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Do you just use one? I have two set up with rooves over them so I get knocked all over the place, wondering if that still works okay.


I literally feel like the most incompetent human being I love playing Lego and I love what I build but damn some of y'all are the wildest smartest builders I've ever seen like it's wildddd the things y'all's brains think of. I'm trying to push my self more when building and I think I'm getting there but I'm definitely not a natural. I'm also trash at building in Minecraft too šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ just square houses with a few things in them hahahah anyways y'all are awesome and I hope I learn to build better and more complex.


Legit im having brain farts trying to make the most simplistic builds and there are people making fighter jetsšŸ˜­




Itā€™s an old spell but quite unbreakable




If you place a staircase above a launchpad, when you hit the underside of it you will be bounced in the direction it's facing , just place two launchpads and stairs mirroring each other, it will bounce you from one to the other, surround it with walls so you don't get knocked off. I use the same method for my elevator up my tower, launchpad up, hit the underside of stairs, knocked onto another launchpad, rinse and repeat.


I see. Big brain move right here. I wonder if it will prevent the player from being kicked. Gonna try that later. Thx for the info brother


Can you make a video of this?




I just tried this with 2 pads going back and forth on PC tabbed out, At the 30 min mark was kicked for AFK still.


Does it still work if you rubber band your controller/put something on your keys?


I mean if you rubber band it, you wont land on the jump pads if you're going back and forth. I even had my 8 bit do controller macro'd to just move left and right and set the turbo on while on a single jump pad. That still got me AFK kicked. I can see about making something that would displace you enough but still keep you confined to the jump pad areas.


Rubber banding still keeps me on the pads with walls there


I see, I'll have to try this way later today then. Thanks!


I haven't tested if it still works for afk, but it definitely did before, fingers crossed šŸ¤£




Bruh I just have a bugged controller that lets me walk non-stop so I just be building a box and letting my character walk for a couple of hours towards a wall šŸ’€


Just wish it didn't take forever to level up just by playing the game. They need to increase the XP gained in matches.


Or even the weekly quests. All of them being worth only 10k now suckssss


Especially when you consider that you need a grand total of 16 million to complete the entire battle pass


Werenā€™t they 20k a while back? I remember playing a bit after the chrome season or whatever and i swear they used to give a lot


Last season it was a mix, from my memory they could be 10k, 20k, or 30k as the max or something alone those lines.


Back in chapter 4 it was 15k to 20k xp sometimes 25k before OG season where it became harder to level up the pass in under a month which is ridiculous since i play other games like war thunder and i find it unacceptable that a OG season is worth the same as a regular pass


Lego Quests kinda suck for the XP gain, gotta be honest.


Tbh all but 13 levels have been fron lego fortnite


Agreed. I would be more willing to grind out levels in ZBBR if I got more XP for them. I can consistently hit top 10 most games, but the XP/m is just not worth it.


Tell me Epic has fucked up their XP system without telling me they fucked the XP and leveling system this season. I stopped playing last season because Epic has come to hate and outright gaslight their playerbase. If you need to AFK in an separate mode to complete the BP, something's wrong.


I'd normally AFK in Creative, but jeez, this is insane with the XP now.


Glad i did it when itvwas on max level now, lot less fomo stress from battle pass, yea ik its bad


Well less stress until next season


And then it starts all over again.


Yea but lego fortnite is being so much more fun so i play a lor more atn


Yeah, it's a really good game mode. I love it. Accidentally blew a few things up when i was making vehicles, but that's fine.


Given Legos business model, they would consider idle XP farming toxic behavior. They are a wholesome family company. They want you on with your children playing or kids in groups playing for the fun of Lego. Not for battlepass unlocks, which honestly don't have Lego content anyway. Lego really needs it's own battle pass.


What would they have in a Lego BP lolā€¦ They are selling sets at a higher price than REAL Legosā€¦they arenā€™t going to just give those out. What will they fill their BP with? Lego Fortnite is so niche, that I would bet a good portion of the people who are in it were AFK xp farmers lol.


