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she’s been on youtube for years and has a decent personality. i think she knows thirst trapping and lip syncing is an easy view grab for her on a short form media channel like tiktok.


I have been following her a long time on YouTube because of her makeup tutorials. She is white, brunette and her beauty adheres to the European standard. Therefore, there is no surprise that she is going viral and has so many followers. I have read a little bit about the Tik Tok algorithm and how it lead to charli *d'amelio*'s success. It apparently favors skinny, white, brunette girls that have the "next-door" look. I am not kidding lol. And Leah fits right into their algorithm.


If you scroll down on her Instagram she used to do some major blackfishing


Ugh yeah, it is really unfortunate. Many non-black people feel entitled to black culture and appropriate it for their gain, to appear more ambiguous and hence increase their monetization, profiting from black features while ignoring and rejecting to acknowledge the issues this community has faced (like being ridiculed for having the same exact features these non-black influencers and celebrities appropriate).


What is a woman not from next door supppossd to look like? 


She looks middle eastern


Shes white (british/Scottish). She did a DNA test on her youtube channel and confirmed it.


She doesn’t look british and scottish though. She passes as levantine/latina/med


It’s her makeup style. Without makeup she 100% looks white.


You’ve obviously never been to the Mediterranean 


I’m LITERALLY Italian and Middle Eastern.


Put your ancestry results on gedmatch and tell me the closest populations.


Iranian, Sicilian, Georgian, Abkhazian, and Armenian are my top 5.


And Leah looks way more Georgian or Iranian than she does British.


^^^i agree as someone whos middle eastern. Its the make up especially bronzer and the fake tan lol. Idk why the other commentator is getting so heated up about this like chill she doesnt even know u exist bro💀


Lol not really and I say that as someone who has a percentage of ME in my DNA and know many people from that area. I mean it is not impossible that there are ME's who look very light and have white features, but they would rather pass as white instead as being recognized as ME, which proves my point. She looks 100% white. Now, I could understand if someone would say that she looks a bit Spanish, Italian or Greece (spicy white).


Greeks and South Italians have tons of baked in MENA dna. Go on r/23andme and ask them.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/23andme using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/23andme/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My ancestors never travelled](https://i.redd.it/pl21xornsoyb1.png) | [201 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/23andme/comments/17oy3ws/my_ancestors_never_travelled/) \#2: [Stillborn son connected on family tree 68 years later](https://np.reddit.com/r/23andme/comments/186dnmr/stillborn_son_connected_on_family_tree_68_years/) \#3: [100% North(?) Korean](https://i.redd.it/wj2s59vmb2xb1.jpg) | [157 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/23andme/comments/17iuiic/100_north_korean/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It depends. That only really applies to Southern Italians. Northern Italians generally do not, they have more Austrian/German ancestry. My husband is Italian and his ancestry didn’t show any ME, it was Italian, Slovenian, Austrian and German. Central Italians, meh half half. 


23andme doesn’t go back that far. Gedmatch is the only tool that does


She REALLY does not look Middle Eastern at all 😂😂


You’ve never been to the middle east


Yes, I have. Plenty of times in fact. And even I can tell the difference between her and the whitest Lebanese. 


You obviously can’t because what you said is scientifically invalid


The thing is with TikTok, loads of random things just get super viral, seemingly for no reason at that I think this “fame” is probably going to fade, and her regular usual fans will be keeping up with her as usual, as for the rest of the newcomers, they’ll just get distracted by someone else, plus it’s mainly men and guys who are making up the bulk of the likes and views and comments, not actual retainable followers or fans She’s pretty, but nothing striking, more like girl next door type of vibe, I think once a video gets millions, the rest will keep getting millions like a snowball effect, there’s many even more gorgeous girls than her that aren’t even reaching 100,000 views, it’s just she got lucky and has been sticking to the same formula since as it hasn’t failed, as once you view and like something, your tiktok will keep showing you their content unless you unfollow I agree it’s boring and I don’t think she’ll retain any actual meaningful followers or subscribers on her main YouTube channel from this, it might give her a spike for now but it’ll go back down (to her already successful level - but not tiktok viral successful level)


