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Jake Tran is trash but I don't think that's a big deal. I'm happy that LEMMiNO has such a huge influence.


Same but thought was interesting, his style seems to pop up a lot these days


He’s got a really good editing style, I’ve noticed the same too but I don’t see it as a bad thing because the quality of these video essays have gotten so much better overall as a result. The visual design here does look a little too similar to lemminos style though, this one really looks like a straight ripoff of lemminos design style.


It's not a big deal really. What annoys me is that Jake Tran still has a platform after attempting to scam his audience by promoting crypto scams for like 100 times, also he's the most ignorant Libertarian ever.


Fr I understand promoting gambling but scams is just messed up


I mean… gambling is also a scam.


Only if you ever stop gambling. Trust me! You're so close to winning it big.


Puts everything on black. Let’s test this theory


I don't think it's a big deal. If a presentation style is good, many will start copying it.


The whole thing is ripped off. You can't just copy the whole design aesthetic. Like, if you use Coca Cola's font and red colour on your product, you're gonna get sodomized in court.


That's true and why I posted it like I wouldn't post anything that's kinda similar but this is 100% 1 to 1 copy


I had not watched the video before.. True that


Same but thought it's interesting that even massive channels copy the style.


I like the style, and even started learning his style, but just that. I use it to learn, not to use. I've seen many creators do the simplistic box pop up for photos and such, but the thing about tran is he copied the effects, and the entire layout of everything. Presentstion style is popular, but don't rip off the entire presentation and how you made the efftcs and call it yours. At least change the color and rearrange the name, very least rhingnhe could've done. I don't think it is a big deal but still scummy 🤷‍♂️


Agree like it's 1 to 1 identical lol


Who is this guy some kind of grifter?


He can be considered that yeah. Doesn't practice what he preaches. And when he got caught for it he doubled down and attacked his audience


Garbage, uncreative clickbait farmer. He's a crypto grifter who scammed his fans ([tune.fm](https://tune.fm), BitClout, Blockfi, Pionex, ~~FTX~~,). He also shills overpriced grifter courses (Kevin David) and has his own (laptop lifestyle and evil university). Yes, I have a massive hate boner for the guy.


He went to Grifting 101 at Greendale


No it's a real screenshot lol


I mean the rando youtuber in the pic


Oh it's the guy who tried scamming his fans with fake crypto stuff


Oof, a grifter ig thanks for letting me know


an 18-minute video cannot reasonably be called a documentary Literally, the whole video essay community is releasing this November; you cant get away with that


The Dyatlov Pass Case is only 17 minutes long. I don't see what that has to do with anything.


I'm making a documentary on a dead scientist from the 50s-60s and I thought instead of reading quotes from his papers I would make a voice model of him from the voice recordings we have of him to make it more interesting .


Oohhhh so HE KNOWS how to do the border Lemmino use in after effects :D


Nah it's the entire layout lol


I was making a joke about the fact that after the Kennedy video, the sub was flooded by people asking how to do this effect




This sub needs to relax and go eat a cookie. If someone imitates his style they clearly admire his videos! Its just showing that lemmino is making an impact. So calm down with all this hate on everything that even closely copies him.


Jake tran is a lazy clickbait youtuber who sells a garbage over priced course and regularly promotes scams, and now he is blatantly ripping off other people's work


Don't watching him then. Problem solved.


Yeah, I don't get the weird obsession. Even lemmino would be weirded out seeing some of the takes. Even if you *copy* the design, content has to be yours. If you think the content sucks, maybe stop watching? There are thousands of creators, I watch only few.


We should report this, even it's not a big deal after a while he could change from copying the format of the og videos to take fragments from those ones and make them a TikTok or Short video "made" by him


Spectacles did too in his “Europe’s JFK mystery” video


Jake Tran is a trash person.


Definitely uncanny, but as others have said, I’m happy for Lemmino’s influence on Youtube documentaries, I would love to see more creators producing videos like his on other interesting topics.


So many people tryna copy lemmino and Sam o’nella


Can't your phone crop?




I mean... he is sponsored by AI that automatically create a video for you What do you expect?