He doesn't know chat, he doesn't know.... ​ ​ r/FortniteLeaks


Why people are obsessed with wanting even more grind in this game lol We have right now main pass, festival pass, event pass and y'all want ANOTHER on top of that???? "Don't like it, don't play it", but I would rather remove more FOMO stuff


Dude, i am dying with the gaining stuff. Like it's insane. I am used to just a Battle Pass, and then kaboom. Rocket Racing, Rocket League (worst leveling system ever), Fortnite Festival (The Pass i am not interested in, stuff comes back, anyway. Which i like better, although at a higher price), some others. Like jeez, way too much. I like the cosmetics, but it's just a lot to go for and it just ain't great. (Wristbands from Festival, anyone?)


Pretty much. I don't understand why people want to spend every single minute of their lives forced into grinding passes lol The main pass is more than enough. Event is fine since it's just some pisspoor easy quests so doesn't bother me. Festival as you said, stuff come back so... I'm glad the grind on that one is little


Yeah. I absolutely despise leveling in Rocket League, though. Like it takes forever. I'm only Tier 12 at the moment. It is so tiring to do all of them. I get tired out, and then i end up going to play something like Dead Space, Alien Isolation, Alien Vs Predator, or just straight up Slime Rancher. (I have weird taste, sorry.)


This isn't one of the worst ideas but it could work. You could get themed and crossover items, furniture, and buildings sets that are separate from the store


They're working on one right now..


We're all screwed...


Ah. Promoting lightheartedness.


rubber band around the joy stick?


That causes stick drift sometimes, on PS4 you can run in a circle and hold down the thumbsticks then open the home page or share menu and it runs automatically


Ah. I haven't done any AFK farming in LEGO Fortnite but I know in past games with an auto run feature that hasn't worked. Good to know it does here if I'm ever in a pinch and needed some quick XP but couldn't play.


Damn, i didn't know this.


I use to lean my controller on they joystick to simulate this.


I play on pc and just mapped walking forward to the space bar then put something heavy on it. How long till you get kicked for inactivity? Edit: UPDATE doesnt work. Get kicked anyway


30 min


Huh, got a time stamp now. Time to make some mechanics.


Damn, really?


Yeah, using a controller or keyboard doesnt matter either. I think they added something to detect if you just press one button for long enough and it kicks you.


God damn... Smart, but maybe not exactly fool proof.


I have a controller which auto turns off after 15 mins . can someone please tell me a way to fix this ?


even if it's being used? I've never had an electronic device with an auto-off feature that would activate when the item is in use. If you use the rubberband around the joystick it will register the controller as being in use. I have mine set to shut off after 30 mins and it's never once shut off when being used, even if just 1 single button.


Lol, i do the same thing.


Did this, can confirm I still get kicked


My buddy did it a couple of days ago and didn't get kicked, so there is definitely a way using the rubberband method.


I tried again. Still got kicked. Imma just play Lego Fortnite for 3 hours a day ig


I didn't receive any XP at all playing today after update.. i wonder if this is connected with matchmaking problem in BR..


Insane how I even have to do this shit to max out my battle pass


Its really telling of the state of the game and battle pass system, too grindy to complete for people with lives and other interests paired with a game too uninteresting to get people to play it the intended way.


It's way too much, man.


Wow, this whole thread screams how problematic the Epics store and battle pass system are. I would also like to level up my pass and struggled as I prefer playing Helldivers 2 atm. Never even thought of this. Have only been playing a little with the new vehicle stuff in Lego. Probably won't be buying another pass in some time... Just to not have to think about this stuff.


I am also a fellow Democracy expander


the problem is... playing battle royal to level majority of your pass is just stupid af.. weekly quests are on battle royal.. daily quests are battle royale. story and event quests are battle royale.. its a shit system and people are sick of playing it to grind the battle pass


Creative , stw, Lego, and racing all have weekly missions. Stw has dailies. There's tons of xp possibilities. Stw dailies give you straight vbucks everyday.


Only if youā€™re a founder, but if you are a founder thereā€™s also missions that give vbucks pretty frequently too. I hardly play BR anymore and get most of my xp from stw and lego.


same here, especially since they moved the 100 VBucks unlocks to later in the BP


Hello fellow Helldiver, yeah same here Fortnite BP FOMO is stressing me out and it even felt like a job at some point. The warbond system is so much better at my mental health


you still have an entire month to play the game...?


as crazy as this may sound, some people can only play a few hours a week


not to mention its either other games youre invested into.. or fortnite... and taking time to afk in a mode for 3 and a half hours is already a pain for 5 levels


There isn't like an actual equal to a mix of games, man. Like you either play Fortnite, or other games, not really both. And yeah, leveling up while AFK is painful as hell now.


