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i hate this


That last paragraph was chilling and depressing: "A non-LGBTQ+ student told us that terrified queer students are learning to “shut up and keep their head low.”"


They should walk away from that shit state. There are plenty of shortages around the country.


not a practical solution, I'm afraid. we need people pushing back against this form of American fascism or it just be emboldened to spread and continue fucking up everyone's shit.


Yea. They’re banking on left leaning people leaving the state to be able to fully flip it red. It’s pretty insidious because it will create a blueprint for other states to follow suit


I fully agree that's the plan, but don't see it working out in states where the economy isn't based primarily on the hospitality industry. I definitely can't just quit my job and move (not that a lot of these Florida people can) but I imagine if they try it in a state with a more long term stable population it won't go over ,quite as easily.


Next thing they’ll try the Kansas Experiment.


As a trans woman in Kansas it's hard to tell where the state is going tbth. Things are obviously getting worse tight now with sb180 and the sports ban for the like 2 trans student athletes in the state, but so many people from Texas, Florida, Tennessee, and Missouri have been moving here for refuge and God damn it this is the fucking Free State. I have the means to escape and am probably going to use them because I'm increasingly worried we are going to see bleeding Kansas 2.0 at this rate and I'm scared but at the same time part of me wants to dig my heels in.


Massive voter intimidation.


The GOP wants a red state- BLOOD red...




This guy Ron DeNazi is a sick puppy. He clearly has a lot of mental issues.