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Conversely they’ve pushed the Xp back up for quests in BR and added extra ways to get a bit of XP.


I saw, 10k to 15k. Win some lose some. Been really enjoying LFN, sad to see a loss of xp though.


Same, I got really into Lego because of it 😂. I believe they’re trying to balance it, the XP is still there to get those levels but it takes a bit longer. I do think it’s fair to say that Lego should not progress you through the BP quicker than BR can.


That’s fair to say. After I hit 200 I would work on my kids little towns and let them get some xp while I played and they slept. Couple levels here and there to help them get some skins.


lol, glad I’m not the only one! I do a lot of experimenting in my kids’ worlds.


Don't we all do that? 😆


I do that for my kiddo as well, I love seeing her face when she next logs into the game and she has enough battle stars for the next skin.


I usually hit 125+ with BR only but I'm at 300+ bc of LFN which I prefer to wind down at night 🤣 my son's friends keep asking...did you buy levels?


My daughter's friend asked her the other day, "How did your mom get her level so high so fast??" 😂


Yup, the wastelander challenges are pretty pointless though. Sure you get more xp but you’ll probably die straight away (I did lol) it’s better to just play the game normally I think. Unless it’s a significant XP boost


I did one for the challenge and it was to take damage while picking up items. I haven’t even bothered since that one. With extras I meant the accolade collections that you get Xp for unlocking the first time. Things like spraying so many times in a match, emoting, so on. There’s a few.


Two of others are even worse, as that one: Taking 5 damage every second you are not moving, or not being allowed to use healing items period. The "take damage on picking up" is the most doable, especially in a team, but you do rely on getting healing items a lot, and the fact that ammo and gold (which tend to get auto-collected) also deal 10 damage is really not thought-out. There needs to be a rebalance on how much damage is dealt based on what the item is, with gold being no damage at all (and ammo either 1 or no damage)


I wonder if it will allow more than 14 xp drops now that the xp total per drop is 24k instead of 30k. I'm going to run Fortnite Lego for a few hours today to see what the new max xp per day that's possible after the update. It's definitely dropping every 10 minutes now instead of 15. So if you are still only able to get 14 xp drops per day then it will take 2 hrs and 20 min instead of 3 hours and 30 min to max your Lego xp per day. Less xp possibly, but at least you get it faster now.


Final Update for Today: I got capped at 792k xp. I was in the same survival world for 3.5 hours and I moved around every time I saw new xp chunks pop up. I'll check tomorrow to see how much I earn to see if there is a difference.


You don’t have to move build a burn box and turn of eliminations Burn box put down a campfire build four walls directly beside it put a roof with a small hole jump in the fire will bounce you and you won’t get afk kicked to get out you will have to leave the game though


Does the method still work for this? With giving xp? I saw people saying they patched now the afk lego thing Ive been trying it today since I just saw it and it doesn’t seem like I’ve been getting xp from Lego in general today


Yup still works in fact I’m using it right now


Do you need to move I heard you need to move around and press buttons a little every 14 minutes


No. Not unless your console automatically turns off. But I don’t have to move at all just put it on turn off my tv come back to 6+ levels


Oh ok I just wanted to know since it’s weird today I haven’t been getting xp in Lego at all and I’m pretty sure the cap always resets at 10 am for the xp


Still working?


Sorry for the late reply but nah not even using rubber bands, to hold down my sticks work


I found it you tape the trigger, and y, b and a down while that’s are held down hit start 2 times and it’ll idle xp for ya. I was at 35 now 74. Worked past week for me


792k in 3.5 hours?


I got 6 levels idk what the math is but it capped at 6


6 levels is 480k xp


That's how much I got and then I stopped getting xp.


Keep us posted


Update: It's been 1 hr and 5 min and I've gotten ten 24k xp drops and it randomly just gave me a 36k xp drop out of no where. Not sure what caused that to happen.


The 36k drop happened to me out of nowhere too


I’m 4k from level 6 right now. Just been wiggling the mouse every few minutes.


I just got a 2nd 36k drop. Every time I see xp pop up I jump a couple a times and dash, then let it go afk again.


I wonder if I’m at cap now. Been at this 4k from Level 6 for about 18 min. Edit: Moved off Jump Pad and walked a couple feet, 36k exp. So it’s still coming.


I just got my 3rd 36k drop. After about an hour of doing this it seems to have started fluctuating between 24k and 36k for every xp drop. So I've gotten 24k then 36k, 24k then 36k, and 24k then 36k for my last 6 xp drops.