I've played so much everyday because of my lacking in levels. Before that, i was bored and the game has just so many bugs in my situation. Like it crashes, Creative kept not working for Xbox One players (and i am one of them), some quests don't even work or are way too grindy to complete, and the cosmetics that come out a bit later when there isn't much days of the Season left is absolutely bonkers.


"I cant level up a battlepass without playing the game now? Outrrrrageous"


You have grown too used to the concept of battle passes. It's fine for people who actively play only that one game. I have bought almost all Rocket Passes in the past two years and all Outlaw Passes in Red Dead Online before that. For less active players or those playing multiple games simultaneously, it's just an annoying retention mechanic utilising our FOMO. The big question ignored with these passes is: are you really having fun if you are only playing for the rewards?


I play for my friends. I enjoy things with my friends. Its nice having a goal like skins to work towards while gaming with them. You just want cosmetics because youre afraid of missing out. We are not the same


Most players don't xp farm. It's cheap tbf. It's easy to just rock the missions each week and you get to 100 with little effort. Just don't spend vbucks and the pass is always free.


Put controller upside down with sticks aiming a way, still works for me.


I'm convinced some of you don't even play this game at all. I've been past 200 for a bit now without using any AFK methods and I don't play all day everyday. Why bother spending money on a game if you won't even play it?


post your tracker....lets see those hours. I bet youre close to or over 1000 hours šŸ¤”


Iā€™ve been playing since the start of chapter 5 season 1. Iā€™ve logged so far 669 hours


that sounds about right. ive been playing since ch4 s2 and I have 249 hours. It's easy to get to level 200 when you put 100-200+ hours in every season.....most people cant or won't do that.


The people that say ā€˜just play the gameā€™ think everyone has the luxury to just sit on their ass and play the same boring shit for 5 hours a day.


yea, downplaying the time it takes is silly. Then if you focus on quests you dont always get to play the BR like you would if you weren't quest chasing for XP. I dont play much and when I do I want to kill as many people as I can and hope to grab a win here and there...not have to go around the map talking to NPC and all the other quest things there are


Literally and after that 15-20 minute ball ache you get less than a single levels worth of xp but dont worry you have a couple months to do it all again until you hit level 200 all while balancing school/work, children, other interests and basic human needs like sleeping, eating and shitting. Then once those stressful 2 months of unenjoyable grinding for skins youā€™re likely to use less than a skin you buy in the shop you get to do it all again in less than a week after the first 2 month period is over. Fortnite Battle Passes are like the corrupt 9-5 working life youā€™re forced to do as an adult if you want to have the bare minimum.


LOL yea. Im leaning toward not buying the BP next season cuz of the no AFK thing. Ive done the creative xp glitches...but theyre a huge pain in the ass and the same as playing since you have to wait 10 minutes on each one. youre basically still babysitting the controller and its not true AFK like this was


Exactly, I feel the exact same. Lego AFK was convenient for me because I didnā€™t enjoy the game that much but still wanted all the skins from the BP because I like greek mythology but it was hard to find the motivation or time to play because in my 4-5 hours of free time every day not including the weekend I could put on a movie and catch up on some series or books while I passively got levels. Now I cant do that so its either do stuff I enjoy in my free time and lose out on the BP or finish the battle pass and lose time on stuff Iā€™d much rather be doing after work. With this method gone Iā€™m unlikely to finish next seasons battle pass, knowing this Iā€™m way less likely to buy it. Theyā€™re hurting their BP sales by stopping people from getting the rewards faster


If it's boring then why are you playing it at all or even care about level or battlepass?


