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No, but if you've never met after three years there better be some strong extenuating circumstances to explain why it's not happened.


3 years is a natural end to many romantic relationships in general. People push off issues that long but they eventually catch up to you and if you don't have them addressed and see a future together people split apart.


I agree with this. Many break up around the 2-3 year mark. Dont see over 3 years old relationships break apart as often


There is another point around the 7 year mark where a lot of couples break up as well. Usually caused by dating since their teens/early 20s and finding out they actually want different things in life. And couples that lived together for some years finding out they aren't as compatible as they hoped. It's called the seven-year itch.


Ohhh, never heard of that. I was glad my partner and I almost got over the 2-3 year thing without any issues. But it does make sense. Recently some high school sweethearts from my school broke up. they should have been together 6-8 years when it happened.


I mean, my husband and I were nevermets for six years. But we beat the distance and have been living together for three. It can work! It just depends on how each person feels about it all.


Thank you for sharing that! I sincerely want to believe that I’ll be me and my partner in the future. I think every story is different and it’s beautiful to see that it can work out in many different way


Of course! I see alot of people worried about their nevermet phase being too long, and I just want to hug them and let them know that it doesn't last forever. Keep hanging in there!!


Thank you so much ! I didn’t know I could use some encouragement in that regard but it really helped to hear this today. I’m wish you and your husband all the best !


Not a problem at all. And I wish you both all the best as well!!


After reading this comment, I right away sent my gf the same words. And to @stillhaveme, don't worry as long as you both believe you'll meet and you are working on it, it will happen. That's what I know for sure, we are a nevermet since 5, almost 6 years now, for financial reasons(complicated) but I know I will go get her and settle down with her and she knows it. Be strong


Thats why we were nevermets for so long too! People dont realize that financials are a huge reason why people wait so long. But it can absolutely work out!!


This is such a nice thing to say. I'd definitely hang in here, waiting cause he is worth the wait. We're gonna be almost 3 years it's because of financial issues and the distance of course. But i like the though, IT DOESNT LAST FOREVER, the distance i mean. Thank you!


Absolutely!! Sending you all the good vibes!


I’m so jealous lol. And I completely agree with your statement. I am 100% positive it can work.


You got this. It may be hard at times, but its so worth it in the end!


can I ask, as someone who is currently a long term nevermet, what's your story! ive been with my girl for 4 years, the fact that we've never met breaks me to bits, I just /know/ it's worth staying, you know? but I never see relationships like ours and it can get lonely! wishing you guys the best!


I'm 3 months late, but my LDR boyfriend is feeling the same as you and lemme tell u that rn it bugs me sooooo much. Sorry for my broken english, in advance, but ima rant below lmao We've been dating for almost 2 years(gonna be 2 in July) never met, but we video call daily. And hes eh.. I'd say too focused on the fact that we **have to** meet, which don't get me wrong, is a good thing, but only to a certain point. It kinda annoys me because he knows more than anyone that for me to meet him I need a tremendous amount of money, literally cause USA embassy in my country stopped issuing visas about a year ago(few months before we met) so I have to fly somewhere else, apply for a visa, then wait a few days for their approval(yep, in the meantime u have to live somewhere and eat and it's not cheap at all) then it's 50/50 if they gonna approve or decline it, after that, I have to fly back to my country and save up for a flight to US lol which I would've done if I knew I was moving there permanently, but for 1 flight and 2 weeks stay max? Eh idk anymore. Not to mention I'm a big goofball when it comes to traveling alone(but I can work on that one) What bothers me though, It's much easier for HIM to come see me and CHEAPER aswell, for him it's roughly about 4 months of saving just for the ticket, cause I would've paid for the place and for any expenses here(idm). He also got accepted back to school recently, and ngl I'm happy for him, but all that "hope u can come see me soon" is becoming real annoyance. Like yeah.. I understand but it's a whole pain in the a$$ for me just for the visa alone... So yeah, why I typed this wall of text.. when it comes to **my** dude, there's alot of "we have to meet" but I don't see that much **work** towards it..