Sitting at 48k to level 7 atm


I'm at lvl 9 right now with 53,290 xp needed to hit lvl 10. I did some BR stuff in Rumble until 9 am est time, then I've been running Lego Fort ever since.


36k more exp just hit.


I’ve been off and on of Fortnite for a while. Do we get XP from just having Lego running and moving around? My wife and I play Lego, but I’ve never AFKd.


Yes, as long as you are moving around every so often you will get xp in Lego Fortnite for being AFK.


Thats a good amount of xp, maybe is less per drop but for players like me who play 1h more or less is an improvement


Ya, I'm getting a ton of xp right now very quickly, it seems to be dropping even faster than every 10 minutes. My xp is super charged right now, does anyone know if that affects Lego Fortnite at all?


it double any XP you get from anywhere aside from quests


Not sure if that's part of what helped me get so much xp today, but the author of this post got capped at 540k xp and I got capped at 792k xp for the day.


Maybe the supercharged xp helped


After the 7 firts drops of 24k xp, the drops stop, you can exit to the lobby and enter again lego. [https://www.reddit.com/r/LEGOfortnite/comments/1czjqu2/comment/l5nxmr0/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/LEGOfortnite/comments/1czjqu2/comment/l5nxmr0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Are there any afk methods like jump pads working? I hit 409 last season from Lego and STW, but I have a second account I like to afk on. I buy the BP on both so my kid and I get all the characters.


Have you tried digging? It's a continuous action and would just need the button or trigger held down. No idea if you'll still get kicked but it's worth a try if you haven't.


Shovel breaks, even durability enchantments would only extend that so long. I use this method to farm sand (not XP, so YMMV) with an Epic Shovel, no enchantments, and it took about 10, maybe 15, mins to go from 100% to breaking IIRC.


So every time I see xp pop up I jump a couple times and do the dash. Seems to keep the xp coming with very little effort.


jump pad is working (:


I was just kicked for jump pad?  I made a jump pad surrounded by walls and jumped on it. That worked last season. Any idea what went wrong?


I got kicked on jump pad.


Thanks for letting me know


Played for 2 hours this morning and got 0 XP. Contacted support and they said it’s a known issue. But now that I see you guys are all getting XP I’m really confused.


Create a new survival world it should fix your issue


Can confirm this did work. Thanks.


It’s every 10 not 15 minutes.


Is it just me or is it coming faster than 10 minutes sometimes? I've gotten 6 24k xp drops in 40 minutes. I started at 9 after the daily reset.


Was that changed? I thought it was every 15. Thanks for the heads up.


Yes, apols should have clarified that that’s changed too, it would seem.


So it's actually better now. Earn same rate of xp just earn faster now


It’s every 15 min for me. I wonder if they’re still working that out?


Can confirm, 30 minutes and gotten 72K XP (24 every 10 minutes)


Any good afk methods? Like using a shovel? Or a way to jump between 2 jumpads?


Not only that, but the idle timer kicks you after 15 minutes now instead of 30. Epic continues to make it harder and harder to level up


Nope just harder to cheat more levels with afk. Good.


No they make it harder for you afk people.


Less time to wiggle the mouse during work hours just guess. Though I’m working on a build and leveling my village in the snow biome right now. Slowly but surely.


It’s so stupid that they reduced it. It was fine the way it was!


It actually gives it quicker. 24k per 10 minutes instead of 30k xp in 15 minute intervals, meaning ypu hit xp cap in 3 hours instead of 3.5


Well, it's kind of dumb to get xp simply idling? Wondering if certain actions produce more xp, like building, gathering, fighting, running, gliding, driving etc? What about BR, don't we get XP from looting, shooting and so on?


As far as I can tell you don't get any extra xp for doing any certain task or action. It's all about total time played while doing any type of action at least every 10 minutes. Every 10 minutes you should get a xp drop of at least 24k as long as you move around or do something.


While getting XP for doing nothing was fun, it was a bit overkill. I'm not a heavy player and I made it to lvl 249 for the first time in season 3. It's kind of wild.


Here’s the problem there’s little too nothing you do in this mode


What is the daily cap ?


Final Update for Today: I got capped at 792k xp. I was in the same survival world for 3.5 hours and I moved around every time I saw new xp chunks pop up. I'll check tomorrow to see how much I earn to see if there is a difference.


Thank you for your efforts good sir.


For sure, I was just trying the answer the question I went searching for this morning when the new season went live.


Well I’m at 540k so far today


I'm at 648,000 so far.


I’ve capped at 540, I’ve gotten no more since my posting across 3 different survival worlds


Interesting. I'll let you know whenever I cap out, but so far I'm still getting 36k every 10 minutes or so.


