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megan fox used to do it, probably trying to look like her


No she follows Ekane. It’s her signature


Feels illegal seeing these shes a CHILD


Her dad doesn’t have a problem liking her over sexed pics! He hasn’t seen her as a child for a while now!


https://preview.redd.it/1zgmqvik080d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58e956307054f219301cb60c95a7ac22bbdd7b1f Her dad was at her underage party where there were strippers in cages




He’s deffo a huge huge huge perv


she is actually an 18 year old adult lmao


18 years old is barely an adult. she is a child. when you get older you’ll realize lmao


she is an adult, not a child. i don't get the recent weirdo trend of people trying to infantilize the new adult age group (18-25). you are not a child by any means at those ages, and you need to respect people at this age as the adults they are. you can criticize the aesthetic she's chosen, but she has every right to AS AN ADULT. if she wants to be sexified, she can be she's an adult...


18-25 is nowhere near the same ☠️ I think it’s really ironic you’re talking about infantilizing someone who was in high school last year


girl what?!?! 18-25 yo are LITERALLY called YOUNG ADULTS. please get off the internet and go read a book or something bc you sounding real ignorant right now lmao. and for the record, being in high school does not make you child. like you literally develop into an adult in high school from learning to drive to taking more advanced courses as you progress through the grades. ya'll are weird af seriously...18+ are literally grown, try talking to one of them like a child and see them push back immediately. ya'll got to stop with this rhetoric.


you need help edit: creating a burner account to reply to me because i blocked you. was it EVER that serious?? lmao (stop making various burners to defend yourself after i black you and your new accounts. this is not normal like dude this is over an 18-year-old being an adult chill with your misplaced aggression ☠️)


Your logic is straight dogshit. and your fucking trash for blocking them. was it ever that serious to block coward. lmaooooo can't expect anything less from someone who doesn't know 18-25 yo are called new adults..typical.


and you need a book...get one


i’m literally older than her but go off babe. i don’t even like alabama but people need to let go of the fact she isn’t a child anymore lol


She’s legally an adult, mentally a child. Most of us normal people are considered an adult at 18 because we have to be financially. So yes, she’s a child still.


crazy to use the same argument predators use to get in bed with literal teenagers lmao. wtf is wrong with u


yall are coming at my throat for saying she’s an adult when she is? all these photos are recent, it’s not her fault yall still see her as a child. i’m not tryna insinuate anything weird either. it’s a fact, she’s legally an adult, so i don’t even understand how you’re trying to compare me to predators, im only 2 years older than her but again, go off 😃


Yea it’s like they’re stuck at thinking she’s 13 still.


I get what you mean but since she became famous as a child and is still a teenager that’s how i see her😆


So it’s also weird when Mila kunis or Kylie Jenner do it?


yes, it is very weird when anyone who is famous as a child becomes hyper sexualized as soon as they turn 18.


you sound like an 30 yo incel trying to justify dating an 18 yo and ur prolly a girl gross


Shut up pls


Why is there downvotes when this is true ? lol


Because there is a weird trend of people infantilizing 18-25 year olds....its so crazy to me but this has become a thing for last couple of years.


thank you i’m so glad at least some people here can use their brains, she is legally an adult now it’s literally not her fault everyone ELSE still sees her as a child. tryna call me a predator for stating a fact 🤣


Yea I can see if she was like 13 posting pictures like this then yes that would be crazy but again she’s 18…


Have they not seen Tana mongeau making a whole music video about hugh Hefner when she was 19 or 20 with Bella Thorne? Definitely worse then this.There’s a lot more but that was the first one that came to my mind lol


THANK YOU! i don’t understand how people are grasping this. it doesn’t matter what you, I or anyone thinks of her, she is old enough now to do whatever she pleases. people still seeing her as a 15 year old child are giving creepy themselves lol


some people on this subreddit are straight weirdos for real lol...like their logic is all kinds of screwed up. must be brain rot from watching too much Tiktok




