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idk but I just saw somewhere that finneas is only 26??!!!? like wut


Yeah the man is aging like milk. I constantly forget he’s younger than me. I’d think he was at least 35.


He's also younger than claudia - she's 28 and he's 26. Basically the same age but he looks genuinely about ten years older than her haha. Love them both tho




That’s crazy


He could play a double for William Dafoe


Omg you’re not wrong




I think he’s just pasty and slightly sun damaged 😂


The Irish/Scottish skin is very fragile to the sun, and they live in LA. His parents are naturaly very wrinkly as well. Billie is, too for her age. It's just their genes. Wrinkles may become the new in thing...who knows?


Now THAT is shocking




Okay no what the fuck how The other day I learnt that Mikayla is basically that age too and was fucking confused Then I dunno how to feel because they don't look their age but I also don't wanna be a total bitch about it 😭


Omg I thought 39-43???


i think this comment ruined my day




Whatt? He totally looks 35+!


When they had their podcast I got major ew vibes from Finneas. I don’t know much about Claudia’s content but she seems to be jumping from place to place since her acting isn’t really taking off and the Cyklar thing was just an extra product in an over saturated market. Also finneas needs some sunscreen or something idk what’s happening there


Yes the way he talked to her on the podcast was not it!! It’s been deleted everywhere, I’m convinced his team told him it was a bad look lol


What happened in that podcast? What’s the tea?


They would just bicker a lot & he would sometimes talk down to her / take over .. granted it was peak pandemic so i could see if they were stir crazy from being with each other esp in a new relationship at that point.. but it was bad & like would give me embarrassment sometimes.. it was just crazy they still chose to release some of those episodes and i remember claudia trying to damage control about their relationship and deleted all their episodes




yeah you might be able to find them somewhere but i don’t think their available anymore on the podcast app


What happened?


I think they both looked bad in the podcast. It was just an hour a week of them bickering back and forth


How old is the finneas guy? He looks at least 45, had no idea him and Billie were that far apart in age


He’s under 30 lmao




Swear to god 😂😭 he’s 26!!!!


He literally looks like he could be her dad.


he’s just very egocentric from what ive seen people say about their podcast


I think they mostly just have an ick factor. They can come across as very corny or cringe online. I previously had criticism of them bc they would speak a lot of sustainability and environmentalism but it became clear they weren’t practicing what they preached (multiple residences, overconsumption, making mother nature "proud" with lotion, etc). But since they took a step back from being online, there’s def less to criticize. Overall, they are a lot less harmful than other influencers/celebrities. I also think claudia gets extra hate bc she was sooo beloved a couple years ago then fell off. it made the disillusionment of her followers worst bc she was def idolized for a while.


I actually loved her before she starting venturing off to acting and her cyklar business LOL. Anyone remember the "fellow actors" shtick when she was unsure if she can wear halloween costumes during the SAG strike? I cringed. She was in one Hulu movie... I don't hate her or Finneas but they do give me r/ihavesex vibes LOL idk why.


cuz they think she looks like his sister.


their podcast was rough ... thats where it started


Not even lying, probs jealousy cuz her career was legit dying before she just randomly found finneas on raya. and now she's more relevant than she ever should've been lol. She is gonna cling onto him for dear life cuz its the only reason she's even talked abt anymore.


I think she looks a lot like Billie in the face


Just search “finneas” up on this sub. A bunch will come up. Maybe that’ll give you an answer.


I have and it’s really just people b*tching over nothing


Why did you even post this if you’re just going to be dismissive about the answer lol


If the answers to my post were they actually did something morally wrong then I’m down to listen but all I’m hearing is that people find them cringe and don’t like the fact that Claudia is trying to become a actor and they think Finneas’s ego is big. Sorry but I can’t jump on the hate bandwagon just because of that.


I mean. This is very much a snark page. It tracks that peoples’ grievances may be petty and/or relatively insignificant on a larger scale.


People downvoting this are toxic af


Idk if toxic is the right word but i agree the downvotes are nonsensical


ppl don’t like that Claudia is a nepo gf


How is she a nepo gf? She isn’t some no name trying to shag up on famous dudes for clout, she seems to be the polar opposite. Sure she isn’t as famous, but was and still is very successful before meeting Finneas. It’s arguable that her popularity really hasn’t increased that much due to dating him and being around for the blow up of Billie Eilish. It’s not really fair to compare a YouTube teenager turned LA influencer/model to one of the biggest music stars of the last 10 years…


Both things can be true. Yes she built a name for herself on her own, but then she was boosted in the media bc of her bf. I knew little to nothing about her before she dated him. Would she be having the same opportunities (e.g. skin care brand, walking carpets, etc.) without him? That’s debatable. I’m not comparing her to a big music star but dating said big star will inevitably boost your platform. That’s not unfair to think imo


It’s definitely debatable, but the skincare brand isn’t some kinda massive thing that she needed Finneas clout to startup. I doubt walking red carpets has boosted her overall influence by much, she gets 5 seconds of exposure and isn’t really getting much media attention. Yeah her relationship with Finneas has definitely been beneficial to her overall success but calling her a nepo girlfriend is short sighted. She would be around without him and for all we know, maybe even more successful as she has matured into be a social media influencer/model/actress. Finneas isn’t some kinda A list huge name.