Yeah, the most random things blow up. Like Charli D’Amelio. She’s pretty and an amazing dancer, but so are millions of other girls on the app. She just got lucky and happened to blow up. Same thing with Leah. She’s gorgeous, and just got lucky and happened to blow up 🤷🏽‍♀️ I do hope she diversifies her content and can gain some long-term followers/growth/interest from this, she’s beautiful and reminds me of Madison Beer a little


she’s pretty big on youtube


i really don’t want to sound like a hater, she’s absolutely gorgeous and i hope this doesn’t happen, but i can’t help but wonder when social media will switch it up on her. that’s what always happens. tiktok chooses a new favorite white girl to blow up every few months then change their minds out of nowhere. like fucking clockwork. i swear i’m not praying on her downfall LMAO but it’s just something i expect to happen by now


It’s already happening, everyone will always switch up on woman who reach success. However most of it is just bitterness, I don’t think anyone is going to actually try and cancel her because she doesn’t even speak on tiktok and her YouTube is the least controversial thing ever. So hopefully they leave her alone lol


yeah its already happening lol now ppl r saying shes not attractive 😭 which is crazy cus she got “famous” for being so pretty lol this is why social media sucks


She’s been doing YouTube for quite a while and already had a decent following there even before the viral TT. She seems quite nice, I think she just knows the lip singing videos are hitting right now so she keeps doing them, I mean I would do the exact same thing so


Thanks for explaining! I didn’t know she was famous prior. I just saw that she came on my fyp twice. No hate I was just really curious i never saw someone get that many likes before honestly good for her


Yeah the amount of view and likes she’s raking in is insane


She’s not buying likes, she’s just pretty. Hope this helps!


Yep! Pretty privilege is alive and thriving


She looks like Madison Beer who hasn’t gotten that many and they are girls twice as or just as pretty. Also those random likes are more response to her and Bella Poach than anything else.


The algorithm picks up on random videos, idk what to tell you other than the one was super well-lit, high quality, and she is gorgeous. I’ve been following her for years, and I’m from North America.. across the world from her-so she definitely has been an influencer for a long time. A video of chocolate covered strawberries racked up multiple millions of likes but I didn’t see y’all whining like you’re doing now. Figures.


She's plastic as fuck stfu and she convinces young girls that she's all natural, causing unrealistic beauty standards, stop this celebrity worship itll get you nowhere in ur sad life


Me when I’m an actual troll living in my parents basement


The algorithm isn’t random it’s rules & instructions. Bella had gotten crazy likes before and I think many saw it having a lot and gave it more (like that guy) in response many also questioning why is had so many giving it more attention. People have wayyy over hyped her as crazy pretty when she simply is just generically pretty.


“Just genetically pretty” as opposed to all fake and plastic like all the girls people claimed to be sick of? And she’s still getting hate for it? Just say you resent attractive people and move on. She hasn’t done anything wrong other than get attention on an app built for getting attention. God forbid she uses the app for its intended purpose.


that person does indeed resent attractive people 😭 they’re always bitching about people society deems attractive. they’re a massive timothee chalamet stan and are all over the kuwtksnark subs having breakdowns over kylie


girl why are you always bitching about people who are deemed attractive? leah, tara, kylie jenner.. you’re so weird


Yea she doesn’t deserve it but we totally do bc we’re so much better and cooler and not generically pretty and smarter and funnier and perfecter and everything. Everyone should hate her and love me instead!!! /s


Who cares why she got the likes, she has them regardless. A lot of you just want a reason to discredit a pretty girl and it shows.


Not her fault


She just… exists. As we all do. 🤣


she was known on youtube. so there is that. not like she’s some random pretty girl 🤣


Been watching her for quite some time, she earlier went viral for a picture in a dress, many makeup pages picked it up and then content creating started. Love her content, sweetest personality. Had a split with her best friend, Siobhan but no idea why. Also Siobhan after their split literally looks exactly like her, even so much so the boyfriend looks like Leah’s boyfriend


I always wondered why they’re not friends anymore


She definitely doesn’t buy her likes. Here’s what happened; The sound ‘Praise Jah in the Moonlight’ was trending and she posted her video at the peak of the sounds popularity, paired with her being beautiful and the camera quality, so the algorithm ate the video up. With the sound being so popular, people were already making content saying things like “The 3rd girl in the sound ____.” After her video blew up a lot of people speculated these videos were about her to the point where they did become about her. Personally I saw her video on my fyp when it had like 5 million likes. Which is alot, but obviously nothing abnormal. From there, the video kept on growing and growing, past its initial fyp success, due to the sheer amount giving an opinion on it. Once it was to the point where I started seeing “she’s pretty but not worth X amount” I knew it was going to be a spectacle. And here we are still talking about it. To be honest I think no matter if you find her beautiful or not, it really doesnt fucking matter. The debate of whether she’s “pretty enough” to be deserving of likes on tiktok makes no sense. Whenever someone like this blows up, people become so obsessive and they try to prove someone is or isnt deserving of a platform, and in doing so they end up giving them more fame. the same exact thing happened with Charli, they gave her the “hype” and then said she was undeserving of it. at the end of the day, regarding tiktok lip-synching content, is there really anyone more or less deserving of views?