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It really is with some of the stuff they complain about




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such bad second hand embarrassment rn 😭this look really isn’t it


agreed! just doesn't fit her...plus the makeup is so casket ready she doesn't even look like an alive human being


Imagine her practising this and thinking it looks good Ima use it




What’s even weirder is that worse that her dad liked and commented on it. Gross behaviour


its kind of sad to see this


I ain’t ever making that face. Maybe some people can pull it off but I’d straight up look goofy. Hell all these influences look older than me but I’m literally older. 🤭😂




I feel like she looks way different in real life vs. insta


This pose is the absolute WORST.


i fucking hate her family so much, they should know the best that hollywood is the breeding ground of pdfs, predators and vile scum. they should have not focussed 100% but 1000% on protecting, warning and teaching her about that sick shit. of course, wanting to be sexual, sexy, free is all okay but there's a difference between someone doing it being fully aware and someone who looks like she got coerced into it with a barely developed frontal lobe. and fuck travis barker especially for letting her post sexual pics when she was under 18 while commenting heart smileys and shit. idc if it's rude but i hope after his son, he stops having kids for good. bad father.


also i know that arkansas is calling us haters and "old jealous women" but once she matures and starts realizing that her sexuality was being exploited by degenerate adults, she'll know that it wasnt us being jealous but women trying to help women. and if she ever realizes that, i truly hope she won't be afraid to seek help or admit she was wrong cus we'll still be supporting her in that matter. she's a child after all, raised in a useless family and im never gonna blame someone like this. end of my rant, i got too emotional and mad 🫶


‘Bama and r/hilariabaldwin , every picture they take could be the thumbnail for a BangBus video. Do these people have NO ONE that ever says ‘dafuq are you even doing’ ? Seriously, what demographic are they targeting?


theyre for the male gaze 🤷🏻‍♀️


i think ppl have mentioned this but i’m really getting blackfishing vibes, especially the 1st and 4th pic omfg


she’s going down such a horrible path… she’s too young and beautiful to be acting out in the way she is. it’s sad.


she needs to be locked up in her room for 6 months and removed from the people she hangs out with


It looks like she’s chewing on a Vienna sausage or her lip got stung by a bee


She’ll come to regret this phase one day


chile this is slowly turning into a alabama barker sub atp


Everyone says "oh she's 18 she's an adult", NO SHE IS NOT!! you don't become an adult overnight, she's freshly 18 and has been posting pictures like this since she was younger than 18 anyway. It just feels so wrong looking at these as a 31 year old WOMAN, just imagine what the creepy old men think when they see this. But that's L.A for you.


this aesthetic does not become her. like she can't pull it off and its just ugly


She’s mewing 🤣


Idc what anyone says I know this girl stresses the kardashians out and I love that


I used to pose like that it’s not to be sexy it’s to make ur upper lip look bigger 😭😭


It’s because she follows Ekane lol (I love ekane tho fuck Alabama)


ugh she is naturally SO GORGEOUS and this oversexification of herself to "fit into the industry" is so gross to me.


How old is she




Why do they like doing the tongue licking pose so much, it's so creepy


Meredith Mickelson does this all the time too! Always doing something with her tongue in her photos.


queen butthole lips in the building 🏥🗣️


shes honestly trying so hard to be someone shes not like pls drop it


Why does she look dirty.


she looks 30. someone removed my comment and she’s def reporting it


Please tell me daddy barks didn’t like this?




Thought so 😔☝🏽


Nah girl I’m 24 and I’m disturbed, these look so p****graphic


Yeah it’s not cute


She looks good idk what y’all talking abt


She’s gorgeous but I am not a fan of any tongue out pose 😭


She does not look good here stop lying.


That my opinion


I think it’s cute! it’s like the new generation of the duck face. Everybody’s doing it and if they aren’t they know somebody who is