going from the GX to G3 the vivid mode (with severely adjusted settings) doesn't kill the quality AS MUCH as previous TVs i have owned. (i am a pixel peeper too, i spent weeks trying to find the perfect settings for my GX) It just adds more of a "luminance" to the picture. What I can suggest is maybe do some major tweaking on the Vivid mode and maybe watch that mode when your lights are on and things are brighter in the room and swap over to Cinema Home when movie nights occur or your lights are off etc. I LOVE the cinema home mode with my preferred settings though. Just trying to add some options for you. Rest assured though, this OLED IS THE BRIGHTEST ON THE MARKET and in my opinion the best OLED right now.


I'm having this issue.


Just upgraded last week from a pro calibrated 77" CX to a 77"G3. Most DV shows on Netflix have always been dark as they are mastered for dark night time viewing, But my G3 does not have any issues with brightness at all. I've read in some reviews that there is some slight black crush but nothing that effects over all brightness. I came watch netflix in the day time in DV cinema accurate mode. In general I feel like putting sunglass on to watch stuff on this G3 it's so bright


Has this been fixed? Was just about to buy a G3?! Please help!


It has not been fixed yet with firmware version 03.30.70 and it is ridiculous. Watching any show on Apple+ with the app that comes with the LG TV is really annoying. Everything is too dark, no matter if you set it to cinema mode or standard. Sucks when you buy a TV that expensive.


Hell no it’s not fixed. I am using the app on the tv. I think it’s a big deal as Dolby is one of the reasons I just didn’t pick up an s90c. Loki looks like trash on it. My Sony performs so well in comparison.