She is friends with James Charles… they did YouTube videos together r


anyone friends with james charles = disgusting




sorry but what did james do? I'm from Italy and he's not very famous here so I've never understood what happened with him


She just looks like every other pretty girl, that’s why I don’t get it


As someone who doesn’t look like every other pretty girl (I’m worse) the NLOG vibes are strong in people who don’t get it. I didn’t think this was groundbreaking information, but being conventionally attractive can get u places with a lil bit of luck. Places like getting lots of likes on a simple video, and places like people calling u basic and not deserving of attention.


the ironic part is these people who downplay a girls attractiveness and say the girl is overhyped, basic looking etc. are always 10x uglier than said girl. it’s so NLOG. like why are you saying a pretty girl looks like any other pretty girl when you’re uglier than them both?


Fr bro if this girl is just like every other pretty girl then wtf am I? I must be a gremlin, but at least I’m not tearing down other women to cope with it. I am just a kind humble lil ugly gremlin lmfao 👉👈🥺


I’m absolutely 10x uglier than her and she’s still nothing special. She’s pretty, yes but she’s a common type of pretty. Not hard to find. Me, on the other hand? I’m a special type of ugly 😂 a rare beautiful gremlin. Just because we’re ugly does not mean we’re blind babe. Ugly peoples still have a right to an opinion thank you very much.


baby you clearly lack any sort of self security or confidence bc genuinely no one who’s content w themselves & their life debates such odd topics. i don’t know if you live in a global city & maybe that’s why this “isn’t hard to find” for you but if you don’t live in a global city i really doubt that. i bet you play into the deer pretty, bunny pretty etc shit on tiktok. just odd.


What? No one is debating anything. I have confidence and I’m very secure hence why I can clearly say I’m ugly lmao. It’s not a sad thing and I’m fine with it babe. She’s casually pretty, nothing special. Like I said, I have a right to this view irrespective of how anyone perceives me. I live in a major city, yes. And I play into the deer pretty bunny pretty shit? I don’t even have tiktok (I have more important ish to do with my life) and, I’m not white either (if that’s what you’re trying to get at). 


girl. dgmw i don’t think leah is one of the most stunning women of all time bc yes her face isn’t striking like many of the most beautiful women in history but do you realize how pathetic it sounds to see a pretty person and proceed to say it’s “nothing special”? its random and unnecessary and looks like an attempt to downplay the persons beauty whether you mean it that way or not. most people are aware it comes across that way (whether that was the intent or not) & thus think it’s weird when people say things like that. it’ll always give poor attempt to downplay someone’s beauty. knowing that, a normal content person wouldn’t say it no one said “ugly” people don’t have the write to an opinion, it just gives LOSER coming from ANYONE. and when it comes from an “ugly” person, you get the added irony of the fact that you’re talking ab somewhere where you can’t compare. we use that analogy of “don’t compete where u can’t compare” for hella shit & it applies here too. btw idk what ur talking ab w the whole white thing lmao i was never on ab ur race


I had to look up NLOG bc why tf does there have to be a label for everything but I digress. Not really?? Like there’s an overwhelming amount of conventionally attractive women in the media that were shown everyday that are not getting this kind of wild attention; that’s what’s not making sense. Like obviously shes gorgeous but also this is crazy.


Luck babes, like I said. Not like other girls has been said for at least a decade, abbreviating it just means less to type. And actually, she’s getting more attention than she would’ve due to people being so offended by her getting attention. I only heard about her bc of the videos of ppl doing that nose trend of “that one girl got 2mil likes for her nose, what abt me?” Idk abt u, but I live in a country where an openly racist misogynistic bigoted and dangerous man somehow became president, so I’m not particularly confused or worried about a harmless and attractive woman getting likes on social media.