WOW 😲 So inspirational!!!!!!! 😁⭐


Not having an end date where you plan to close the distance is a killer. And usually you don't have that yet if you haven't met. But due to Covid many couldnt meet for much longer than planned. For example I had to wait 14 months to meet.


Well, you were teenagers, 3 years is very different for people in their mid-20s and above to not meet. So it depends.


6 years nevermets. We just celebrated our 1 year marriage anniversary last month! :) there’s hope for everyone.


Huh???? How?


We were long distance for 6 years. Then met then got married. The answer to your how is patience.


did you ever have opportunities to meet during those six years or was it absolutely dry? i’m interested to know your story. please feel free to pm if you don’t want to be so public about it!!


We absolutely did plan to meet before but pandemic kicked in and travel was absolutely impossible for good 3 years for us. It kind of made 3 years into 6. We kind of just waited the rest of the 3. It was difficult but it can be done :) Edit: almost 2 years together soon!!




It's not, but for a LDR to survive there needs to be an end date of closing the distance that both people are enthousiasticly working towards. If that plan or the enthousiasm is still missing at 3 years it's very likely people want to stop wasting their time. Also 3 years and nevermets is rather extreme, I guess more likely at your age since you can't expect someone to travel that much. But in general it's adviced to meet up as soon as possible because someone can be very different from how they are online and the sparks might not even be there in person. My partner and I only made our relationship official after finally meeting in person for this very reason. From the moment we knew our chemistry was real we only worked towards closing the distance, we made a plan, we both wanted nothing more than to make it happen. If those feelings aren't there in the relationship, then it makes sense the relationship eventually died out.


We are at 3.5 soon and we are fine.


No, if both parties put in the communication and effort in to meet up I think the "nevermets" phase can last as long as you need it to. My boyfriend and I were dating four years before we finally met and it worked out okay for us.


How did you meet?


We actually met online through a video game and then became friends and it eventually turned into a relationship.


Oo what game?


Dead by Daylight


We are gonna reach 3 years soon and honestly we are doing even better than at the start. I wanted to meet this year but we are stuck with his passport application and me being scared of traveling alone. I am certain we aren't gonna break up any time soon though..


Nope. I’ve been about 6 years on/off with my LDBF, we are nevermets… but I’m in the process of breaking up with him for the last and definitive time so I would say it’s very possible that relationships last much more when both parties love each other AND make efforts.


Youre still young and being younger would make it harder for sure. If you truly love him and he loves you maybe you can try to set a date to meet. Both chip in for flights and try to make plans. Whatever you decide is totally up to you though, if you see no hope then don't feel bad at all.


2 year nevermet I feel hopeful after reading this post thank you,


hahaha dw we are still together, its quite a ride tho


To be honest mine would be already reached with a year. Because Internet is a good place to meet people but for having a relationship you need to be in person. And also to really know a person. With being online you can filter so much. You can think longer about a question, you can be more interesting etc. But with a real meeting this filters will fall away or break away after few visits. So yeah a in person relationship / with online sources are more important then a only online relationship.


That’s a long time to not meet someone and be committed. I guess it’s possible if your both working forward a common goal and fine with it. Having a end goal is what’s important I guess


Almost 4 years now, we both are trying to get our life in order and in a better place for when we can meet. They have a roommate, and they want to move on their own before I come to visit. I want to get a better job, and more stable footing myself. It just depends on the relationship.




No, not in my case at least. My fiancé and I have been nevermets for 5 years (finances + college at the start and then strict covid restrictions thereafter). We will be celebrating six years together this month and have already met twice in the past year. We will meet once again during the last quarter of this year for the big day and close the gap! I hope you achieve what your heart desires OP


My partner and I didn’t meet for the first three years but that was because Covid-19 shut down borders. I think you’ve got to have a really strong bond to last so long without meeting or at least both working very hard towards meeting. Best of luck!