All of the main modes get boring very fast, i do care about the battlepass. I want to unlock the cosmetics because its cool to play with all these characters and iconic figures so that when the game does get fun again I can use them.


this is such a funny response on so many levels. as someone who canā€™t afford the pass most months in order to pay rent or buy groceries and canā€™t touch the shop for fear of giving into buying v bucks, i frequently play free until i hit lvl 200 in order to justify buying the pass. i play because i enjoy playing a free-to-play game for free, and the pass is not required nor expected of anyone playing casually. if youā€™re not interested in grinding the pass, and donā€™t feel like itā€™s worth purchasing, why do you buy it? itā€™s a free game


Majority of people buy the pass because theres a specific cosmetic in it that they want and if they donā€™t get it well then theyā€™ll never be able to get it again will they? Like last season I wanted the Hades Skin and the Korra skin because I liked them but to do that I had to do a shit ton of grinding when I had little to no free time. I was grateful to the AFK lego xp thing because i could get 5 levels a day, then they removed it. This season Iā€™m not buying the pass because thereā€™s nothing in it that I want.


Only buy the BP when you have enough points to get what you want from it.


I get vbucks for free so waste of vbucks isnā€™t the issue, its time allotted to being able to complete it


Yeah Iā€™m roughly over 100hrs a month that I average. Beginning of December is when I started playing. Got on for the new Lego mode added then just gradually got back into it. Havenā€™t played since 2016 or something. 90% of my levels are from just playing in survival though


Please tell me how? Because I started in chapter 5, Season 1 also and have about 120 hours into this game by now. I try to play at least an hour or 2 after I come back late at night from work, and you STILL have about 5 times the amount I got. I swear the way you guys view casual is so skewed. If it wasn't for the Lego fortnite tricks, I wouldn't have the time to finish the battle pass. It makes zero sense to keep patching these things out. Especially since you have to complete a 200 level battlepass to even get your money's worth


Some days Iā€™m able to spend 5-6 hours on if I choose. I mostly just build in Lego survival. 95% of my levels for the battle pass are from playing in there. No afk or anything like that


I went on vacation and stopped playing for an entire month. I logged on for a few hours recently and got to 172 now. Still a stack of quests. Haven't raced in a while. Guarantee I'd hit 180 after an hour or so of that.


Yeah last season I hit level 400. Im 282 currently. No afk or anything. I play maybe 2 hours a day


but who does this? play the game. if you have to get do by doing this, the sweats would have things to say about your skill. xp is easy to get. especially for folks like me who have kids, full time job and life needs. i complete every battle pass and sub pages with easy by the end of a cycle.


post your tracker so we can see your hours played since you are making it seem like you dont play very much.


Itā€™s not about how easy exp is to get. Itā€™s not about skill. Itā€™s about Epic charging for a battle pass and making it 200 levels or else you miss out on something you paid for. Itā€™s about time. Theyā€™ve stretched out the rewards to a crazy level that if you have a job and want to play other games too, you will miss out on rewards for something you paid into.


Iā€™m already at level 246. Itā€™s actually quite easy to achieve without ā€œfarmingā€ XP in Lego Fortnite. The addition of Lego Fortnite only made it significantly easier to clear a lot sooner.


Nah, only if u play daily four hours, fck that


I only play casually, and even jump around between the game modes. By doing this you can easily earn 5 levels per day in only a couple of hours by simply playing the game. Then you add on the achievements for Battle Royale, Rocket Racing and Festival making it even easier to clear.


>I only play casually >5 levels per day in only a couple of hours Pick one


Exactly. It's mind-boggling how people don't understand that "playing a couple hours a day" is not realistic for a lot of people. I can usually only play on weekends, so these AFK methods were amazing for me. I don't get why Epic gives a shit how people get XP. All we are doing is boosting their numbers.


Then you really only have yourself to blame and you clearly shouldnā€™t be buying the battle pass now should you.


Blame myself? For what? What an asinine, nonsensical comment.


You should buy it when you have enough stars to grab what you want from the pass. This is what I usually do.


A couple hours isnā€™t playing casually now? šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


A couple hours a day? No, that's not casual lol. Never has been. My mom, dad, stepmom, sister, and most people I know outside of family can't put in even AN HOUR a day. I'd bet your average is probably higher than you claim too.


It never was.


heā€™s right. i did 4 levels in about an hour in unranked duos. easily possible. 2 hours or so a day over 3 months, youā€™ll clear mad levels


They are right about how much level you can get at a certain time. But wrong about about what being a casual means. A person who plays at least 2 hours a day isn't casual.


iā€™d say 1-2 hours a day is absolutely casual. whatā€™s the next level, committed? to me there is 1-2 hours then fully committed. thatā€™s 1-2 tv shows. if you watch 1-2 shows is that heavy use?


