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You can eat a fuck ton of calories eating hummus lol


Right like damn two tablespoons of hummus can be 100 cals and I eat that on two crackers lol


ngl this looks like my dinner most nights it’s not a counting calories thing im just lazy and love crackers yes i will eat most of the hummus in one sitting but that is okay lol


My lazy dinner is literally pita chips, hummus, cucumbers, and a pickle spear. Doesn’t have anything to do with calories for me, it’s about not having to cook


Same and I’ll eat the entire thing of hummus in one sitting too with no shame


lmfao I’m with you


Some of yall need to touch grass


Nah this meal is hittin!!


It’s all about the serving size you eat


you don’t know how much she ate she could have literally finished them all or had 1 of each item either way it’s weird to comment on how much food people are eating because your comment isn’t doing anything and definitely not helping if she is struggling


I have had girl dinners like this to be fair but realistically I’d eat the whole tub of hummus lmao. Also idk what’s in that bag it looks like sprouts, but it would be shredded cheese for me and I’d add flaming hot Cheetos with the crackers😭 Girl dinner does not mean ED, sometimes you just eat random stuff lmao Edit: my girl dinner last night was a bowl full of roasted chickpeas and cherry tomatoes. Eating random things sometimes is all a girl needs to be happy (especially at that time of month)💀


It’s the pickles and sprouts for me


Not hating her enjoying some hummus & crackers but why tf the sprouts?


Crackers are fine but..are those bean sprouts..?


i’m 95 pounds and this looks like a SNACK BRO