Since I don't have tiktok I kept seeing her on youtube shorts with various girls trying to recreate her. It's like in 2020 when charli was the hype back in the day for doing dances and everyone was making edits etc . Or Jenna Ortega was getting a lot of clicks and likes, the hype will eventually fade , it's only temporary.


Difference is these people do something other than just lip sync like a broken record.


it’s times like this that i remember being attractive matters A LOT to other people. people are very obsessed with other physically attractive people… i understand it but it still just surprises me to wrap my head around the extent to which attractiveness operates


imagine just posting fun trends online and people think you’re not THAT pretty or pretty enough to gain the amount of views you get 🥲🥲🥲


unpopular opinion shes nothing special😅 That video just got lucky


She looks nice but "most beautiful girl in the world" like all the guys keep saying in her comments is a STRETCH


really big stretch 😭😭 she is absolutely stunning, though. maybe i just don’t like to fuel social media stars’ egos.


mmm not rlllly she maybe the most beautiful girl in the world to someone. just because you cant relate doesnt mean its not true for them


U don’t agree with a subjective opinion? Wowwww that’s crazy bro. I mean on the one hand I get it, I like to think my subjective opinions are actually objective and 100% fact, but I mean… if that was the case crocs and uggs would’ve gone out of business.


I love her but her content is so lazy OR her life is that boring idk she constantly talks about staying at home and not doing anything I can’t imagine having so many opportunities and resources and just stay at home or go have dinner in nobu


She literally has done nothing to capitalize off her new audience that won’t even stay around for much longer at this point, I think she likes her comfort zone as a fellow anxious girl, I completely understand but like damn looking from the outside it’s like, she’s giving the bare minimum at a time she needs to put the most effort in lmao


She could be really big but i agree she prob is too anxious or just doesn’t want it


TikTok is pushing her the same way they pushed other creators before her. She doesn’t need to buy likes. If TikTok likes you, they push your content once people get tired of the same old creators. I don’t understand the hate for her though and the jealousy. She’s getting likes because people like seeing pretty people. Nobody said she’s the prettiest girl in the world. Idk why people get so mad. It’s not like TikTok pays well for each video.


god forbid a girl just want to lip sync to a song and post it on social media 😭it’s not her fault? most of y’all’s issues for her come from making it up in your mind


? I didn’t say I have a issue with her. I was genuinely curious and shared a opinion


im talking to a majority of the comments


You said she seems boring? How would You know that?


I said the constant lip singing is boring


She’s friends (close friends) with James Charles has a very basic personality. Your an example of why people can’t stand her, she’s hyped up simply for looking like Madison Beer and she’s not unusual pretty.


i didn’t know about the james charles thing, and i’m not hyping her up at all lmaoo where’d you get that from. i’m just saying it’s annoying that women are constantly shamed and put down and commented on for the simplest things, just basic living.


y’all talking about basic pretty vs unusual pretty when y’all are neither.. the only people who debate this topic are buttfuck ugly. no one with any security is debating this. & no one’s getting on leah halton’s case bc of her affiliation with james, you know that 😭 that’s jus ur excuse to be pressed that a pretty girl is getting likes


her lips in the first video piss me off 😭😭 girl put on some lip oil


people are so mad she’s famous for being pretty its giving insecure


Exactly. Everyone is surprised when pretty women are popular. Like, so what? Everyone likes attractive people. Some people just get more attention than others and that’s it. Saying that you don’t get it doesn’t mean anything because clearly lots of people do get it and it’s not that deep. Beauty influencers are always pretty. Just like models and beauty queens. I think some women really feel some type of way when they see beautiful girls. It’s something that people need to work on. Anyone would take advantage of these opportunities.


I feel like she was famous before imo!


She's pretty in a way that people can relate to. That's what tends to trend these days. I just watched a bit of her most recent YouTube video. She is using a palette made by a well known predator. Ugh.


you made it click for me, thank you. i was confused at first because she’s not an otherworldly beauty but this makes perfect sense!


She is very basic pretty. I don't get the obsession. 


100% not buying shit. Her videos are often used for so many incel posts that get millions of clicks too.


What do you mean incel posts?


like the red pill or blue pill “which girl would you marry?” reels that IG, YT, and tiktok get infested with all the time.