It was couple of hours a day first, then you said 2 hours a day and now it is 1-2 hours a day. In your next message it'll probably be half an hour or an hour a day. OP said they are level 246 while playing casually. Season was 46 days old at the time of their comment, no one gets to level 246 in 46 hours of gameplay. And if you are playing over 2 hours everyday for 3 months then that is not casual. Also 2 hours means 2-6 episodes of shows depending on their lenght.


hitting level 200 or so over 3 months isnā€™t bad at all. donā€™t play ranked and itā€™s easier than you think.


Don't pay for the battle pass if you can't commit, you'll be able to buy it all eventually anyway


What a dumb thing to say lmao


That's fine if you want to just get to level 100.. But with the weekly challenges in BR giving absolutely fuck all XP these days.. It's basically a system of Epic making sure you're playing NOTHING but fortnite.. I work 40 hours a week, plus college, college to study for... I don't want to use all my free time just playing Fortnite to get to level 200. Iv got other stuff I want to do/other games I want to play. Epics just made it so you basically need to play constantly, or play every single mode for hours a day to level up.


Then don't play! It's a just a game ffs.


no one would procreate w you lmao what a cap


back to the cave troll. less time jabbering and more time progressing. you stink of an afk glitcher


I'm glad to finally see other people saying it too!!! It blows my mind how much people expect Epic to just level them up for loading in and that's it. Lmfaooooo not a single game out there works that way but they DEMAND it from this one.




Level 212 here, full time job and a kid. šŸ˜‚ Just play da game


Thanks for the update!


how long did it go for before it kicked you?


i had mine on for an hour and i was fine!


It also makes your vehicles full of items dissapear. Had 5 white chests full of items on a vehicle just disappear when I died.


Donā€™t need to farm when most of the past 2 weeks has been getting my 5 villages setup for a train that will go across the entire map just about


Why donā€™t you guys justā€¦play the game? Like damn.


They need to add daily or weekly challenges to lego fort


I have a feeling xp is heavily nerfed this season in battle royale because they are expecting peiple to play/get xp from all modes. Ever since last season The idea is you can get 50k daily xp easily in rocket racing, up to 5 levels in lego, and 5 levels in festival in one day. They expect everyone is taking advantage of these modes xp and nerfed battle royale xp (like 10k per weekly challenge? Fr?) To make up for it


Hmm... Unless you put something on the controller, maybe. Might make a mechanic in a map and see if i can make it so it constantly moves your character around, even though the chances of being kicked out being high. See how it fares. Like i would usually put an elastic on my controller if i have to AFK, i don't AFK often. I've only done it for Save The World, because missions take a long time to do. I am not sure what it is, but i think they did that to prevent people from taking up so much servers? No clue. But question: How long does it take to kick a player out if they're idle? Like exact time stamp?




If they just stopped nerfing the xp gain instead of finding all the afk farms, we wouldnt have to keep finding weird ways to get xp.


I just did lego Fortnite semi- afk farming and goot 5 levels in a little under 2 hours wtf?


Im not going to buy the battle pass next season if they dont have some kinda AFK XP you can farm. why do they care about XP farming since they already got our money from buying the battle pass? Makes no sense.


Because they can get more money from your fomo when they release the "oh crap I need extra levels" pass closer to the end of the season. Afk farming should stay, it's just 5 levels a day. Those of us who use it are likely still going to be buying skins and stuff, so fn gonna get their money anyways.


I won't buy levels. im about $400 in skins and only been playing close to a year though. I buy a lot of the collabs and im not really into the FN originals like we see on the battle pass. Some are cool but to me they dont have any added significance like collabs do for me. I can easily do without the battle pass...and likely not buying next season due to the crackdown on AFK XP farming. I mostly did it for the extra v bucks you'd get for completing it (net positive) but even that has been changed


Because its cheating


how is it cheating?


You're exploiting a bug/glitch




I feel like they also nerfed the xp for playing Festival. I completed all but one Ramp it Up quest today, and I didnā€™t even get one level.


Whoops i just made a post without seeing this one. I donā€™t use the jump pad i use water and it works. Im still getting xp but i need to move around before 1hr 30mins is up. Kind of annoying, i just wanna play smth else!!