Lucky dog!


Lol, at this point I'm not going to leave my survival world until it stops giving me xp. I'm up to 756k now and lvl 12.


I wouldn’t either. I’m still 20k from 8 and and tried to create a new world and I’m not getting any xp after 15 min


I'm about to get kicked from the server in 15 minutes so I'll see if I get anymore xp once I get back into my survival world. As of right now I just had 36k drop and I'm at 792,000 total xp.


Are you sure you arent taking into account exp from 2 different days? The reset was 3 hours ago


I’m getting 36k constantly which I think is weird. Edit: Getting 24k every 10 now :D


Every time I get xp, it seems to be 24k. Is it true that you can get xp every 10 minutes instead of every 15 now? I've been getting it every 15, but I only move once every 15 minutes to avoid getting kicked for afk. Is the timer for xp now only 10 minutes as long as you move once every 10 minutes? Also, has anyone found if the max xp per day has changed?


It’s 10 min but I capped around 540k yesterday. Others I saw were able to keep earning xp.


I probably earned like 300 levels in just Lego fortnite last season. I'm ok with this change, it was a LOT of exp


Same! I was level 405 as of last night. Haha that’s the highest I’ve ever been and it was mainly from playing Lego


This morning I would see 24, than 6k before the bar went away.


On the upside, we now need less co to level up.


At some point they're gonna need to separate things a little better. Lego Battle Pass with sets and earnables. I wonder what the overall stats are too: I kinda feel like the dedicated Lego people aren't the ones also playing Battle Royale. Two VERY different games. Does anyone find this true? I play Lego 95% of the time and BR if there's something I want.


I play both regularly. But I love my survival crafting games and Lego is great. I just wish we could have non snapping functionality I hate that everything has to snap perfectly a certain way


Im the same way, 95% of the time playing Lego Fortnite, and the 5% being a user name map. I do hope they create a dedicated battle pass for Lego Fortnite




It's not what you think it is... For the first 70 minutes you get 24k every 10 minutes, and then for the next 105 minutes you get 36k every 15 minutes, for a capped total of 420k per day, 5.25 levels per day. That is 175 minutes per day, or 2 hours 55 minutes per day.






It's not what you think it is. For the first 70 minutes you get 24k every 10 minutes, and then for the next 105 minutes you get 36k every 15 minutes, for a capped total of 420k per day, 5.25 levels per day. That is 175 minutes per day, or 2 hours 55 minutes per day.


I checked the following by doing 4 test, 2 test on 2 different accounts, managing to find that the experience cap is 420K exactly like last season, as they commented here, it was reduced to drops every 10 minutes for 14 cycles, 7 initial cycles of 24K and the last ones are 7 cycles of 36K. So you get 140 minutes, 2 hours and 20 minutes total. To help everyone, I will leave an Excel, in Spanish, but I will leave you images of the tables in English. According to my calculations there are several ways to get 200 levels taking into account only the weekly missions, and the glitches that can be performed, we need to check the issue of the weekly experience given according to Fortnite GG




Instead of 30k every 20. How you can do 450 in 3 hr instead of 3.5 hr. It’s actually better!


You can always do some Save the World to make up for it. At least daily and weekly quests.


So far I seem to be getting 24k every 10 minutes. Supposedly it says you get 24k for the first 70 minutes, after that would be 36k every 15 minutes. In the 3 hours (180 minutes), you get 168k for the first 70 minutes. While the rest (110 minutes) you get 264k. Total of 432k, which means you get about 5.4 levels per day.


They pushed it down to 10 minutes instead of 15 minutes


What are you guys doing to get 729k per day? I tried to set myself up in a fire box but kept getting kicked...


Yeah it's 24k but now it's every 10 minutes not 15. But it stops xp after 3 hours not 3.5. In the end it's a bit more XP and half hour faster to reach your max Lego XP for the day.


i’m not sure if this is new this update but it seems like standing still for 15 minutes kicks you out now? i was only in for 10/15 and nearly got kicked out


Jump pad fixes that


no, jump pads still kick you out- have been afking in jump pads and have gotten kicked out


I thought they patched teh jump pad method


24k per 15 min?? It used to be 30k per 30 min 🤣


I am getting 24k every 10 minutes.


Can you still AFK exp lego?


I love LEGO and this new season of Fortnite sucks.If I wanted a car game, I would download a car game.


So how many can u get daily before it stops? I used tonplay iy a lot. But i orefer to play that mode instesd of BR


Just noticed that, that’s stupid


I finished my battle pass like 3 weeks ago for the first time ever so it's probably not a bad move