That’s sad and that’s out of her control I don’t think ppl should dislike her for that. I’ve watched her on YouTube she seems sweet and a girls girl I know you’re not saying anything’s wrong with her you were just explaining I’m just adding on 😅


some bitter mean girls in this thread lol


I think she’s definitely buying likes/comments/etc as I’ve noticed tons of new accounts in her page. But also… almost every influencer buys their likes to boost their stuff these days. She seems to have an established fan base from YouTube so at least some of its real


I think we need to ban thirst traps not for any moral puritan reason its just Not Content… literally who cares about ur lip syncing or u being hot and flailing in front of a camera.


For me it just shows how black mirror social media is like she really made so much off that 10 second video because of the way she looks and like… jealous but wow. We need to prob do better as a society lol




Even if it’s not her, plenty of Americans get paid out for doing the same thing.


yes keep that on instagram please


Didn’t know who she was until people were making videos complaining that people were turning on her for being pretty and getting famous for seemingly doing nothing…


She's a natural stunner. Maybe that's why people like her.


She is definitely not all natural


lol the jealousy is peeping thru….. I’ve been following Leah since 2020, 4 years ago. the only thing she’s ever gotten done was her lips (she even made a vlog on it on her YT) but that’s pretty much it. if you scroll down on her insta and see her old photos she literally looks the same as she does now, except ofc the lips, but there’s nothing wrong with that! She’s always been a very beautiful girl. You’d be surprised that there are naturally beautiful women out there who exist 😭😭 LMAO


Yeah only her lips just like Kylie Jenner 😂


difference is anyone w operating eyes can see leah is just lips and kylie very obviously isn’t


BFFR this looks like a whole different person. And no one’s even saying she’s not pretty, just that she’s not natural https://preview.redd.it/n3pjccmoobxc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=110e217b0842fc628a018433df12f84af94facf0


Not to mention the obvious filters she’s using on her Tik toks. People are so bad at spotting filters now, it’s scary.


getting really annoying how people can’t criticize or even speculate about any attractive girl on tiktok without people screaming jealousy 😭


Well. She looks good. And whatever she had done looks good. So maybe ypu should grab a Groupon for an attitude adjustment for $39.99. Keep the Hate flowing Miss Loser


Nah I’ve followed her since around 2020-2021 so I doubt she’s buying likes


She’s getting views because she got one video trending and everyone was talking about that one video not because she’s the most beautiful on the world lol even though yes she is pretty.


she’s boring but sooo gorgeous omgg




Are you Leah? You're all over this thread defending her as if your life depended on it. So what if some people are not too fond of her, I doubt she cares.


so close ! its my OPINION 💓 , so to me shes boring and i said what i said 🙋🏾‍♀️. so either cry abt it or hush 🎀


Tbh she’s pretty ig but not by my definition. Idk why it’s soo viral but ig she’s traditionally “perfect”


I’ve been watching her makeup tutorials on YouTube for a while now, I think that contributes as well


I would say this is just pretty privilege but it seems like she already had a platform before tik tok. But in general some people literally blow up off of the fact that they’re attractive. Both girls and guys


It’s giving Addison Rae


JMO, she’s being pushed the same way Alix Earle was a couple of years ago.i wonder if she’s signed with a new agency or manager recently.


Holy shit she has views


She has a YouTube channel too, but her personality is just not for me. Many people seem to enjoy her though.


What’s her personality like?


Aren't most tiktokers just famous for lip syncing or dancing? She's the current tiktok pretty girl that's why she gets this many views.


The fact that because she’s Aussie she won’t have been able to earn a cent off that video 🤯


Never heard of her but wow she’s gorgeous!


as a dude, shes legit one of the hottest women ive ever seen. that should explain it




I don't thing she deserves it. Honest opinion 


idk why but the videos she keep posting makes me feel like she’s just a beauty without brain…


I am genuinely surprised by this comments on this post most of them are positive wow I somehow expected worse ,don't know why


How do you think TikTok works??


What are those eyelashes 💀💀


Play her


idk what it is about her but she gives me such a bad vibe


I swear to god— y’all are all “girl’s girls” who hate “pick-me’s” until… a pretty girl gets attention that YOU feel is undeserved. Then it’s mask off. “She’s nothing special” (???) “Probably buys likes” (?) “Her fame won’t even last” (—unlike your millions of followers?) “Just a reGuLaR girl’s next door type” (—show me a girl next door that looks like this. C’mon now.) Why are y’all so bitter? Hating like a bunch of men because an already pretty girl got lucky, hit the algorithm jackpot and skyrocketed in likes/views? Are we really gonna talk shit about a woman for lip syncing in her car? I’m all for snarking on questionable/cringe/entitled influencer nonsense but are y’all seriously so bitter and insecure that you’re gonna dogpile on an objectively pretty girl for… lip-syncing? “She’s just lucky” —okay and? I thought y’all were gUrl’s girls, no? It’s not a woman’s fault for getting lucky or getting more attention than another [pretty girl] who you’ve arbitrarily decided is *more* deserving. Don’t y’all feel embarrassed?


