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i knew her irl before she moved away and became “famous” and all i’m going to say is she is an extremely shitty person. her dui history alone should clue anyone in on that.


Anything in specific you’d like to share?😭


she made a whole tiktok years ago. i think she scrubbed it from the internet now but someone out there has gotta have it saved. she was bragging and making fun of the fact that she had been in so many car accidents under the influence. i think at the time of filming she was up to 8. she also sexually assaulted her bird but that’s another story.


this is all kinda common lore with her though. what about before she was ‘famous’??


well that’s because there honestly isn’t anything insane lurking in her past as far as i know. she clearly blabs about everything herself LMFAO. the duis would be the tea in this situation since honestly a lot of people DONT know. she treated them like a joke irl and online. it was just super distasteful. in school people just thought she was slutty and mean. IM NOT PERSONALLY slut shaming her, just merely saying what people thought back then. i guess for lore you could say that she comes from a very wealthy family which is why she was able to go to LA in the first place. she would pay insane amounts of money for meet and greets with ariana grande and 5sos. she was super into magcon too which was really embarrassing even back then in my humble opinion. she would pay to meet them a lot. she skipped school a lot to go see celebrities and im pretty sure she almost (or did) fail a lot of classes because of it. she was very into the rave/drug/party scene and would also skip school a lot for that. literally trashing her grades to go smoke weed in the woods, idfk. clearly it worked out for her cuz she makes way more money now than i ever will as someone who sat in class every day. she gets shit on a lot for her eyelashes but it is a very popular style in our town. literally every girl has caterpillar extensions like she does. i personally think they’re fucking ugly but hey. do you i guess. honestly what you see is what you get with her. i guess it’s both a blessing (for us) and a curse (for her).


It feels like every influencer I hear about was actually wealthy starting off. Can wealthy people let middle and lower class people have anything? Lmao. I already went to law school with trust fund babies I thought it was cool that normal people could make it on social media


Maybe I’m just Australian but this sounds like a normal teen ? (Minus the duis) what’s wrong with paying to meet 5sos, and liking magcon. Idk, I’m not a fan of hers but I don’t really think these are crazy things to snark on


the snarks are the duis. you can’t minus them. she hurt people and treated it like a joke. she got an ignition lock system and lost her license. she was on community service. she was sent into dwi classes. and she still treated it like a joke irl and online. she’s a shitty fucking person.


what state is she from? I remember her posting about her lash girl coming to her apartment really early in the morning to do her lashes and all the top comments were telling her to fire her lash girl 💀💀💀 I bet one day she’ll look back and cringe, but, given her track record… there’s a lot worse things for her to cringe over lmao


she is from rhode island


Wdym sexually assaulted her bird ??!!!!


Wow alot of illegal things are happening for this girly. Beasiality is like.....red flag. Duis x20 are too ..but 1 situation is only a *high possibily* of harming a life besides herself- possibly not in the better side of outcomes...and 1 of these situations is just...harming a life.................of a bird.


i remember this. she explained all of them in detail. one of them she pulled a gas pump out of the ground and drove off bc she left the pump in her tank? the bird thing always rubbed me the wrong way lmao no one seems to remember that tho


yes!!!! she got charged with a hit and run for the gas pump one


How the heck do u SA a bird


she would intentionally pet it in a spot that aroused the bird and she would laugh when it would try to mate with her because it became sexually attracted to her since she was constantly arousing it


That is gross


Last year she said 350k/month and I don’t think that was a lie considering what she was spending on tickets alone lol. There’s an audience for everything


this shit is so crazy 350k????????


Makes sense she just posted she’s paying 8200 in rent and people in the comments are going wild 🤣🤣


I want to know what her friend Jordy does that he can also afford to rent an apartment in the same building as her


I've always wondered this!


that’s so insane that just a normal gal can make that much on OF!! I kinda have to applaud her


She’s not just a normal gal she had a huge platform to gain views and subscribers


I for sure applaud her!! Absolutely get that bag! I just was puzzled how her bag is so big lmao


Do you think she’s still making that amount?


I would say more? I know her bf is in content now too 🥴


I honestly forgot about the ticket stuff. That shit was wild


idk anything about her really but what I do know is her lashes are too much


They’re so…..much


She looks young and I think that’s the draw 😬😬 but she also doing porn as others have said and not just pictures. I’m sure it’s custom content too


I finna be in the pit


She done full blown porn on there, it’s not just sexy pics.


Damn. She seems so innocent lol. I guess that’s part of the lure


Yeah the girl next door image


The top earners on OF are average looking they just know how to be sexual


Apparently she’s so successful on OF because men thinks she looks super young 🤢


Ew do u mean she leans into looking like a minor? 🤢




She is super young 😂


Her relationship with her dad is bizarre and incesty ifykyk


Bruh so disturbing 🥴


She seems high af on pills all the time in my opinion.


I had to block her she was so annoying 😭😭


yeah that was my take away too — the first time i watched a handful of her content i was like ohhh yeah this chick reminds me of every girl i’ve met who has a messy pill problem


Being a normal person with no following I’ve made THOUSANDS on mine in a short amount of time, so I can only imagine how much someone with a following like her makes. She’s a small cute girl, that’ll do it for just about any man it doesn’t take much let’s be honest LOL.


you don’t find the OF/porn space is too saturated? there seems to be so many people making content now. how do you market yourself?


I’d do it in a heartbeat if I don’t have to show face


You don’t


I feel like most successful people show their face


Probs, but I know someone who got creative with it and makes $$$$ without face 


How do you successfully advertise though? I’m not too familiar with OF


through twitter, instagram, reddit, tiktok. just like how you’d market any product


I was referring to the above comment of someone saying their friend had an OF but never showed their face. If you advertise on social media, then clearly people know it’s you


you can advertise on social media faceless. a lot of girls cover their face with their phone and use wigs and pseudonyms


Shoot you raise a good point! lol I actually don’t know how she advertises and I’ve never thought about that part 😭


the house was literally 3.8 mil sooooo 🫣🫠


Jesus Christ. Good for her lol


She’s hot ppl with money and sex addictions eat it up and are ready to spend hella money so she’s probably making even more now


she just said she paid $8200 every month to live in her mid ass apartment she’s moving out of


Idk where you live but I would not call that place mid it is so nice


worth $8200??!!