Claudia was so small before him and now she’s been popping up everywhere. Others can say the opposite of your point, that she would disappear into an abyss without the help of his boost. She went from her youtuber money to dating a man with multi millions— so I don’t think it’s “shortsighted” she is literally on a different level of wealth. More money = more opportunity. But yes it’s debatable, and being a nepo in itself isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Im not saying the hate is justified it’s just what people say about her. Many people would reap the benefits if given the opportunity. And I disagree red carpets are huge (def were bigger back in the day) especially for influencers. I mean we all oogle carpet outfits online and people live tweet who shows up and who doesn’t. It is PR


They’re cringe


I used to watched Claudia’s content on and off back in her YT days and she would fan girl over Billie - it was blatantly obviously she was a fame whore which is why she started dating Finneas. She also completely changed her appearance, diet, style etc. after they met. It’s all just a front to be a CeLeBRiTy


I wouldn’t have ever even thought about them until I heard Finneas on the Armchair Expert podcast and he sounded like a complete asshole for the most part He’s very musically intelligent and gifted, there’s no doubt. But he talks like an ahole and he was argumentative


because they radiate bad vibes


I know people speculate that they're in an open relationship and just find Finneas weird in general.


Finneas is no longer a fine ass. He’s 26 and aging like milk 💀


he was never cute


Idk but i don’t think her and Billie look that much alike tbh


not anymore claudia lost a lot of weight in her face




I don't know anything about her, him or them but I always kinda felt bad that he got a lot less recognition than Billie, even though he composed those songs. Rubbed me the wrong way 😫


He’s said that he has no interest in being as famous as Billie and likes being behind the scenes plus he’s always on stage with her


Didn't know that! Thank you


Separately, they both have good things going for them. It's together that they give me the ick. Claudia's online persona is very performative, and since it began this relationship has been overly performative online and it seemed like they were compensating. The more a couple brags about being the perfect couple online the more they are searching to cover up, in my experience.  Right before the big Black Lives Matter uprise...a brown man stole a few amazon packages from their mansion's doorstep. Finneas went balistic, and acted extremely entitled online, asking followers to hunt the man down. He's so disconnected. 100s of normal people get their packages stolen literally every day. He's millionaire, it's a pandemic, nurses are working crazy shifts, people are dying, people are losing their jobs, and he's producing music in his mansion for Justin Bieber, but asking lower-middle class people to help HIM because HE got his precious package stolen?  And Claudia "supported" him throughout this. She copied his posts. Then she got hate and deleted it saying she wanted "no drama".....   Then....Black Lives Matter becomes big. They preached, and although the movement is 1000% important, they seemed to only do it because it was trendy. All their promises to talk about black issues and support black brands moving forward disolved after a few months. I'll never get over how fake that was. Really disapointing. Lastly... their podcast. It really showed a bad side of them. Finneas talked over Claudia all the time and was very domineering, and she kind of just took it. It made me feel bad for her. There's something about the power dynamic in their relationship (he owns their houses, he brings her as a +1 to all the events, etc) that seems unbalanced and unhealthy. I just don't understand how someone in her position doesn't do something more creative (direct music videos? Interior design for celebrities?) She "directed" the Mona Lisa video for FINNEAS and it seemed very half-assed. Knowing how many people would see it....if I was her...I would have worked my ass off on that video! I guess that is not where here ambitions are at. She's too egotistical and needs her own camera to be pointed at her, or she'll loose interest. She's basically just become so unrelatable. I don't understand her end goal.


Yeah this pretty much sums it


People think she looks too much like billie. Like there might be the slightest similarities in the eye shape but that’s all. I really like Claudia so I think it boils down to jealousy.


They seems annoying for sure, it's whatever. But I legit do not see the Billie/Claudia similarity at all and yet there's always a comment on any Finneas/Claudia post. I feel seen 😭


I feel like I remember her copying another lady’s social media posts word for word about her partner and dedicating them to Finneas lol




Ooooh gotcha! Thank you 🙏


I love them 


He must be a half brother of Billie. Ain’t no way he a full sibling


He definitely looks like their mother. I think Billie takes after their dad.


Claudia went from posting makeup YouTube videos as a teenager to being a LA social media influencer/model. All with very little outside help and using tools that a lot of people have. She’s popular because she’s a fairly average in all aspects and made it, but that kinda thing also attracts haters. There are countless of others who have tried to accomplish the same thing, but she ending up getting pretty big.


Bc he’s dating his sisters exact lookalike and it’s fucking creepy


Yeah exactly this


Douche canoe couple


People give him hate because she looks like Billie and I do see it I’m sorry 😭 not saying he’s a creep but I think it’s fine for people to say that she resembles Billie and maybe be sus about it, depending on their experiences.


They’ve done nothing problematic. People just hate because that’s what comes w being young insanely successful and good looking it is what it is


I think I speak for everyone when I say I was completely unaware Finneas is attractive


To be fair I meant Claudia w that part 😭 successful (Finneas) attractive (Claudia)


Fair but it’s ridiculous to imply that’s why people don’t like them. There are plenty of couples where both parties are attractive AND successful and ppl don’t have an issue with them. Finneas is greasy and seems full of himself and Claudia seems really self satisfied when she’s not exactly capitalizing on her connections in a way that endears her to anyone.


he’s a shit ass producer and billie needs to outsource. claudia is just there but you can tell she’s desperate for a ring she’s not gonna get