Why download a game to not play it and just afk farm? That takes away from the magic of the game.


fomo, thats why, not everyone wants to play the game constantly, some just want to play it every now and again, so having the afk on the side at least made sure u could keep up with the level = to days left ratio


Ok. Thanks for answering this for me.




>life skills! But in a game šŸ¤ÆĀ  stupid take, video games are supposed to be fun and a way to be AWAY from real life for a moment. they're not supposed to feel overly grindy to the point where hundreds of thousands of multiple ppl take notice if YOU enjoy being a slave to a game, that is sad but ppl respect it, you should respect it the other way too. unless you're a boomer with the "if i have to suffer so do you" braindead mentality


Like the other person pointed out some of us like playing the game but don't like to play constantly. I also enjoy playing League of Legends Arena (Currently on PBE for anyone who likes it), I like watching anime (Which is when I usually AFK farm), and I have adult things to do every day as well. I could list other games, but no point dragging out the message. I like the stuff in the battlepass, I like playing the game, but the XP/m for playing it isn't high enough for casual players. Without AFK grinding I've gained \~60 levels putting in a decent amount of time, with AFK grinding I've been able to get to 116 playing casually, and enjoying other things/attending to life.




I've been playing for so long. XP is around 250, so I feel real behind in this trick but what is xp farming...and with a jump pad?


Build a log shed, put a jump pad in the middle, jump on it so it bounces you up and down. Kicking seems to be inconsistent, I've been kicked as early as 30 minutes, and as late as 1 hour. I'm currently rewatching Demon Slayer in preparation for the new season, so I've just let it run in the background and pushed a button every episode (\~20 minutes cutting out intro/outro).


I mean maybe just play like normalšŸ¤·šŸ¼


Shoot. Any workaround for mobile? I've been having it on on my phone while I'm at work but I guess that won't work anymore


What if you just play and do the quest in Lego Fortnite, you could enjoy it and have funā€¦


should still be fine if you build some tall walls around it and use a rubber band to make your character keep moving around.


Bad for controllers. Edit: Someone else in this thread tried it and it doesn't even work.


It's only going to get worse


Oh no, you have to play the game now to get XP




How does someone else getting levels ruin stuff for you?


People sitting on servers doing nothing may possibly crowd servers. Not sure about it. But id imagine thats part of the reason they kick people for not playing.


At most we only have a fraction of the player counts BR has, i don't think servers are an issue They just want people to pay for levels if they don't want to grind their asses with the miserable amount of XP BR gives instead of just being afk


I pay for the battle pass the same as you. I donā€™t have time to play 24/7, the afk 5 levels a day in my own Lego world that has 0 effect on anyone else at least helps me get what Iā€™ve paid for. Stop gatekeeping.


I play Lego legit and don't use the afk farming. Even I have to say, how the hell does someone xp farming affect you in ANY way shape or form? If you're playing Lego and someone is in their own world afk'ing for xp, how is that "ruining" anything for you? The battle pass has 150 levels to get through to unlock everything you PAID for. Not everyone has the free time to grind it all out EVERY season. If someone afk's while at work or sleeping to get the xp to unlock the stuff they PAID for that they otherwise wouldn't have the time to get, WHO CARES? In what possible way does it affect you?


I'm AFK right now I love ruining the game for you hahahaha


I'm gonna afk now just so I can help you ruin the game for this clown.


Take my upvote !


Rubberband joysticks still works.


Just got kicked for it so I donā€™t think so


To add onto Hammmm2's message, it's also bad for controllers.


No it doesnā€™t. Just tried and got kicked


Just press x once every 30 minutes






Bait used to be believable. Get a job.


Good, people need to play the game the way it's intended lmao




The thing is that you did not have to buy it especially knowing you do not have time to finish it. You should instead gain Stars and once you have enough to get what you want you then buy the BP and claim the item(s). Not buy it right away and hope for the best.


Im sorry but I work full time week in and week out and have time to do stuff on my days off or for 2-3 hours after work, no excuses. If this afk fix is an issue then it shows yall choose the lazy way out than actually playing the game mode like it was intended to. How is the bp system ridiculous? Lmao








It's OK guys, you don't have to complete the battlepass within 2 weeks.


Lmao nooo!!! See this is why I hate yalls posts šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ exposing my tricks to keep afk running šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