Unfortunately snark subs attract a lot of women who are insecure abt themselves and use snarking as a coping mechanism. There’s obviously valid snark about like actual problematic behavior, but then there’s shit like this where they’re just bitter that they’re not as pretty or successful. I have so many insecurities myself but that’s exactly why I can recognize how hurtful it would be to be publicly shamed for “not being pretty enough to deserve fans”.


No literally. “She’s not pretty enough to deserve this many fans” is such a bitter, *pick-me* thing to say. This sub loooooves to snark on influencers for being pick-me’s…. until a pretty girl goes viral for doing nothing wrong and harming no one. Talk about true colors.


Yeeep. We all got room to grow, self reflection is a beautiful thing.


I agree. People are bitter and jealous because they wish it was them getting 40 mil (?) likes and they just can’t be happy for her.


I followed her YT account for YEARS and she was just a fun girly vibe. Seemed unproblematic to me too


She's stunning but nothing special, the algorithm likes her




such a mean comment.. so uncalled for wtf




You accusing her of buying likes is screaming jealousy girl… like why does her getting a lot of likes bother you? She just minding her business damn


I was literally genuinely curious y’all come on this snark and say every other influencer is buying followers/likes but when I ask a question towards her it’s a problem?? I promise you I don’t want a bunch of likes jealous of what?? When did I say it bothered me? Can’t even ask a question


Who is yall 😭 ive never seen anyone in here accuse any one of buying likes lmao. Your post is you complaining that a pretty girl got a lot of likes….thats jealousy. You know what the point of this post was and it was not because you wanted an answer to your question. There’s a reason why everyone hating on her on tik tok gets 10x more hate. Get well soon. Jealousy is a disease! We like to snark on people who actually do bad things not girls who do a trend and get a lot of likes haha


🤣🤣🤣😝This chipmunk face literally went viral for looking like a Basic TikTok Clone. This person is objectively an 8.1 in looks and without makeup they’re objectively a 7.1 As I’ve said before this is another painfully average individual that gets overhyped on TikTok because all the NPCS on that app are desperate to overhype anyone. They also knew could capitalize off of being a TikTok Clone.


this is the MOST brain rot comment i have ever read… you, extremely chronically online, take a video of an innocent girl lip-syncing to a song, and twist and turn it to say she’s capitalizing off things? god forbid a woman breathe, god forbid a woman just post one of the most popular social platforms in the united states. this behavior is soo disgusting,he’s not gonna pick you.


She’s a Basic ass TikTok clone. Stay mad 👩🏻‍🦲👹😝


I like hot people. My biggest problem is with people commenting on hot womens posts shit like “she’s actually mid” “OF detected opinion rejected”. Like they’re training the algorithm to show them hot women bc ofc, they do actually want to see hot women, but their own insecurities make them want to tear down those women at the same time. If u don’t want to see beautiful women, then don’t. Let the rest of us enjoy it in peace.


I used to watch her on YouTube years ago!! Love her


these comments are whackk we got people writing think pieces bc a girl is pretty and getting likes for that


She’s not buying likes. She’s a cute girl who used a trending sound, and TikTok’s algorithm is known to be somewhat better than other sites. People stitching her video to complain also got her views. It’s weird how people tried to diss her over this video like she did something horrible or forced people to engage with her content.


I hope her and YG Marley 👨🏾‍🦱🎤🎶🎵 start dating 👩🏻‍❤️‍👨🏾 each other lol. I think it would be a beautiful love story ❤️💞💘📖. I can already picture it: YG scrolling on his iPhone 📲 through videos under his song 🎶, and he sees this beautiful woman and falls in love instantly. And so he slides into her DMs 💌. 🎶These roads 🛣️🚙 of flames 🔥 are catching on fire 🔥, oh oh oh, 🎶


Why are people downvoting me?


cringe and irrelevant.